Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Sliding modes of high codimension in piecewise-smooth dynamical systems | Numerical algorithms | 2023 | 17 | 10 | |||
Analysis for parareal algorithms applied to Hamiltonian differential equations | Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics | 2014 | 45 | 38 | |||
On conjugate symplecticity of B-series integrators | IMA journal of numerical analysis | 2013 | 746 | 260 | |||
Regularization of neutral delay differential equations with several delays | Journal of dynamics and differential equations | 2013 | 877 | 258 | |||
Symmetric multistep methods for constrained Hamiltonian systems | Numerische Mathematik | 2013 | 384 | 211 | |||
On the energy distribution in Fermi-Pasta-Ulam lattices | Archive for rational mechanics and analysis | 2012 | 581 | 342 | |||
Asymptotic expansions for regularized state-dependent neutral delay equations | SIAM journal on mathematical analysis | 2012 | 713 | 312 | |||
Metastable energy strata in weakly nonlinear wave equations | Communications in partial differential equations | 2012 | 620 | 322 | |||
Analysis in historischer Entwicklung | 2011 | 764 | 0 | ||||
Linear energy-preserving integrators for Poisson systems | BIT | 2011 | 721 | 758 | |||
Energy-preserving variant of collocation methods | Journal of numerical analysis. Industrial and applied mathematics | 2010 | 867 | 544 | |||
Algebraic structures of B-series | Foundations of computational mathematics | 2010 | 648 | 382 | |||
Oscillations over long times in numerical Hamiltonian systems | Highly oscillatory problems | 2009 | 539 | 0 | |||
On energy conservation of the simplified Takahashi-Imada method | Modélisation mathématique et analyse numérique | 2009 | 635 | 252 | |||
Solving optimization-constrained differential equations with discontinuity points, with applications to atmospheric chemistry | SIAM journal on scientific computing | 2009 | 617 | 335 | |||
The role of symplectic integrators in optimal control | Optimal control applications & methods | 2009 | 613 | 321 | |||
Highly Oscillatory Problems | 2009 | 645 | 0 | ||||
Achieving Brouwer's law with implicit Runge-Kutta methods | BIT | 2008 | 620 | 388 | |||
Computing breaking points in implicit delay differential equations | Advances in computational mathematics | 2008 | 623 | 531 | |||
Long-time analysis of nonlinearly perturbed wave equations via modulated Fourier expansions | Archive for rational mechanics and analysis | 2008 | 551 | 350 | |||
Spectral semi-discretisations of weakly nonlinear wave equations over long times | Foundations of computational mathematics | 2008 | 611 | 324 | |||
Nonlinear Convergence Analysis for the Parareal Algorithm | Domain decomposition methods in science and engineering XVII | 2008 | 60 | 2 | |||
Conservation of energy, momentum and actions in numerical discretizations of non-linear wave equations | Numerische Mathematik | 2008 | 634 | 770 | |||
Conjugate-symplecticity of linear multistep methods | Journal of Computational Mathematics | 2008 | 530 | 248 | |||
Numerical integrators based on modified differential equations | Mathematics of computation | 2007 | 608 | 0 | |||
Modified differential equations | ESAIM. Proceedings | 2007 | 619 | 238 | |||
Preprocessed Discrete Moser-Veselov algorithm for the full dynamics of the rigid body | Journal of physics. A, mathematical and general | 2006 | 616 | 470 | |||
Long-time energy conservation of numerical integrators | Foundations of computational mathematics, Santander 2005 | 2006 | 615 | 260 | |||
Geometric Numerical Integration. Structure-Preserving Algorithms for Ordinary Differential Equations | 2006 | 1,918 | 4,940 | ||||
Symmetric linear multistep methods | BIT | 2006 | 563 | 226 | |||
Analyse Complexe et Séries de Fourier | 2006 | 772 | 348 | ||||
Important aspects of geometric numerical integration | Journal of scientific computing | 2005 | 621 | 408 | |||
Explicit, time reversible, adaptive step size control | SIAM journal on scientific computing | 2005 | 611 | 476 | |||
Numerical energy conservation for multi-frequency oscillatory differential equations | BIT | 2005 | 645 | 572 | |||
Introduction à l'Analyse Numérique | 2005 | 1,427 | 519 | ||||
Energy conservation with non-symplectic methods: examples and counter-examples | BIT | 2004 | 536 | 769 | |||
Symmetric multistep methods over long times | Numerische Mathematik | 2004 | 665 | 783 | |||
