Vuilleumier, Patrik
Affiliation entities
- Centres et instituts / Centre interfacultaire en sciences affectives
- Centres et instituts / Centre interfacultaire de neurosciences
- Faculté de médecine / Section de médecine fondamentale / Département de neurosciences fondamentales
- Faculté de médecine / Section de médecine clinique / Département des neurosciences cliniques
Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Effects of Dalcroze eurhythmics exercise versus multicomponent exercise on physical and cognitive function, and falls in older adults : the EPHYCOS randomized controlled trial | Advanced biology | 2024 | 28 | 21 | |||
Influence of transient emotional episodes on affective and cognitive theory of mind | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2024 | 124 | 33 | |||
Neglecting the bottom space : an object-based disorder ? A two-case observational study | Neurocase | 2024 | 41 | 0 | |||
I don’t feel sick : Cognitive and affective processing of self-health associations using the Implicit Association Test | Journal of health psychology | 2024 | 81 | 62 | |||
Frequency-specific gaze modulation of emotional face processing in the human amygdala | Cerebral cortex | 2023 | 120 | 39 | |||
Modulation of pulvinar connectivity with cortical areas in the control of selective visual attention | NeuroImage | 2023 | 77 | 118 | |||
Exposure to negative socio-emotional events induces sustained alteration of resting-state brain networks in older adults | Nature aging | 2023 | 174 | 51 | |||
Brain networks subserving functional core processes of emotions identified with componential modeling | Cerebral cortex | 2023 | 129 | 64 | |||
EmoStim : A Database of Emotional Film Clips with Discrete and Componential Assessment | IEEE transactions on affective computing | 2023 | 100 | 96 | |||
How emotion influences memory of complex events in space and time ? | Proceedings of the 21st World Congress of Psychophysiology (IOP 2023) of the International Organization of Psychophysiology (IOP) | 2023 | 176 | 0 | |||
Probing neurodynamics of experienced emotions—a Hitchhiker’s guide to film fMRI | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2023 | 29 | 68 | |||
Preserved Metacognition for Undetected Visuomotor Deviations | The Journal of neuroscience | 2023 | 59 | 20 | |||
Functional brain changes in sarcopenia: evidence for differential central neural mechanisms in dynapenic older women | Aging Clinical and Experimental Research | 2023 | 109 | 39 | |||
Mixed emotions to social situations: An fMRI investigation | NeuroImage | 2023 | 137 | 136 | |||
Opposite effects of emotion and event segmentation on temporal order memory and object-context binding | Cognition and emotion | 2023 | 169 | 61 | |||
L’évaluation de l’anosognosie | Traité de neuropsychologie clinique de l'adulte. Tome 1 : Evaluation | 2023 | 93 | 5 | |||
Neural basis of internal attention in adults with pure and comorbid ADHD | Journal of attention disorders | 2023 | 182 | 59 | |||
Brain reactivity to emotion persists in NREM sleep and is associated with individual dream recall | Cerebral cortex communications | 2022 | 336 | 165 | |||
Impact of aesthetic movie highlights on semantics and emotions: a preliminary analysis | ICMI '22 : International Conference on Multimodal Interaction | 2022 | 79 | 138 | |||
Emotion schema effects on associative memory differ across emotion categories at the behavioural, physiological and neural level | Neuropsychologia | 2022 | 214 | 172 | |||
Electrophysiological and behavioral correlates of cannabis use disorder | Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience | 2022 | 106 | 68 | |||
Amygdala function in emotion, cognition, and behavior | The temporal lobe | 2022 | 158 | 0 | |||
Prestimulus amygdala spectral activity is associated with visual face awareness | Cerebral cortex | 2022 | 213 | 73 | |||
Emotion recognition in a multi-componential framework: the role of physiology | Frontiers in computer science | 2022 | 248 | 192 | |||
Identifying Disease-Specific Neural Reactivity to Psychosocial Stress in Borderline Personality Disorder | Biological psychiatry. Cognitive neuroscience and neuroimaging | 2022 | 168 | 71 | |||
Reward-driven modulation of spatial attention in the human frontal eye-field | NeuroImage | 2022 | 259 | 213 | |||
Distinct medial-temporal lobe mechanisms of encoding and amygdala-mediated memory reinstatement for disgust and fear | NeuroImage | 2022 | 261 | 122 | |||
Differential contributions of ventral striatum subregions to the motivational and hedonic components of the affective processing of reward | The journal of neuroscience | 2022 | 348 | 136 | |||
Amygdala in action: functional connectivity during approach and avoidance behaviors | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2022 | 69 | 235 | |||
The rise of affectivism | Nature human behaviour | 2021 | 394 | 94 | |||
Suppressing the morning cortisol rise after memory reactivation at 4 a.m. enhances episodic memory reconsolidation in humans | The Journal of Neuroscience | 2021 | 354 | 176 | |||
Real-time fMRI and EEG neurofeedback: A perspective on applications for the rehabilitation of spatial neglect | Annals of physical and rehabilitation medicine | 2021 | 248 | 0 | |||
Whole blood serotonin levels in healthy elderly are negatively associated with the functional activity of emotion-related brain regions | Biological Psychology | 2021 | 262 | 117 | |||
Brain substrates for distinct spatial processing components contributing to hemineglect in humans | Brain sciences | 2021 | 220 | 82 | |||
Dynamic functional brain networks underlying the temporal inertia of negative emotions | NeuroImage | 2021 | 251 | 189 | |||
Mood disorders disrupt the functional dynamics, not spatial organization of brain resting state networks | NeuroImage. Clinical | 2021 | 116 | 116 | |||
Dynamics of amygdala connectivity in bipolar disorders: a longitudinal study across mood states | Neuropsychopharmacology | 2021 | 283 | 161 | |||
