82 350
34 419
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nuclearwaste.info: Archiv 2019 - 2024
2024 99 12
Sur les traces de l’histoire de la Terre en Suisse : Un voyage géologique à travers le temps et la Suisse, depuis les forêts tropicales, par les déserts de sel et la mer alpine au plissement alpin, au froid arctique et au changement climatique moderne
2023 162 200
Radioactive Waste between long-term Interim Storage and Site SelectionAtw
2023 77 2
Miroirs de l'érosion des Alpes Suisses: flysch, molasse et dépôts glaciaires
2022 289 186
Pierres de Genève : découvrir la ville par la pierre de ses constructions
2021 383 634
Préface / VorwortAux sources de la Suisse / Quellen der Schweiz
2021 137 31
Nécrologie: Jean-Armand Aubouin (1928 - 2020)Archives des sciences
2021 108 12
Deep geological radioactive and chemical waste disposal: where we stand and where we goATW International Journal for Nuclear Power
2020 413 230
Sur les traces de l'histoire de la Terre en Suisse
2020 411 842
Entsorgung von Sondermüll in der Schweiz, von der Verdünnung im Rhein zum Sarkophag von Teuftal = Hazardous waste disposal in Switzerland, from dilution in the Rhine river to the sarcophagus of TeuftalSwiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie
2019 407 256
Erdgeschichte und Landschaften im Kanton Aargau
2019 501 0
Modeling of a Major Accident in Five Nuclear Power Plants From 365 Meteorological Situations in Western Europe and Analysis of the Potential Impacts on Populations, Soils and Affected Countries
2019 441 253
Excursion géologique en bateau à vapeur sur le Lac des Quatre-Cantons
2019 332 224
www.nuclearwaste.info: Archiv 2015-2018
2018 498 77
Zinal: histoire naturelle et présence humaine = Zinal: Natural history and human presence
2018 553 154
Du stockage des déchets toxiques dans des dépôts géologiques profondsScience et pseudo-sciences
2018 745 398
Geo-Wanderung von der Staffelegg nach Densbüren
2017 548 177
Balade géologique dans le cirque des drumlins glaciaires de Schwand (Menzingen, ZG)
2017 673 160
Citizen sensing of solid waste disposals: crowdsourcing as tool supporting waste management in a developing countryProceedings Sardinia 2017 / Sixteenth International Waste Management and Landfill Symposium
2017 1 101 512
Guide : géologie et archéologie de Genève = Guidebook: geology and archaeology of Geneva
2017 733 415
Pierre de construction Molasse: Promenade géologique de l'église paroissiale de Zofingen aux carrières de la Chuzenhöhle (la «Grotte aux hiboux»)
2017 499 137
Ecoteaux: sur les traces du premier lac du bassin lémanique il y a 800'000 ans
2017 956 452
Promenade géologique autour du bassin de la langue glaciaire de la Reuss à Mellingen / Geo-Wanderung um das Zungenbecken des Reussgletschers von Mellingen
2017 456 273
Forum ARPEA: Un meilleur dialogue pour une meilleure acceptation des projets d'énergie renouvelable. Introduction à la problématiqueBulletin de l'Association Romande pour la Protection des Eaux et de l'Air
2016 418 55
Metal Distribution and Characterization of Cultivable Lead-Resistant Bacteria in Shooting Range SoilsSoil & sediment contamination
2016 682 16
Evaluation of water quality from suburban shallow wells under tropical conditions according to the seasonal variation, Bumbu, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of CongoExposure and health
2016 750 507
Piora – Lago di Cadagno – Ritom : Natur- und Umweltführer /A guide to nature and environment
2016 446 445
La communication environnementale dans les pays en voie de développement: enjeux, modèles, applications
2016 1 442 50
Piora - Lago di Cadagno - Ritom : Guide nature et environnement / Guida natura e ambiente
2016 455 310
Geological and archeological history of Geneva city with limnogeological cruise on Lake GenevaCH-Quat 2016 Excursion (Excursion of the Swiss Society for Quaternary Research)
2016 738 365
Croisière limno-géologique sur le Léman : histoire géologique du Bassin lémanique et occupations humaines19e congrès international de sédimentologie
2015 1 678 351
