Supervised works
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1 - 346 of 346
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Passive Intestinal Absorption of Representative Plant Secondary Metabolites: A Physicochemical StudyPlanta medica
2017 597 4
HDM-PAMPA to predict gastrointestinal absorption, binding percentage, equilibrium and kinetics constants with human serum albumin and using 2 end-point measurementsEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2017 541 2
Prediction of the Passive Intestinal Absorption of Medicinal Plant Extract Constituents with the Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeability Assay (PAMPA)Planta medica
2016 532 4
Normal phase HPLC-based activity profiling of non-polar crude plant extracts - acetylcholinesterase inhibiting guttiferones from Montrouziera cauliflora as a case studyNatural Product Research
2016 252 0
Inhibition screening method of microsomal UGTs using the cocktail approachEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2015 540 0
Modification of a PAMPA model to predict passive gastrointestinal absorption and plasma protein bindingEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2015 601 0
Computational Studies on Sirtuins from Trypanosoma cruzi: Structures, Conformations and Interactions with PhytochemicalsPLoS neglected tropical diseases
2014 616 262
Predicting both passive intestinal absorption and the dissociation constant toward albumin using the PAMPA techniqueEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2014 650 4
Isolation and biological activity of compounds from Garcinia preussiiPharmaceutical biology
2014 613 0
Antifungals and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors from the stem bark of Croton heliotropiifoliusPhytochemistry letters
2014 496 1
Aurones as histone deacetylase inhibitors: identification of key featuresBioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters
2014 476 2
cIEF for rapid pKa determination of small molecules: A proof of conceptEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2014 603 1
Analytical Strategy to Characterize Drug–Plasma Interactions: From High Throughput to In-depth AnalysisChimia
2013 609 1
Global analytical strategy to measure drug–plasma protein interactions: from high-throughput to in-depth analysisDrug discovery today
2013 685 0
High performance affinity chromatography (HPAC) as a high-throughput screening tool in drug discovery to study drug–plasma protein interactionsJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2013 666 2
New high throughput screening method for drug release measurementsEuropean Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics
2013 447 0
Comparison of various silica-based monoliths for the analysis of large biomoleculesJournal of separation science
2013 596 0
HDAC6 as a target for neurodegenerative diseases: what makes it different from the other HDACs?Molecular neurodegeneration
2013 639 382
Anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of Diospyros bipindensis (Gürke) extracts and its main constituentsJournal of ethnopharmacology
2013 777 1
Unsymmetrical binding modes of HOPNO inhibitor of tyrosinase: From model complexes to the enzymeChemistry
2013 823 1
Large, chemically diverse dataset of logP measurements for benchmarking studiesEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2013 669 0
Antioxidant potential and radical scavenging effects of flavonoids from the leaves of Psidium cattleianum grown in French PolynesiaNatural product research
2012 509 0
Synthesis physicochemical profile and PAMPA study of new NO-donor edaravone co-drugsBioorganic & medicinal chemistry
2012 574 0
Characterization of drug-protein interactions by capillary electrophoresis hyphenated to mass spectrometryElectrophoresis
2012 625 1
Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography for Crude Plant Extract ProfilingJournal of AOAC International
2011 701 7
Biarylmethoxy isonipecotanilides as potent and selctive inhibitors of blood coagulation facture XaEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2011 527 0
The permeability P-glycoprotein: a focus on enantioselectivity and brain distributionExpert opinion on drug metabolism & toxicology
2010 596 0
Stereoselective block of hERG channel by bupivacaine scrutinized at molecular levelChimia
2010 578 471
Improvement of a capillary electrophoresis/frontal analysis (CE/FA) method for determining binding constants: Discussion on relevant parametersJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2010 643 0
Advances in LC platforms for drug discoveryExpert opinion on drug discovery
2010 614 0
Stereoselective inhibition of the hERG1 potassium channelFrontiers in pharmacology
2010 528 169
Drug-protein binding: a critical review of analytical toolsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2010 605 1,227
Physicochemical profile and in vitro permeation behavior of a new class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug candidatesEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2010 561 0
High-throughput log P determination by MEEKC coupled with UV and MS detectionsElectrophoresis
2010 647 0
Molecular electrocatalysis for oxygen reduction by cobalt porphyrins adsorbed at liquid/liquid interfacesJournal of the American Chemical Society
2010 643 0
In vitro blood brain barrier models as a screening tool for colloidal drug delivery systems and other nanosystemsInternational journal of biomedical nanoscience and nanotechnology
2010 1,096 1,123
Entacapone and tolcapone, two catechol O-methyltransferase inhibitors, block fibril formation of alpha-synuclein and beta-amyloid and protect against amyloid-induced toxicityThe Journal of biological chemistry
2010 472 0
Standard machine learning algorithms applied to UPLC-TOF/MS metabolic fingerprinting for the discovery of wound biomarkers in Arabidopsis thalianaChemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems
2010 640 0
In silico tools and in vitro HTS approaches to determine lipophilicity during the drug discovery processHit and Lead Profiling
2009 503 0
Rapid log P determination of natural products in crude plant extracts from UHPLC-TOF-MS profiling data - an additional parameter for dereplication and bioavailabilityPlanta medica
2009 629 325
Antioxidant Phenylethanoid Glycosides and a Neolignan from Jacaranda caucanaJournal of natural products
2009 575 0
QSAR analysis and molecular modeling of ABCG2-specific inhibitorsAdvanced drug delivery reviews
2009 575 0
A 3D linear solvation energy model to quantify the affinity of flavonoid derivatives toward P-glycoproteinEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2009 590 6
Lipophilicity determination of highly lipophilic compounds by liquid chromatographyChemistry & biodiversity