A novel computerized assessment of manual spatial exploration in unilateral spatial neglect | Neuropsychological rehabilitation | 2021 | 164 | 110 | |||
Disruption of large-scale electrophysiological networks in stroke patients with visuospatial neglect | Network neuroscience | 2021 | 223 | 128 | |||
PET imaging of dopamine neurotransmission during EEG neurofeedback | Frontiers in Physiology | 2021 | 345 | 130 | |||
Brain functional connectivity dynamics at rest in the aftermath of affective and cognitive challenges | Human Brain Mapping | 2021 | 250 | 134 | |||
Consensus on the reporting and experimental design of clinical and cognitive-behavioural neurofeedback studies (CRED-nf checklist) | Brain | 2020 | 312 | 160 | |||
Current clinical practice in the screening and diagnosis of spatial neglect post-stroke: Findings from a multidisciplinary international survey | Neuropsychological Rehabilitation | 2020 | 245 | 131 | |||
Pulvino-cortical interaction: an integrative role in the control of attention | Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews | 2020 | 312 | 3 | |||
Computational imaging during video game playing shows dynamic synchronization of cortical and subcortical networks of emotions | PLOS Biology | 2020 | 336 | 159 | |||
Functional connectivity fingerprints of the human pulvinar: decoding its role in cognition | NeuroImage | 2020 | 290 | 318 | |||
Does inappropriate behavior hurt or stink ? The interplay between neural representations of somatic experiences and moral decisions | Science Advances | 2020 | 292 | 135 | |||
A multi-componential approach to emotion recognition and the effect of personality | IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing | 2020 | 349 | 314 | |||
Deficits in cognitive and affective theory of mind relate to dissociated lesion patterns in prefrontal and insular cortex | Cortex | 2020 | 406 | 4 | |||
Higher availability of α4β2 nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in dorsal ACC is linked to more efficient interference control | NeuroImage | 2020 | 553 | 167 | |||
Maladaptive emotion regulation traits predict altered corticolimbic recovery from psychosocial stress | Journal of Affective Disorders | 2020 | 353 | 180 | |||
Sustained effects of pleasant and unpleasant smells on resting state brain activity | Cortex | 2020 | 360 | 184 | |||
Impaired emotional biases in visual attention after bilateral amygdala lesion | Neuropsychologia | 2020 | 349 | 147 | |||
A generalizable multivariate brain pattern for interpersonal guilt | Cerebral Cortex | 2020 | 234 | 2 | |||
Brain networks processing temporal information in dynamic facial expressions | Cerebral Cortex | 2020 | 363 | 4 | |||
Temporal dynamics of amygdala response to emotion- and action-relevance | Scientific Reports | 2020 | 336 | 318 | |||
The role of the subgenual anterior cingulate cortex in dorsomedial prefrontal–amygdala neural circuitry during positive‐social emotion regulation | Human Brain Mapping | 2020 | 315 | 121 | |||
Towards understanding emotional experience in a componential framework | International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction and Workshops. Proceedings | 2019 | 329 | 286 | |||
Sensory-specific predictive models in the human anterior insula | F1000Research | 2019 | 381 | 179 | |||
Suppressing but not intensifying emotion decreases arousal and subjective sense of recollection | Emotion | 2019 | 513 | 523 | |||
Rightward exogenous attentional shifts impair perceptual memory of spatial locations in patients with left unilateral spatial neglect | Cortex | 2019 | 325 | 54 | |||
Impaired visual search with paradoxically increased facilitation by emotional features after unilateral pulvinar damage | Cortex | 2019 | 294 | 8 | |||
Anterior and posterior commissures in agenesis of the corpus callosum: Alternative pathways for attention processes ? | Cortex | 2019 | 378 | 1 | |||
Better memory for intrinsic versus extrinsic details underlies the enhanced recollective experience of negative events | Learning & Memory | 2019 | 371 | 99 | |||
No time for drifting: comparing performance and applicability of signal detrending algorithms for real-time fMRI | NeuroImage | 2019 | 324 | 161 | |||
Differential parietal activations for spatial remapping and saccadic control in a visual memory task | Neuropsychologia | 2019 | 370 | 227 | |||
Emotional learning promotes perceptual predictions by remodeling stimulus representation in visual cortex | Scientific Reports | 2019 | 398 | 149 | |||
Priming by motivationally salient distractors produces hemispheric asymmetries in visual processing | Psychological Research | 2019 | 307 | 2 | |||
Age-related changes in attention control and their relationship with gait performance in older adults with high risk of falls | NeuroImage | 2019 | 419 | 5 | |||
Confidence of emotion expression recognition recruits brain regions outside the face perception network | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2019 | 435 | 194 | |||
Brain networks for engaging oneself in positive-social emotion regulation | NeuroImage | 2019 | 404 | 4 | |||
Rumination related activity in brain networks mediating attentional switching in euthymic bipolar patients | International Journal of Bipolar Disorders | 2019 | 402 | 239 | |||
Current opinions in brain imaging methods and applications | Brain Topography | 2019 | 341 | 72 | |||
Cortisol suppression after memory reactivation impairs later memory performance | Psychoneuroendocrinology | 2019 | 532 | 8 | |||
Brain networks mediating the influence of background music on selective attention | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2019 | 293 | 238 | |||
Human amygdala response to unisensory and multisensory emotion input: no evidence for superadditivity from intracranial recordings | Neuropsychologia | 2019 | 470 | 3 | |||
Expectancies Influence Attention to Neutral But Not Necessarily to Threatening Stimuli: An fMRI Study | Emotion | 2019 | 291 | 0 | |||
