Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
RCnum: A Semantic and Multilingual Online Edition of the Geneva Council Registers from 1545 to 1550 | Proceedings of the 25th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation - Volume 2: Products & Projects | 2024 | 70 | 26 | |||
Streamlining Tax and Administrative Document Management with AI-Powered Intelligent Document Management System | Information | 2024 | 56 | 29 | |||
A Framework for Regulatory Compliance using Knowledge Graphs | Digital Sciences Day | 2023 | 64 | 3 | |||
Personalization of Mobile Apps for Health Behavior Change: Protocol for a Cross-sectional Study | JMIR research protocols | 2023 | 77 | 56 | |||
An Ontology-Based Semantic Model for Sharing and Reusability of Clinical Pathways Across Context (ShaRE-CP) | Studies in health technology and informatics | 2022 | 126 | 38 | |||
Addmin: Private computing for consumers’ online documents access: Scientific Technical Report | 2022 | 328 | 175 | ||||
Personalization Dimensions for MHealth to Improve Behavior Change: A Scoping Review | Integrated Citizen Centered Digital Health and Social Care: Citizens as Data Producers and Service co-Creators | 2020 | 164 | 207 | |||
Owlc: a contextual two-dimensional web ontology language | 2nd Conference on Language, Data and Knowledge, LDK 2019 | 2019 | 251 | 152 | |||
Security and PrIvacy foR the Internet of Things: an overview of the project | IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics (SMC 2019) | 2019 | 330 | 4 | |||
Introducing Contextual Reasoning to the Semantic Web with OWLc | Graph-Based Representation and Reasoning: 24th International Conference on Conceptual Structures, ICCS 2019, Proceedings | 2019 | 291 | 5 | |||
An Abstract Specification Technique for the Publication of Linked Geospatial Data | AGILE 2018 - 21st Conference on Geo-Information Science | 2018 | 429 | 88 | |||
A practical implementation of contextual reasoning on the semantic web | Proceedings of the 10th international joint conference on knowledge discovery, knowledge engineering and knowledge management, KEOD, vol. 2 | 2018 | 256 | 116 | |||
Extension and Contextualisation for Linked Semantic 3d Geodata | ISPRS International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences | 2018 | 252 | 89 | |||
Une ontologie pour la formalisation et la visualisation des connaissances scientifiques | 29es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances, IC 2018 | 2018 | 203 | 105 | |||
An automatic method for reporting the quality of thesauri | Data & knowledge engineering | 2016 | 629 | 238 | |||
A Simple Tags Categorization Framework Using Spatial Coverage to Discover Geospatial Semantics | Proceeding WWW '16 Companion Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web | 2016 | 692 | 422 | |||
Semantic enrichment of places with vgi sources: a knowledge based approach | Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Geographic Information Retrieval | 2016 | 508 | 3 | |||
A repository of information visualization techniques to support the design of 3D virtual city models | Innovations in 3D Geo-Information Sciences | 2014 | 744 | 297 | |||
User-centric design and evaluation of a semantic annotation model for scientific documents | 2014 | 689 | 546 | ||||
3D city models and urban information: current issues and perspectives - European COST Action TU0801 | 2014 | 886 | 1 430 | ||||
Opérateurs de gestion des alignements de ressources de connaissances hétérogènes | IC 2014 25es journées francophones de l'Ingénierie des Connaissances - Atelier SoWeDo'2014 "Des Sources Ouvertes au Web de Données" | 2014 | 671 | 125 | |||
Prototyping Information Visualization in 3D City Models: a Model-based Approach | 9th 3DGeoInfo Conference 2014 | 2014 | 694 | 1 082 | |||
Un modèle d'annotation sémantique centré sur les utilisateurs de documents scientifiques: cas d'utilisation dans les études genre | 25es journées francophones de l'Ingénierie des Connaissances IC 2014 | 2014 | 713 | 106 | |||
Modelling geographic relationships in automated environments | Abstracting Geographic Information in a Data Rich World: Methodologies and Applications of Map Generalisation | 2014 | 546 | 211 | |||
A user-centric model to semantically annotate and retrieve scientific documents | Data & knowledge engineering | 2013 | 644 | 2 | |||
Design and evaluation of a semantic enrichment process for bibliographic databases | Data & knowledge engineering | 2013 | 580 | 1 | |||
A meta-model and ontology for managing heterogenous alignment resources : International Conferences on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 17-20 November 2013, Workshop Proceedings | 2013 | 517 | 2 | ||||