Hospital and urban effluent waters as a source of accumulation of toxic metals in the sediment receiving system of the Cauvery River, Tiruchirappalli, Tamil Nadu, IndiaEnvironmental science and pollution research international
2015 644 13
Guide des paysages glaciaires du Val d'Hérens
2015 751 879
Accumulation of Clinically Relevant Antibiotic-Resistance Genes, Bacterial Load, and Metals in Freshwater Lake Sediments in Central EuropeEnvironmental science & technology
2015 791 19
ForewordThe Politics of Contaminated Sites Management : Institutional Regime Change and Actors' Mode of Participation in the Environmental Management of the Bonfol Chemical Landfill in Switzerland
2015 572 217
Reconstructing 4000 years of mass movement and tsunami history in a deep peri-Alpine lake (Lake Geneva, France-Switzerland)Sedimentology
2015 849 221
Piora - Lago di Cadagno - Ritom : Guide nature et environnement = Guida nature e ambiente = Natur- und Umweltführer
2015 802 995
Trace metal distributions in the sediments from river-reservoir systems: case of the Congo River and Lake Ma Vallée, Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo)Environmental science and pollution research international
2015 703 4
Mer de glace (Chamonix - Mont Blanc): Du Petit âge glaciaire à nos jours. Guide d'excursion
2014 695 153
Lake dwellers occupation gap in Lake Geneva (France–Switzerland) possibly explained by an earthquake–mass movement–tsunami event during Early Bronze AgeEarth and planetary science letters
2014 1 144 888
Limnogeological cruise on Lake Geneva : geological history of the Lake Geneva basin and human settlements
2014 870 454
Visite géologique et archéologique de Genève = Geological and archaeological visit of Geneva
2014 813 915
Assessment of pathogenic bacteria in water and sediment from a water reservoir under tropical conditions (Lake Ma Vallée), Kinshasa Democratic Republic of CongoEnvironmental monitoring and assessment
2014 729 6
Microbiological and physicochemical characterization of water and sediment of an urban river: N'Djili River, Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of CongoSustainability of water quality and ecology
2014 1 048 657
Voraussetzungen zur Nutzung von unkonventionellen Kohlenwasserstoffen mit Hilfe von Fracking in der SchweizSwiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie
2014 502 55
Trace metals and persistent organic pollutants in sediments from river-reservoir systems in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Spatial distribution and potential ecotoxicological effectsChemosphere
2014 787 6
Mer de glace (Chamonix - Mont Blanc): from Little Ice age to modern times. Field Guide
2014 743 174
Glaciers as indicators of changing climate from Little Ice Age to modern timesSwiss Bulletin für angewandte Geologie
2013 668 345
Effects of untreated hospital effluents on the accumulation of toxic metals in sediments of receiving system under tropical conditions: Case of South India and Democratic Republic of CongoChemosphere
2013 727 3
Concentration of metals in surface water and sediment of Luilu and Musonoie Rivers, Kolwezi-Katanga, Democratic Republic of CongoApplied geochemistry
2013 898 4
Stockage des déchets nucléairesAqua & Gas
2013 691 261
A high-resolution historical sediment record of nutrients, trace elements and organochlorines (DDT and PCB) deposition in a drinking water reservoir (Lake Brêt, Switzerland) points at local and regional pollutant sourcesChemosphere
2013 753 6
Les indicateurs de bactéries pathogènes résistantes aux antibiotiques dans les sédiments du LémanArchives des sciences
2012 1 252 1 688
Structure thermique et courantologie du Léman (Thermal structure and circulation patterns of Lake Geneva)Archives des sciences
2012 1 018 697
Characterization of fecal indicator bacteria in sediments cores from the largest freshwater lake of Western Europe (Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Ecotoxicology and environmental safety
2012 803 643
The EKRA Studies and the Formulation of the Swiss "Long-term Monitored Geological Disposal" ConceptReversibility and retrivability in planning for geological disposal of radioactive Waste. Proceedings of the R&R international conference and dialogue
