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1 - 151 of 151
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Verbal Fluency Selectively Predicts Survival in Old and Very Old AgePsychological science
2025 21 14
Individual differences and 11-year longitudinal changes in older adults’ prospective memory: A comparison with episodic memory, working memory, processing speed, and verbal knowledgeJournal of memory and language
2025 29 32
From Attentional Fluctuations to Intentional Fluctuations? Monitoring Behavior and Intraindividual Variability in Time-Based Prospective MemoryJournal of experimental psychology. Learning, memory, and cognition
2024 58 20
National gender equality and sex differences in Machiavellianism across countriesInternational journal of personality psychology
2024 29 77
Review and comparison of measures of explained variation and model selection in linear mixed-effects modelsEconometrics and statistics
2024 318 89
Crystallized and fluid lntelligenceOxford bibliographies
2023 52 2
Joint Longitudinal and Survival Models to Study Vulnerability ProcessesWithstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life
2023 51 30
Short mindfulness-based intervention for psychological and academic outcomes among university studentsAnxiety, stress, and coping
2022 239 429
The role of non-cognitive factors in prospective memory in older adultsJournal of ageing and longevity
2022 190 84
Age trajectories of perceptual speed and loneliness: separating between-person and within-person associationsThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2022 122 68
Education and income show heterogeneous relationships to lifespan brain and cognitive differences across European and US cohortsCerebral cortex
2022 150 66
How welfare regimes moderate the associations between cognitive aging, education, and occupationThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2022 377 172
Frequency and strategicness of clock-checking explain detrimental age effects in time-based prospective memoryPsychology and aging
2022 346 405
Residential trajectories across the life course and their association with cognitive functioning in later lifeScientific reports
2022 190 59
Meta-analysis of generalized additive models in neuroimaging studiesNeuroImage
2021 204 75
Poor self-reported sleep is related to regional cortical thinning in aging but not memory decline-results from the lifebrain consortiumCerebral cortex
2021 148 82
Cognition-mortality associations are more pronounced when estimated jointly in longitudinal and time-to-event modelsFrontiers in psychology
2021 149 52
Equivalence de mesureL'évaluation psychologique en contexte multilingue et multiculturel: questions et enjeux
2021 398 6
Psychological distress and well-being among students of health disciplines: the importance of academic satisfactionInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2021 400 212
A tutorial for joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data in RQuantitative and computational methods in behavioral sciences
2021 127 393
Parametric and semi-parametric bootstrap-based confidence intervals for robust linear mixed modelsMethodology (Göttingen. Internet)
2021 193 196
Educational attainment does not influence brain agingProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2021 173 85
Lower executive functioning predicts steeper subsequent decline in well-being only in young-old but not old-old ageInternational Journal of Behavioral Development
2021 392 393
Changes in cerebral arterial pulsatility and hippocampal volume: a transcranial doppler ultrasonography studyNeurobiology of aging
2021 146 51
A mixed-method study on strategies in everyday personal goals among community-dwelling older adultsGerontology
2020 403 401
On the use of growth models to study normal cognitive agingInternational Journal of Behavioral Development
2020 332 141
Relationship between mindfulness, psychopathological symptoms, and academic performance in university studentsPsychological Reports
2020 295 1,497
Illness representations and coping strategies in patients treated with deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's diseaseJournal of Clinical Medicine
2020 397 146
The use of a hidden mixture transition distribution model in clustering few but long continuous sequences: an illustration with cognitive skills dataSymmetry
2020 141 42
Predicting cognitive impairment and dementia: a machine learning approachJournal of Alzheimer's Disease
2020 322 0
Optimal planned missing data design for linear latent growth curve modelsBehavior Research Methods
2020 178 0
Goals do not buy well-being, but they helpSwiss Journal of Psychology
2020 304 287
Social resources as compensatory cognitive reserve? Interactions of social resources with education in predicting late-life cognitionJournals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
2020 201 197
The global brain health survey: development of a multi-language survey of public views on brain healthFrontiers in public health
2020 655 222
Reducing the use of screen electronic devices in the evening is associated with improved sleep and daytime vigilance in adolescentsSleep
2019 517 812
