Scherer, Klaus R.
Affiliation entities
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Theory convergence in emotion science is timely and realistic | Cognition and emotion | 2022 | 251 | 322 | |||
Appraisal Bias and Emotion Dispositions Are Risk Factors for Depression and Generalized Anxiety: Empirical Evidence | Frontiers in psychology | 2022 | 172 | 52 | |||
The rise of affectivism | Nature human behaviour | 2021 | 403 | 101 | |||
Automatic estimation of action unit intensities and inference of emotional appraisals | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 2021 | 265 | 5 | |||
Evidence for the existence of emotion dispositions and the effects of appraisal bias | Emotion | 2021 | 240 | 545 | |||
Analyzing emotion expression in singing via flow glottograms, long-term-average spectra, and expert listener evaluation | Journal of voice | 2021 | 213 | 0 | |||
Investigating individual differences in emotion recognition ability using the ERAM test | Acta psychologica | 2021 | 191 | 150 | |||
Investigating Appraisal-Driven Facial Expression and Inference in Emotion Communication | Emotion | 2021 | 471 | 4 | |||
Linear and non-linear relationships among the dimensions representing the cognitive structure of emotion | Cognition and emotion | 2021 | 281 | 199 | |||
Are concepts of achievement-related emotions universal across cultures? A semantic profiling approach | Cognition and Emotion | 2020 | 300 | 1 | |||
Affective and behavioural computing: Lessons learnt from the First Computational Paralinguistics Challenge | Computer Speech and Language | 2019 | 1,168 | 903 | |||
Emotion expression from different angles: a video database for facial expressions of actors shot by a camera array | 2019 8th International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) | 2019 | 321 | 217 | |||
Dynamic Facial Expression of Emotion and Observer Inference | Frontiers in Psychology | 2019 | 394 | 168 | |||
An Appraisal-Driven Componential Approach to the Emotional Brain | Emotion Review | 2018 | 746 | 1,270 | |||
Brain Networks, Emotion Components, and Appraised Relevance | Emotion Review | 2018 | 611 | 445 | |||
Interaction and Threshold Effects of Appraisal on Componential Patterns of Emotion: A Study Using Cross-Cultural Semantic Data | Emotion | 2018 | 512 | 6 | |||
Appraisal-Driven Facial Actions as Building Blocks for Emotion Inference | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 2018 | 658 | 995 | |||
Effects of achievement contexts on the meaning structure of emotion words | Cognition and Emotion | 2017 | 729 | 807 | |||
Emotion perception from a componential perspective | Cognition and Emotion | 2017 | 472 | 6 | |||
Facial Expression Is Driven by Appraisal and Generates Appraisal Inference | The science of Facial Expression | 2017 | 481 | 6 | |||
Mapping Emotion Terms into Affective Space | Swiss Journal of Psychology | 2016 | 758 | 12 | |||
Appraisals Generate Specific Configurations of Facial Muscle Movements in a Gambling Task: Evidence for the Component Process Model of Emotion | PloS one | 2015 | 858 | 201 | |||
Surprise in the GRID | Review of Cognitive Linguistics | 2015 | 612 | 9 | |||
Comparing the acoustic expression of emotion in the speakingand the singing voice | Computer Speech and Language | 2015 | 646 | 946 | |||
Towards a Minimal Representation of Affective Gestures (Extended Abstract) | 2015 International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction (ACII) | 2015 | 578 | 439 | |||
Automated Recognition of Emotion Appraisals | Handbook of Research on Synthesizing Human Emotion in Intelligent Systems and Robotics | 2015 | 633 | 503 | |||
Temporal dynamics and potential neural sources of goal conduciveness, control, and power appraisal | Biological psychology | 2015 | 747 | 448 | |||
Emotion Categories and Dimensions in the Facial Communication of Affect: An Integrated Approach | Emotion | 2015 | 575 | 1 | |||
The Role of Perceived Voice and Speech Characteristics in Vocal Emotion Communication | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 2014 | 631 | 2 | |||
Stressed Out: How Stress Develops and How to Cope with it | GfK Marketing Intelligence Review | 2014 | 862 | 289 | |||
Coherence explored between emotion components: Evidence from event-related potentials and facial electromyography | Biological psychology | 2014 | 723 | 516 | |||
Sequential unfolding of appraisals: EEG evidence for the interaction of novelty and pleasantness | Emotion | 2014 | 633 | 9 | |||