Une ontologie de techniques de visualisation d'informations : application aux modèles urbains 3D enrichis | Conférence : 24es journées francophones d'ingénierie des connaissances | 2013 | 728 | 92 | |||
Méthodologie de construction d'outil d'aide à la décision pour le choix de techniques d'alignement à travers les évaluations | Actes des 23es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances - IC 2012 | 2012 | 803 | 144 | |||
Towards an Integrated Visualization of Semantically Enriched 3D City Models: an Ontology of 3D Visualization Techniques | 3D Issues in Urban and Environmental Systems | 2012 | 632 | 215 | |||
Spatial relations and properties for semantically enhanced 3D city models | 3D Issues in Urban and Environmental Systems | 2012 | 613 | 105 | |||
Semantic alignment of documents with 3D city models | Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models – European COST Action TU0801 2012 | 2012 | 808 | 310 | |||
Towards an ontology based large repository for managing heterogeneous knowledge resources | Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Exploiting Large Knowledge Repositories (E-LKR'12) Collocated with SEPLN 2012 Conference | 2012 | 616 | 108 | |||
An ontology of 3D visualization techniques for enriched 3D city models | Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models | 2012 | 965 | 550 | |||
Towards a typology of spatial relations and properties for urban applications | Usage, Usability, and Utility of 3D City Models – European COST Action TU0801 | 2012 | 587 | 270 | |||
New trends for reading scientific documents | 2011 | 665 | 5 | ||||
Opérations sur des ressources hétérogènes dans un entrepôt de données à base d'ontologie | Actes de la 4e édition des journées francophones sur les ontologies | 2011 | 1 060 | 411 | |||
Transformation of a Keyword Indexed Collection into a Semantic Repository: Applicability to the Urban Domain | Research and Advanced Technology for Digital Libraries - International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2011 | 2011 | 736 | 285 | |||
Testing the Usability of Information Visualization Techniques in Interactive 3D Virtual Environments: a Toolkit | Proceedings of IADIS International Conference Interfaces and Human Computer Interaction 2010 | 2010 | 1 067 | 708 | |||
Ontology Learning from Thesauri: An Experience in the Urban Domain | Ontology Theory, Management and Design: Advanced Tools and Models | 2010 | 509 | 1 | |||
Modèle d'entrepôt de ressources hétérogènes pour le traitement sémantique des documents | Document numérique | 2010 | 697 | 351 | |||
myClass: A Mature Tool for Patent Classification | Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access Evaluation - Proceedings International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2010 | 2010 | 689 | 86 | |||
Incremental development of a shared urban ontology: the Urbamet experience | ITcon Journal of Information Technology in Construction | 2010 | 598 | 480 | |||
TOK : une ontologie de ressources linguistiques, terminologiques et ontologiques | Actes des 21es Journées Francophones d'Ingénierie des Connaissances - IC 2010 | 2010 | 610 | 117 | |||
FlexIR: a Domain-Specific Information Retrieval System | Polibits | 2009 | 633 | 236 | |||
A language and a methodology for prototyping user interfaces for control systems | Human Machine Interaction. Research results of the MMI program | 2009 | 749 | 1 326 | |||
Specifying the Representation of Non-geometric Information in 3D Virtual Environments | Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction. Part II: Novel Interaction Methods and Techniques | 2009 | 941 | 1 127 | |||
Towards semantically enriched 3D city models: an ontology-based approach | Proceeding GeoWeb 2009 Academic Track – Cityscapes - International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences | 2009 | 723 | 608 | |||
Une infrastructure d'évaluation pour des techniques de représentation de l'information non-géométrique dans les environnements virtuels 3D | IHM'09 Proceedings of the 21st International Conference of Association Francophone d'Interaction Homme-Machine | 2009 | 958 | 640 | |||
Analysis of Word Sense Disambiguation-Based Information Retrieval | Proceedings 9th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum, CLEF 2008 - Evaluating Systems for Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access | 2009 | 812 | 432 | |||
Semantic Enrichment of Scene Graphs for Task Based Adaptation in 3D User Interfaces: A Proposal | 2008 | 716 | 81 | ||||
