70 518
7 434
Supervised works
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1 - 139 of 139
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Hypnosis to reduce fear of falling in hospitalized older adults: a feasibility randomized controlled trialPilot and feasibility studies
2023 22 8
Functional brain changes in sarcopenia: evidence for differential central neural mechanisms in dynapenic older womenAging Clinical and Experimental Research
2023 79 26
A novel prosthesis presentation test to screen for cognitive and functional declineGerodontology
2023 36 9
Delirium in older patients with COVID-19: prevalence, risk factors and clinical relevanceJournals of Gerontology. A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences
2021 175 2
Incidence, characteristics and clinical relevance of acute stroke in old patients hospitalized with COVID-19BMC Geriatrics
2021 219 102
Nutritional risk at hospital admission is associated with prolonged length of hospital stay in old patients with COVID-19Clinical nutrition
2021 132 270
Undetected causes of death in hospitalized elderly with COVID-19: lessons from autopsyJournal of Clinical Medicine
2021 156 116
Prognostic Role of Subcutaneous and Visceral Adiposity in Hospitalized Octogenarians with COVID-19Journal of clinical medicine
2021 30 350
Validation of the Perform-FES: a new fear of falling scale for hospitalized geriatric patientsAging Clinical and Experimental Research
2021 205 95
Development of a european consensus from dentists, dental hygienists and physicians on a standard for oral health care in care‐dependent older people: an e‐Delphi studyGerodontology
2021 158 0
Early experimental COVID-19 therapies: associations with length of hospital stay, mortality and related costsSwiss Medical Weekly
2020 284 195
Predictors of In-Hospital Mortality in Older Patients With COVID-19: The COVIDAge StudyJournal of the American Medical Directors Association
2020 218 0
Cortical Superficial Siderosis: A Descriptive Analysis in a Memory Clinic PopulationJournal of Alzheimer's Disease
2020 377 0
Sex-specific association between vitamin D deficiency and COVID-19 mortality in older patientsOsteoporosis International
2020 366 87
A Comparison of Two Statistical Mapping Tools for Automated Brain FDG-PET Analysis in Predicting Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease in Subjects with Mild Cognitive ImpairmentCurrent Alzheimer research
2020 47 74
The role of hip abductor strength in identifying older persons at risk of falls: a diagnostic accuracy studyClinical Interventions in Aging
2020 282 89
Feasibility and safety of high-intensity interval training for the rehabilitation of geriatric inpatients (HIITERGY) a pilot randomized studyBMC Geriatrics
2020 201 121
Medial temporal lobe volume is associated with neuronal loss but not with hippocampal microinfarcts despite their high frequency in aging brainsNeurobiology of Aging
2020 204 0
The A/T/N model applied through imaging biomarkers in a memory clinicEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
2019 346 6
Prevalence of oral hygiene tools amongst hospitalised elders: a cross-sectional surveyGerodontology
2019 336 1
MRI detection of cerebral microbleeds: size mattersNeuroradiology
2019 383 5
Hip muscle and hand-grip strength to differentiate between older fallers and non-fallers: a cross-sectional validity studyClinical Interventions in Aging
2018 516 203
Functional Performances on Admission Predict In-Hospital Falls, Injurious Falls, and Fractures in Older Patients: A Prospective StudyJournal of Bone and Mineral Research
2018 481 3
L'atrophie du lobe temporal mésial détectée par IRM en tant que biomarqueur de la maladie d'AlzheimerRevue médicale suisse
2018 830 958
Intra-rater reliability of hip abductor isometric strength testing in a standing position in older fallers and non-fallersEuropean Review of Aging and Physical Activity
2018 402 165
The biomarker-based diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease. 2-lessons from oncologyNeurobiology of Aging
2017 458 2
Evaluation of hip abductor and adductor strength in the elderly: a reliability studyEuropean review on aging and physical activity
2017 450 198
Strategic roadmap for an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease based on biomarkersThe Lancet Neurology
2017 587 7
Association of cortical microinfarcts and cerebral small vessel pathology in the ageing brainNeuropathology and applied neurobiology
2017 530 1
Hypnosis can reduce pain in hospitalized older patients: a randomized controlled studyBMC geriatrics
2016 615 228
Clinical presentation and management of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism of the Swiss Primary Hyperparathyroidism Cohort: a focus on neuro-behavioral and cognitive symptomsJournal of endocrinological investigation
2016 552 0