Egocentric Fairness Perception: Emotional Reactions and Individual Differences in Overt Responses | PloS one | 2014 | 744 | 218 | |||
Introducing the Geneva Emotion Recognition Test: An Example of Rasch-Based Test Development | Psychological Assessment | 2014 | 574 | 7 | |||
The impact of emotion on perception, attention, memory, and decision-making | Schweizerische medizinische Wochenschrift | 2013 | 5,785 | 5,070 | |||
Promises delivered, future opportunities and challenges for the GRID paradigm | Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook | 2013 | 584 | 2 | |||
The role of appraisal in emotion | Handbook of cognition and emotion | 2013 | 467 | 0 | |||
Understanding the Mechanisms Underlying the Production of Facial Expression of Emotion: A Componential Perspective | Emotion Review | 2013 | 515 | 510 | |||
Perceived Gesture Dynamics in Nonverbal Expression of Emotion | Perception | 2013 | 488 | 1 | |||
Levels of Valence | Frontiers in Psychology | 2013 | 385 | 199 | |||
Wired for despair: The neurochemistry of emotion and the phenomenology of depression | Journal of Consciousness Studies | 2013 | 569 | 289 | |||
The GRID meets the wheel: assessing emotional feeling via self-report | Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook | 2013 | 3,825 | 2,675 | |||
Emotions induced by music: The role of the listening context and modality of presentation | 3rd International Conference on Music & Emotion : Jyväskylä, June 11-15, 2013, programme, abstracts, proceedings | 2013 | 396 | 43 | |||
The Relation Between Appraised Mismatch and the Duration of Negative Emotions: Evidence for Universality | European Journal of Personality | 2013 | 504 | 458 | |||
Facilitation of arm movements by their outcome desirability | Social Science Information | 2013 | 507 | 273 | |||
The evolutionary origin of multimodal synchronization and emotional expression | Evolution of emotional communication: From sounds in nonhuman mammals to speech and music in man | 2013 | 467 | 2 | |||
Constructs of social and emotional effectiveness: Different labels, same content? | Journal of Research in Personality | 2013 | 553 | 600 | |||
Components of Emotional Meaning : A Sourcebook | 2013 | 628 | 925 | ||||
General introduction: A paradigm for a multidisciplinary investigation of the meaning of emotion terms | Components of Emotional Meaning: A Sourcebook | 2013 | 560 | 276 | |||
Quelles émotions sont provoquées par des odeurs ? Quels sont les mécanismes sous-jacents ? Et comment peut-on les mesurer ? | Odeurs et émotions: le nez a ses raisons | 2013 | 1,087 | 10 | |||
The evolutionary origin of multimodal synchronization in emotional expression | Journal of Anthropological Sciences | 2013 | 527 | 147 | |||
Human Emotion Experiences Can Be Predicted on Theoretical Grounds: Evidence from Verbal Labeling | PloS one | 2013 | 620 | 236 | |||
On the Acoustics of Emotion in Audio: What Speech, Music, and Sound have in Common | Frontiers in Psychology | 2013 | 602 | 230 | |||
Vocal markers of emotion: Comparing induction and acting elicitation | Computer Speech and Language | 2013 | 517 | 1 | |||
Author Reply: The Unbearable Heaviness of Feeling | Emotion Review | 2013 | 545 | 282 | |||
Nonlinear Appraisal Modeling: An Application of Machine Learning to the Study of Emotion Production | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 2013 | 576 | 555 | |||
CoreGRID and MiniGRID: Development and validation of two short versions of the GRID instrument | Components of emotional meaning: A sourcebook | 2013 | 652 | 6 | |||
How music creates emotion: a multifactorial process approach | The Emotional Power of Music. Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control | 2013 | 682 | 5 | |||
The INTERSPEECH 2013 Computational Paralinguistics Challenge: Social Signals, Conflict, Emotion, Autism | Interpeech 2013 | 2013 | 584 | 99 | |||
Appraisal Theories of Emotion: State of the Art and Future Development | Emotion Review | 2013 | 872 | 983 | |||
Toward a Working Definition of Emotion | Emotion Review | 2012 | 625 | 3 | |||
Emotion expression in body action and posture | Emotion | 2012 | 1,345 | 2,617 | |||
Goal relevance and goal conduciveness appraisals lead to differential autonomic reactivity in emotional responding to performance feedback | Biological psychology | 2012 | 698 | 2 | |||
How to map the affective semantic space of scents | Cognition and emotion | 2012 | 764 | 0 | |||
FACSGen 2.0 Animation Software: Generating Three-Dimensional FACS-Valid Facial Expressions for Emotion Research | Emotion | 2012 | 661 | 6 | |||