2009 525 2
Antioxidant profiling of new chemical entities from synthetic and natural originPlanta medica
2009 535 0
Olive phenols efficiently inhibit the oxidation of serum albumin-bound linoleic acid and butyrylcholine esteraseBiochimica et biophysica acta. G, General subjects
2009 578 0
A fast screening strategy for characterizing peptide delivery by transdermal iontophoresisJournal of controlled release
2009 657 4
Lipophilicity of basic drugs measured by hydrophilic interaction chromatographyJournal of medicinal chemistry
2009 572 0
Monoamine oxidase inhibition by Rhodiola rosea L. rootsJournal of ethnopharmacology
2009 633 3
Metabolite profiling of plant extracts by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography at elevated temperature coupled to time-of-flight mass spectrometryJournal of chromatography
2009 536 0
Fast log P determination by ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography coupled with UV and mass spectrometry detectionsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2009 703 293
Breast cancer resistance protein (BCRP/ABCG2): new inhibitors and QSAR studies by a 3D linear solvation energy approachEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2009 775 0
Edaravone derivatives containing NO-donor functionsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2009 574 0
Analytical tools for the physicochemical profiling of drug candidates to predict absorption/distributionAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2009 666 415
Optimized liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry approach for the isolation of minor stress biomarkers in plant extracts and their identification by capillary nuclear magnetic resonanceJournal of chromatography
2008 667 0
High-throughput log P determination by ultraperformance liquid chromatography: a convenient tool for medicinal chemistsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2008 580 1
Covalent modifications of antitetanus F(ab')2 fragments with natural and synthetic polyamines and their effects on the antibody endocytosis in cultured HL60 cellsBioconjugate chemistry
2008 566 0
Stereoselective block of hERG channel by (S)-methadone and QT interval prolongation in CYP2B6 slow metabolizer: Evidence of a safer cardiac profile of (R)-methadonePharmacopsychiatry
2008 617 0
Chromatographic approaches for measuring log PMolecular drug properties: measurement and prediction
2008 630 0
The PAMPA technique as a HTS tool for partition coefficients determination in different solvent/water systemsEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2008 623 5
Structure-antioxidant activity relationships in a series of NO-donor phenolsChemMedChem
2008 605 0
Xanthones from Gentianella amarella ssp. acuta with acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidase inhibitory activitiesJournal of natural products
2008 489 0
In vitro screening assays to identify natural or synthetic acetylcholinesterase inhibitors: thin layer chromatography versus microplate methodsEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2008 684 0
Physicochemical Profiling of Sartans: Detailed Study of Ionisation Constants and Distribution CoefficientsHelvetica chimica acta
2008 605 0
Antimitotic and antiproliferative activities of chalcones: forward structure-activity relationshipJournal of medicinal chemistry
2008 602 0
High throughput UV method for the estimation of thermodynamic solubility and the determination of the solubility in biorelevant mediaEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2008 584 0
Highlights of Analytical Chemistry in Switzerland: Plant Metabolomics – Strategies for Biomarker Detection, Isolation, and IdentificationChimia
2008 667 0
Antioxidant C-Glucosylxanthones from the leaves of Arrabidaea patellifera (Bignoniaceae)Journal of natural products
2008 535 0
Isolation and quantification by high-performance liquid chromatography-ion-trap mass spectrometry of androgen sulfoconjugates in human urineJournal of chromatography
2008 495 2
UPLC-TOF-MS for plant metabolomics. A powerful tool for discriminating stress states in plants and detecting low level wound-biomarkersAmerican laboratory
2008 564 0
UPLC-TOF-MS for plant metabolomics: a sequential approach for wound marker analysis in Arabidopsis thalianaJournal of chromatography. B
2008 609 0
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase and acetylcholinesterase by Rhodiola rosea LPlanta medica
2008 568 0
In silico and in vitro filters for the fast estimation of skin permeation and distribution of new chemical entitiesJournal of medicinal chemistry
2007 582 3
Physicochemical Models for Drug AbsorptionEuropean School of Medicinal Chemistry : XXVII Advanced Course of Medicinal Chemistry
2007 97 27
Development of a two-step screening ESI-TOF-MS method for rapid determination of significant stress-induced metabolome modifications in plant leaf extracts: the wound response in Arabidopsis thaliana as a case studyJournal of separation science
2007 540 2
Multivariate data analysis of rapid LC-TOF/MS experiments from Arabidopsis thaliana stressed by woundingChemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems
2007 628 1
Novel screening assay for antioxidant protection against peroxyl radical-induced loss of protein functionJournal of pharmaceutical sciences
2007 598 0
Rapid determination of pK (a) values of 20 amino acids by CZE with UV and capacitively coupled contactless conductivity detectionsAnalytical & bioanalytical chemistry
2007 538 358
NO-donor melatonin derivatives: synthesis and in vitro pharmacological characterizationJournal of pineal research
2007 550 0
NO-donor COX-2 inhibitors. New nitrooxy-substituted 1,5-diarylimidazoles endowed with COX-2 inhibitory and vasodilator propertiesJournal of medicinal chemistry
2007 407 1
Stereoselective block of hERG channel by (S)-methadone and QT interval prolongation in CYP2B6 slow metabolizersClinical pharmacology and therapeutics
2007 562 2
Ferulenol specifically inhibits succinate ubiquinone reductase at the level of the ubiquinone cycleBiochemical and biophysical research communications
2007 563 1
Quantitative structure-permeation relationship for iontophoretic transport across the skinJournal of controlled release
2007 557 0
Immobilized pH gradient gel cell to study the pH dependence of drug lipophilicityAnalytical chemistry
2006 586 1
Development of an in vitro rat intestine segmental perfusion model to investigate permeability and predict oral fraction absorbedPharmaceutical research
2006 577 222
Impact of species-dependent differences on screening, design, and development of MAO B inhibitorsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2006 571 0