Neurophysiological evidence for early modulation of amygdala activity by emotional reappraisal | Biological Psychology | 2019 | 359 | 0 | |||
Pain management decisions in emergency hospitals are predicted by brain activity during empathy and error monitoring | British Journal of Anaesthesia | 2019 | 423 | 1 | |||
Prism adaptation effect on neural activity and spatial neglect depend on brain lesion site | Cortex | 2019 | 345 | 2 | |||
The Age-Well randomized controlled trial of the Medit-Ageing European project: Effect of meditation or foreign language training on brain and mental health in older adults | Alzheimer's & Dementia | 2018 | 445 | 294 | |||
The Age-Well observational study on expert meditators in the Medit-Ageing European project | Alzheimer's & Dementia | 2018 | 412 | 199 | |||
Functional Organization of Face Processing in the Human Superior Temporal Sulcus: A 7T High-Resolution fMRI Study | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2018 | 647 | 230 | |||
Metacognition of visuomotor decisions in conversion disorder | Neuropsychologia | 2018 | 440 | 3 | |||
Influence of reward learning on visual attention and eye movements in a naturalistic environment: A virtual reality study | PLOS ONE | 2018 | 423 | 185 | |||
Modality-specific effects of aversive expectancy in the anterior insula and medial prefrontal cortex | Pain | 2018 | 363 | 1 | |||
Dissociable components of spatial neglect associated with frontal and parietal lesions | Neuropsychologia | 2018 | 491 | 4 | |||
Suppressing cortisol at encoding reduces the emotional enhancement in subjective sense of recollection | Neurobiology of Learning and Memory | 2018 | 506 | 456 | |||
The good, the bad, and the suffering. Transient emotional episodes modulate the neural circuits of pain and empathy | Neuropsychologia | 2018 | 549 | 2 | |||
Quantification of resting-state fMRI networks driven by hemodynamically informed spatiotemporal regularization | Conference record of the fifty-second Asilomar conference on signals, systems, and computers | 2018 | 338 | 242 | |||
Distributed affective space represents multiple emotion categories across the human brain | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2018 | 403 | 230 | |||
Value-driven attentional capture in neglect | Cortex | 2018 | 368 | 3 | |||
Distinct Brain Areas involved in Anger versus Punishment during Social Interactions | Scientific Reports | 2018 | 460 | 204 | |||
Cross-modal integration during value-driven attentional capture | Neuropsychologia | 2018 | 342 | 3 | |||
Using real-time fMRI neurofeedback to restore right occipital cortex activity in patients with left visuo-spatial neglect: proof-of-principle and preliminary results | Neuropsychological rehabilitation | 2017 | 547 | 12 | |||
Maintenance of Voluntary Self-regulation Learned through Real-Time fMRI Neurofeedback | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2017 | 521 | 205 | |||
New directions in hypnosis research: strategies for advancing the cognitive and clinical neuroscience of hypnosis | Neuroscience of Consiousness | 2017 | 303 | 182 | |||
An Emotional Call to Action: Integrating Affective Neuroscience in Models of Motor Control | Emotion Review | 2017 | 257 | 0 | |||
Effect of a single early EEG neurofeedback training on remediation of spatial neglect in the acute phase | Annals of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine | 2017 | 533 | 3 | |||
Fear Spreading Across Senses: Visual Emotional Events Alter Cortical Responses to Touch, Audition, and Vision | Cerebral cortex | 2017 | 500 | 185 | |||
Hypnotic analgesia reduces brain responses to pain seen in others | Scientific Reports | 2017 | 484 | 166 | |||
Learning Control Over Emotion Networks Through Connectivity-Based Neurofeedback | Cerebral Cortex | 2017 | 466 | 2 | |||
Transient emotional events and individual affective traits affect emotion recognition in a perceptual decision-making task | PLOS ONE | 2017 | 589 | 312 | |||
Increased Alpha-Rhythm Dynamic Range Promotes Recovery from Visuospatial Neglect: A Neurofeedback Study | Neural plasticity | 2017 | 530 | 278 | |||
Neural correlates of working memory in children and adolescents with agenesis of the corpus callosum: An fMRI study | Neuropsychologia | 2017 | 578 | 690 | |||
Examining distinct working memory processes in children and adolescents using fMRI: Results and validation of a modified Brown-Peterson paradigm | PLOS ONE | 2017 | 499 | 191 | |||
How emotion context modulates unconscious goal activation during motor force exertion | NeuroImage | 2017 | 419 | 331 | |||
How Does Awareness Modulate Goal-Directed and Stimulus-Driven Shifts of Attention Triggered by Value Learning? | PLOS ONE | 2016 | 455 | 199 | |||
Cross-modal representations of first-hand and vicarious pain, disgust and fairness in insular and cingulate cortex | Nature Communications | 2016 | 352 | 155 | |||
Influence of Temporal Expectations on Response Priming by Subliminal Faces | PLOS ONE | 2016 | 442 | 166 | |||
Structural white-matter connections mediating distinct behavioral components of spatial neglect in right brain-damaged patients | Cortex | 2016 | 598 | 411 | |||
Hurt but still alive: Residual activity in the parahippocampal cortex conditions the recognition of familiar places in a patient with topographic agnosia | NeuroImage. Clinical | 2016 | 628 | 223 | |||
Negative emotions facilitate isometric force through activation of prefrontal cortex and periaqueductal gray | NeuroImage | 2016 | 474 | 2 | |||
Aversive stimuli exacerbate defensive motor behaviour in motor conversion disorder | Neuropsychologia | 2016 | 539 | 486 | |||
Hemispatial neglect shows that “before” is “left” | Neural plasticity | 2016 | 509 | 132 | |||
What Impact does An Angry Context have Upon Us? The Effect of Anger on Functional Connectivity of the Right Insula and Superior Temporal Gyri | Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience | 2016 | 574 | 343 | |||
Neurofeedback Tunes Scale-Free Dynamics in Spontaneous Brain Activity | Cerebral cortex | 2016 | 623 | 451 | |||
