Supervised works
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1 - 384 of 384
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Application of prediction intervals to the interpretation of the robustness study of a UHPLC method for the separation of cannabinoidsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2022 119 0
Sub/supercritical fluid chromatography versus liquid chromatography for peptide analysisJournal of chromatography
2022 139 147
Decellularized Spinach Biomaterials Support Physiologically Relevant Mechanical Cyclic Strain and Prompt a Stretch-Induced Cellular ResponseACS applied bio materials
2022 96 2
Application space for SFC in pharmaceutical drug discovery and developmentApplication space for SFC in pharmaceutical drug discovery and development
2022 203 116
Interlaboratory study of a supercritical fluid chromatography method for the determination of pharmaceutical impurities: Evaluation of multi-systems reproducibilityJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2021 183 4
PrefaceJournal of pharmaceutical & biomedical analysis
2021 122 60
Use of Ultrashort Columns for Therapeutic Protein Separations. Part 1: Theoretical Considerations and Proof of ConceptAnalytical Chemistry
2021 186 0
Use of Ultra-short Columns for Therapeutic Protein Separations, Part 2: Designing the Optimal Column Dimension for Reversed-Phase Liquid ChromatographyAnalytical Chemistry
2021 218 4
New perspective for the in-field analysis of cannabis samples using handheld near-infrared spectroscopy: A case study focusing on the determination of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinolJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2021 202 317
Expanding the range of sub/supercritical fluid chromatography: Advantageous use of methanesulfonic acid in water-rich modifiers for peptide analysisJournal of Chromatography. A
2021 191 154
Metamorphosis of supercritical fluid chromatography: A viable tool for the analysis of polar compounds?TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
2021 262 310
Free Excel Software for Performing Virtual Liquid ChromatographyLCGC North America
2021 292 1
Supercritical fluid chromatography–mass spectrometry in routine anti-doping analyses: Estimation of retention time variability under reproducible conditionsJournal of Chromatography. A
2020 272 0
Improving selectivity and performing online on-column fractioning in liquid chromatography for the separation of therapeutic biopharmaceutical productsJournal of Chromatography. A
2020 272 3
Current and future trends in reversed-phase liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry of therapeutic proteinsTrends in Analytical Chemistry
2020 276 150
Non-invasive targeted iontophoretic delivery of cetuximab to skinExpert Opinion on Drug Delivery
2020 290 4
Coupling non-denaturing chromatography to mass spectrometry for the characterization of monoclonal antibodies and related productsJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2020 255 2
Investigating the use of unconventional temperatures in supercritical fluid chromatographyAnalytica Chimica Acta
2020 190 0
Withanolide D Enhances Radiosensitivity of Human Cancer Cells by Inhibiting DNA Damage Non-homologous End Joining Repair PathwayFrontiers in Oncology
2020 392 206
Applicability of Supercritical fluid chromatography–Mass spectrometry to metabolomics. II–Assessment of a comprehensive library of metabolites and evaluation of biological matricesJournal of Chromatography. A
2020 385 213
The analysis of cannabinoids in cannabis samples by supercritical fluid chromatography and ultra‐high‐performance liquid chromatography: A comparison studyAnalytical Science Advances
2020 217 119
Ultra‐high performance supercritical fluid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for antidoping analyses: Assessment of the inter‐laboratory reproducibility with urine samplesAnalytical Science Advances
2020 526 123
Glycosylation of biosimilars: Recent advances in analytical characterization and clinical implicationsAnalytica Chimica Acta
2019 351 2
Impact of particle size gradients on the apparent efficiency of chromatographic columnsJournal of Chromatography. A
2019 285 0
Proof of Concept To Achieve Infinite Selectivity for the Chromatographic Separation of Therapeutic ProteinsAnalytical Chemistry
2019 321 1
Recent Advances in Chromatography for Pharmaceutical AnalysisAnalytical Chemistry
2019 524 2,176
Supercritical fluid chromatography – Mass spectrometry: Recent evolution and current trendsTrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry
2019 456 677
Unraveling the mysteries of modern size exclusion chromatography – the way to achieve confident characterization of therapeutic proteinsJournal of Chromatography. B
2018 461 500
First inter-laboratory study of a Supercritical Fluid Chromatography method for the determination of pharmaceutical impuritiesJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2018 563 1
Natural compounds analysis using liquid and supercritical fluid chromatography hyphenated to mass spectrometry: Evaluation of a new design of atmospheric pressure ionization sourceJournal of Chromatography. B
2018 538 2
What are the current solutions for interfacing supercritical fluid chromatography and mass spectrometry?Journal of Chromatography. B
2018 481 0
Development of a lc–ms/ms method for the determination of isomeric glutamyl peptides in food ingredientsJournal of Separation Science
2018 492 3
Systematic evaluation of matrix effects in supercritical fluid chromatography versus liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry for biological samplesJournal of Chromatography. B
2018 429 3
Adding a new separation dimension to MS and LC–MS: What is the utility of ion mobility spectrometry?Journal of Separation Science
2018 540 5
Implementation of a generic liquid chromatographic methoddevelopment workflow: Application to the analysis ofphytocannabinoids and Cannabis sativa extractsJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2018 455 4
Editorial for the special issue entitled “supercritical fluid chromatography – mass spectrometry”Journal of Chromatography. B
2018 356 0
High-resolution separation of monoclonal antibodies mixtures and their charge variants by an alternative and generic CZE methodElectrophoresis
2018 415 3
Applicability of supercritical fluid chromatography–mass spectrometry to metabolomics. I – Optimization of separation conditions for the simultaneous analysis of hydrophilic and lipophilic substancesJournal of Chromatography. A
2018 531 0
Current possibilities of liquid chromatography for the characterization of antibody-drug conjugatesJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2018 549 1,151
New developments and possibilities of wide-pore superficially porous particle technology applied for the liquid chromatographic analysis of therapeutic proteinsJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2018 441 314
Size Exclusion Chromatography of Protein Biopharmaceuticals: Past, Present and FutureAmerican Pharmaceutical Review
2018 1,301 1,201
Hyphenated Detectors: Mass SpectrometrySupercritical Fluid Chromatography
2017 572 3
A systematic investigation of sample diluents in modern supercritical fluid chromatographyJournal of chromatography
2017 437 1
Achievable separation performance and analysis time in current liquid chromatographic practice for monoclonal antibody separationsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2017 539 1