Emotion recognition: Unidimensional ability or a set of modality- and emotion-specific skills? | Personality and Individual Differences | 2012 | 521 | 2 | |||
Sharing the Fruit of Labor: Flexible Application of Justice Principles in an Ultimatum Game with Joint-Production | Social Justice Research | 2012 | 531 | 317 | |||
Geneva Emotion Wheel Rating Study | 2012 | 3,965 | 2,924 | ||||
Meta-Analysis of the First Facial Expression Recognition Challenge | IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics. Part B Cybernetics | 2012 | 1,134 | 1,168 | |||
The Body Action and Posture Coding System (BAP): Development and Reliability | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 2012 | 808 | 867 | |||
A psycho-ethological approach to social signal processing | Cognitive Processing | 2012 | 521 | 419 | |||
The perception of changing emotion expressions | Cognition and Emotion | 2012 | 545 | 6 | |||
Stop laughing! Humor perception with and without expressive suppression | Social neuroscience | 2012 | 556 | 1,021 | |||
Introducing the Geneva Multimodal Expression Corpus for Experimental Research on Emotion Perception | Emotion | 2012 | 574 | 1 | |||
Towards a brief domain-specific self-report scale for the rapid assessment of musically induced emotions | Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, July 23-28, 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece | 2012 | 430 | 88 | |||
Reliable Facial Muscle Activation Enhances Recognizability and Credibility of Emotional Expression | Emotion | 2012 | 618 | 580 | |||
Advocating a Componential Appraisal Model to Guide Emotion Recognition | International Journal of Synthetic Emotions | 2012 | 635 | 551 | |||
Neuroscience findings are consistent with appraisal theories of emotion; but does the brain “respect” constructionism? | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 2012 | 644 | 1,551 | |||
Subtly Different Positive Emotions Can Be Distinguished by Their Facial Expressions | Social Psychological and Personality Science | 2011 | 547 | 573 | |||
The Geneva affective picture database (GAPED): a new 730-picture database focusing on valence and normative significance | Behavior Research Methods | 2011 | 1,210 | 740 | |||
The First Facial Expression Recognition and Analysis Challenge | 2011 IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2011) | 2011 | 463 | 1,384 | |||
On the rationality of emotions: or, When are emotions rational? | Social Science Information | 2011 | 512 | 0 | |||
Thermal Analysis of Facial Muscles Contractions | IEEE transactions on affective computing | 2011 | 734 | 174 | |||
Affect Bursts: Dynamic Patterns of Facial Expression | Emotion | 2011 | 502 | 0 | |||
In the eye of the beholder? Universality and cultural specificity in the expression and perception of emotion | International Journal of Psychology | 2011 | 564 | 857 | |||
Generating value(s): Psychological value hierarchies reflect context-dependent sensitivity of the reward system | Social neuroscience | 2011 | 611 | 1,171 | |||
FACSGen: A Tool to Synthesize Emotional Facial Expressions Through Systematic Manipulation of Facial Action Units | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 2011 | 637 | 456 | |||
Introducing the MiniPONS: A Short Multichannel Version of the Profile of Nonverbal Sensitivity (PONS) | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 2011 | 558 | 517 | |||
Assessing the Ability to Recognize Facial and Vocal Expressions of Emotion: Construction and Validation of the Emotion Recognition Index | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 2011 | 496 | 788 | |||
Interdependencies among Voice Source Parameters in Emotional Speech | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 2011 | 473 | 0 | |||
Affective dimensions of odor perception: A comparison between Swiss, British, and Singaporean populations | Emotion | 2011 | 727 | 0 | |||
Effects of intrinsic pleasantness and goal conduciveness appraisals on somatovisceral responding: Somewhat similar, but not identical | Biological Psychology | 2011 | 453 | 2 | |||
Toward a Minimal Representation of Affective Gestures | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 2011 | 588 | 833 | |||
Mapping emotions into acoustic space: The role of voice production | Biological Psychology | 2011 | 585 | 0 | |||
Beyond arousal: Valence and potency/control cues in the vocal expression of emotion | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2010 | 430 | 2 | |||