Diagnostic et prise en charge des démences : des concepts en pleine évolutionRevue médicale suisse
2016 253 2
Imagerie cérébrale de la maladie d'Alzheimer : état de l'art et perspectives pour le clinicienRevue médicale suisse
2016 584 11
No neuropathological evidence for a direct topographical relation between microbleeds and cerebral amyloid angiopathyActa neuropathologica communications
2015 533 178
Decrease in amyloid deposition in aging brain--an autopsy studyAdvances in experimental medicine and biology
2015 648 1
Tooth loss, chewing efficiency and cognitive impairment in geriatric patientsGerodontology
2015 675 1
Neuropathological changes in aging brainAdvances in experimental medicine and biology
2015 709 3
Au coeur : le réseauRevue médicale suisse
2014 385 74
Vitamin D is not associated with cognitive status in a cohort of very old hospitalized patientsJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2014 648 0
Is working memory necessary for implementation intentions to enhance prospective memory in older adults with cognitive problems?Journal of Applied Research in Memory and Cognition
2014 657 11
BrainCheck - a very brief tool to detect incipient cognitive decline: optimized case-finding combining patient- and informant-based dataAlzheimer's research & therapy
2014 502 174
Amyloid deposition is decreasing in aging brains: an autopsy study of 1,599 older peopleNeurology
2014 636 2
Effect of music-based multitask training on cognition and mood in older adultsAge and ageing
2014 649 226
Implementation Intentions Improve Prospective Memory and Inhibition Performances in Older Adults: The Role of VisualizationApplied cognitive psychology
2014 582 7
Attention-Related Potentials Allow for a Highly Accurate Discrimination of Mild Cognitive Impairment SubtypesNeurodegenerative diseases
2013 710 2
TEP/IRM hybride en neuro-imagerieMédecine nucléaire
2013 830 4
A multidimensional approach to impulsivity changes in mild Alzheimer's disease and control participants: Cognitive correlatesCortex
2013 562 8
Alzheimer disease therapy-moving from amyloid-β to tauNature reviews. Neurology
2013 574 1
The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale: low sensitivity for depression screening in demented and non-demented hospitalized elderlyInternational psychogeriatrics
2013 652 2
Individual Classification of Mild Cognitive Impairment Subtypes by Support Vector Machine Analysis of White Matter DTIAmerican journal of neuroradiology
2013 700 0
Adaptive reorganization of cortical networks in Alzheimer's diseaseClinical neurophysiology
2013 715 14
Diabetes, comorbidities and increased long-term mortality in older patients admitted for geriatric inpatient careDiabetes & metabolism
2012 639 0
Vascular elements in cognitive decline: Large effects of small lesionsEuropean geriatric medicine
2012 593 622
Telomere length, comorbidity, functional, nutritional and cognitive status as predictors of 5 years post hospital discharge survival in the oldest oldThe Journal of nutrition, health & aging
2012 591 53
Interdisciplinary geriatric and psychiatric care reduces potentially inappropriate prescribing in the hospital: interventional study in 150 acutely ill elderly patients with mental and somatic comorbid conditionsJournal of the American Medical Directors Association
2012 647 0
Evaluation du comportement en milieu somatique: utilisation d'une methode simple et fiableRevue médicale suisse
2012 514 1
Personality traits, cognition and volumetric MRI changes in elderly patients with early-onset depression: A 2-year follow-up studyPsychiatry research
2012 586 0
Microvascular pathology in late-life depressionJournal of the neurological sciences
2012 556 1
The prognostic significance of malnutrition as assessed by the Mini Nutritional Assessment (MNA) in older hospitalized patients with a heavy disease burdenClinical nutrition
2012 694 0
Microvascular burden and Alzheimer-type lesions across the age spectrumJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2012 603 0
Microvascular changes in late-life schizophrenia and mood disorders: stereological assessment of capillary diameters in anterior cingulate cortexNeuropathology and applied neurobiology
2012 635 0
Apprentissage de l'évaluation fonctionnelle par les étudiants en médecine : et si on simulait ?Revue médicale suisse
2012 599 132
Apprentissage de l'évaluation fonctionnelle par les étudiants en médecine: et si on simulait?Revue médicale suisse
2012 531 197
Prospective comparison of 6 comorbidity indices as predictors of 1-year post-hospital discharge institutionalization, readmission, and mortality in elderly individualsJournal of the American Medical Directors Association
2012 548 0
High levels of comorbidity and disability cancel out the dementia effect in predictions of long-term mortality after discharge in the very oldDementia and geriatric cognitive disorders