Alternative Strategies to Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography for the Analysis of Pharmaceutical CompoundsAmerican pharmaceutical review
2017 548 4
The key role of analytical sciences in the discovery and characterization of bioactives from food and nutraceuticalsBiochemical Pharmacology
2017 368 2
Optimized selection of liquid chromatography conditions for widerange analysis of natural compoundsJournal of chromatography
2017 533 0
The Revival of Supercritical Fluid Chromatography in Pharmaceutical AnalysisLCGC Europe
2017 348 115
Theory and Practice of UHPLC and UHPLC-MSHandbook of Advanced Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Techniques
2017 452 1,406
HPLC Teaching Assistant: A New Tool for Learning and Teaching Liquid Chromatography, Part 1LC GC Europe
2017 640 226
Comprehensive study on the effects of sodium and potassiumadditives in size exclusion chromatographic separations of proteinbiopharmaceuticalsJournal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis
2017 493 1
Ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography coupled with quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry as a performingtool for bioactive analysisJournal of chromatography
2016 507 0
Liquid chromatography and supercritical fluid chromatography as alternative techniques to gas chromatography for the rapid screening of anabolic agents in urineJournal of chromatography
2016 540 1
Fast and sensitive supercritical fluid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry multi-class screening method for the determination of doping agents in urineAnalytica chimica acta
2016 584 0
Impact of organic modifier and temperature on protein denaturationin hydrophobic interaction chromatographyJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2016 507 4
Analytical Strategies for Doping Control Purposes: Needs, Challenges, and PerspectivesAnalytical chemistry
2016 775 1
HPLC Teaching Assistant: A New Tool for Learning and Teaching Liquid Chromatography, Part ILC GC North America
2016 599 249
Evaluation of innovative stationary phase ligand chemistries and analytical conditions for the analysis of basic drugs by supercritical fluid chromatographyJournal of chromatography
2016 601 3
Stratégies analytiques pour les contrôles antidopage : besoins, challenges et perspectivesSpectra 2000 analyse
2016 484 4
Evaluation of thermally pretreated silica stationary phases under hydrophilic interaction chromatography conditionsJournal of separation science
2016 521 0
Potential of hydrophilic interaction chromatography for the analyticalcharacterization of protein biopharmaceuticalsJournal of chromatography
2016 524 2
Computer assisted liquid chromatographic method development for the separation of therapeutic proteinsAnalyst
2016 418 1
Prototype sphere-on-sphere silica particles for the separation of large biomoleculesJournal of chromatography
2016 549 0
Hydrophobic interaction chromatography for the characterization ofmonoclonal antibodies and related productsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2016 443 2
Systematic evaluation of matrix effects in hydrophilic interaction chromatography versus reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2016 566 4
Ion-exchange chromatography for the characterization of biopharmaceuticalsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2015 637 0
Comparison of the most recent chromatographic approaches applied for fast and high resolution separations: Theory and practiceJournal of chromatography
2015 539 2
Ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry for screening of doping agents. II: Analysis of biological samplesAnalytica chimica acta
2015 541 3
Ultra high performance supercritical fluid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry for screening of doping agents. I: Investigation of mobile phase and MS conditionsAnalytica chimica acta
2015 513 1
Modern Column Technologies for the Analytical Characterization of Biopharmaceuticals in Various Liquid Chromatographic ModesLC GC Europe
2015 500 2
Strategies for formulating and delivering poorly water-soluble drugsJournal of drug delivery science and technology
2015 781 1
New prostaglandin analog formulation for glaucoma treatment containing cyclodextrins for improved stability, solubility and ocular toleranceEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2015 655 1
UHPLC Separations Using Sub-2 μm Particle Size ColumnsFast Liquid Chromatography : Mass Spectrometry Methods in Food and Environmental Analysis
2015 580 2
The use of columns packed with sub-2 µm particles in supercritical fluid chromatographyTrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry
2014 547 0
Current and future trends in UHPLCTrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry
2014 501 0
Coupling state-of-the-art supercritical fluid chromatography and mass spectrometry: From hyphenation interface optimization to high-sensitivity analysis of pharmaceutical compoundsJournal of chromatography
2014 587 0
Theory and practice of size exclusion chromatography for the analysis of protein aggregatesJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2014 569 1
cIEF for rapid pKa determination of small molecules: A proof of conceptEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2014 603 1
Untargeted profiling of urinary steroid metabolites after testosterone ingestion: opening new perspectives for antidoping testingBioanalysis
2014 506 1
UHPLC determination of catechins for the quality control of green teaJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2014 626 1
Analytical Strategy to Characterize Drug–Plasma Interactions: From High Throughput to In-depth AnalysisChimia
2013 609 1
Advances in Hydrophilic Interaction Liquid Chromatography for Pharmaceutical AnalysisLC GC Europe
2013 889 17
Global analytical strategy to measure drug–plasma protein interactions: from high-throughput to in-depth analysisDrug discovery today
2013 685 0
Composite resin vs resin cement for luting of indirect restorations: Comparison of solubility and shrinkage behaviorDental materials journal
2013 593 0
High performance affinity chromatography (HPAC) as a high-throughput screening tool in drug discovery to study drug–plasma protein interactionsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2013 666 2
Coupling ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry: Constraints and possible applicationsJournal of chromatography
2013 608 5
State-of-the art of (UHP)LC–MS(–MS) techniques and their practical applicationJournal of chromatography
2013 506 2
Comparison of various silica-based monoliths for the analysis of large biomoleculesJournal of separation science
2013 596 0
Contribution of various types of liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry instruments to band broadening in fast analysisJournal of chromatography
2013 518 5
Systematic comparison of sensitivity between hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and reversed phase liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2013 585 0
Evaluation and comparison of various separation techniques for the analysis of closely-related compounds of pharmaceutical interestJournal of chromatography
2013 649 0
Online Microreactor Titanium Dioxide RPLC-LTQ-Orbitrap MS Automated Platform for Shotgun Analysis of (Phospho) Proteins in Human Amniotic FluidChromatographia
2013 647 0