The Case of the Disappearing Intentional Object: Constraints on a Definition of Emotion | Emotion review | 2010 | 523 | 2 | |||
Psychophysics of emotion: The QUEST for Emotional Attention | Journal of Vision | 2010 | 539 | 175 | |||
Timing and voluntary suppression of facial mimicry to smiling faces in a Go/NoGo task—An EMG study | Biological Psychology | 2010 | 474 | 1 | |||
Acoustic Markers of Emotions Based on Voice Physiology | Speech Prosody 2010 | 2010 | 487 | 294 | |||
Psychophysiological effects of emotional responding to goal attainment | Biological psychology | 2010 | 667 | 6 | |||
Motivation-based appraisals determine emotion: Psychophysiological effects of self-relevant success and failure | 3rd Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation | 2010 | 456 | 166 | |||
Sequential unfolding of novelty and pleasantness appraisals of odors: evidence from facial electromyography and autonomic reactions | Emotion | 2009 | 729 | 4 | |||
Théorie de l'évaluation cognitive et dynamique des processus émotionnels | Traité de Psychologie des émotions | 2009 | 1,543 | 66 | |||
Emotion and motion in facial expression modulate the attentional blink | Perception | 2009 | 423 | 155 | |||
Emotion recognition from expressions in face, voice, and body: The Multimodal Emotion Recognition Test (MERT) | Emotion | 2009 | 870 | 0 | |||
Emotions are emergent processes: they require a dynamic computational architecture | Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. B, Biological Sciences | 2009 | 508 | 276 | |||
Decoding of emotional information in voice-sensitive cortices | Current biology | 2009 | 633 | 196 | |||
Das Komponenten-Prozess-Modell - ein integratives Emotionsmodell [The Component Process Model of Emotion - an Integrative Model of Emotion] | Handbuch der Allgemeinen Psychologie: Motivation und Emotion | 2009 | 2,023 | 0 | |||
Emotions aroused by music: An empirical analysis | Schweizer Jahrbuch für Musikwissenschaft | 2009 | 393 | 0 | |||
Bodily expression of emotion | The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences | 2009 | 581 | 2 | |||
The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences | 2009 | 769 | 312 | ||||
Cross-modal Emotional Attention: Emotional Voices Modulate Early Stages of Visual Processing | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2009 | 687 | 80 | |||
Mapping the semantic space for the subjective experience of emotional responses to odors | Chemical senses | 2009 | 653 | 310 | |||
Traité de psychologie des émotions | 2009 | 2,513 | 970 | ||||
Using a Probe Detection Task to Assess the Timing of Intrinsic Pleasantness Appraisals | Swiss Journal of Psychology | 2009 | 430 | 1 | |||
Special Issue: The language of emotion: conceptual and cultural issues. Numéro Spécial: Le langage de l'emotion: questions conceptuelles et culturelles | Social Science Information | 2009 | 449 | 4 | |||
La psychologie des émotions : survol des théories et débats essentiels | Traité de Psychologie des émotions | 2009 | 1,197 | 56 | |||
Ausdruck von Emotionen: Produktion, Kontrolle und Manipulation | Gefühle zeigen. Manifestationsformen emotionaler Prozesse | 2009 | 403 | 0 | |||
Multimodal expression of emotion | The Oxford Companion to Emotion and the Affective Sciences | 2009 | 466 | 3 | |||
The dynamic architecture of emotion: Evidence for the component process model | Cognition and Emotion | 2009 | 818 | 3 | |||
Toward a Domain-specific Scale to Verbally Measure Odour-elicited Emotions | Abstracts from the XVIIIth Congress of European Chemoreception Research Organization, ECRO–2008 | 2009 | 398 | 128 | |||
Language and culture in emotion research: a multidisciplinary perspective | Social Science Information | 2009 | 861 | 0 | |||
Culture-Specific Appraisal Biases Contribute to Emotion Dispositions | European journal of personality | 2009 | 496 | 814 | |||
Conscious emotional experience emerges as a function of multilevel, appraisal-driven response synchronization | Consciousness and Cognition | 2008 | 583 | 3 | |||
Motor Commands of Facial Expressions: The Bereitschaftspotential of Posed Smiles | Brain Topography | 2008 | 460 | 202 | |||
De la psychologie à la psychopathologie des émotions | Traité de psychopathologie cognitive. Tome 1 | 2008 | 562 | 10 | |||
Psychophysiological Effects of Motivation-Based Appraisals in Differential Emotion Elicitation | Inaugural Meeting of the Society for the Study of Motivation | 2008 | 549 | 48 | |||
Unpacking the Cognitive Architecture of Emotion Processes | Emotion | 2008 | 851 | 9 | |||