2011 609 4
Combined analysis of grey matter voxel-based morphometry and white matter tract-based spatial statistics in late-life bipolar disorderJournal of psychiatry & neuroscience
2011 573 0
IAGG workshop: health promotion program on prevention of late onset dementiaThe Journal of nutrition, health & aging
2011 614 0
Face short-term memory-related electroencephalographic patterns can differentiate multi- versus single-domain amnestic mild cognitive impairmentJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2011 685 0
Longitudinal analysis of cognitive performances and structural brain changes in late-life bipolar disorderInternational journal of geriatric psychiatry
2011 598 1
Age-related differences on event-related potentials and brain rhythm oscillations during working memory activationJournal of neural transmission
2011 561 361
Démence vasculaire : les grands effets des petites lésionsRevue médicale suisse
2011 543 2
Mild cognitive impairment, degenerative and vascular dementia as predictors of intra-hospital, short- and long-term mortality in the oldest oldAging Clinical and Experimental Research
2011 633 25
Neurocognitive deficits and personality traits among euthymic patients with mood disorders in late lifeJournal of the neurological sciences
2010 636 0
Cerebral microhemorrhage and iron deposition in mild cognitive impairment: susceptibility-weighted MR imaging assessmentRadiology
2010 608 0
Neuroanatomical and neuropsychological features of elderly euthymic depressed patients with early- and late-onsetJournal of the neurological sciences
2010 627 0
Individual prediction of cognitive decline in mild cognitive impairment using support vector machine-based analysis of diffusion tensor imaging dataJournal of Alzheimer's disease
2010 597 0
Potentially inappropriate prescribing including under-use amongst older patients with cognitive or psychiatric co-morbiditiesAge and ageing
2010 573 188
GériatrieRevue médicale suisse
2010 473 0
Prospective comparison of six co-morbidity indices as predictors of 5 years post hospital discharge survival in the elderlyRejuvenation research
2010 566 2
Geriatrics index of comorbidity was the most accurate predictor of death in geriatric hospital among six comorbidity scoresJournal of clinical epidemiology
2010 685 0
Early disturbances of gamma band dynamics in mild cognitive impairmentJournal of neural transmission
2010 585 240
Small vascular and Alzheimer disease-related pathologic determinants of dementia in the oldest-oldJournal of neuropathology and experimental neurology
2010 572 0
Older patients in the emergency department: a reviewAnnals of emergency medicine
2010 507 0
Telomere length is not predictive of dementia or MCI conversion in the oldest oldNeurobiology of aging
2010 584 0
Volumetric MRI changes, cognition and personality traits in old age depressionJournal of affective disorders
2010 608 0
Neuropathological analysis of lacunes and microvascular lesions in late-onset depressionNeuropathology and applied neurobiology
2010 593 438
Management of mixed dementiaDrugs & aging
2010 521 0
Aging effects on selective attention-related electroencephalographic patterns during face encodingNeuroscience
2010 600 0
The primary care physician and Alzheimer's disease: an international position paperThe Journal of nutrition, health & aging
2010 541 0
Telomere length and ApoE polymorphism in mild cognitive impairment, degenerative and vascular dementiaJournal of the neurological sciences
2010 615 1
Abnormal-induced theta activity supports early directed-attention network deficits in progressive MCINeurobiology of aging
2009 591 0
Differential impact of lacunes and microvascular lesions on poststroke depressionStroke
2009 528 0
Neuroanatomical and neuropsychological features of euthymic patients with bipolar disorderThe American journal of geriatric psychiatry
2009 625 2
Does dementia predict adverse hospitalization outcomes? A prospective study in aged inpatientsInternational journal of geriatric psychiatry
2009 513 0
The neuroanatomical model of post-stroke depression: towards a change of focus?Journal of the neurological sciences
2009 651 0
Cognitive features in euthymic bipolar patients in old ageBipolar disorders
2009 507 1
Improving pain management in elderly patients with dementia: validation of the Doloshort observational pain assessment scaleAge and ageing
2009 603 205
The impact of vascular burden on late-life depressionBrain research reviews
2009 473 0
Demented versus non-demented very old inpatients: the same comorbidities but poorer functional and nutritional statusAge and ageing
2008 655 193
Comparative value of medical diagnosis versus physical functioning in predicting the 6-year survival of 1951 hospitalized old patientsRejuvenation research
2008 568 0