Free software, proprietary software and linguistic justice | Intellectual Property and Theories of Justice | 2008 | 575 | 88 | |||
Description Logics-Based Modelling for Precise Information Retrieval | Proceedings of the 21st International Workshop on Description Logics (DL-2008) | 2008 | 609 | 185 | |||
Description Logic to Model a Domain Specific Information Retrieval System | Proceedings Database and Expert Systems Applications: 19th International Conference - DEXA 2008 | 2008 | 714 | 216 | |||
La relation éthique-plagiat dans la réalisation des travaux personnels par les étudiants | 2008 | 1 869 | 1 825 | ||||
UNIGE Experiments on Robust Word Sense Disambiguation | Working Notes for CLEF 2008 Workshop co-located with the 12th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL 2008) | 2008 | 614 | 87 | |||
Un modèle et une algèbre pour les systèmes de gestion d'ontologies | Actes de conférence Extraction et gestion des connaissances EGC'2008 - Volume 2 | 2008 | 617 | 79 | |||
An Ontology-based Model for Urban Planning Communication | Ontologies for Urban Development | 2007 | 721 | 3 | |||
Ontologies for the Integration of Air Quality Models and 3D City Models | Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on Urban Ontologies for an Improved Communication in Urban Civil Engineering Projects | 2007 | 915 | 767 | |||
Contextual Ontologies: Motivations, Challenges and Solutions | Proceeding of the 4th Biennial International Conference on Advances in Information Systems - ADVIS 2006 | 2006 | 728 | 667 | |||
Ontology-based multilingual information retrieval | Working Notes in Multilingual Textual Document Retrieval Track - 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum - CLEF 2005 - Accessing Multilingual Information Repositories | 2006 | 634 | 162 | |||
Combining Textual and Visual Ontologies to Solve Medical Multimodal Queries | Proceedings of the 2006 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo - ICME 2006 | 2006 | 660 | 285 | |||
Conceptual Indexing for Multilingual Information Retrieval | 6th Workshop of the Cross-Language Evalution Forum, CLEF 2005, Revised Selected Papers | 2006 | 313 | 0 | |||
Integrating Semi-formal Knowledge Organization Structures | 5th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) - 10th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) | 2006 | 652 | 58 | |||
Using External Knowledge to Solve Multi-Dimensional Queries | Proceedings of the 13th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ISPE CE 2006) Leading the Web in Concurrent Engineering | 2006 | 622 | 75 | |||
BATIC3S Project : Document collection 2005-2006 | 2006 | 534 | 698 | ||||
Integrating urban knowledge into 3D city models | Proceeding of the 1st International Workshop on Next Generation 3D City Models | 2006 | 555 | 147 | |||
Construire un moteur d'indexation | Ingénierie des systèmes d information | 2006 | 704 | 476 | |||
A Specification Language and System for the Three-Dimensional Visualisation of Knowledge Bases | 12th International Workshop, DSVIS 2005 - Interactive Systems: Design, Specification, and Verification | 2006 | 602 | 397 | |||
Ontologies and Ontology Mapping for Supporting Student Assessment in an Advanced Learning System | 17th annual AACE World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia & Telecommunications - ED-MEDIA 2005 | 2005 | 797 | 131 | |||
Augmented Hyperbooks through Conceptual Integration | Proceedings of the sixteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia HYPERTEXT '05 | 2005 | 661 | 1 005 | |||
Building Virtual Documents by Integrating Hyperbooks | 4th European Networked Knowledge Organization Systems (NKOS) - 9th European Conference on Digital Libraries (ECDL) | 2005 | 561 | 101 | |||
Spécification des interfaces 3D pour la visualisation des bases de connaissances | Actes du XXIIIème Congrès Informatique des Organisations et Systèmes d'Information et de Décision - INFORSID 2005 | 2005 | 596 | 132 | |||
Utilisation des ontologies dans les environnements d'écriture collaborative d'hyperlivres, expériences et perspectives | Sciences et technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'éducation et la formation | 2004 | 639 | 264 | |||
Integration of Hyperbooks into the Semantic Web | Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Semantic Web for E-Learning (SW-EL'04): Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-Learning session at the 3rd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC 2004) | 2004 | 671 | 1 083 | |||
Towards digital libraries of virtual hyperbooks | Proceedings of the fifteenth ACM conference on Hypertext and hypermedia - HYPERTEXT '04 | 2004 | 705 | 267 | |||