Parallel artificial membrane permeability assay: a new membrane for the fast prediction of passive human skin permeabilityJournal of medicinal chemistry
2006 546 0
The lipophilicity behavior of three catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) inhibitors and simple analoguesHelvetica chimica acta
2006 537 0
Structure-permeation relationships for the non-invasive transdermal delivery of cationic peptides by iontophoresisEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2006 611 0
A study of interlaboratory influence on column evaluationJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
2005 488 0
Experimental and virtual physicochemical and pharmacokinetic profiling of new chemical entitiesChimia
2005 573 0
Human recombinant monoamine oxidase B as reliable and efficient enzyme source for inhibitor screeningBioorganic & medicinal chemistry
2005 516 0
Synergy at the 'Ecole de Pharmacie Geneve-Lausannel': Methodology developments for the treatment of complex metabolomic datasets with data miningChimia
2005 555 295
Numerical simulation of two-phase partition chromatography in microchannels for moderated log P measurementsJournal of chromatography
2005 564 0
The medicinal chemist's dream: Faster design of better and safer drug candidatesChimia
2005 551 0
Influence of lipophilicity and stereochemistry at the C-7 position on the cardioprotective and antioxidant effect of ginkgolides during rat heart ischemia and reperfusionDrug development research
2005 497 3
Novel RPLC stationary phases for lipophilicity measurement: solvatochromic analysis of retention mechanisms for neutral and basic compoundsJournal of separation science
2005 601 0
Identification of novel multifunctional compounds for the treatment of some aging related neurodegenerative diseasesChimia
2005 516 0
Ecole de Pharmacie Geneve-Lausanne: A novel center of excellence in GenevaChimia
2005 369 0
Fast determination of lipophilicity by HPLCChromatographia
2005 578 1
Determination of pKa values by capillary zone electrophoresis with a dynamic coating procedureJournal of separation science
2005 553 0
A comparison of the solvation properties of 2-nitrophenyloctyl ether, nitrobenzene, and n-octanol as assessed by ion transfer experimentsThe journal of physical chemistry. B
2004 600 0
Imidazole H3-antagonists: relationship between structure and ex vivo binding to rat brain H3-receptorsEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2004 611 0
Liposome/water lipophilicity: methods, information content, and pharmaceutical applicationsMedicinal research reviews
2004 509 2
Screening of non-alkaloidal natural compounds as acetylcholinesterase inhibitorsChemistry & biodiversity
2004 557 0
D-LogP: an alignment-free 3D description of local lipophilicity for QSAR studiesMethods in molecular biology
2004 495 0
Quantitative structure-permeation relationships (QSPeRs) to predict skin permeation: a critical evaluationPharmaceutical research
2004 535 0
Fluoride curcumin derivatives: new mitochondrial uncoupling agentsFEBS letters
2004 669 1
Analysis of basic compounds at high pH values by reversed-phase liquid chromatographyJournal of separation science
2004 586 0
A graphical similarity function to help ligand docking to proteins based on the molecular lipophilicity potential : the case of the D2 dopamine receptorInternet electronic journal of molecular design
2004 244 51
Stabilization of the hydrophilic sphere of iobitridolBritish journal of radiology
2003 506 0
Solvatochromic analysis of partition coefficients in the o-nitrophenyl octyl ether (o-NPOE)/water systemHelvetica chimica acta
2003 561 0
Immobilized artificial membrane HPLC in drug researchJournal of medicinal chemistry
2003 544 1
Drug racemization and its significance in pharmaceutical researchEnantiomer
2003 558 0
Partition coefficients of ionizable compounds in o-nitrophenyl octyl ether/water measured by the potentiometric methodAnalytical chemistry
2003 508 0
An effective tool for column evaluation in the analysis of basic compoundsChimia
2003 561 0
Standard partition coefficients of anionic drugs in the n-octanol/water system determined by voltammetry at three-phase electrodesPCCP. Physical chemistry chemical physics
2003 521 0
Water-oil partition profiling of ionized drug molecules using cyclic voltammetry and a 96-well microfilter plate systemPharmaceutical research
2003 455 1
Synthesis and three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship analysis of H3 receptor antagonists containing a neutral heterocyclic polar groupDrug design and discovery
2003 712 0
Natural and synthetic geiparvarins are strong and selective MAO-B inhibitors. Synthesis and SAR studiesBioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters
2002 620 0
The Hydrogen-Bond: computational approaches and applications to drug designAnnales pharmaceutiques françaises
2002 498 0
Exploration of the pharmacophore of 3-alkyl-5-arylimidazolidinediones as new CB1 cannabinoid receptor ligands and potential antagonists: Synthesis, lipophilicity, affinity, and molecular modeling : additions and correctionsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2002 508 0
Theoretical and experimental exploration of the lipophilicity of zwitterionic drugs in the 1,2-dichloroethane/water systemPharmaceutical research
2002 492 0
Protein protection by antioxidants: Development of a convenient assay and structure-activity relationships of natural polyphenolsHelvetica chimica acta
2002 483 0
Exploration of the pharmacophore of 3-alkyl-5-arylimidazolidinediones as new CB(1) cannabinoid receptor ligands and potential antagonists: synthesis, lipophilicity, affinity, and molecular modelingJournal of medicinal chemistry
2002 548 0
Cyclic voltammetry of highly hydrophilic ions at a supported liquid membraneJournal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
2002 607 0
Immobilized artificial membrane liquid chromatography: proposed guidelines for technical optimization of retention measurementsJournal of chromatography
2002 545 0
Recognition forces involved in mitochondrial binding to a low-affinity trimetazidine binding site related to anti-ischemic activityBiochemical pharmacology
2002 600 0
Characterization of chromatographic supports for the analysis of basic compoundsJournal of separation science
2002 562 1
Structural properties governing retention mechanisms on immobilized artificial membrane (IAM) HPLC columnsHelvetica chimica acta
2002 571 0
Molecular factors influencing retention on immobilized artifical membranes (IAM) compared to partitioning in liposomes and n-octanolPharmaceutical research
2002 436 0
A simple model to predict blood-brain barrier permeation from 3D molecular fieldsBiochimica et biophysica acta
2002 578 0