Coupling UHPLC with MS : The Needs, Challenges, and ApplicationsUltra-High Performance Liquid Chromatography and Its Applications
2013 604 9
In vivo distribution and ex vivo permeation of cyclosporine A prodrug aqueous formulations for ocular applicationJournal of controlled release
2013 587 0
Maximizing kinetic performance in supercritical fluid chromatography using state-of-the-art instrumentsJournal of chromatography
2013 587 0
Comparative study of recent wide-pore materials of different stationary phase morphology, applied for the reversed-phase analysis of recombinant monoclonal antibodiesAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2013 555 267
Analysis of basic compounds by supercritical fluid chromatography: Attempts to improve peak shape and maintain mass spectrometry compatibilityJournal of chromatography
2012 647 0
In vivo characterisation of a novel water-soluble Cyclosporine A prodrug for the treatment of dry eye diseaseEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2012 642 0
Evaluation of a new wide pore core–shell material (Aeris™ WIDEPORE) and comparison with other existing stationary phases for the analysis of intact proteinsJournal of chromatography
2012 615 1
Identification and Functional Expression of the Mitochondrial Pyruvate CarrierScience
2012 580 0
The effect of pressure and mobile phase velocity on the retention properties of small analytes and large biomolecules in ultra-high pressure liquid chromatographyJournal of chromatography
2012 570 0
Ultra-high Pressure Liquid Chromatography coupled to Mass Spectrometry in Doping Control AnalysisUHPLC in Life Sciences
2012 541 2
Evaluation of columns packed with shell particles with compounds of pharmaceutical interestJournal of chromatography
2012 554 0
Method Transfer Between Conventional HPLC and UHPLCUHPLC in Life Sciences
2012 559 5
Characterization of drug-protein interactions by capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to mass spectrometryElectrophoresis
2012 625 1
Evaluation of recent very efficient wide-pore stationary phases for the reversed-phase separation of proteinsJournal of chromatography
2012 551 0
Analyse métabolomique dans l'urine par UHPLC-QTOF-MSE : profilage des stéroïdes appliqué au dépistage antidopageSpectra 2000 analyse
2012 816 19
Evaluation of a sheathless nanospray interface based on a porous tip sprayer for CE-ESI-MS couplingElectrophoresis
2012 613 3
Impact of mobile phase temperature on recovery and stability of monoclonal antibodies using recent reversed-phase stationary phasesJournal of separation science
2012 568 0
Wipe sampling procedure coupled to LC–MS/MS analysis for the simultaneous determination of 10 cytotoxic drugs on different surfacesAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2012 734 362
New Insights in Pharmaceutical AnalysisChimia
2012 614 346
Comparison of ultra-high performance supercritical fluid chromatography and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography for the analysis of pharmaceutical compoundsJournal of chromatography
2012 726 6
Method development for pharmaceutics: Some solutions for tuning selectivity in reversed phase and hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatographyJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2012 573 3
New trends in reversed-phase liquid chromatographic separations of therapeutic peptides and proteins: Theory and applicationsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2012 592 3
Substances et méthodes interditesAGS Sports
2011 415 98
Single-Run Separation of Closely Related Cationic and Anionic Compounds by CE-ESI-MS: Application to the Simultaneous Analysis of Melamine and its Analogs in MilkChimia
2011 619 0
Intact protein analysis in the biopharmaceutical fieldJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2011 592 3
La traque aux molécules dopantesLa chimie et le sport
2011 569 8
Sample Preparation of Urine Samples Prior to CE-MS in Toxicological AnalysisJournal of chemistry and chemical engineering
2011 877 3
A multi-target screening analysis in human plasma using fast liquid chromatography-hybrid tandem mass spectrometry (Part I)Clinical biochemistry
2011 592 3
Quantification of glucuronidated and sulfated steroids in human urine by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometryAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2011 627 305
Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography for Crude Plant Extract ProfilingJournal of AOAC International
2011 701 7
New findings in liquid chromatography in the pharmaceutical domainBioanalysis
2011 537 1
The Theory and Practice of UHPLC and UHPLC-MSExtreme Chromatography : Faster, Hotter, Smaller
2011 628 3
Analysis of peptides and proteins using sub-2μm fully porous and sub 3-μm shell particlesJournal of chromatography
2011 512 0
A multi-target screening analysis in human plasma using fast liquid chromatography-hybrid tandem mass spectrometry (Part II)Clinical biochemistry
2011 558 0
Practical method transfer from high performance liquid chromatography to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography: The importance of frictional heatingJournal of chromatography
2011 594 3
Nouveaux developpements dans l'analyse de protéines intactes par CE-TOF/MSSpectra 2000 analyse
2011 605 0
Analytical aspects in doping control: Challenges and perspectivesForensic science international
2011 587 0
Analysis of anticancer drugs: A reviewTalanta
2011 711 0
A steroidomic approach for biomarkers discovery in doping controlForensic science international
2011 652 1
Quality control of pharmaceutical formulations containing cisplatin, carboplatin, and oxaliplatin by micellar and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography (MEKC, MEEKC)Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2011 638 1
Innovative methodology to transfer conventional GC-MS heroin profiling to UHPLC-MS/MSAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2011 598 288
Current role of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry in clinical toxicology screening methodsClinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
2011 619 2
Quantification of 4 antidepressants and a metabolite by LC-MS for therapeutic drug monitoringJournal of chromatography. B
2011 673 2
Interest of capillary electrophoresis for the quality control of pharmaceutical formulations produced in hospital pharmacyEuropean journal of hospital pharmacy
2011 583 4
Forensic and toxicological analysisAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 578 193
CE-ESI-TOF/MS for human growth hormone analysisElectrophoresis
2010 616 0
Improvement of a capillary electrophoresis/frontal analysis (CE/FA) method for determining binding constants: Discussion on relevant parametersJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2010 644 0
Evaluation of an in-capillary approach for performing quantitative cytochrome P450 activity studiesAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 623 226
Use of organic solvent to prevent protein adsorption in CE-MS experimentsElectrophoresis
2010 596 2
Selection of suitable operating conditions to minimize the gradient equilibration time in the separation of drugs by Ultra-High-Pressure Liquid Chromatography with volatile (mass spectrometry-compatible) buffersJournal of chromatography
2010 573 0
Advances in LC platforms for drug discoveryExpert opinion on drug discovery
2010 614 0