Intégration d'ontologies pour l'accès à une bibliothèque d'hyperlivres virtuels | 14ème congrès francophone AFRIF-AFIA reconnaissance des formes et intelligence artificielle - RFIA 2004 | 2004 | 542 | 96 | |||
A Virtual Hyperbooks Model to Support Collaborative Learning | Supplementary Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education - AIED 2003 - Volume X: Workshop on Technologies for Electronic Documents for Supporting Learning | 2003 | 599 | 85 | |||
Facilitating Communication between Languages and Cultures: A Computerized Interface and Knowledge Base | International Conference on the Convergence of Knowledge, Culture, Language and Information Technologies - CONVERGENCES '03 | 2003 | 595 | 64 | |||
Design and Analysis of Active Hypertext Views on Databases | Information Modeling for Internet Applications | 2003 | 655 | 272 | |||
A Framework to Specify Hypertext Interfaces for Ontology Engineering | Workshop on Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories of the Proceedings of the 18th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence - IJCAI | 2003 | 608 | 95 | |||
A Model for the Collaborative Design of Multi Point-of-View Terminological Knowledge Bases | Knowledge Management and Organizational Memories | 2002 | 627 | 234 | |||
Design and Analysis of Virtual Museums | Museums and the Web 2001, 5th international conference about culture and heritage online: The Web as a Fact of Museum Life | 2001 | 653 | 119 | |||
Learning by Creating Multipoint of View Scientific Hyperbooks | First European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning Euro-CSCL 2001 in: European Perspectives on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning | 2001 | 632 | 79 | |||
Content and Interface Models for Multi Point of View Scientific Hyperbooks | 2001 | 587 | 416 | ||||
Navigation hypertexte dans une ontologie multi-points de vue | 2ème conférence internationale sur la maîtrise des systèmes complexes et la relation homme-système: Relation Homme-Système : complexe ? - NîmesTIC'2001 | 2001 | 656 | 136 | |||
Conflict Resolution in the Collaborative Design of Terminological Knowledge Bases | Proceedings of the 12th International Conference - EKAW 2000 - Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management Methods, Models, and Tools | 2000 | 655 | 418 | |||
Hypertext view update problem | 2000 | 712 | 967 | ||||
Monographies scientifiques évolutives multi-points de vue | Proceedings of the International Conference Systems Engineering and Information & Communication Technology - NîmesTIC'2000 | 2000 | 704 | 89 | |||
Des documents virtuels pour lire les bases de données | 11ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine - Actes de l'atelier Documents virtuels personnalisables - IHM'99 | 1999 | 593 | 76 | |||
Reusing Dynamic Document Fragment through Virtual Documents: Key Issues In Document Engineering | 11ème conférence francophone sur l'Interaction Homme-Machine - Actes de l'atelier Documents virtuels personnalisables - IHM'99 | 1999 | 583 | 89 | |||
Active hypertext views on databases | 1999 | 671 | 82 | ||||
Languages and Tools to Specify Hypertext Views on Databases | International Workshop WebDB'98 The World Wide Web and Databases | 1998 | 721 | 451 | |||
Generating Hypertext Views on Databases | Actes du 14ème Congrès INFORSID - Systèmes d'information, multimédia et systèmes à base de connaissance | 1996 | 722 | 257 | |||
Contexts and Composite Objects | Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Systems Research Informatics and Cybernetics | 1995 | 570 | 107 | |||
Evolution Features of the F2 OODBMS | Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Database Systems for Advanced Applications - DASFAA'95 | 1995 | 673 | 104 | |||
F2Concept, a Database System for Managing Classes' Extensions and Intensions | Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases V: Principles and Formal Techniques | 1994 | 677 | 113 | |||
Concept bases: A support to information systems integration | Proceedings of the 6th International Conference CAiSE'94 - Advanced Information Systems Engineering | 1994 | 755 | 504 | |||
F2: An Evolution Oriented Database System | 1993 | 723 | 173 | ||||
Six Spaces for Global Information Systems Design | Proceedings of the IFIP TC8/WG8.1 Working Conference on the Object Oriented Approach in Information Systems | 1991 | 687 | 126 | |||
ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language | Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases | 1986 | 702 | 143 |