Lipophilicity and solvation of anionic drugsChemistry
2002 595 0
The relative partitioning of neutral and ionised compounds in sodium dodecyl sulfate micelles measured by micellar electrokinetic capillary chromatographyEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
2002 597 0
Quantitative structure-permeation relationships for solute transport across silicone membranesPharmaceutical research
2002 455 0
Molecular hydrogen-bonding potentials (MHBPs) in structure-permeation relationsPharmacokinetic optimization in drug research: Biological, physicochemical and computational strategies
2001 575 0
Structural damage to proteins caused by free radicals: asessment, protection by antioxidants, and influence of protein bindingBiochemical pharmacology
2001 424 0
Molecular-dynamics and NMR investigation of the property space of the zwitterionic antihistamine cetirizineHelvetica chimica acta
2001 612 1
Interaction of psychotropic drugs with monoamine oxidase in rat brainJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
2001 511 0
Coumarins derivatives as dual inhibitors of acetylcholinesterase and monoamine oxidaseJournal of medicinal chemistry
2001 545 0
Natural and synthetic xanthones as monoamine oxidase inhibitors: Biological assay and 3D-QSARHelvetica chimica acta
2001 572 0
Generalization of ionic partition diagrams to lipophilic compounds and to biphasic systems with variable phase volume ratiosJournal of the American Chemical Society
2001 540 0
Lipophilicity behaviour of the Zwitterionic antihistamine cetirizine in phosphatidylcholine liposomes/water systemsPharmaceutical research
2001 580 0
The apparent lipophilicity of quaternary ammonium ions is influenced by galvani potential difference, not ion-pairing: a cyclic voltammetry studyPharmaceutical research
2001 536 0
Novel basic isoflavones as inhibitors of bone resorptionHelvetica chimica acta
2001 519 0
VolSurf and its application in structure-disposition relationshipsPlanta medica
2001 451 0
Ionic partition diagram of the zwitterionic antihistamine cetirizineHelvetica chimica acta
2001 617 0
The esterase-like activity of serum albumin may be due to cholinesterase contaminationPharmaceutical research
2001 563 0
Development of molecular hydrogen-bonding potentials (MHBPs) and their application to structure-permeation relationsJournal of molecular graphics & modelling
2001 483 0
Physicochemical characterization of sildenafil: Ionization, lipophilicity behavior, and ionic-partition diagram sturdied by two-phase titration and electrochemistryHelvetica chimica acta
2000 649 0
Molecular fields in quantitative structure-permeation relationships: the VolSurf approachJournal of molecular structure. Theochem
2000 750 0
Predicting blood-brain barrier permeation from three-dimensional molecular structureJournal of medicinal chemistry
2000 574 0
Lipophilicity and related molecular properties as determinants of pharmacokinetic behaviourChimia
2000 518 0
The influence of lipophilicity on the pharmacokinetic behavior of drugs: Concepts and examplesPerspectives in drug discovery and design
2000 509 0
Reversible inhibition of MAO-A and B by diazoheterocyclic compounds: Development of QSAR/CoMFA modelsHelvetica chimica acta
2000 532 0
[Chirality and drugs]Annales pharmaceutiques françaises
2000 422 0
Inhibition of monoamine oxidases by functionalized coumarin derivatives: biological activities, QSARs, and 3D-QSARsJournal of medicinal chemistry
2000 593 0
Very slow chiral inversion of clopidogrel in rats: a pharmacokinetic and mechanistic investigationDrug metabolism and disposition
2000 619 0
Monoamine oxidase inhibitor properties of some benzazoles: structure-activity relationshipsAAPS PharmSci
1999 492 0
Ionic partition diagrams of ionisable drugs: pH-lipophilicity profiles, transfer mechanisms and charge effects on solvationJournal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
1999 613 0
Production and characterization of 22 monoclonal antibodies directed against S 20499, a new potent 5-HT1A chiral agonist: influence of the hapten structure on specificity and stereorecognitionPharmaceutical research
1999 557 0
Effects of charge and intramolecular structure on the lipophilicity of nitrophenolsJournal of the American Chemical Society
1999 481 0
Charge and delocalisation effects on the lipophilicity of protonable drugsChemistry
1999 572 0
Structure-property relationships in the basicity and lipophilicity of arylalkylamine oxidesHelvetica chimica acta
1999 497 0
The pH-partition profile of the anti-ischemic drug trimetazidine may explain its reduction of intracellular acidosisPharmaceutical research
1999 490 0
Evaluation and prediction of drug permeationJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
1999 596 0
Development of a capillary electrophoresis method to monitor protein oxidation and antioxidant protectionHelvetica chimica acta
1999 551 0
Structure-lipophilicity relationships of neutral and protonated beta-blockers Part I Intra- and intermolecular effects in isotropic solvent systemsHelvetica chimica acta
1999 484 0
Combined molecular lipophilicity descriptors and their role in understanding intramolecular effectsPharmaceutical science & technology today
1999 556 0
Origin of the stereoselectivity in (ethoxycarbonyl)-, cyano-, and phenyl-substituted (arylsulfinyl)methyl radicalsHelvetica chimica acta
1998 510 0
Mechanisms of liposomes/water partitioning of (p-methylbenzyl)alkylaminesPharmaceutical research
1998 494 0
Theoretical parameters to characterize antioxidants - Part 2 - The cases of melatonin and carvedilolHelvetica chimica acta
1998 536 0
Evidence for the existence of [3H]-trimetazidine binding sites involved in the regulation of the mitochondrial permeability transition poreBritish journal of pharmacology
1998 532 0
Ligand specificity of the genetic variants of human alpha1-acid glycoprotein: generation of a three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationship model for drug binding to the A variantMolecular pharmacology
1998 513 0
Molecular properties and pharmacokinetic behavior of cetirizine, a zwitterionic H1-receptor antagonistJournal of medicinal chemistry
1998 634 0
Chiral inversion and hydrolysis of thalidomide: mechanisms and catalysis by bases and serum albumin, and chiral stability of teratogenic metabolitesHelvetica chimica acta
1998 636 0
Isoquinoline derivatives as endogenous neurotoxins in the aetiology of Parkinson's diseaseBiochemical pharmacology
1998 586 0
Structure-property relationships of trimetazidine derivatives and model compounds as potential antioxidantsFree radical biology & medicine
1998 609 0
Intrinsic and intramolecular lipophilicity effects in O-glucuronidesHelvetica chimica acta
1998 510 1