Sniff and mimic - intranasal oxytocin increases facial mimicry in a sample of men | Hormones and Behavior | 2016 | 308 | 1 | |||
Alterations in neural systems mediating cognitive flexibility and inhibition in mood disorders | Human Brain Mapping | 2016 | 306 | 1 | |||
Processus cérébraux impliqués dans la régulation de l'humeur | De l'humeur normale à la dépression en psychologie cognitive, neurosciences et psychiatrie. | 2016 | 481 | 0 | |||
Editorial: What Determines Social Behavior? Investigating the Role of Emotions, Self-Centered Motives, and Social Norms | Frontiers in Human Neuroscience | 2016 | 386 | 161 | |||
Neural decoding of discriminative auditory object features depends on their socio-affective valence | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | 2016 | 464 | 242 | |||
The Impact of Emotions and Empathy-Related Traits on Punishment Behavior: Introduction and Validation of the Inequality Game | PloS one | 2016 | 605 | 242 | |||
How motivation and reward learning modulate selective attention | Progress in Brain Research | 2016 | 473 | 420 | |||
Facing mixed emotions: analytic and holistic perception of facial emotion expressions engages separate brain networks | NeuroImage | 2016 | 313 | 3 | |||
Resting-state functional connectivity of emotion regulation networks in euthymic and non-euthymic bipolar disorder patients | European psychiatry | 2016 | 561 | 4 | |||
Discrete Neural Signatures of Basic Emotions | Cerebral Cortex | 2016 | 423 | 0 | |||
Imaging studies of functional neurologic disorders | Functional neurologic disorders | 2016 | 281 | 1 | |||
A fast pathway for fear in human amygdala | Nature Neuroscience | 2016 | 382 | 3 | |||
Neural correlates of generation and inhibition of verbal association patterns in mood disorders | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2015 | 622 | 1 | |||
Precision about the automatic emotional brain | Behavioral and Brain Sciences | 2015 | 280 | 0 | |||
Inter-individual variability in metacognitive ability for visuomotor performance and underlying brain structures | Consciousness and cognition | 2015 | 634 | 9 | |||
Cumulative activation during positive and negative events and state anxiety predicts subsequent inertia of amygdala reactivity | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2015 | 722 | 44 | |||
Brain systems underlying encounter expectancy bias in spider phobia | Cognitive Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience | 2015 | 292 | 0 | |||
Cross-modal and modality-specific expectancy effects between pain and disgust | Scientific reports | 2015 | 494 | 219 | |||
Hippocampus is place of interaction between unconscious and conscious memories | PLOS ONE | 2015 | 292 | 141 | |||
Temporal dynamics of musical emotions examined through intersubject synchrony of brain activity | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2015 | 525 | 3 | |||
Predicting Pure Amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment Conversion to Alzheimer's Disease Using Joint Modeling of Imaging and Clinical Data | 5th International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in NeuroImaging (PRNI 2015) | 2015 | 544 | 2 | |||
Emotion Perception and Elicitation | Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference | 2015 | 924 | 3 | |||
Asymmetrical effects of unilateral right or left amygdala damage on auditory cortical processing of vocal emotions | Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2015 | 670 | 10 | |||
How does reward compete with goal-directed and stimulus-driven shifts of attention? | Cognition and emotion | 2015 | 581 | 4 | |||
What makes your brain suggestible? Hypnotizability is associated with differential brain activity during attention outside hypnosis | NeuroImage | 2015 | 280 | 0 | |||
Music and emotions: from enchantment to entrainment | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 2015 | 693 | 12 | |||
Bipolar disorder: Functional neuroimaging markers in relatives | Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews | 2015 | 584 | 8 | |||
Affective and motivational control of vision | Current opinion in neurology | 2015 | 737 | 12 | |||
GABAergic modulation in central sensitization in humans: a randomized placebo-controlled pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic study comparing clobazam with clonazepam in healthy volunteers | Pain | 2015 | 576 | 3 | |||
Functional neuro-anatomy of egocentric versus allocentric space representation | Clinical neurophysiology | 2014 | 586 | 3 | |||
Patients With Left Spatial Neglect Also Neglect the "Left Side" of Time | Psychological science | 2014 | 610 | 1 | |||
Modulation of brain response to emotional conflict as a function of current mood in bipolar disorder: preliminary findings from a follow-up state-based fMRI study | Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging | 2014 | 639 | 3 | |||
Functional Dissociations Within Posterior Parietal Cortex During Scene Integration and Viewpoint Changes | Cerebral cortex | 2014 | 613 | 272 | |||
Neural responses to emotional expression information in high- and low-spatial frequency in autism: evidence for a cortical dysfunction | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2014 | 719 | 348 | |||
Getting the beat: Entrainment of brain activity by musical rhythm and pleasantness | NeuroImage | 2014 | 700 | 2 | |||
Cognitive and affective theory of mind share the same local patterns of activity in posterior temporal but not medial prefrontal cortex | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2014 | 688 | 4 | |||
Lasting impact of regret and gratification on resting brain activity and its relation to depressive traits | The Journal of neuroscience | 2014 | 766 | 269 | |||
Brain circuits implicated in psychogenic paralysis in conversion disorders and hypnosis | Clinical neurophysiology | 2014 | 746 | 1,301 | |||
Action-monitoring impairment in anosognosia for hemiplegia | Cortex | 2014 | 606 | 1 | |||