Appraisal-driven somatovisceral response patterning: Effects of intrinsic pleasantness and goal conduciveness | Biological Psychology | 2008 | 473 | 1 | |||
Neuronal Processes Involved in Subjective Feeling Emergence: Oscillatory Activity During an Emotional Monitoring Task | Brain Topography | 2008 | 375 | 189 | |||
Emotional processing of odors: evidence for a nonlinear relation between pleasantness and familiarity evaluations | Chemical senses | 2008 | 649 | 334 | |||
Emotions evoked by the sound of music: Characterization, classification, and measurement | Emotion | 2008 | 637 | 6 | |||
Because it matters to me: Differential emotion elicitation by experimental manipulation of selfrelevance and goal conduciveness appraisals | Special Issue: Abstracts of the XXIX International Congress of Psychology | 2008 | 742 | 84 | |||
Technique for automatic emotion recognition by body gesture analysis | Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops, 2008. CVPRW '08 | 2008 | 566 | 751 | |||
Effects of emotional prosody on auditory extinction for voices in patients with spatial neglect | Neuropsychologia | 2008 | 727 | 13 | |||
Thermal imaging of facial expressions: investigating thermal correlates of Facial Action Units activities | Conference Abstract: 10th International Conference on Cognitive Neuroscience | 2008 | 498 | 174 | |||
Beyond Fear. Rapid Spatial Orienting Toward Positive Emotional Stimuli | Psychological science | 2008 | 494 | 530 | |||
The wrath of the gods: appraising the meaning of disaster | Social Science Information | 2008 | 566 | 2 | |||
Facial expressions allow inference of both emotions and their components | Cognition and Emotion | 2008 | 1,123 | 2 | |||
Investigating the production of emotional facial expressions: a combined electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) approach | Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition, 2008. FG '08 | 2008 | 510 | 437 | |||
Automated Analysis of Body Movement in Emotionally Expressive Piano Performances | Music Perception | 2008 | 523 | 571 | |||
Behold the voice of wrath: Cross-modal modulation of visual attention by anger prosody | Cognition | 2008 | 516 | 464 | |||
Music evoked emotions are different-more often aesthetic than utilitarian | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 2008 | 795 | 3,325 | |||
Plädoyer für das Komponenten-Prozess-Modell als theoretische Grundlage der experimentellen Emotionsforschung | Experimentelle Emotionspsychologie: Methodische Ansätze, Probleme und Ergebnisse | 2008 | 614 | 0 | |||
The effects of difficulty and gain versus loss on vocal physiology and acoustics | Psychophysiology | 2007 | 439 | 374 | |||
That baby caught my eye… Attention modulation by biologically relevant stimuli | Emotion | 2007 | 530 | 534 | |||
Multimodal expression of emotion: Affect programs or componential appraisal patterns? | Emotion | 2007 | 495 | 0 | |||
First evidence for differential and sequential efferent effects of stimulus relevance and goal conduciveness appraisal | Biological Psychology | 2007 | 473 | 360 | |||
Interaction effects of perceived gaze direction and dynamic facial expression: Evidence for appraisal theories of emotion | European Journal of Cognitive Psychology | 2007 | 524 | 1 | |||
Componencial emotion theory can inform models of emotional competence | The science of emotional intelligence: Knowns and unknowns | 2007 | 482 | 373 | |||
The Link Between Temporal Attention and Emotion: A Playground for Psychology, Neuroscience, and Plausible Artificial Neural Networks | Artificial Neural Networks – ICANN 2007 | 2007 | 516 | 215 | |||
The emotional power of odors: Identifying the dimensions referring to feelings produced by odors | SPISE 2007: Proceedings | 2007 | 525 | 159 | |||
La colère des dieux ou le sens donné aux catastrophes | Scénario Catastrophe | 2007 | 540 | 5 | |||
Spatial frequencies or emotional effects? A systematic measure of spatial frequencies for IAPS pictures by a discrete wavelet analysis | Journal of neuroscience methods | 2007 | 739 | 5 | |||
The World of Emotions is not Two-Dimensional | Psychological Science | 2007 | 535 | 4 | |||
Are facial expressions of emotion produced by categorical affect programs or dynamically driven by appraisal? | Emotion | 2007 | 474 | 1 | |||
What determines a feeling's position in affective space? A case for appraisal | Cognition and Emotion | 2006 | 491 | 0 | |||
Appraisal influences on somatovisceral responses and motivation | Psychophysiology | 2006 | 411 | 4 | |||