Synthesis, biological activity and molecular modelling of the 53-54 ketomethylene analogue of HEL(52-61)Protein and peptide letters
1998 516 0
Mechanism and dynamics of methyl and ethyl orange transfer across the water/1,2-dichloroethane interfaceElectrochimica acta
1998 608 0
Facilitated ion transfer reactions across oil/water interfaces - Part II. Use of the convoluted current for the calculation of the association constants and for an amperometric determination of the stoichiometry of MLjz+ complexesJournal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
1998 348 0
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase-B by condensed pyridazines and pyrimidines: Effects of lipophilicity and structure-activity relationshipsJournal of medicinal chemistry
1998 514 0
Molecular modeling of hen egg lysozyme HEL[52-61] peptide binding to I-A(k) MHC class II moleculeInternational immunology
1998 523 0
Facilitated ion transfer reactions across oil vertical bar water interfaces. Part I. Algebraic development and calculation of cyclic voltammetry experiments for successive complex formationJournal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
1998 538 0
Cyclic voltammetry for the transfer of multiple charged ions at large ITIES: General computational methodology and application to simple and facilitated ion transfer reactionsJournal of electroanalytical chemistry and interfacial electrochemistry
1997 540 0
Esterase-like activity of human serum albumin toward prodrug esters of nicotinic acidDrug metabolism and disposition
1997 518 0
The origin of the difference between the C-13 and O-17 shift behaviour of carbonyl compounds RCOX: Ab initio calculation of the shielding tensorsMagnetic resonance in chemistry
1997 462 0
Lipophilicity behavior of model and medicinal compounds containing a sulfide, sulfoxide, or sulfone moietyHelvetica chimica acta
1997 491 0
A systems approach to molecular structure, intermolecular recognition, and emergence-dissolvence in medicinal researchMedicinal research reviews
1997 565 0
Intermolecular forces expressed in 1,2-dichloroethane-water partition coefficients - A solvatochromic analysisJournal of the Chemical Society. Faraday transactions
1997 509 0
The racemization of enantiopure drugs: Helping medicinal chemists to approach the problemEnantiomer
1997 1,047 0
Pharmacokinetics of beta-adrenoceptor blockers in obese and normal volunteersBritish journal of clinical pharmacology
1997 579 0
Theoretical parameters to characterize antioxidants.1. The case of vitamin E and analogsHelvetica chimica acta
1997 536 1
H3-receptor antagonists: synthesis and structure-activity relationships of para- and meta-substituted 4(5)-phenyl-2-[[2-[4(5)-imidazolyl]ethyl]thio]imidazolesHelvetica chimica acta
1997 518 0
Blood-to-brain transfer of various oxicams: effects of plasma binding on their brain deliveryPharmaceutical research
1997 544 0
The molecular behaviour of cetirizineClinical and experimental allergy
1997 430 0
A cellular automata model of diffusion in aqueous systemsJournal of pharmaceutical sciences
1997 539 0
Lipophilicity Profiles of AmpholytesChemical reviews
1997 541 0
Solvatochromic analysis of di-n-butyl ether/water partition coefficients as compared to other solvent systemsJournal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions II
1997 555 0
Kinetics and mechanisms of racemization: 5-substituted hydantoins (=imidazolidine-2,4-diones) as models of chiral drugsHelvetica chimica acta
1996 513 0
Ionization and partitioning profiles of zwitterions: The case of the anti-inflammatory drug azapropazoneHelvetica chimica acta
1996 546 0
A cellular automata model of micelle formationPharmaceutical research
1996 476 0
A cellular automata model of enzyme kineticsPharmaceutical research
1996 546 0
Knowledge-based modeling of a legume lectin and docking of the carbohydrate ligand: the Ulex europaeus lectin I and its interaction with fucoseJournal of molecular graphics
1996 985 1
Trimetazidine reverses calcium accumulation and impairment of phosphorylation induced by cyclosporine A in isolated rat liver mitochondriaThe Journal of pharmacology and experimental therapeutics
1996 448 0
Binding of arylpiperazines, (aryloxy)propanolamines, and tetrahydropyridylindoles to the 5-HT1A receptor: contribution of the molecular lipophilicity potential to three-dimensional quantitative structure-affinity relationship modelsJournal of medicinal chemistry
1996 535 0
Diastereoselective radical alkylations of alkyl aryl sulfoxidesTetrahedron letters
1996 553 0
Toxicity to PC12 cells of isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridineNeuroscience letters
1996 572 0
Insight into the lipophilicity of the aromatic N-oxide moietyPharmaceutical research
1996 549 0
How do antibodies and lectins recognize histo-blood group antigens? A 3D-QSAR study by comparative molecular field analysis (CoMFA)Bioorganic & medicinal chemistry
1996 601 0
Transfer mechanism of ionic drugs: Piroxicam as an agent facilitating proton transferHelvetica chimica acta
1996 555 0
Nigral cell loss produced by infusion of isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridineNeurodegeneration
1996 570 0
Lipophilicity in molecular modelingPharmaceutical research
1996 469 0
Electrochemical behaviour and antioxidant activity of some natural polyphenolsHelvetica chimica acta
1996 515 0
NMR of terminal oxygen.17. Ab initio IGLO study of the high shielding of O (and C, N) in linear heteronuclear pi-systemsMagnetic resonance in chemistry
1996 474 0
Ionic partition diagrams: A Potential pH representationJournal of the American Chemical Society
1996 531 0
Effects of isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP) on mitochondrial respirationBiochemical pharmacology
1996 579 0
A continuous fluorimetric method to monitor the enzymatic hydrolysis of medicinal estersJournal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis
1996 494 0
Molecular lipophilicity potential (MLP) in drug design. Complementing theoretical tools with experimental resultsJournal de pharmacie de Belgique
1996 523 0
Mechanism of transfer of a basic drug across the water 1,2-dichloroethane interface: The case of quinidineHelvetica chimica acta
1996 519 0
Inhibition of [3H]dopamine uptake into striatal synaptosomes by isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridineBiochemical pharmacology
1996 568 0
Measurement of Partition-Coefficient Using Centrifugal Partition Chromatography - Method Development and Application to the Determination of Solute PropertiesAbstracts of papers - American Chemical Society
1995 557 0
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase by isoquinoline derivatives. Qualitative and 3D-quantitative structure-activity relationshipsBiochemical pharmacology
1995 517 0