Changing the Brain, Changing the Society: Clinical and Ethical Implications of Neuromodulation Techniques in Neurology and Psychiatry | Brain topography | 2014 | 662 | 100 | |||
Neural correlates of emotion- and reward-driven attentional capture | Neurociencia Afectiva | 2014 | 576 | 211 | |||
Neural substrates of rumination tendency in non-depressed individuals | Biological psychology | 2014 | 608 | 0 | |||
Tuning pathological brain oscillations with neurofeedback: a systems neuroscience framework | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2014 | 715 | 636 | |||
Self-regulation of inter-hemispheric visual cortex balance through real-time fMRI neurofeedback training | NeuroImage | 2014 | 854 | 6 | |||
Musical Emotions in the Brain | Emotion Researcher | 2014 | 526 | 1,054 | |||
Sleep sharpens sensory stimulus coding in human visual cortex after fear conditioning | NeuroImage | 2014 | 647 | 478 | |||
Partial recovery of visual extinction by pavlovian conditioning in a patient with hemispatial neglect | Cortex | 2013 | 700 | 1 | |||
Connectivity-based neurofeedback: dynamic causal modeling for real-time fMRI | NeuroImage | 2013 | 681 | 369 | |||
Effects of Emotional Contexts on Cerebello-Thalamo-Cortical Activity during Action Observation | PloS one | 2013 | 583 | 709 | |||
Effects of pro-cholinergic treatment in patients suffering from spatial neglect | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2013 | 704 | 1,452 | |||
Disconnecting cognition | Current opinion in neurology | 2013 | 671 | 10 | |||
Time-course of motor inhibition during hypnotic paralysis: EEG topographical and source analysis | Cortex | 2013 | 728 | 0 | |||
Neuroanatomy of space, body, and posture perception in patients with right hemisphere stroke | Neurology | 2013 | 620 | 3 | |||
Prism adaptation enhances activity of intact fronto-parietal areas in both hemispheres in neglect patients | Cortex | 2013 | 600 | 2 | |||
Denial of Illness | Neuropsychiatric symptoms of cerebrovascular diseases | 2013 | 510 | 3 | |||
Hemineglect spatial | The Behavioral and Cognitive Neurology of Stroke | 2013 | 700 | 5 | |||
Mapping the functional neuroanatomy of spatial neglect and human parietal lobe functions: progress and challenges | Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences | 2013 | 666 | 6 | |||
Affective biases in attention and perception | Cambridge handbook of human affective neuroscience | 2013 | 599 | 10 | |||
The Cambridge Handbook of Human Affective Neuroscience | 2013 | 785 | 427 | ||||
The Neural Basis of Age-Related Changes in Motor Imagery of Gait: An fMRI Study | The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences | 2013 | 629 | 0 | |||
Gambling against neglect: Unconscious spatial biases induced by reward reinforcement in healthy people and brain-damaged patients | Cortex | 2013 | 636 | 2 | |||
Rhythmic entrainment as a mechanism for emotion induction by music: a neurophysiological perspective | The Emotional Power of Music: Multidisciplinary perspectives on musical arousal, expression, and social control | 2013 | 602 | 446 | |||
Integration of Error Agency and Representation of Othersʼ Pain in the Anterior Insula | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2013 | 656 | 0 | |||
Brain mechanisms for emotional influences on perception and attention: what is magic and what is not | Biological psychology | 2013 | 706 | 7 | |||
Principal components of functional connectivity: A new approach to study dynamic brain connectivity during rest | NeuroImage | 2013 | 611 | 2 | |||
Responses of medial and ventrolateral prefrontal cortex to interpersonal conflict for resources | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2013 | 625 | 0 | |||
Neural substrates of cognitive switching and inhibition in a face processing task | NeuroImage | 2013 | 562 | 2 | |||
Connectivity searchlight: A novel approach for MRI information mapping using multivariate connectivity | Proceedings | 2013 | 543 | 0 | |||
The riddle of anosognosia: does unawareness of hemiplegia involve a failure to update beliefs? | Cortex | 2013 | 589 | 0 | |||
On the contribution of unconscious processes to implicit anosognosia | Cognitive neuroscience | 2013 | 542 | 5 | |||
Neural substrates of social emotion regulation: a FMRI study on imitation and expressive suppression to dynamic facial signals | Frontiers in psychology | 2013 | 658 | 396 | |||
Visual avoidance in phobia: particularities in neural activity, autonomic responding, and cognitive risk evaluations | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2013 | 648 | 565 | |||
Multiple sclerosis decreases explicit counterfactual processing and risk taking in decision making | PloS one | 2012 | 611 | 226 | |||
White-matter connectivity between face-responsive regions in the human brain | Cerebral cortex | 2012 | 667 | 2 | |||
Emotional processing and its impact on unilateral neglect and extinction | Neuropsychologia | 2012 | 583 | 1 | |||
Effects of social context and predictive relevance on action outcome monitoring | Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience | 2012 | 569 | 169 | |||
Rhythm evokes action: Early processing of metric deviances in expressive music by experts and laymen revealed by ERP source imaging | Human brain mapping | 2012 | 539 | 0 | |||
Neuroscience of human social interactions and adult attachment style | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2012 | 826 | 430 | |||
Mapping aesthetic musical emotions in the brain | Cerebral cortex | 2012 | 689 | 357 | |||
Lateralized interactive social content and valence processing within the human amygdala | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2012 | 708 | 351 | |||
Classifying minimally disabled multiple sclerosis patients from resting state functional connectivity | NeuroImage | 2012 | 562 | 1 | |||
Voluntary attention reliably influences visual processing at the level of the C1 component: a commentary on Fu, Fedota, Greenwood, and Parasuram (2010) | Biological psychology | 2012 | 628 | 1 | |||