Comparison of columns packed with porous sub-2 mum particles and superficially porous sub-3 mum particles for peptide analysis at ambient and high temperatureJournal of separation science
2010 509 0
Analysis of hemoglobin-based oxygen carriers by CE-UV/Vis and CE-ESI-TOF/MSElectrophoresis
2010 631 0
Evaluation of various HILIC materials for the fast separation of polar compoundsJournal of separation science
2010 433 0
Drug-protein binding: a critical review of analytical toolsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 605 1,227
Coupling ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography with mass spectrometryTrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry
2010 677 5
Fast analysis of doping agents in urine by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry. II: Confirmatory analysisJournal of chromatography
2010 592 638
Knowledge discovery in metabolomics: An overview of MS data handlingJournal of separation science
2010 665 0
High throughput qualitative analysis of polyphenols in tea samples by ultra-high pressure liquid chromatography coupled to UV and mass spectrometry detectorsJournal of chromatography
2010 616 0
Characterization and classification of matrix effects in biological samples analysesJournal of chromatography
2010 644 695
A systematic investigation of the effect of sample diluent on peak shape in hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatographyJournal of chromatography
2010 719 3
Reliable low-cost capillary electrophoresis device for drug quality control and counterfeit medicinesJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2010 681 9
Chiral CE-MSChiral Separtions by Capillary Electrophoresis
2010 520 7
Multiple injection technique for the determination and quantitation of insulin formulations by capillary electrophoresis and time-of-flight mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2010 662 5
Simultaneous quantification of ten cytotoxic drugs by a validated LC-ESI-MS/MS methodAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 606 326
High-throughput log P determination by MEEKC coupled with UV and MS detectionsElectrophoresis
2010 647 0
New trends in fast and high-resolution liquid chromatography: a critical comparison of existing approachesAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 631 589
Determination of potassium, sodium, calcium and magnesium in total parenteral nutrition formulations by capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detectionJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2010 642 396
Fast analysis of doping agents in urine by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry I. Screening analysisJournal of chromatography
2009 579 10
Development and validation of a liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure photoionization-mass spectrometry method for the quantification of alprazolam, flunitrazepam, and their main metabolites in haemolysed bloodJournal of chromatography. B
2009 579 2
High-throughput screening of drugs of abuse in urine by supported liquid-liquid extraction and UHPLC coupled to tandem MSChromatographia
2009 646 244
Coupling ultra high-pressure liquid chromatography with single quadrupole mass spectrometry for the analysis of a complex drug mixtureTalanta
2009 613 1
CE-TOF/MS: fundamental concepts, instrumental considerations and applicationsElectrophoresis
2009 534 0
Biochemical and morphological characterization of a new fungal contaminant in balsamic and cider vinegarsFood Additives and Contaminants
2009 782 19
Determination of suxamethonium in a pharmaceutical formulation by capillary electrophoresis with contactless conductivity detection (CE-C(4)D)Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2009 584 4
Therapeutic drug monitoring of seven psychotropic drugs and four metabolites in human plasma by HPLC-MSJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2009 641 0
Fast chiral separation of drugs using columns packed with sub-2 mum particles and ultra-high pressureChirality
2009 655 0
Extraction of amino acids by reverse iontophoresis in vivoEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2009 655 0
Atmospheric pressure photoionization for coupling liquid-chromatography to mass spectrometry: a reviewTalanta
2009 605 9
Development of an in-capillary approach to nanoscale automated in vitro cytochromes p450 assaysJournal of medicinal chemistry
2009 537 0
Trypsin immobilization on an ethylenediamine-based monolithic minidisk for rapid on-line peptide mass fingerprinting studiesJournal of chromatography
2009 514 0
Lipophilicity determination of highly lipophilic compounds by liquid chromatographyChemistry & biodiversity
2009 525 2
A fast screening strategy for characterizing peptide delivery by transdermal iontophoresisJournal of controlled release
2009 657 4
Nouveaux développements en chromatographie rapide dans le domaine pharmaceutiqueSpectra 2000 analyse
2009 784 2,046
Two-dimensional liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry for the simultaneous determination of ketorolac enantiomers and paracetamol in human plasma: application to a pharmacokinetic studyJournal of chromatography
2009 512 0
Some solutions to obtain very efficient separations in isocratic and gradient modes using small particles size and ultra-high pressureJournal of chromatography
2009 588 0
Validation and long-term evaluation of a modified on-line chiral analytical method for therapeutic drug monitoring of (R,S)-methadone in clinical samplesJournal of chromatography. B
2009 568 0
Metabolite profiling of plant extracts by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography at elevated temperature coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2009 537 0
Fast log P determination by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with UV and mass spectrometry detectionsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2009 704 293
Non-aqueous capillary electrophoresis 2005-2008Electrophoresis
2009 503 4
Analytical tools for the physicochemical profiling of drug candidates to predict absorption/distributionAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2009 666 415
Sample preparation development and matrix effects evaluation for multianalyte determination in urineJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2009 561 0
A new capillary electrophoresis device with deep UV detector based on LED technologyChimia
2009 632 3
Optimized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry approach for the isolation of minor stress biomarkers in plant extracts and their identification by capillary nuclear magnetic resonanceJournal of chromatography
2008 667 0
Evaluation of the coupling between ultra performance liquid chromatography and evaporative light scattering detector for selected phytochemical applicationsJournal of separation science
2008 570 0
Ultra-Fast Separations of Pharmaceutical Compounds with 10 mm Columns Packed with Sub-2 μm ParticlesLC GC Europe
2008 466 0
High-throughput log P determination by ultraperformance liquid chromatography: a convenient tool for medicinal chemistsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2008 580 1
Analysis of amphetamine derivatives in plasma using capillary zone electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced fluorescence after derivatization on solid-phase extraction supportChimia
2008 485 0
Chromatographic approaches for measuring log PMolecular drug properties: measurement and prediction
2008 630 0
Pharmaceutical applications on columns packed with sub-2 [mu]m particlesJournal of chromatographic science