Inhibition of complex I by isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)Biochemical pharmacology
1995 571 0
Structure-Lipophilicity and Structure-Polarity Relationships of Amino-Acids and PeptidesHelvetica chimica acta
1995 585 0
Inhibition of alpha-ketoglutarate dehydrogenase by isoquinoline derivatives structurally related to 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP)Neuroreport
1995 500 0
Low Configurational Stability of Amfepramone and Cathinone - Mechanism and Kinetics of Chiral InversionChirality
1995 617 0
A cellular automata model of the hydrophobic effectPharmaceutical research
1995 400 0
Esters of L-dopa: structure-hydrolysis relationships and ability to induce circling behaviour in an experimental model of hemiparkinsonismJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
1995 595 0
Mechanism of ligand binding to alpha 1-acid glycoprotein (orosomucoid): correlated thermodynamic factors and molecular parameters of polarityBiochemical journal
1995 504 0
Stabilization of the hydrophilic sphere of iobitridol, an iodinated contrast agent, as revealed by experimental and computational investigationsPharmaceutical research
1995 513 0
Inhibition of monoamine oxidase-B by 5H-indeno[1,2-c]pyridazines: biological activities, quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) and 3D-QSARsJournal of medicinal chemistry
1995 538 0
Additions et corrections : structure genotoxicity relationships of allylbenzenes and propenylbenzenes - A quantum-chemical StudyChemical research in toxicology
1995 506 0
Structure-affinity relationships of baclofen and 3-heteroaromatic analoguesBioorganic & medicinal chemistry
1995 563 0
Nmr of terminal oxygen.15. O-17 Nmr-spectra of the N+-O- group - tert-amine oxides R(3)N(+)O(-), nitrones -Hc=N+(-O-)-, azoxy derivatives -N=N+(-O-)-, nitrile oxides -C-N+-O- and related-compounds - shielding anisotropy in linear heteroatomar Pi-systemsMagnetic resonance in chemistry
1995 482 0
Structural-Properties Governing Retention Mechanisms on Rp-Hplc Stationary Phases Used for Lipophilicity MeasurementsJournal of liquid chromatography
1995 571 0
Racemization, Enantiomerization, Diastereomerization, and Epimerization - Their Meaning and Pharmacological SignificanceChirality
1995 925 0
X-ray crystal structure, partitioning behavior, and molecular modeling study of piracetam-type nootropics: insights into the pharmacophoreJournal of medicinal chemistry
1995 515 0
Microscopic Protonation Deprotonation Equilibria of the Antiinflammatory Agent PiroxicamHelvetica chimica acta
1995 467 0
Pi-facial diastereoselection in [4+2]-cycloadditions of 3,4-epoxy-2-methyleneoxolanes with oxadienes : a short synthesis of spiroketalsTetrahedron
1994 434 0
Solute water interactions in the organic-phase of a biphasic system.2. effects of organic-phase and temperature on the water-dragging effectJournal of physical chemistry
1994 520 0
Stereochemical study of the allylation of 1-phenylsulfinylethyl and 1-phenylsulfinyl-2,2,2-trifluoroethyl radicalsTetrahedron letters
1994 509 0
Lipophilicity and hydrogen-bonding capacity of H-1-antihistaminic agents in relation to their central sedative side-effectsEuropean journal of pharmaceutical sciences
1994 709 0
Molecular modeling in drug design : funny, futile, Or fertileChimia
1994 444 0
Structure-genotoxicity relationships of allylbenzenes and propenylbenzenes: a quantum chemical studyChemical research in toxicology
1994 555 1
Molecular lipophilicity potential, a tool in 3D QSAR: method and applicationsJournal of computer-aided molecular design
1994 592 0
The conformation-dependent lipophilicity of morphine glucuronides as calculated from their molecular lipophilicity potentialBioorganic & medicinal chemistry letters
1994 595 0
Chirality in drug research - stereomania, stereophobia, or stereophiliaChimia
1993 456 0
Physicochemical and structural-properties of nonsteroidal antiinflammatory oxicamsHelvetica chimica acta
1993 584 0
The optical resolution of bicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-5-Ene-2-cyanohydrins using brucine : a crystallographic and molecular-mechanics studyActa crystallographica. Section C, Crystal structure communications
1993 535 0
Influence of stereochemical factors on the partition-coefficient of diastereoisomers in a biphasic octan-1-Ol water-systemJournal of chemical research. Synopses
1993 489 0
Lipophilicity and hydrogen-bonding capacity : their role in drug-binding and dispositionChirality
1993 439 0
Solute water interactions in the organic-phase of a biphasic system.1. Structural influence of organic solutes on the water-dragging effectJournal of the American Chemical Society
1993 488 0
Enantiomeric resolution of sulfoxides on a Dach-Dnb chiral stationary-phase : a quantitative structure-enantioselective retention relationship (Qserr) studyChirality
1993 562 0
Measurement of partition-coefficients using centrifugal partition chromatography : method development and application to the determination of solute structural-propertiesAbstracts of papers - American Chemical Society
1993 455 0
Stereoselectivity of the radical reductive alkylation of enamines - importance of the allylic 1,3-strain modelHelvetica chimica acta
1993 548 0
Effects of Solvation on the Ionization and Conformation of Raclopride and Other Antidopaminergic 6-Methoxysalicylamides - Insight Into the Pharmacophore. [Erratum to document cited in CA118(7):51870w]Journal of medicinal chemistry
1993 579 0
Effects of solvation on the ionization and conformation of raclopride and other antidopaminergic 6-methoxysalicylamides: insight into the pharmacophoreJournal of medicinal chemistry
1993 537 0
Clinical-pharmacology of oxicams - new insights into the mechanisms of their dose-dependent toxicityInternational journal on tissue reactions
1993 530 0
The so-called "interconversion" of stereoisomeric drugs: an attempt at clarificationChirality
1993 558 0
Solvatochromic analysis of the retention mechanism of 2 novel stationary phases used for measuring lipophilicity by Rp-HplcJournal of liquid chromatography
1992 505 0
Octan-1-Ol-water partition-coefficients of zwitterionic alpha-amino-acids - determination by centrifugal partition chromatography and factorization into steric hydrophobic and polar componentsJournal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions II
1992 551 0
Conformational-analysis of alpha-methoxyketones : a photoelectron spectroscopic investigation of 3-Methoxybicyclo[2.2.1]Heptan-2-OnesTetrahedron
1992 491 0
Quantitative structure-metabolism relationship analyses of MAO-mediated toxication of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine and analoguesChemical research in toxicology
1992 518 0