The influence of individual motor imagery ability on cerebral recruitment during gait imagery | Human brain mapping | 2012 | 633 | 605 | |||
Associative and semantic memory deficits in amnestic mild cognitive impairment as revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging | Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology | 2012 | 674 | 4 | |||
Effects of attentional load on early visual processing depend on stimulus timing | Human brain mapping | 2012 | 640 | 2 | |||
Persistent affective biases in human amygdala response following implicit priming with negative emotion concepts | NeuroImage | 2012 | 664 | 0 | |||
'The anatomy underlying acute versus chronic spatial neglect' also depends on clinical tests | Brain | 2012 | 606 | 339 | |||
The neural substrates of social emotion perception and regulation are modulated by adult attachment style | Social neuroscience | 2012 | 578 | 0 | |||
Reactivation of visual cortex during memory retrieval: content specificity and emotional modulation | NeuroImage | 2012 | 575 | 1 | |||
Emotional voice areas: anatomic location, functional properties, and structural connections revealed by combined fMRI/DTI | Cerebral cortex | 2012 | 613 | 2 | |||
Influence of adult attachment style on the perception of social and non-social emotional scenes | Journal of social and personal relationships | 2012 | 528 | 0 | |||
Bi-directional effect of increasing doses of baclofen on reinforcement learning | Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience | 2011 | 668 | 221 | |||
Effet placebo analgésique : apport des neurosciences | Revue médicale suisse | 2011 | 575 | 2 | |||
Felt and Seen Pain Evoke the Same Local Patterns of Cortical Activity in Insular and Cingulate Cortex | The Journal of neuroscience | 2011 | 593 | 438 | |||
Thermal Analysis of Facial Muscles Contractions | IEEE transactions on affective computing | 2011 | 731 | 167 | |||
Guilt-specific processing in the prefrontal cortex | Cerebral cortex | 2011 | 712 | 459 | |||
Neural bases of hypoactive sexual desire disorder in women: an event-related fMRI study | The journal of sexual medicine | 2011 | 820 | 837 | |||
Parametric modulation of error-related ERP components by the magnitude of visuo-motor mismatch | Neuropsychologia | 2011 | 625 | 490 | |||
Additive effects of emotional, endogenous, and exogenous attention: behavioral and electrophysiological evidence | Neuropsychologia | 2011 | 736 | 984 | |||
Decoding brain states from fMRI connectivity graphs | NeuroImage | 2011 | 602 | 3 | |||
Neuro-imagerie et neuroscience des émotions | MS. Médecine sciences | 2011 | 1,115 | 1,090 | |||
Fear and stop: a role for the amygdala in motor inhibition by emotional signals | NeuroImage | 2011 | 571 | 2 | |||
Processing social aspects of human gaze: a combined fMRI-DTI study | NeuroImage | 2011 | 636 | 1,074 | |||
Face perception in the mind's eye | Brain topography | 2011 | 682 | 644 | |||
Impact of transient emotions on functional connectivity during subsequent resting state: a wavelet correlation approach | NeuroImage | 2011 | 623 | 2 | |||
Effects of emotion regulation strategy on brain responses to the valence and social content of visual scenes | Neuropsychologia | 2011 | 703 | 832 | |||
Temporal precedence of emotion over attention modulations in the lateral amygdala: Intracranial ERP evidence from a patient with temporal lobe epilepsy | Cognitive, affective & behavioral neuroscience | 2010 | 776 | 8 | |||
The brain functional networks associated to human and animal suffering differ among omnivores, vegetarians and vegans | PloS one | 2010 | 620 | 281 | |||
Supramodal representations of perceived emotions in the human brain | The Journal of neuroscience | 2010 | 627 | 0 | |||
Errors recruit both cognitive and emotional monitoring systems: simultaneous intracranial recordings in the dorsal anterior cingulate gyrus and amygdala combined with fMRI | Neuropsychologia | 2010 | 619 | 2 | |||
Top-down activation of fusiform cortex without seeing faces in prosopagnosia | Cerebral cortex | 2010 | 637 | 2 | |||
Integration of gaze direction and facial expression in patients with unilateral amygdala damage | Brain | 2010 | 698 | 0 | |||
Conversion disorder: separating "how" from "why" | Neurology | 2010 | 568 | 0 | |||
Amygdala damage affects event-related potentials for fearful faces at specific time windows | Human brain mapping | 2010 | 614 | 4 | |||
Anosognosia for hemiplegia: a clinical-anatomical prospective study | Brain | 2010 | 688 | 0 | |||
Phenomenology of racing and crowded thoughts in mood disorders: a theoretical reappraisal | Journal of affective disorders | 2010 | 711 | 1 | |||
When your errors make me lose or win: event-related potentials to observed errors of cooperators and competitors | Social neuroscience | 2010 | 660 | 0 | |||
Disruption of spatial memory in visual search in the left visual field in patients with hemispatial neglect | Vision research | 2010 | 506 | 0 | |||
Neuroanatomy of hemispatial neglect and its functional components: a study using voxel-based lesion-symptom mapping | Brain | 2010 | 672 | 1 | |||
The neural substrates and timing of top-down processes during coarse-to-fine categorization of visual scenes: a combined fMRI and ERP study | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2010 | 618 | 0 | |||
Modulation of face processing by emotional expression and gaze direction during intracranial recordings in right fusiform cortex | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2010 | 608 | 4 | |||
Eye Gaze During Face Processing in Children and Adolescents With 22q11.2 Deletion Syndrome | Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry | 2010 | 724 | 9 | |||
The brain under self-control: modulation of inhibitory and monitoring cortical networks during hypnotic paralysis | Neuron | 2009 | 590 | 7 | |||
Brain reflections. 'Mirroring people' by Marco Iacoboni | Nature neuroscience | 2009 | 576 | 200 | |||