Global modified Hamiltonian for constrained symplectic integrators | Numerische Mathematik | 2003 | 662 | 937 | |||
GniCodes - Matlab programs for geometric numerical integration | Frontiers in Numerical Analysis | 2003 | 940 | 0 | |||
Geometric numerical integration illustrated by the Stoermer-Verlet method | Acta numerica | 2003 | 1,204 | 1,641 | |||
Modulated Fourier expansions of highly oscillatory differential equations | Foundations of computational mathematics | 2003 | 781 | 411 | |||
Geometric proofs of numerical stability for delay equations | IMA journal of numerical analysis | 2001 | 624 | 0 | |||
Geometric integration of ordinary differential equations on manifolds | BIT | 2001 | 1,154 | 0 | |||
L'analyse au fil de l'histoire | 2001 | 1,688 | 0 | ||||
Implementing Radau IIA methods for stiff delay differential equations | Computing | 2001 | 1,032 | 0 | |||
Some properties of symplectic Runge-Kutta methods | New Zealand journal of mathematics | 2000 | 607 | 0 | |||
Symmetric projection methods for differential equations on manifolds | BIT | 2000 | 463 | 0 | |||
Asymptotic expansions and backward analysis for numerical integrators | Dynamics of algorithms | 2000 | 696 | 493 | |||
Long-time energy conservation of numerical methods for oscillatory differential equations | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 2000 | 793 | 651 | |||
Order Stars and Stiff Integrators | Journal of computational and applied mathematics | 2000 | 656 | 0 | |||
Corrigendum to: "Symplectic integrators for the Ablowitz-Ladik discrete nonlinear Schroedinger equation" [Phys. Lett. A 259 (1999) 140–151] | Physics letters. A | 2000 | 612 | 0 | |||
Energy conservation by Stoermer-type numerical integrators | Numerical Analysis 1999 (Dundee) | 2000 | 673 | 0 | |||
Backward error analysis for multistep methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1999 | 537 | 0 | |||
Stiff differential equations solved by Radau methods | Journal of computational and applied mathematics | 1999 | 600 | 0 | |||
Invariant tori of dissipatively perturbed Hamiltonian systems under symplectic discretization | Applied numerical mathematics | 1999 | 575 | 0 | |||
Asymptotic error analysis of the adaptive Verlet method | BIT | 1999 | 526 | 0 | |||
Analyse II (Calcul Différentiel et Equations Différentielles) | 1999 | 1,000 | 1,001 | ||||
Order stars and stability for delay differential equations | Numerische Mathematik | 1999 | 608 | 0 | |||
Order barriers for symplectic multi-value methods | Numerical analysis 1997 | 1998 | 578 | 192 | |||
Order conditions for general two-step Runge-Kutta methods | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1997 | 732 | 0 | |||
Reversible long-term integration with variable step sizes | SIAM journal on scientific computing | 1997 | 582 | 0 | |||
The life-span of backward error analysis for numerical integrators | Numerische Mathematik | 1997 | 673 | 0 | |||
Variable time step integration with symplectic methods | Applied numerical mathematics | 1997 | 758 | 0 | |||
Variable time step integration with symplectic methods | Applied numerical mathematics | 1997 | 635 | 0 | |||
Analysis by Its History | 1996 | 3,119 | 1,010 | ||||
On Error Growth Functions of Runge-Kutta Methods | Applied numerical mathematics | 1996 | 552 | 0 | |||
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations II. Stiff and Differential-Algebraic Problems | 1996 | 1,935 | 0 | ||||
On a Generalization of a Theorem of von Neumann | Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik | 1996 | 436 | 0 | |||
Further reduction in the number of independent order conditions for symplectic, explicit Partitioned Runge-Kutta and Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods | Applied numerical mathematics | 1995 | 555 | 1 | |||
Accurate long-term integration of dynamical systems | Applied numerical mathematics | 1995 | 602 | 0 | |||
Backward analysis of numerical integrators and symplectic methods | Annals of numerical mathematics | 1994 | 1,046 | 570 | |||
The non-existence of symplectic multi-derivative Runge-Kutta methods | BIT | 1994 | 585 | 0 | |||
Symplectic Runge-Kutta methods with real eigenvalues | BIT | 1994 | 576 | 0 | |||
Solving Ordinary Differential Equations I. Nonstiff Problems | 1993 | 3,205 | 4,323 | ||||
Symmetrized half-explicit methods for constrained mechanical systems | Applied numerical mathematics | 1993 | 575 | 0 | |||
Implicit Runge-Kutta methods for higher index differential-algebraic systems | Contributions in Numerical Mathematics | 1993 | 435 | 1 | |||