Connecting social identity theory and cognitive appraisal theory of emotions | Social Identities: Motivational, Emotional, Cultural Influences | 2006 | 660 | 1 | |||
Trait Anxiety Affects the Appraisal of novel Stimuli: Evidence from an EMG Recording Over the Zygomatic Region | Psychophysiology | 2006 | 448 | 58 | |||
Évolution de la société : quel avenir pour les émotions ? | Revue européenne des sciences sociales | 2006 | 460 | 203 | |||
Intonation as an interface between language and affect | Progress in Brain Research | 2006 | 550 | 11 | |||
What are emotions? And how can they be measured? | Social Science Information | 2005 | 4,649 | 4 | |||
Using computational models to disambiguate emotion theories | International Society for Research on Emotion 2005 | 2005 | 376 | 0 | |||
Usability evaluation and comparison of prototypes of tangible acoustic interfaces | Proceedings of ENACTIVE05. 2nd International Conference on Enactive Interfaces | 2005 | 464 | 135 | |||
The role of intonation in emotional expressions | Speech Communication | 2005 | 567 | 1,809 | |||
Review: Tone of Voice and Mind: The Connections between Intonation, Emotion, Cognition, and Consciousness | Music Perception | 2005 | 407 | 83 | |||
Affective Speech Elicited With a Computer Game | Emotion | 2005 | 480 | 0 | |||
Vocal expression of affect | The New Handbook of methods in nonverbal behavior research | 2005 | 715 | 873 | |||
On using RT and facial EMG to examine the temporal sequence of novelty and valence appraisal | Psychophysiology | 2005 | 389 | 134 | |||
The voices of wrath: brain responses to angry prosody in meaningless speech | Nature neuroscience | 2005 | 769 | 6 | |||
Amalgams and the power of analytical chemistry: Affective science needs to decompose the appraisal-emotion interaction | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 2005 | 525 | 268 | |||
A systems approach to appraisal mechanisms in emotion | Neural Networks | 2005 | 539 | 8 | |||
The new handbook of methods in nonverbal behavior research | 2005 | 444 | 202 | ||||
Emotion and attention interactions in social cognition: brain regions involved in processing anger prosody | NeuroImage | 2005 | 722 | 0 | |||
Unconscious processes in emotion: The bulk of the iceberg | The unconscious in emotion | 2005 | 628 | 0 | |||
Ways to study the nature and frequency of our daily emotions: reply to the commentaries on “Emotions in everyday life” | Social Science Information | 2004 | 576 | 403 | |||
Which Emotions Can be Induced by Music? What Are the Underlying Mechanisms? And How Can We Measure Them? | Journal of New Music Research | 2004 | 1,424 | 4,799 | |||
Beyond Surprise: The Puzzle of Infants' Expressive Reactions to Expectancy Violation | Emotion | 2004 | 372 | 1 | |||
Emotions in everyday life: probability of occurrence, risk factors, appraisal and reaction patterns | Social Science Information | 2004 | 633 | 1,232 | |||
Psychophysiological responses to appraisal dimensions in a computer game | Cognition and Emotion | 2004 | 670 | 880 | |||
Vocal communication of emotion: A review of research paradigms | Speech Communication | 2003 | 1,169 | 3,868 | |||
Children's ability to control the facial expression of laughter and smiling: Knowledge and behaviour | Cognition and Emotion | 2003 | 423 | 0 | |||
Emotion Inferences from Vocal Expression Correlate Across Languages and Cultures | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 2001 | 597 | 1,769 | |||
Emotional experience is subject to social and technological change: extrapolating to the future | Social Science Information | 2001 | 491 | 293 | |||
Emotional states generated by music: An exploratory study of music experts | Musicae Scientiae | 2001 | 497 | 895 | |||
Speaker verification with elicited speaking styles in the VeriVox project | Speech Communication | 2000 | 462 | 326 | |||
Studying the Dynamics of Emotional Expression Using Synthesized Facial Muscle Movements | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 2000 | 488 | 1,297 | |||
Criteria for Emotion Recognition from Verbal and Nonverbal Expression: Studying Baggage Loss in the Airport | Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin | 2000 | 492 | 468 | |||
On the Sequential Nature of Appraisal Processes: Indirect Evidence from a Recognition Task | Cognition and Emotion | 1999 | 511 | 2 | |||
The Role of Injustice in the Elicitation of Differential Emotional Reactions | Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin | 1998 | 489 | 1,074 | |||
The Role of Culture in Emotion-Antecedent Appraisal | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1997 | 589 | 0 | |||