2008 556 155
Highly sensitive detection of pharmaceutical compounds in biological fluids using capillary electrophoresis coupled with laser-induced native fluorescenceJournal of chromatography
2008 587 0
Fast-GC-conventional quadrupole mass spectrometry in essential oil analysisJournal of separation science
2008 576 1
Description d'une méthode d'évaluation et de comparaison des performances chromatographiquesLCGC en français
2008 488 0
Coupling CE and microchip-based devices with mass spectrometryCapillary electrophoresis methods for pharmaceutical analysis, Vol. 9
2008 635 962
Development of immobilized enzyme reactors based on human recombinant cytochrome P450 enzymes for phase I drug metabolism studiesJournal of chromatography
2008 614 5
Extraction of amino acids by reverse iontophoresis: simulation of therapeutic monitoring in vitroEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2008 608 0
Validation of chiral capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry methods for ecstasy and methadone in plasmaElectrophoresis
2008 677 2
Method Transfer in HPLCLC GC Europe
2008 642 5
Validation of an ultra-fast UPLC-UV method for the separation of antituberculosis tabletsJournal of separation science
2008 658 0
Trypsin immobilization on three monolithic disks for on-line protein digestionJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2008 619 0
Profiling of 19-norsteroid sulfoconjugates in human urine by liquid chromatography mass spectrometryAnalytica chimica acta
2008 581 2
Analysis of tropane alkaloids in biological matricesModern alkaloids : structure, isolation, synthesis and biology
2008 616 0
Micro liquid chromatography coupled with evaporative light scattering detector at ambient and high temperature : optimization of the nebulization cell geometryJournal of chromatography
2008 540 0
Simultaneous quantification of cyclosporine, tacrolimus, sirolimus and everolimus in whole blood by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometryClinical biochemistry
2008 617 0
Quantification of cyclosporine and tacrolimus in whole blood. Comparison of liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry with the enzyme multiplied immunoassay techniqueClinical biochemistry
2008 591 1
Isolation and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography-ion-trap mass spectrometry of androgen sulfoconjugates in human urineJournal of chromatography
2008 495 2
Coupling CE with atmospheric pressure photoionization MS for pharmaceutical basic compounds: optimization of operating parametersElectrophoresis
2007 616 1
High throughput liquid chromatography with sub-2 microm particles at high pressure and high temperatureJournal of chromatography
2007 562 0
Forbidden Substances: Fast Analysis of Doping Agents by Ultra Performance LCGIT laboratory journal
2007 95 21
Evaluation of the influence of protein precipitation prior to on-line SPE-LC-API/MS procedures using multivariate data analysisJournal of chromatography. B
2007 598 0
Quantification of cyclosporine A in peripheral blood mononuclear cells by liquid chromatography-electrospray mass spectrometry using a column-switching approachJournal of chromatography. B
2007 499 0
Rapid determination of pK (a) values of 20 amino acids by CZE with UV and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectionsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2007 538 361
Chromatographic performance of silica-based stationary phases in high temperature liquid chromatography: pharmaceutical applicationsCurrent pharmaceutical analysis
2007 535 4
Recent developments in liquid chromatography--impact on qualitative and quantitative performanceJournal of chromatography
2007 566 1
New trends in fast liquid chromatographyChimia
2007 619 447
Influence of plant matrix on microwave-assisted extraction process. The case of diosgenin extracted from fenugreek (Trigonella foenum-graecum L.)Phytochemical analysis
2007 626 0
Characterization and comparison of the chromatographic performance of different types of reversed-phase stationary phasesJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2007 587 0
Relation between the particle size distribution and the kinetic performance of packed columns. Application to a commercial sub-2 microm particle materialJournal of chromatography
2007 492 0
Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis in pharmaceutical analysisElectrophoresis
2007 561 2
Method transfer for fast liquid chromatography in pharmaceutical analysis: application to short columns packed with small particle. Part I: isocratic separationEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2007 916 1
Use of porous graphitic carbon column for the separation of natural isomeric tropane alkaloids by capillary LC and mass spectrometryJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2006 595 3
Practical constraints in the kinetic plot representation of chromatographic performance data: theory and application to experimental dataAnalytical chemistry
2006 571 0
Chromatographic behaviour and comparison of column packed with sub-2 microm stationary phases in liquid chromatographyJournal of chromatography
2006 533 0
Analytical discrimination of poisonous and nonpoisonous chemotypes of giant fennel (Ferula communis L.) through their biologically active and volatile fractionsJournal of agricultural and food chemistry
2006 601 1
Electromigration Separation Techniques in Pharmaceutical AnalysisElectrokinetic Chromatography
2006 425 1
Analysis of isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus grahamii by very fast gas chromatographyJournal of separation science
2006 566 0
Headspace solid-phase microextraction of pesticide residues in Cannabis samplesChimia
2006 640 876
Multidimentional SPE Approaches in quantitative Bioanalysis and Clinical Analysis Using LC-MSThe Encyclopedia of Mass Spectrometry
2006 353 1
Strategies for rapid chiral analysis by capillary electrophoresisJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2006 535 2
Enhanced method performances for conventional and chiral CE-ESI/MS analyses in plasmaElectrophoresis
2006 580 3
Cocaine distribution in wild Erythroxylum speciesJournal of ethnopharmacology
2006 650 0
Characteristics of Optimization in Individual HPLC Modes (Chemometrics - A Powerful Tool for Handling a Large Number of Data)HPLC Made to Measure - A Practical Handbook for Optimization
2006 530 5
Identification of isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus grahamii by HPLC-NMR with loop storage and HPLC-UV-MS/SPE-NMR using a cryogenic flow probePhytochemical analysis
2006 564 1
Interlaboratory study of a NACE method for the determination of R-timolol content in S-timolol maleate: assessment of uncertaintyElectrophoresis
2006 532 1
Cannabis profiling : which analytical strategy to apply ?Chimia
2006 694 448
Fast analysis in liquid chromatography using small particle size and high pressureJournal of separation science
2006 542 0
Evaluation of solid-phase microextraction desorption parameters for fast GC analysis of cocaine in coca leavesJournal of chromatographic science
2006 490 177
Capillary electrophoresis coupled to mass spectrometry for chiral drugs analysisChirality in Drug Research
2006 532 7
Focused microwave-assisted extraction combined with solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for the selective analysis of cocaine from coca leavesJournal of chromatography
2006 590 0