2012 552 290
Géologie : de l'origine du LémanForel et le Léman
2012 595 566
Antibiotic resistant bacteria/genes dissemination in lacustrine sediments highly increased following cultural eutrophication of Lake Geneva (Switzerland)Chemosphere
2012 861 858
Spatio-temporal distribution of organic and inorganic pollutants from Lake Geneva (Switzerland) reveals strong interacting effects of sewage treatment plant and eutrophication on microbial abundanceChemosphere
2011 734 706
Würmian deglaciation of western Lake Geneva (Switzerland) based on seismic stratigraphyQuaternary science reviews
2011 760 6
Composition of bacterial and archaeal communities in freshwater sediments with different contamination levels (Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Water research
2011 641 0
Local to regional scale industrial heavy metal pollution recorded in sediments of large freshwater lakes in central Europe (lakes Geneva and Lucerne) over the last centuriesScience of the total environment
2011 802 973
Subaqueous morphology of Lake Lucerne (Central Switzerland): implications for mass movements and glacial historySwiss journal of geosciences
2011 590 0
Environmental hazards of dams and reservoirsNEAR curriculum in Natural Environmental Science. Vol. 2
2010 2 259 1 562
Morphology and recent history of the Rhone River Delta in Lake Geneva (Switzerland)Swiss journal of geosciences
2010 906 461
A rare occurrence of Late Hettangian ammonites (Angulaticeras and Paracaloceras) in the Mediterranean Tethys (Rif, Northern Morocco)Neues Jahrbuch für Geologie und Paläontologie. Abhandlungen
2010 442 214
Use of Bio-Resources for Remediation of Soil PollutionNatural resources
2010 828 521
Swiss examples of the impacts of dams on natural environments and management strategies for sediment controlNEAR curriculum in natural environmental science
2010 519 163
Evaluation of quantitative recovery of bacterial cells and DNA from different lake sediments by Nycodenz density gradient centrifugationEcological indicators
2010 430 3
Leaching and transformability of transgenic DNA in unsaturated soil columnsEcotoxicology and environmental safety
2010 399 0
Extracellular plant DNA in Geneva groundwater and traditional artesian drinking water fountainsChemosphere
2009 391 1
Persistence and growth of faecal culturable bacterial indicators in water column and sediments of Vidy Bay, Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandJournal of Environmental Sciences
2009 438 3
Influence of Freshwater Sediment Characteristics on Persistence of Fecal Indicator BacteriaWater, air and soil pollution
2009 470 368
Plant leaf mass loss and DNA release in freshwater sedimentsEcotoxicology and environmental safety
2009 415 1
Distribution and survival of faecal indicator bacteria in the sediments of the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandEcological indicators
2009 685 4
Origin and spatial–temporal distribution of faecal bacteria in a bay of Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandEnvironmental monitoring and assessment
2009 436 0
Antibiotic-resistant soil bacteria in transgenic plant fieldsProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2008 421 1
Effects of a sewage treatment plant outlet pipe extension on the distribution of contaminants in the sediments of the Bay of Vidy, Lake Geneva, SwitzerlandBioresource technology
2008 563 4
5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, 16-17 November 2007 : abstracts
2007 469 0
Characterizing Water Circulation and Contaminant Transport in Lake Geneva Using Bacteriophage Tracer Experiments and Limnological MethodsEnvironmental science & technology
2007 375 1
Kinetics of plant leaves decomposition, DNA release and transport in unsaturated soil mediumGeophysical research abstracts
2007 346 77
Release and leaching of plant DNA in unsaturated soil columnEcotoxicology and environmental safety
2007 388 0
Comportement des métaux et fonctionnement d'un estuaire en zone sub-aride : Cas de l'estuaire du Souss (côte atlantique marocaine)Estudios geológicos
2006 307 208