Differential development of selectivity for faces and bodies in the fusiform gyrus | Developmental science | 2009 | 617 | 0 | |||
Decoding of emotional information in voice-sensitive cortices | Current biology | 2009 | 626 | 196 | |||
Differential influences of emotion, task, and novelty on brain regions underlying the processing of speech melody | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2009 | 687 | 983 | |||
Motor inhibition in hysterical conversion paralysis | NeuroImage | 2009 | 723 | 0 | |||
Emotional Attention: Uncovering the Mechanisms of Affective Biases in Perception | Current directions in psychological science | 2009 | 770 | 1,371 | |||
EEG-MEG evidence for early differential repetition effects for fearful, happy and neutral faces | Brain research | 2009 | 608 | 0 | |||
Memory for friends or foes: the social context of past encounters with faces modulates their subsequent neural traces in the brain | Social neuroscience | 2009 | 631 | 0 | |||
Functional brain imaging in a woman with spatial neglect due to conversion disorder | JAMA | 2009 | 505 | 1 | |||
Emotional attention in acquired prosopagnosia | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2009 | 617 | 0 | |||
Attentional load modifies early activity in human primary visual cortex | Human brain mapping | 2009 | 563 | 2 | |||
Dynamic changes in brain activity during prism adaptation | The Journal of neuroscience | 2009 | 610 | 1 | |||
Object representations for multiple visual categories overlap in lateral occipital and medial fusiform cortex | Cerebral cortex | 2009 | 507 | 0 | |||
Self-relevance processing in the human amygdala: gaze direction, facial expression, and emotion intensity | Emotion | 2009 | 572 | 0 | |||
The importance of low spatial frequency information for recognising fearful facial expressions | Connection science | 2009 | 632 | 0 | |||
Modifications neurocomportementales secondaires à la sclérose en plaques | Revue médicale suisse | 2009 | 607 | 0 | |||
L'hystérie : une entité historique, un trouble psychiatrique ou une maladie neurologique ? | Revue médicale suisse | 2008 | 624 | 0 | |||
Individual attachment style modulates human amygdala and striatum activation during social appraisal | PloS one | 2008 | 805 | 270 | |||
Simultaneous recording of EEG and facial muscle reactions during spontaneous emotional mimicry | Neuropsychologia | 2008 | 651 | 5 | |||
Trust and valence processing in the amygdala | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2008 | 571 | 0 | |||
Effects of perceptual learning on primary visual cortex activity in humans | Vision research | 2008 | 580 | 3 | |||
Effects of emotional prosody on auditory extinction for voices in patients with spatial neglect | Neuropsychologia | 2008 | 722 | 13 | |||
Abnormal attentional modulation of retinotopic cortex in parietal patients with spatial neglect | Current biology | 2008 | 619 | 9 | |||
Effects of emotional and non-emotional cues on visual search in neglect patients: evidence for distinct sources of attentional guidance | Neuropsychologia | 2008 | 628 | 7 | |||
Unavoidable errors: a spatio-temporal analysis of time-course and neural sources of evoked potentials associated with error processing in a speeded task | Neuropsychologia | 2008 | 614 | 0 | |||
Early neuronal responses in right limbic structures mediate harmony incongruity processing in musical experts | NeuroImage | 2008 | 807 | 564 | |||
Bayesian models of mentalizing | Brain topography | 2008 | 679 | 143 | |||
Impaired activation of face processing networks revealed by functional magnetic resonance imaging in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome | Biological psychiatry | 2008 | 658 | 0 | |||
Beyond conventional event-related brain potential (ERP): exploring the time-course of visual emotion processing using topographic and principal component analyses | Brain topography | 2008 | 645 | 199 | |||
Neural basis for priming of pop-out during visual search revealed with fMRI | Cerebral cortex | 2007 | 617 | 574 | |||
Modulation of visual processing by attention and emotion: windows on causal interactions between human brain regions | Philosophical transactions - Royal Society. Biological sciences | 2007 | 529 | 1 | |||
Recognition of emotional face expressions and amygdala pathology | Epileptologie | 2007 | 655 | 139 | |||
Direct intracranial recording of body-selective responses in human extrastriate visual cortex | Neuropsychologia | 2007 | 633 | 4 | |||
Distinct and convergent visual processing of high and low spatial frequency information in faces | Cerebral cortex | 2007 | 494 | 298 | |||
Looking at human eyes affects contralesional stimulus processing after right hemispheric stroke | Neurology | 2007 | 488 | 208 | |||
Impaired perceptual memory of locations across gaze-shifts in patients with unilateral spatial neglect | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2007 | 639 | 219 | |||
The Role of Amygdala in Emotional and Social Functions: Implications for Temporal Lobe Epilepsy | Epileptologie | 2007 | 1,078 | 420 | |||
Emotional modulation of body-selective visual areas | Social cognitive and affective neuroscience | 2007 | 543 | 0 | |||
Neglect: remembering the space left behind | Current biology | 2007 | 574 | 1 | |||
Structural changes to the fusiform gyrus: a cerebral marker for social impairments in 22q11.2 deletion syndrome? | Schizophrenia research | 2007 | 926 | 0 | |||
Distributed and interactive brain mechanisms during emotion face perception: evidence from functional neuroimaging | Neuropsychologia | 2007 | 708 | 3 | |||
Moving with or without will: functional neural correlates of alien hand syndrome | Annals of neurology | 2007 | 599 | 0 | |||
Dynamics of emotional effects on spatial attention in the human visual cortex | Progress in brain research | 2006 | 622 | 0 | |||
Time course of brain activity during change blindness and change awareness: performance is predicted by neural events before change onset | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2006 | 634 | 0 | |||