Physicochemical properties and transport behavior of piribedil : considerations on its membrane-crossing potentialInternational journal of pharmaceutics
1992 488 0
Polar intermolecular interactions encoded in partition-coefficients :an indirect estimation of hydrogen-bond parameters of polyfunctional solutesJournal of physical chemistry
1992 532 0
The hydrogen-bonding of drugs : Its experimental-determination and role in pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamicsChirality
1992 520 0
A model for the stereoselectivity of radical mediated reductive alkylation of acyclic enaminesSynlett
1992 475 0
Electronic and Conformational Effects on the Lipophilicity of Isomers and Analogs of the Neurotoxin 1-Methyl-4-Phenylpyridinium (Mpp+)Helvetica chimica acta
1991 551 0
Structure lipophilicity relationships of zwitterionic amino-acidsJournal of the Chemical Society. Perkin transactions II
1991 557 0
Quantitative structure-affinity relationships of dopamine D2 receptor antagonists - a comparison between orthopramides and 6-methoxysalicylamidesHelvetica chimica acta
1991 532 0
Morphine 6-Glucuronide and Morphine 3-Glucuronide As Molecular Chameleons with Unexpected LipophilicityJournal of medicinal chemistry
1991 898 0
Ionization behavior and ionization-dependent conformation of raclopride, a dopamine-D2 receptor antagonistHelvetica chimica acta
1991 533 0
The structure of the molecular ion of allyl bromideInternational journal of mass spectrometry and ion processes
1991 517 0
Molecular electrostatic potentials for characterizing drug-biosystem interactionsMethods in enzymology
1991 527 0
Percutaneous penetration of drugs: a quantitative structure-permeability relationship studyJournal of pharmaceutical sciences
1991 484 0
Partitioning of solutes in different solvent systems: the contribution of hydrogen-bonding capacity and polarityJournal of pharmaceutical sciences
1991 502 0
Comparison of the Performances of the Gaussian and Cadpac-Abinitio Program Packages on Different ComputersChimia
1991 489 0
Toxication of MPTP (1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine) and analogs by monoamine oxidase. A structure-reactivity relationship studyBiochemical pharmacology
1990 500 0
Interaction Between Oxygen Lone-Pair Orbitals of Ether and Alpha,Beta-Unsaturated Ketone Functions in 3,5,6-Trimethylidene-7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]Heptan-2-One and 3,6-Dimethylidene-7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]Heptane-2,5-Dione - A Pe-Spectroscopic InvestigationHelvetica chimica acta
1990 443 0
Through-Bond Interactions of Beta-Carbonyl and Beta-Imine Lone Pairs with Cationic 2P Orbital - Quantum Calculations on Bicyclo[2.2.2]Oct-1-Yl Cation and DerivativesJournal of organic chemistry
1990 467 0
The MPTP story: MAO activates tetrahydropyridine derivatives to toxins causing parkinsonismDrug metabolism reviews
1990 472 0
Multivariate data analyses of QSAR parametersProgress in clinical and biological research
1989 476 0
Lipophilicity and conformational behaviour of substituted xanthinesProgress in clinical and biological research
1989 441 0
Beta-adrenoceptor modeling based on MEP studiesProgress in clinical and biological research
1989 473 0
Pattern recognition study of QSAR substituent descriptorsJournal of computer-aided molecular design
1989 545 0
8-Substituted Xanthines As Phosphodiesterase Inhibitors - Conformation-Dependent Lipophilicity and Structure-Activity-RelationshipsHelvetica chimica acta
1989 524 0
Isotope effects on the lipophilicity of deuterated caffeinesHelvetica chimica acta
1989 581 0
Stereoelectronic study of zetidoline, a dopamine D2 receptor antagonistJournal of medicinal chemistry
1989 569 0
Hydration of substituted benzenes - experimental studies and relationship with lipophilicityInternational journal of pharmaceutics
1989 510 0
The Electron-Donating Carbonyl Group Total Synthesis of Rare SugarsAbstracts of papers - American Chemical Society
1989 471 0
DESBASE, a multiparameter substituent databaseProgress in clinical and biological research
1989 508 0
Solvent-dependent lipophilicity and hydrogen-bonding capacity of 2-pyridylalkanolsInternational journal of pharmaceutics
1989 486 0
The Carbonyl Group As Homoconjugated Electron-Releasing Substituent - Regioselective Electrophilic Additions at Bicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-5-En-2-One, Bicyclo[2.2.2]Oct-5-En-2-One and DerivativesHelvetica chimica acta
1989 508 0
The Influence of Hydration and Structure-Promoting Effects on the Viscosity of Binary Solvent MixturesInternational journal of pharmaceutics
1988 485 0
Abinitio Mo calculations on the rearrangements of 7-Oxa-2-Bicyclo[2.2.1]Heptyl cations - the facile migration of acyl group in Wagner-Meerwein rearrangementsJournal of physical organic chemistry
1988 528 0
Isotope Effects on Lipophilicity and PolarityApplied radiation and isotopes
1988 516 0
Circular Dichroism of Planar, Exocyclic S-cis-Butadienes Remotely PerturbedHelvetica chimica acta
1988 554 0
Influence of lipophilicity and chirality on the selectivity of ligands for beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptorsJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
1988 490 0
Synthesis of optically pure tricarbonyliron complexes of 5,6-dimethylidenebicyclo[222]Oct-2-Yl derivatives - crystal-structure and absolute-configuration of (+)-tricarbonyl[(1S,2S,4R,5R,6S)-C,5,6,C-eta-(5,6-fimethylidenebicyclo[2 22]Oct-2-Yl P-bromobenzoate)]ironHelvetica chimica acta
1988 404 0
Study of Intramolecular Hydrogen-Bonding in Ortho-Anisic Acid and Ortho-Anisamide by O-17 Nmr and Abinitio Mo CalculationsMagnetic resonance in chemistry
1988 427 0
Modeling of beta-adrenoceptors based on molecular electrostatic potential studies of agonists and antagonistsJournal of medicinal chemistry
1988 535 0
Synthesis and Circular-Dichroism of 5-Halogenobicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-5-En-2-Ones and 6-Halogenobicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-5-En-2-Ones - Tests for the Dekkers Quantitative Chirality RuleChimia
1988 454 0
Intramolecular Diels-Alder Reactions of 3H-Pyrroles Resulting from the Thermal Rearrangements of 2H-PyrrolesJournal of organic chemistry
1987 532 0
Interactions between oxygen lone-pair orbitals and double-bond pi-orbitals in beta,gamma-unsaturated, bicyclic ketones - A pe-spectroscopic investigationHelvetica chimica acta
1987 470 0
Interactions between nonconjugated chromophores.28. regioselective electrophilic additions of bicyclo[2.2.N]Alk-2-enes controlled by remote epoxide functionsHelvetica chimica acta
1987 394 0
Dynamic Modeling of Diels-Alder Reaction Using Computer-GraphicsJournal de chimie physique
1987 460 0
Dynamic modeling of chemical-reactions : the diels-alder cycloadditionJournal of molecular graphics