A study of interlaboratory influence on column evaluationJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2005 488 0
Statistical and chemometric tools applied to pharmaceutical analysisChimia
2005 602 840
L'électrophorèse capillaire et l'électrochromatographieSpectra 2000 analyse
2005 473 0
Rapid stereoselective separations of amphetamine derivatives with highly sulfated gamma-cyclodextrinElectrophoresis
2005 554 3
Development and validation of a new reversed-phase ion pairing liquid chromatographic method with fluorescence detection for penciclovir analysis in plasma and aqueous humorJournal of chromatography. B
2005 549 2
Decreasing analysis time in capillary electrophoresis: validation and comparison of quantitative performances in several approachesElectrophoresis
2005 568 3
Determination of electroosmotic flow in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresisJournal of chromatography
2005 613 0
Capillary electrophoresis in pharmaceutical and biomedical analysisAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2005 527 208
Novel RPLC stationary phases for lipophilicity measurement: solvatochromic analysis of retention mechanisms for neutral and basic compoundsJournal of separation science
2005 601 0
Development of rapid analytical methods in the Laboratory of Pharmaceutical Analytical Chemistry (LCAP)Chimia
2005 640 352
Separation of four isomeric tropane alkaloids from Schizanthus grahamii by non-aqueous capillary electrophoresisPhytochemical analysis
2005 416 0
Enantioseparation of baclofen with highly sulfated β-cyclodextrin by capillary electrophoresis with laser-induced fluorescence detectionJournal of separation science
2005 635 585
Extraction and analysis of different Cannabis samples by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometryJournal of separation science
2005 607 0
Capillary zone electrophoresis for the estimation of transdermal iontophoretic mobilityJournal of pharmaceutical sciences
2005 714 3
Determination of pKa values by capillary zone electrophoresis with a dynamic coating procedureJournal of separation science
2005 553 0
Ultrashort partial-filling technique in capillary electrophoresis for infinite resolution of tramadol enantiomers and its metabolites with highly sulfated cyclodextrinsElectrophoresis
2004 626 1
Analysis of cannabis material by headspace solid-phase microextraction combined with gas chromatography-mass spectrometryChimia
2004 659 560
Time course of clinical response to venlafaxine: relevance of plasma level and chiralityEuropean journal of clinical pharmacology
2004 564 254
Restricted access materials and large particle supports for on-line sample preparation: an attractive approach for biological fluids analysisJournal of chromatography. B
2004 539 0
Column-switching procedure for the fast analysis of drugs in biological samplesTherapeutic drug monitoring
2004 485 0
Protein precipitation for the analysis of a drug cocktail in plasma by LC-ESI-MSJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2004 601 2
Matrix effect in LC-ESI-MS and LC-APCI-MS with off-line and on-line extraction proceduresJournal of chromatography
2004 572 0
Analysis of basic compounds at high pH values by reversed-phase liquid chromatographyJournal of separation science
2004 586 0
Development of a bioreactor based on trypsin immobilized on monolithic support for the on-line digestion and identification of proteinsJournal of chromatography
2004 587 0
Simultaneous analysis of metabisulfite and sulfate by CE with indirect UV detection. Application to and validation for a pharmaceutical formulationJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2003 598 2
Infinite enantiomeric resolution of basic compounds using highly sulfated cyclodextrin as chiral selector in capillary electrophoresisElectrophoresis
2003 466 2
Rapid analysis of fluoxetine and its metabolite in plasma by LC-MS with column-switching approachAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2003 614 298
Automated LC-MS method for the fast stereoselective determination of methadone in plasmaClinical chemistry and laboratory medicine
2003 477 2
Stereoselective separations : recent advances in capillary electrophoresis and high-performance liquid chromatographyStereochemical aspects of drug action and disposition
2003 518 3
Determination of uncertainty in analytical measurements from collaborative study results on the analysis of a phenoxymethylpenicillin sampleAnalytica chimica acta
2003 590 0
Analysis of selected withanolides in plant extract by capillary electrochromatography and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatographyElectrophoresis
2003 650 8
Use of large particles support for fast analysis of methadone and its primary metabolite in human plasma by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography. B
2003 552 0
New extraction supports for the fast analysis of pharmaceutical compounds in biological samples by direct injectionGIT laboratory journal Europe
2003 548 0
An effective tool for column evaluation in the analysis of basic compoundsChimia
2003 562 0
Influence of electrolyte nature on the separation selectivity of amphetamines in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis: Protonation degree versus ion pairing effectsElectrophoresis
2003 478 0
Development and validation of a heart-cutting liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the determination of process-related substances in cetirizine tabletsAnalytica chimica acta
2003 561 2
Use of monolithic supports for fast analysis of drugs and metabolites in plasma by direct injectionChromatographia
2003 584 2
Validation of capillary electrophoresis - mass spectrometry methods for the analysis of a pharmaceutical formulationElectrophoresis
2003 604 2
Steady-state concentration of venlafaxine enantiomers: model-based analysis of between-patient variabilityEuropean journal of clinical pharmacology
2002 631 0
Potential of formamide and N-methylformamide in nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometry. Application to the analysis of beta-blockersJournal of chromatography
2002 506 0
Simplification of a chromatographic test methodology for evaluation of base deactivated supportsChromatographia
2002 596 3
Nanoscale liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry for the detection of amyloid-β peptide related to alzheimer's diseaseJournal of chromatography
2002 611 0
Nanoscale liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray mass spectrometry for the detection of amyloid-β peptide related to Alzheimer’s diseaseJournal of chromatography
2002 30 0
Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis-electrospray- mass spectrometry for the analysis of fluoxetine and its related compoundsElectrophoresis
2002 550 1
High performance liquid chromatography of acarbose and its metabolite on porous graphitic carbon columnJournal of separation science
2002 915 1
Rapid liquid chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis of withanolides in crude plant extracts by use of a monolithic columnChromatographia
2002 653 3
Use of vancomycin silica stationary phase in packed capillary electrochromatography. Part IV: Enantiomer separation of fluoxetine and norfluoxetine employing UV high sensitivity detection cellJournal of separation science
2002 523 0
Characterization of chromatographic supports for the analysis of basic compoundsJournal of separation science
2002 562 1