Half-Explicit Runge–Kutta Methods for Sifferential-Algebraic Systems of Index 2 | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1993 | 612 | 0 | |||
Dense output for the GBS extrapolation method | Computational Ordinary Differential Equations | 1992 | 472 | 0 | |||
Equilibria of Runge-Kutta methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1990 | 560 | 1 | |||
Dense output for extrapolation methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1990 | 730 | 0 | |||
Error of rosenbrock methods for stiff problems studied via differential algebraic equations | BIT | 1989 | 598 | 0 | |||
The Numerical Solution of Differential-Algebraic Systems by Runge-Kutta Methods | 1989 | 2,200 | 0 | ||||
Extrapolation at stiff differential equations | Numerische Mathematik | 1988 | 591 | 0 | |||
Error of Runge-Kutta methods for stiff problems studied via differential algebraic equations | BIT | 1988 | 656 | 0 | |||
Fast numerical solution of weakly singular Volterra integral equations | Journal of computational and applied mathematics | 1988 | 659 | 0 | |||
One-step and extrapolation methods for differential-algebraic systems | Numerische Mathematik | 1987 | 663 | 0 | |||
Numerical methods for singular nonlinear integro-differential equations | Applied numerical mathematics | 1987 | 633 | 2 | |||
A- and B-stability for Runge-Kutta methods-characterizations and equivalence | Numerische Mathematik | 1986 | 833 | 0 | |||
Rational Approximations to the Exponential Function with Two Complex Conjugate Interpolation Points | SIAM journal on mathematical analysis | 1985 | 681 | 0 | |||
A necessary condition for BSI-stability | BIT | 1985 | 597 | 0 | |||
Fast Numerical Solution of Nonlinear Volterra Convolution Equations | SIAM journal on scientific and statistical computing | 1985 | 724 | 0 | |||
On the Stability of Volterra-Runge-Kutta Methods | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1984 | 563 | 2 | |||
The equivalence of B-stability and A-stability | BIT | 1984 | 661 | 0 | |||
Asymptotic expansions of the global error of fixed-stepsize methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1984 | 502 | 0 | |||
A note on D-stability | BIT | 1984 | 519 | 0 | |||
On the Instability of the BDF Formulas | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1983 | 533 | 2 | |||
Order of Convergence of One-Step Methods for Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1983 | 583 | 3 | |||
On the stability of semi-implicit methods for ordinary differential equations | BIT | 1982 | 719 | 0 | |||
Constructive characterization of A-stable approximations to exp(z) and its connection with algebraically stable Runge-Kutta methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1982 | 582 | 0 | |||
A One-step Method of Order 10 for y″=f(x,y) | IMA journal of numerical analysis | 1982 | 649 | 0 | |||
Runge-Kutta Theory for Volterra Integral Equations of the Second Kind | Mathematics of computation | 1982 | 578 | 3 | |||
Order conditions for numerical methods for partitioned ordinary differential equations | Numerische Mathematik | 1981 | 643 | 2 | |||
Algebraically Stable and Implementable Runge-Kutta Methods of High Order | SIAM journal on numerical analysis | 1981 | 565 | 0 | |||
Unconditionally stable explicit methods for parabolic equations | Numerische Mathematik | 1980 | 585 | 0 | |||
Highest possible order of algebraically stable diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods | BIT | 1980 | 571 | 0 | |||
Nonlinear stability of RAT, an explicit rational Runge-Kutta method | BIT | 1979 | 470 | 0 | |||
Unconditionally stable methods for second order differential equations | Numerische Mathematik | 1979 | 577 | 1 | |||
Order stars and stability theorems | BIT | 1978 | 703 | 0 | |||
On the order of iterated defect correction. An algebraic proof | Numerische Mathematik | 1978 | 496 | 0 | |||
A Runge-Kutta Method of Order 10 | IMA journal of applied mathematics | 1978 | 603 | 11 | |||
When I-stability implies A-stability | BIT | 1978 | 518 | 0 | |||
Méthodes de Nyström pour l'équation différentielle y''=f(x,y) | Numerische Mathematik | 1977 | 566 | 0 | |||
A theory for Nyström methods | Numerische Mathematik | 1976 | 547 | 1 | |||
On the Butcher group and general multi-value methods | Computing | 1974 | 666 | 9 | |||
Multistep-multistage-multiderivative methods for ordinary differential equations | Computing | 1973 | 607 | 4 |