Functional neuroimaging findings on the human perception of illusory contours | Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews | 2006 | 567 | 0 | |||
Neural systems for orienting attention to the location of threat signals: an event-related fMRI study | NeuroImage | 2006 | 645 | 0 | |||
View-independent coding of face identity in frontal and temporal cortices is modulated by familiarity: an event-related fMRI study | NeuroImage | 2005 | 606 | 1 | |||
Hemispheric specialization of human inferior temporal cortex during coarse-to-fine and fine-to-coarse analysis of natural visual scenes | NeuroImage | 2005 | 627 | 0 | |||
Hysterical conversion and brain function | Progress in brain research | 2005 | 610 | 1 | |||
Functional magnetic resonance imaging and diffusion tensor imaging in a case of central poststroke pain | The journal of pain | 2005 | 543 | 0 | |||
Portraits or people? Distinct representations of face identity in the human visual cortex | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2005 | 580 | 0 | |||
Priming of color and position during visual search in unilateral spatial neglect | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2005 | 584 | 0 | |||
Enhanced extrastriate visual response to bandpass spatial frequency filtered fearful faces: time course and topographic evoked-potentials mapping | Human brain mapping | 2005 | 615 | 3 | |||
Cognitive science: staring fear in the face | Nature | 2005 | 547 | 0 | |||
Selective attention modulates neural substrates of repetition priming and "implicit" visual memory: suppressions and enhancements revealed by FMRI | Journal of cognitive neuroscience | 2005 | 576 | 1 | |||
The voices of wrath: brain responses to angry prosody in meaningless speech | Nature neuroscience | 2005 | 765 | 6 | |||
How brains beware: neural mechanisms of emotional attention | Trends in cognitive sciences | 2005 | 793 | 7 | |||
Two electrophysiological stages of spatial orienting towards fearful faces: early temporo-parietal activation preceding gain control in extrastriate visual cortex | NeuroImage | 2005 | 540 | 0 | |||
Emotion and attention interactions in social cognition: brain regions involved in processing anger prosody | NeuroImage | 2005 | 719 | 0 | |||
Attentional load and sensory competition in human vision: modulation of fMRI responses by load at fixation during task-irrelevant stimulation in the peripheral visual field | Cerebral cortex | 2005 | 580 | 2 | |||
Illusory persistence of touch after right parietal damage: neural correlates of tactile awareness | Brain | 2005 | 585 | 1 | |||
Electrophysiological correlates of rapid spatial orienting towards fearful faces | Cerebral cortex | 2004 | 614 | 2 | |||
Anosognosia: the neurology of beliefs and uncertainties | Cortex | 2004 | 708 | 4 | |||
The space of senses: impaired crossmodal interactions in a patient with Balint syndrome after bilateral parietal damage | Neuropsychologia | 2004 | 590 | 1 | |||
Time course and specificity of event-related potentials to emotional expressions | Neuroreport | 2004 | 586 | 0 | |||
Distant influences of amygdala lesion on visual cortical activation during emotional face processing | Nature neuroscience | 2004 | 602 | 0 | |||
The number space and neglect | Cortex | 2004 | 561 | 0 | |||
Tactile awareness and limb position in neglect: functional magnetic resonance imaging | Annals of neurology | 2004 | 523 | 0 | |||
Dissociable roles of the human somatosensory and superior temporal cortices for processing social face signals | European journal of neuroscience | 2004 | 685 | 0 | |||
Visual consciousness in health and disease | Neurologic clinics | 2003 | 587 | 0 | |||
Hemi-négligence spatiale | Revue médicale de la Suisse romande | 2003 | 699 | 0 | |||
Effects of low-spatial frequency components of fearful faces on fusiform cortex activity | Current biology | 2003 | 552 | 0 | |||
Hyperfamiliarity for unknown faces after left lateral temporo-occipital venous infarction: a double dissociation with prosopagnosia | Brain | 2003 | 641 | 0 | |||
Distinct spatial frequency sensitivities for processing faces and emotional expressions | Nature neuroscience | 2003 | 540 | 0 | |||
Explicit and implicit perception of illusory contours in unilateral spatial neglect: behavioural and anatomical correlates of preattentive grouping mechanisms | Neuropsychologia | 2001 | 580 | 0 | |||
Pure representational neglect after right thalamic lesion | Annals of neurology | 2001 | 644 | 2 | |||
Functional neuroanatomical correlates of hysterical sensorimotor loss | Brain | 2001 | 556 | 2 | |||
Effects of attention and emotion on face processing in the human brain : an event-related fMRI study | Neuron | 2001 | 225 | 88 | |||
Distinct behavioral and EEG topographic correlates of loss of consciousness in absences | Epilepsia | 2000 | 622 | 0 | |||
Semantically-triggered reading epilepsy: an experimental case study | Cortex | 1999 | 524 | 0 | |||
To see better to the left when looking more to the right: effects of gaze direction and frames of spatial coordinates in unilateral neglect | Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society | 1999 | 534 | 0 | |||
Persistent recurrence of hypomania and prosopoaffective agnosia in a patient with right thalamic infarct | Neuropsychiatry, neuropsychology, and behavioral neurology | 1998 | 536 | 0 | |||
Illusory contours and spatial neglect | Neuroreport | 1998 | 607 | 0 | |||
Near and far visual space in unilateral neglect | Annals of neurology | 1998 | 578 | 0 | |||
Sniffing behaviour, or recognizing a lily by smell, but not recognizing a sock on sight | Cortex | 1997 | 607 | 0 | |||
Four legs. Illusory reduplication of the lower limbs after bilateral parietal lobe damage | Archives of neurology | 1997 | 521 | 0 | |||
Bihippocampal Damage with Emotional Dysfunction: Impaired Auditory Recognition of Fear | European Neurology | 1997 | 477 | 0 | |||
Unilateral spatial neglect recovery after sequential strokes | Neurology | 1996 | 145 | 0 |