Restricted access materials for fast analysis of methadone in serum with liquid chromatographymass spectrometryJournal of separation science
2002 591 1
Microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography versus capillary electrochromatography-UV-mass spectrometry for the analysis of flunitrazepam and its major metabolitesElectrophoresis
2002 623 1
Use of negatively charged cyclodextrins for the simultaneous enantioseparation of selected anesthetic drugs by capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometryJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2002 563 3
Simultaneous analysis of polyhydroxylated alkaloids by capillary electrophoresis using borate complexation and evaluation of sweeping technique for sensitivity improvementChromatographia
2002 614 1
Focused microwave-assisted extraction of cocaine and benzoylecgonine from coca leavesPhytochemical analysis
2002 636 0
Micellar and microemulsion electrokinetic chromatography of selected anesthetic drugsJournal of separation science
2002 615 0
Nouveaux supports d'extraction pour l'analyse de substances pharmaceutiquesBioforum international
2002 106 20
Experimental designs to investigate capillary electrophoresis-electrospray ionization-mass spectrometry enantioseparation with the partial-filling techniqueElectrophoresis
2001 497 3
Calystegine distribution in some solanaceous speciesPhytochemistry
2001 608 0
Silica and other materials as supports in liquid chromatography. Chromatographic tests and their importance for evaluating these supports. Part IIChromatographia
2001 543 1
Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometry for separation of venlafaxine and its phase I metabolitesElectrophoresis
2001 580 1
Capillary electrophoresis and high-performance anion exchange chromatography for monitoring caseinoglycomacropeptide sialylationJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2001 515 0
Parameters affecting microwave-assisted extraction of withanolidesPhytochemical analysis
2001 605 0
On-line capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry for the stereoselective analysis of drugs and metabolitesElectrophoresis
2001 510 2
Routine o-glycan characterization in nutritional supplements--a comparison of analytical methods for the monitoring of the bovine kappa-casein macropeptide glycosylationJournal of chromatography
2001 587 0
HPLC-UV and HPLC-positive-ESI-MS analysis of the diterpenoid fraction from caper spurge (Euphorbia lathyris) seed oilPhytochemical analysis
2001 584 0
Use of vancomycin silica stationary phase in packed capillary electrochromatography. II. Enantiomer separation of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine in human plasmaJournal of chromatography
2001 542 0
Study of factors influencing pressurised solvent extraction of polar steroids from plant material : application to the recovery of withanolidesChromatographia
2001 726 4
Silica and other materials as supports in liquid chromatography. Chromatographic tests and their importance for evaluating these supports. Part IChromatographia
2001 576 1
Optimisation of accelerated solvent extraction of cocaine and benzoylecgonine from coca leavesJournal of separation science
2001 871 2
Simultaneous stereoselective analysis of venlafaxine and O-desmethylvenlafaxine enantiomers in clinical samples by capillary electrophoresis using charged cyclodextrinsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2000 585 1
Enantioseparation of atropine by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated beta-cyclodextrin: application to a plant extractJournal of chromatography
2000 606 3
A poly(ortho ester) designed for combined ocular delivery of dexamethasone sodium phosphate and 5-fluorouracil: subconjunctival tolerance and in vitro releaseEuropean journal of pharmaceutics and biopharmaceutics
2000 571 0
Rapid separation of basic drugs by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresisChromatographia
2000 493 3
Simultaneous stereoselective analysis of tramadol and its main phase I metabolites by on-line capillary zone electrophoresis-electrospray ionization mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2000 617 0
Use of borate complexation for the separation of non-UV-absorbing calystegines by capillary electrophoresisJournal of chromatography
2000 598 0
Experimental design in supercritical fluid extraction of cocaine from coca leavesJournal of biochemical and biophysical methods
2000 640 3
Determination of Artemisinin in Artemisia annua L. by Off-Line Supercritical Fluid Extraction and Supercritical Fluid Chromatography Coupled to an Evaporative Light-Scattering DetectorSupercritical Fluid Methods and Protocols
2000 398 1
Enantioselective analysis of methadone in saliva by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2000 536 1
Analysis of dihydroartemisinin in plasma by liquid chromatography—Mass spectrometryChromatographia
2000 567 1
Simultaneous analysis of some amphetamine derivatives in urine by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis coupled to electrospray ionization mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2000 557 0
Application of central composite designs in the supercritical fluid extraction of tropane alkaloids in plant extractsAnalusis
1999 480 254
Nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of selected tropane alkaloids in a plant extractChromatographia
1999 488 3
Optimization of fast CE analyses of ecstasy derivatives by use of experimental designsChromatographia
1999 536 1
On-line capillary electrophoresis-electrospray mass spectrometry for the analysis of pharmaceuticalsChimia
1999 501 489
Development of validated stereoselective methods for methadone determination in clinical samplesChirality
1999 599 0
Experimental design for enantioselective separation of celiprolol by capillary electrophoresis using sulfated beta-cyclodextrinElectrophoresis
1999 587 2
Binding constant dependency of amphetamines with various commercial methylated beta-cyclodextrinsElectrophoresis
1999 563 12
Capillary electrophoresis-diode array detection-electrospray mass spectrometry for the analysis of selected tropane alkaloids in plant extractsElectrophoresis
1999 502 4
Application of micellar electrokinetic chromatography to the determination of some tropane alkaloids in various plant extractsCurrent Topics in Phytochemistry
1999 165 93
Simultaneous stereoselective analysis by capillary electrophoresis of tramadol enantiomers and their main phase I metabolites in urineJournal of chromatography
1999 577 1
Separation of selected anesthetic drugs by nonaqueous capillary electrophoresisAnalusis
1999 413 187
Chiral stationary phases in HPLC for the stereoselective determination of methadoneChirality
1999 582 0
Nonaqueous versus aqueous capillary electrophoresis for the dosage of N-butylscopolamine in various pharmaceutical formulationsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1999 581 0
Concomitant and controlled release of dexamethasone and 5-fluorouracil from poly(ortho ester)International journal of pharmaceutics
1999 549 0
Determination of the stability of caseinoglycomacropeptide in a cosmetic lotion by use of capillary zone electrophoresis with a coated capillaryChromatographia
1999 487 1
Automated on-line dialysis and liquid chromatography of methylenedioxylated amphetamines in plasma and serum samplesJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1998 559 0