Bilan sédimentaire et géochimique d'un barrage sans vidange: le cas de la retenue de WettingenArchives des sciences
2006 345 65
Enjeux autour du Rhône: Les chasses-vidanges du barrage de Verbois: une question locale à ramifications régionales et globalesArchives des sciences
2006 269 0
Qualité des sédiments de la retenue de Verbois; comparaison avec les sédiments des rivières suisses et du LémanArchives des sciences
2006 407 126
Fascicule spécial Congrès du Rhone, Genève 15 et 16 juin 2006Archives des sciences
2006 297 0
Petit-Lac (western Lake Geneva) environment and climate history from deglaciation to the present: a synthesisBoreas
2005 651 17
Impact of global climate change on water resources in the Israeli, Jordanian and Palestinian regionNEAR curriculum in natural environmental science
2005 381 92
Kinetics of mass and DNA decomposition in tomato leavesChemosphere
2005 409 1
River, reservoir and lake sediment contamination by heavy metals downstream from urban areas of SwitzerlandLakes and reservoirs
2004 719 8
The impact of a sewage treatment plant's effluent on sediment quality in a small bay in Lake Geneva (Switzerland-France). Part 1: Spatial distribution of contaminants and the potential for biological impactsLakes and reservoirs
2004 414 0
Contribution d'un système d'information à référence spatiale à la sélection de sites potentiels de stockage de déchets ménagers et industriels en région semi-aride (Souss, Maroc)SIG 2003: Conférence Francophone ESRI
2003 532 371
High-resolution seismic stratigraphy of an Holocene lacustrine delta in western Lake Geneva (Switzerland)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 622 203
Sediment distribution on a current-dominated lake delta (Versoix delta, Lake Geneva, Switzerland)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 402 164
Sediment contamination in a river reservoir (Wettingen reservoir, Switzerland): Present situation and historyEclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 384 169
Fate and transport of antibiotic resistance genes in saturated soil columnsEuropean journal of soil biology
2003 512 1
Bottom-current and wind-pattern changes as indicated by Late Glacial and Holocene sediments from western Lake Geneva (Switzerland)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 599 157
Lake systems from Ice Age to industrial time : preface of the guest-editorsEclogae geologicae Helveticae
2003 378 128
Contribution à la stratégie de gestion des déchets radioactifs en Suisse/Beitrag zur Entsorgungsstrategie für die radioaktiven Abfälle in der Schweiz
2002 276 67
«Monitored long-term geological disposal», a new approach to the disposal of radioactive waste in SwitzerlandTransactions ENC 2002
2002 345 137
Contribution of a GIS in the spatial modelling of the hydrologic balance of Allondon watershed (France, Switzerland)3rd International Conference on Future Groundwater Resources at Risk
2001 459 78
Modèles de gestion des déchets radioactifs
2000 431 75
Disposal concepts for radioactive waste : final report
2000 118 11
Investigation of a glacial outwash sequence on the swiss plateau using high resolution seismic reflection... [Etude d'une séquence fluvioglaciaire sur le plateau suisse à l'aide de sismique réflexion à haute résolution]Quaternaire
2000 383 328
Histoire glaciaire du LémanDécouvrir le Léman : 100 ans après Francois-Alphonse Forel
1999 986 136
Déglaciation Würmienne dans des conditions lacustres à la terminaison occidentale du bassin lémanique ( Suisse occidentale et France )Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1998 971 810
Éléments hydrogéologiques dans l'étude de l'influence de deux décharges sur le système aquifère de la plaine du Rhône (Valais central, Suisse)Archives des sciences
1998 130 32
Geologie und Zeit
1997 356 0
Les dimensions du développement durableLe développement durable de la vallée de Chamonix en regard des hommes, de la nature et de son économie: actes du colloque
1997 109 24
Seismo-facies characteristics of sediments in glacial basins18th IAS Regional European Meeting of Sedimentology: abstract volume
1997 76 23