Response Letter to Van Der Steen Et AlJournal of the American Geriatrics Society
2008 553 0
Working memory load-related electroencephalographic parameters can differentiate progressive from stable mild cognitive impairmentNeuroscience
2007 519 0
Validation of clinical criteria for possible vascular dementia in the oldest-oldNeurobiology of aging
2007 556 0
Stereological analysis of neuropil threads in the hippocampal formation: relationships with Alzheimer's disease neuronal pathology and cognitionNeuropathology and applied neurobiology
2007 482 0
Morphological substrates of cognitive decline in nonagenarians and centenarians: A new paradigm?Journal of the neurological sciences
2007 543 0
Psychometric properties of the Doloplus-2 observational pain assessment scale and comparison to self-assessment in hospitalized elderlyThe Clinical journal of pain
2007 531 1
Symptom relief in the last week of life: is dementia always a limiting factor?Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
2007 500 0
Assessing the cognitive impact of Alzheimer disease pathology and vascular burden in the aging brain: the Geneva experienceActa neuropathologica
2007 586 0
Structured assessment of mental health status in psychogeriatrics: validity of the French HoNOS65+Canadian journal of psychiatry
2007 572 0
Identification of Alzheimer and vascular lesion thresholds for mixed dementiaBrain
2007 530 0
Cortical microinfarcts and demyelination affect cognition in cases at high risk for dementiaNeurology
2007 550 0
Pain in severe dementia: self-assessment or observational scales?Journal of the American Geriatrics Society
2006 596 0
Decreased Theta Event-Related Synchronization during Working Memory Activation Is Associated with Progressive Mild Cognitive ImpairmentDementia and geriatric cognitive disorders
2006 585 0
Traitement de la maladie d'Alzheimer : la lecture des cliniciensRevue médicale suisse
2006 437 0
Cognitive consequences of thalamic, basal ganglia, and deep white matter lacunes in brain aging and dementiaStroke
2005 434 0
Peut-on traiter la maladie d'Alzheimer ?Revue médicale suisse
2005 473 0
Feasibility and reliability of four pain self-assessment scales and correlation with an observational rating scale in hospitalized elderly demented patientsThe journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
2005 584 0
Impact economique de la démenceLa Presse médicale
2005 537 0
Pathological correlates of poststroke depression in elderly patientsThe American journal of geriatric psychiatry
2005 486 0
Cognition and frailty: possible interrelationsLongevity and Frailty
2004 490 3
Cortical microinfarcts and demyelination significantly affect cognition in brain agingStroke
2004 565 0
ADC mapping of the aging frontal lobes in mild cognitive impairmentNeuroradiology
2004 369 209
Tangle and neuron numbers, but not amyloid load, predict cognitive status in Alzheimer's diseaseNeurology
2003 598 0
Lewy body densities in the entorhinal and anterior cingulate cortex predict cognitive deficits in Parkinson's diseaseActa neuropathologica
2003 543 0
Specific BACE1 genotypes provide additional risk for late-onset Alzheimer disease in APOE epsilon 4 carriersAmerican journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics
2003 504 1
Mixed dementia: epidemiology, diagnosis, and treatmentJournal of the American Geriatrics Society
2002 537 0
End-of-life care of persons with dementiaThe journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences
2002 538 0
Clinicopathological validation study of four sets of clinical criteria for vascular dementiaThe American journal of psychiatry
2002 478 0
Does the Mini Nutritional Assessment predict hospitalization outcomes in older people?Age and Ageing
2001 312 215
Behavioural symptoms in Alzheimer's disease: validity of targets and present treatmentsAge and Ageing
2001 429 151
Economic considerations of Alzheimer's disease and related disordersAging
2001 501 0
Non-bacterial thrombotic endocarditis and cancerAge and ageing
2001 382 143
Clinical validity of A beta-protein deposition staging in brain aging and Alzheimer diseaseJournal of neuropathology and experimental neurology
2001 492 0
Immediate causes of death of demented and non-demented elderlyActa neurologica Scandinavica. Supplementum
2000 438 0
Mini Nutritional Assessment and CancerNestlé Nutrition Workshop series. Clinical & performance program
1999 465 0
Comprehensive geriatric assessment in an emergency wardManagement of Aging. The University of Geneva Experience
1999 545 0
Innovation in an undergraduate geriatrics programAcademic medicine
1998 560 0
Vascular dementia. Differential diagnosis and therapeutic issuesAnnales de médecine interne
1998 519 0
Sensitivity and specificity of newly proposed clinical criteria for possible vascular dementiaNeurology
1997 561 0
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