Profiles of Emotion-antecedent Appraisal: Testing Theoretical Predictions across Cultures | Cognition and Emotion | 1997 | 456 | 1 | |||
La notion d'autonomie. Pour une reformulation interdisciplinaire | Les Cahiers médico-sociaux | 1997 | 941 | 9 | |||
Development of a questionnaire for the subjective assessment of voice quality | Geneva Studies in Emotion and Communication | 1997 | 373 | 0 | |||
Coping Strategies, Personality, and Voice Quality in Patients with Vocal Fold Nodules and Polyps | Journal of Voice | 1997 | 507 | 603 | |||
Bihippocampal Damage with Emotional Dysfunction: Impaired Auditory Recognition of Fear | European Neurology | 1997 | 482 | 0 | |||
Lost Luggage: A Field Study of Emotion-Antecedent Appraisal | Motivation and Emotion | 1997 | 572 | 534 | |||
Voluntary facial expression of emotion: Comparing congenitally blind with normally sighted encoders | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1997 | 446 | 0 | |||
Acoustic profiles in vocal emotion expression | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1996 | 558 | 3,229 | |||
Vocal indicators of mood change in depression | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 1996 | 515 | 733 | |||
In Defense of a Nomothetic Approach to Studying Emotion-Antecedent Appraisal | Psychological Inquiry | 1995 | 402 | 0 | |||
Acoustic Concomitants of Emotional Expression in Operatic Singing: The Case of Lucia in Ardi gli incensi | Journal of Voice | 1995 | 567 | 473 | |||
Plato's legacy: Relationships between cognition, emotion and motivation | Geneva Studies in Emotion and Communication | 1995 | 618 | 951 | |||
Potential Pitfalls in Computational Modelling of Appraisal Processes: A Reply to Chwelos and Oatley | Cognition and Emotion | 1995 | 511 | 0 | |||
Expression of Emotion in Voice and Music | Journal of Voice | 1995 | 564 | 2,904 | |||
Evidence for Universality and Cultural Variation of Differential Emotion Response Patterning | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1994 | 523 | 1 | |||
Two faces of social psychology: European and North American perspectives | Social Science Information | 1993 | 568 | 474 | |||
Neuroscience Projections to Current Debates in Emotion Psychology | Cognition and Emotion | 1993 | 550 | 1,403 | |||
Studying the Emotion-Antecedent Appraisal Process: An Expert System Approach | Cognition and Emotion | 1993 | 644 | 1,437 | |||
Emotions are biologically and socially constituted: A response to Greenwood | New Ideas in Psychology | 1992 | 476 | 247 | |||
Invited article: Face, voice, and body in detecting deceit | Journal of Nonverbal Behavior | 1991 | 527 | 1,351 | |||
Vocal cues in emotion encoding and decoding | Motivation and Emotion | 1991 | 514 | 1,318 | |||
Stress Specificities: Differential Effects of Coping Style, Gender, and Type of Stressor on Autonomic Arousal, Facial Expression, and Subjective Feeling | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1991 | 420 | 1 | |||
Emotion psychology can contribute to psychiatric work on affect disorders: A review | Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine | 1989 | 450 | 148 | |||
On the Symbolic Functions of Vocal Affect Expression | Journal of Language and Social Psychology | 1988 | 449 | 538 | |||
Emotion and economic development — Data and speculations concerning the relationship between economic factors and emotional experience | European Journal of Social Psychology | 1988 | 436 | 467 | |||
Vocal Indicators of Affective Disorders | Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | 1988 | 468 | 0 | |||
Antecedents of and Reactions to Emotions in the United States and Japan | Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology | 1988 | 654 | 936 | |||
Universals and cultural differences in the judgments of facial expressions of emotion | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1987 | 552 | 1 | |||
The Relationship of Emotion to Cognition: A Functional Approach to a Semantic Controversy | Cognition and Emotion | 1987 | 614 | 3 | |||
Effect of experimentally induced stress on vocal parameters | Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance | 1986 | 448 | 0 | |||
Cues and Channels in Emotion Recognition | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1986 | 472 | 4 | |||
How universal and specific is emotional experience? Evidence from 27 countries on five continents | Social Science Information | 1986 | 620 | 650 | |||
Emotional experiences in everyday life: A survey approach | Motivation and Emotion | 1986 | 543 | 693 | |||