1987 508 0
The influence of aromatic substituents on the binding of substituted benzamides to dopamine D-2 receptors: congruent QSAR and MEP analysesJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
1987 471 0
Similarities of Pharmacophoric Patterns Revealed by the Mep of Metoclopramide, Molindone and Piquindone, A Subgroup of Dopamine D-2 Receptor AntagonistsJournal of molecular graphics
1986 556 0
Pyrimidalization of the Carbon-Atom of the Nitrogen-Carbon Double-Bond of 2-Azabicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-Enes - Radiocrystallographic Study and Calculations of Quantum-MechanicsNouveau journal de chimie
1986 347 0
Experimental and Theoretical-Studies on the Homoconjugation in Bicyclic Carbenium and Oxonium Ions in the Gas-PhaseTetrahedron letters
1986 511 0
Regioselectivity of 1,3-Dipolar Cycloadditions Controlled by Remote Substitution and Lewis Acid CatalystsHeterocycles
1986 511 0
3-Dimensional and Electronic Analysis of Na+-Dependent Antidopaminergic Agents - Tropapride and ZetidolineJournal of molecular graphics
1986 488 0
Conformation, Electrostatic Potential and Pharmacophoric Pattern of Orthopramides and Other Dopamine Receptor AntagonistsJournal of molecular structure. Theochem
1986 520 0
Chemoselective and Stereoselective Functionalization of 7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-5-En-2-One with DichloroketeneTetrahedron letters
1986 379 0
Molecular electrostatic potential of orthopramides: implications for their interaction with the D-2 dopamine receptorJournal of medicinal chemistry
1986 591 0
The electronic-structure of dopamine - an abinitio electrostatic potential study of the catechol moietyHelvetica chimica acta
1985 444 0
Face Selectivity in the Diels-Alder Additions and Chelotropic Addition of Sulfur-Dioxide to 2-(D)Methylidene-3-Methylidenebicyclo[2.2.1]HeptaneHelvetica chimica acta
1985 466 0
Experimental and Abinitio Molecular-Orbital Studies on Collisions of Ch4+. and Ch5+ with Molecular-Oxygen - on the Formation of Methane (Ch4(2+)) and Methonium (Ch5(2+)) Dications and Stable Chn-Species (N = 0-3)Journal of the American Chemical Society
1985 495 0
Double-bond pyramidalization in bicyclic alkanes - abinitio mo calculations on bicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene, bicyclo[2.1.1]hex-2-ene and bicyclo[3.2.1]Oct-6-Ene derivativesJournal of molecular structure. Theochem
1985 511 0
H-1-Nmr spectra of cyclohexa-1,4-dienes and cyclohexenes annellated to bicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-Enes - the inter-ring homoallylic H,H coupling-constants as stereochemical probesHelvetica chimica acta
1985 536 0
The Non-Planarity of the Bicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-Ene Double-Bond - Crystal-Structures of Bicyclo[2.2.2]Oct-2-Ene, Bicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-Ene, and Bicyclo[2.1.1]Hex-2-Ene SystemsHelvetica chimica acta
1984 514 0
Molecular-Ions of Transient Species - Vinylamine-CationHelvetica chimica acta
1984 582 0
The Carbonyl Group As Homoconjugated Electron Donating Substituent - Abinitio Sto 3G Mo CalculationsTetrahedron letters
1984 524 0
The Circular-Dichroism of 5,6-Dimethylidene-2-Bicyclo[2.2.N]Alkyl Esters - Chiral Exciton Coupling Between Benzoate and Exocyclic S-Cis-Butadiene ChromophoresHelvetica chimica acta
1984 448 0
Stereoselective Control in the Base-Catalyzed H/D Exchange of 5,6-Dimethylidene-2-Bicyclo[2.2.N]Alkanone Tricarbonyliron Complexes - Revision of the Structures of Tricarbonyliron Complexes of 5,6-Dimethylidenebicyclo[2.2.2]Oct-2-Ene and 5,6-Dimethylidenebicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-EneChimia
1984 505 0
Site of Protonation and Conformational Effects on Gas-Phase Basicity in Beta-Amino Alcohols - the Nature of Internal H-Bonding in Beta-Hydroxy Ammonium-IonsJournal of the American Chemical Society
1983 493 0
Dynamic representation of quantum chemical results using computer-graphics - molecular-rearrangements, art or scienceJournal of molecular structure. Theochem
1983 525 0
Interactions between homoconjugated diene and epoxide functions - effect on diels-alder regioselectivityTetrahedron letters
1983 539 0
The Circular-Dichroism of 2,3-Dimethylidene-5-Norbornyl DerivativesTetrahedron letters
1983 972 0
Interactions Between Non-Conjugated Chromophores.13. Interaction Between Exocyclic S-Cis-Butadiene and Homoconjugated Functions - Preparation and Diels-Alder Reactivity of Remotely Substituted 2,3-Dimethylidenebicyclo[2.2.2]OctanesHelvetica chimica acta
1982 430 0
Regioselective additions of electrophiles to olefins remotely perturbed - the carbonyl group as a homoconjugated electron donating substituentTetrahedron letters
1982 530 0
Synthesis and diels-alder reactivity of 7-isopropylidene-2,3,5,6-tetramethylenebicyclo-[2.2.1]heptane (7,7-Dimethyl[2.2.1]Hericene)Journal of organic chemistry
1982 514 0
Interaction Between Non-Conjugated Chromophores.14. Regioselectivity of the Diels-Alder Additions of 2-Substituted 5,6-Dimethylidenenorbornanes and Dimethylidenebicyclo[2.2.2]OctanesHelvetica chimica acta
1982 375 0
A theoretical conformational study of substituted O-anisamides as models of a class of dopamine antagonistsJournal of pharmacy and pharmacology
1981 457 0
Charge-transfer bands of bicyclic beta, gamma-unsaturated ketones - circular-dichroism of (+)-(1R)-5,6-dimethylidene-2-bicyclo[2.2.2]octanone and (+)-(1R)-2-bicyclo[2.2.2]Oct-5-enoneTetrahedron letters
1981 462 0
Non-planarity of pi-systems in 5,6-bis(methylene)-7-oxanorborn-2-eneJournal of the American Chemical Society
1981 457 0
O-17 Nuclear Magnetic-Resonance - the Effects of Remote Unsaturation on O-17-Chemical Shifts in Polycyclic EthersTetrahedron
1980 390 0
An efficient synthesis of 2,3,5,6-tetramethylidene-7-oxanorbornaneHelvetica chimica acta
1980 524 0
New, doubly convergent synthesis of anthracyclinones - diels-alder additions to 2,3,5,6-tetrakis(methylene)-7-oxanorbornaneTetrahedron letters
1979 591 0
Radical Cation States of 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylenenorbornane, 2,3,5,6-Tetramethylenebicyclo[2.2.2]Octane and of Related CompoundsRecueil des travaux chimiques des Pays-Bas
1979 518 0
Iron and Molybdenum Carbonyls of 5,6-Dimethylene-7-Oxabicyclo[2.2.1]Hept-2-Ene - Crystal and Molecular-Structure of (C8H8O)Fe2(Co)7Inorganica Chimica Acta
1978 546 0
Regioselectivity of diels-alder cycloadditions of 2-substituted 5,6-bis(methylene)-norbornanesTetrahedron letters
1978 520 0
Hyperconjugative interactions in bicyclo[2.2.1)heptane derivatives - effects on diels-alder reactivity of S-Cis-butadiene group of 2,3-dimethylidene-norbornanesHelvetica chimica acta
1976 435 0
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