Le site naturel de GenèveLes monuments d'art et d'histoire du Canton de Genève. Tome 1: La Genève sur l'eau
1997 364 134
Mobilization and secondary enrichment processes in the sulfide porphyry copper tailings of Cauquenes (El Teniente) and Piuquenes (La Andina), ChileVIII Congreso Geologico Chileno
1997 113 45
Geological and geophysical exploration of alpine and peri-alpine glacial valleys : reply to the paper of C. Meyer de Stadelhofen "Une exemple du mauvais usage de la géophysique"Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1995 389 40
Pollution and pollutant transport in the geosphere: prefaceEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1994 321 1
Sedimentological features of glacial and late-glacial deposits in the southwestern part of the Lake Léman (Geneva roadstead, Switzerland)Abstracts : 15th Regional Meeting
1994 84 9
Subsidence analysis in the Paris Basin: a key to Northwest European intracontinental basins?Basin research
1994 420 0
Les sciences de la terre en Suisse: situation actuelle et perspectives d'avenir
1993 283 0
Le bassin d'Ecoteaux (Vaud, Suisse): Témoin de trois cycles glaciaires quaternairesEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1993 421 140
Reconstitution de la plate-forme européenne anté-orogénique de la Bresse aux Chaînes subalpines; éléments de cinématique alpine (France et Suisse occidentale)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1993 461 510
La Brèche du Chablais à son extrémité occidentale (Hte Savoie, France): Sédimentologie, éléments stratigraphiques et interprétation paléogéographiqueEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1993 405 192
Thermal maturity and modelling of Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments in the south of the Rhine Graben and the Eastern Jura (Switzerland)Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae
1993 117 43
Tectonique en rampe latérale à la terminaison occidentale de la Haute-Chaîne du JuraEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1991 508 161
La tectonique du massif des Bornes (Chaînes subalpines, Haute-Savoie, France)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1991 419 229
The original Swiss flysch: a reappraisal of the type deposits in the Swiss prealpsEarth-science reviews
1989 439 0
Mesozoïc subsidence history of the European marginal shelves of the alpine Tethys (Helvetic realm, Swiss Plateau and Jura)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1989 507 338
Project 198 looks for north edge of TethysGeotimes
1987 267 0
The evolution of the northern margin of the Tethys in eastern SwitzerlandEpisodes
1987 415 141
Les régions sources du matériel terrigène dans les flyschs alpinsGéologie alpine
1987 391 78
Buchbesprechung : D. Richter: Allgäuer Alpen. 3. veränd. Aufl. Slg. geol. Führer, 77:XI. Gebr. Borntraeger, Berlin/StuttgartZentralblatt für Chirurgie
1985 256 0
Wägital-Flysch et autres flyschs penniques en Suisse Centrale : stratigraphie, sédimentologie et comparaisonsEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1985 479 268
Heavy mineral distribution and dispersal pattern in penninic and ligurian flysch basins (Alps, northern Apennines)Giornale di geologia
1985 580 108
Isohypsenkarte der quartären Felstäler in der Nord- und Ostschweiz, mit kurzen ErläuterungenEclogae geologicae Helveticae
1984 411 162
Lower Cretaceous turbiditic sediments from the Rif chain (Northern Marocco) — palynology, stratigraphy and palaeogeographic settingInternational journal of earth sciences
1984 460 0
Erdgeschichte und Landschaften im Kanton Aargau
1983 329 0
La chaîne tello-rifaine (Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie): structure, stratigraphie et évolution du Trias au MiocèneRevue de géographie physique et de géologie dynamique
1983 2 067 3 127
Géologie de la dorsale calcaire entre Tétouan et Assifane (Rif interne, Maroc)Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique
1981 1 154 0
Le Ferrysch: cône de sédimentation détritique en eau profonde à la bordure nord-ouest de l'Afrique au Jurassique moyen à supérieur (Rif externe, Maroc)Eclogae geologicae Helveticae
1981 558 436
Wege aus der Entsorgungsfalle