Recognition of Emotion From Vocal Cues | Archives of General Psychiatry | 1986 | 748 | 749 | |||
Vocal Affect Expression: A Review and a Model for Future Research | Psychological Bulletin | 1986 | 719 | 2 | |||
Emotions can be rational | Social Science Information | 1985 | 446 | 192 | |||
What You Say and How You Say It: The Contribution of Speech Content and Voice Quality to Judgments of Others | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1985 | 489 | 1 | |||
Vocal cues to deception: A comparative channel approach | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | 1985 | 528 | 527 | |||
Evidence for the independent function of intonation contour type, voice quality, and F0 range in signaling speaker affect | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 1985 | 493 | 733 | |||
Vocal cues to speaker affect: Testing two models | Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 1984 | 715 | 637 | |||
Vocal indicators of psychoactive drug effects | Speech communication | 1984 | 443 | 0 | |||
The Discrepant Represser: Differentiation Between Low Anxiety, High Anxiety, and Repression of Anxiety by Autonomic-Facial-Verbal Patterns of Behavior | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1983 | 534 | 1 | |||
Cross-national research on antecedents and components of emotion: A progress report | Social Science Information | 1983 | 500 | 469 | |||
Vocal indicators of psychiatric treatment effects in depressives and schizophrenics | Journal of Communication Disorders | 1982 | 399 | 414 | |||
Emotion as a process: Function, origin and regulation | Social Science Information | 1982 | 644 | 1,376 | |||
Relative importance of face, body, and speech in judgments of personality and affect | Journal of Personality and Social Psychology | 1980 | 490 | 0 | |||
Speech markers in social interaction | Social markers in speech | 1979 | 1,303 | 714 | |||
Social markers in speech | 1979 | 415 | 34 | ||||
Personality inference from voice quality: The loud voice of extroversion | European Journal of Social Psychology | 1978 | 645 | 1,325 | |||
Affektlaute und vokale Embleme | Zeichenprozesse - Semiotische Forschung in den Einzelwissenschaften | 1977 | 433 | 0 | |||
Bürgernähe im Publikumsverkehr: Die Rolle des menschlichen Faktors in der Sozialplanung | Bürgernahe Gestaltung in der sozialen Umwelt: Probleme und theoretische Perspektiven | 1977 | 447 | 0 | |||
Cue utilization in emotion attribution from auditory stimuli | Motivation and Emotion | 1977 | 611 | 1,052 | |||
Differential attribution of personality based on multi-channel presentation of verbal and nonverbal cues | Psychological Research | 1977 | 487 | 506 | |||
Body Movement and Voice Pitch in Deceptive Interaction | Semiotica | 1976 | 1,187 | 1,942 | |||
Acoustic Concomitants of Emotional Dimensions: Judging Affect from Synthesized Tone Sequences | Nonverbal communication | 1974 | 498 | 155 | |||
Voice Quality Analysis of American and German Speakers | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | 1974 | 482 | 493 | |||
Beobachtungsverfahren zur Mikroanalyse nonverbaler Verhaltensweisen | Techniken der empirischen Sozialforschung | 1974 | 348 | 0 | |||
Ausgewählte Methoden der empirischen Sprachforschung | Techniken der empirischen Sozialforschung. Bd. 3 | 1974 | 405 | 243 | |||
The voice of confidence: Paralinguistic cues and audience evaluation | Journal of Research in Personality | 1973 | 927 | 1,465 | |||
Judging personality from voice: A cross-cultural approach to an old issue in interpersonal perception | Journal of Personality | 1972 | 569 | 641 | |||
Mediating interpersonal expectancies via vocal cues: Differential speech intensity as a means of social influence | European Journal of Social Psychology | 1972 | 466 | 298 | |||
Minimal cues in the vocal communication of affect: Judging emotions from content-masked speech | Journal of Psycholinguistic Research | 1972 | 444 | 532 | |||
A Cross-Cultural Analysis of Vocal Behavior as a Determinant of Experimenter Expectancy Effects: A Japanese Case | International Journal of Psychology | 1972 | 408 | 0 | |||
Content filtering human speech: A simple electronic system | Behavior Research Methods & Instrumentation | 1971 | 444 | 200 | |||
Randomized splicing: A note on a simple technique for masking speech content | Journal of Experimental Research in Personality | 1971 | 442 | 0 | |||
Stereotype change following exposure to counter‐stereotypical media heroes | Journal of Broadcasting | 1970 | 486 | 1 |