Validated capillary electrophoresis method for the determination of atropine and scopolamine derivatives in pharmaceutical formulationsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1998 525 7
CCCTA, journées scientifiques 1997: la spectrométrie de masse, la chimie analytique et internetLabolife
1998 271 12
Optimization of CE-ESI-MS parameters for the analysis of ecstasy and derivatives in urineHRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography
1998 528 1
Selectivity manipulation using nonaqueous capillary electrophoresis. Application to tropane alkaloids and amphetamine derivativesElectrophoresis
1998 537 1
A biodegradable polymer designed for concomitant delivery of dexamethasone and 5-fluorouracil to the eye2nd World Meeting on Pharmaceutics, Biopharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
1998 416 1
Development and validation of liquid chromatography and capillary electrophoresis methods for acarbose determination in pharmaceutical tabletsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1998 597 0
2C-B: a new psychoactive phenylethylamine recently discovered in Ecstasy tablets sold on the Swiss black marketJournal of analytical toxicology
1998 606 168
Use of a Doehlert design in optimizing the analysis of selected tropane alkaloids by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatographyJournal of chromatography
1998 721 0
Optimized release of dexamethasone and gentamicin from a soluble ocular insert for the treatment of external ophthalmic infectionsJournal of controlled release
1998 596 0
Use of cyclodextrins in capillary electrophoresis: resolution of tramadol enantiomersElectrophoresis
1998 598 2
Capillary electrophoresis for the analysis of tropane alkaloids: pharmaceutical and phytochemical applicationsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1998 556 1
Enantiomeric separation of four methylenedioxylated amphetamines on β-cyclodextrin chiral stationary phasesChromatographia
1998 585 1
Evaluation of procedures for solid-phase extraction of [125I]-methodone from serum on to discs and cartridgesChromatographia
1997 577 1
Ecstasy et "raves" en Suisse romande = Ecstasy and "raves" in the French part of SwitzerlandToxicorama
1997 596 0
Determination of artemisinin and artemisinic acid by capillary and packed supercritical fluid chromatographyHRC. Journal of high resolution chromatography
1997 625 12
Alkaloids of erythroxylum lucidum stem-barkPhytochemistry
1997 565 1
Micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatography for selected tropane alkaloid analysis in plant extractChromatographia
1997 596 3
Analysis of amphetamines by capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography: application to drug seizures and cross-validationForensic science international
1997 424 1
Sensitive and selective determination of methylenedioxylated amphetamines by high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detectionJournal of chromatography
1997 589 0
Determination of dexamethasone in tears by capillary electrophoresisJournal of chromatography. B, Biomedical sciences and applications
1997 479 0
Extraction of artemisinin and artemisinic acid from Artemisia annua L. using supercritical carbon dioxideJournal of chromatography
1997 686 0
Development of a capillary zone electrophoresis method for caseinoglycomacropeptide determinationJournal of chromatography
1997 514 0
Ecstasy--the status in French-speaking Switzerland. Composition of seized drugs, analysis of biological specimens and short review of its pharmacological action and toxicityPraxis
1997 565 0
The evaporative light scattering detector: some applications in pharmaceutical analysisTrAC. Trends in analytical chemistry
1997 642 0
Supercritical fluid extraction and chromatography of artemisinin and artemisinic acid. An improved method for the analysis of Artemisia annua samplesPhytochemical analysis
1997 582 0
Development and validation of a capillary zone electrophoresis method for the determination of atropine, homatropine and scopolamine in ophthalmic solutionsJournal of chromatography. Biomedical applications
1997 28 0
Central composite design in the chiral analysis of amphetamines by capillary electrophoresisElectrophoresis
1997 626 2
Combined release of dexamethasone and gentamicin from an ocular insert for treatment of external ophthalmic infectionsProceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Controlled Release of Bioactive Materials
1997 48 17
Stereoselective determination of methadone in serum by HPLC following solid-phase extraction on diskJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1996 850 1
Stereoselective interaction between piroxicam and acenocoumarolBritish journal of clinical pharmacology
1996 585 7
Importance of supercritical fluid extraction in hair analysisDrug testing in hair
1996 401 67
Analysis by SFC (Capillary and Packed) of Artemisinin and Artemisinic Acid in Artemisia annua L.Eighteenth International Symposium on Capillary Chromatography
1996 150 38
Detection of human growth hormone doping in urine: out of competition tests are necessaryJournal of chromatography. B
1996 579 0
Chiral separation of amphetamines by high-performance capillary electrophoresisJournal of chromatography
1995 608 6
L'extraction en phase supercritique des substances d'origine végétaleAnalusis
1995 2,400 1,453
Importance of supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) in forensic toxicologyAspects on forensic toxicology
1995 513 1
Dépistage des toxicomanies au moyen de l'extraction en phase supercritique couplée à la CPG-SM : applications à l'urine et aux cheveuxAnalusis
1995 739 103
Sub-critical fluid extraction of morphinic alkaloids in urine and other liquid matrices after adsorption on solid supportsChromatographia
1994 610 0
Subcritical fluid extraction of opiates in hair of drug addictsJournal of chromatography. B
1994 566 0
Determination of sugars by liquid chromatography with post-column catalytic derivatization and fluorescence detectionChromatographia
1994 678 1
Comparison of post-column fluorescence derivatization and evaporative light-scattering detection to analyse saccharides selectively by LCChromatographia
1992 576 1
Quantitative capillary supercritical fluid chromatography and supercritical fluid extraction of basic drugs of abuseChimia
1992 576 1
Optimization of derivatization parameters with 9-fluorenylmethyl chloroformate for amphetamine and catecholamine separation by supercritical fluid chromatographyFresenius' journal of analytical chemistry
1991 635 0
Applications of a post-column fluorigenic reaction in liquid chromatography for the determination of glucose and fructose in biological matricesAnalytica chimica acta
1991 593 0
Extraction of biomarkers from sediments with supercritical carbon dioxide: A comparative study with solvent extraction and thermodesorption methodsOrganic geochemistry
1990 654 0
Preconcentration and Chromatography on Chemical Modified Silicas with Complexation PropertiesSelective Sample Handling and Detection in High Performance Liquid Chromatography Part B
1989 404 2
Copper(II)—dialkyldithiocarbamate—silica precolumn for the enrichment of complexing analytes in natural media coupled on-line with liquid chromatographyAnalytica chimica acta
1989 32 0
Enrichment of complexing analytes on a copper-loaded silica surface and on-line coupling with high-performance liquid chromatography, using L-tryptophan and L-tyrosine as model compoundsJournal of chromatography
1987 27 0
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