Longitudinal Relationships Between Reflective Functioning, Empathy, and Externalizing Behaviors During Adolescence and Young AdulthoodChild Psychiatry and Human Development
2019 318 3
Improving Methodological Standards in Behavioral Interventions for Cognitive EnhancementJournal of Cognitive Enhancement
2019 570 7
Metabolic risk affects fluid intelligence changes in healthy adultsPsychology and Aging
2019 269 0
The role of cognitive reserve accumulated in midlife for the relation between chronic diseases and cognitive decline in old age: A longitudinal follow-up across six yearsNeuropsychologia
2018 497 366
Cardiovascular symptoms and longitudinal declines in processing speed differentially predict cerebral white matter lesions in older adultsArchives of Gerontology and Geriatrics
2018 290 203
Fluid intelligence predicts change in depressive symptoms in later life: the lothian birth cohort 1936Psychological Science
2018 315 114
Intra-Individual Variability from a Lifespan Perspective: A Comparison of Latency and Accuracy MeasuresJournal of Intelligence
2018 572 178
Healthy minds from 0–100 years: Optimising the use of European brain imaging cohorts (“Lifebrain”)European Psychiatry
2018 492 0
Age and sex differences in intra-individual variability in a simple reaction time taskInternational Journal of Behavioral Development
2018 650 14
Age differences in day-to-day speed-accuracy tradeoffs: results from the cogito studyMultivariate Behavioral Research
2018 304 151
Memory Deficits Precede Increases in Depressive Symptoms in Later AdulthoodJournals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
2018 394 179
Intraindividual variability in inhibition and prospective memory in healthy older adults: insights from response regularity and rapidityJournal of Intelligence
2018 337 108
Precision, Reliability, and Effect Size of Slope Variance in Latent Growth Curve Models: Implications for Statistical Power AnalysisFrontiers in Psychology
2018 407 169
Quantitative Methods in Psychological Aging Research: A Mini-ReviewGerontology
2017 481 3
Illness and intelligence are comparatively strong predictors of individual differences in depressive symptoms following middle ageAging & Mental Health
2017 481 2
Leisure Activities and Change in Cognitive Stability: A Multivariate ApproachBrain Sciences
2017 510 198
The protective effect of a satisfying romantic relationship on women's body image after breast cancer: a longitudinal studyPsycho-oncology
2017 523 271
A Longitudinal Study of Parental Depressive Symptoms and Coparenting in the First 18 MonthsFamily Process
2017 499 368
Performance-based everyday functional competence measures across the adult lifespan: the role of cognitive abilitiesInternational Psychogeriatrics
2017 464 3
Prospective memory and intraindividual variability in ongoing task response times in an adult lifespan sample: the role of cue focalityMemory
2017 588 13
Homophobia: An impulsive attraction to the same sex? Evidence from eye-tracking data in a picture-viewing taskThe journal of sexual medicine
2016 638 6
A multidimensional approach to impulsivity in Parkinson's disease: measurement and structural invariance of the UPPS Impulsive Behaviour ScalePsychological Medicine
2016 452 4
Validation of the french version of the experiences in close relationships–revised (ecr-r) adult romantic attachment questionnaireSwiss journal of psychology
2016 1,346 532
Think Fast, Feel Fine, Live Long: A 29-Year Study of Cognition, Health, and Survival in Middle-Aged and Older AdultsPsychological science
2016 467 390
Toward an integrative model of creativity and personality: theoretical suggestions and preliminary empirical testingThe Journal of creative behavior
2016 540 4
Homophobia Is Related to a Low Interest in Sexuality in General: An Analysis of Pupillometric Evoked ResponsesThe journal of sexual medicine
2016 558 4
Distress and body image disturbances in women with breast cancer in the immediate postsurgical period: The influence of attachment insecurityJournal of health psychology
2016 506 181
Association between impulsivity, emotional/behavioural hyperactivation and functional outcome one year after severe traumatic brain injuryBrain injury
2015 444 2
Assessing Multicultural Effectiveness Among Young Swiss People Factor Structure and Consistency in the French Adaptation of the Multicultural Personality QuestionnaireSwiss journal of psychology
2015 902 14
Subjective beliefs, memory and functional health: change and associations over 12 years in the australian longitudinal study of ageingGerontology
2015 484 0
Regional brain shrinkage and change in cognitive performance over two years: The bidirectional influences of the brain and cognitive reserve factorsNeuroImage
2015 514 1
Personality, psychosocial and health-related predictors of quality of life in old ageAging & mental health
2015 731 3
LIFESPAN: A tool for the computer-aided design of longitudinal studiesFrontiers in psychology
2015 517 256
Body image in dyadic and solitary sexual desire: the role of encoding style and distracting thoughtsThe Journal of sex research
2015 560 1
Secular Changes in Late-life Cognition and Well-being: Towards a Long Bright Future with a Short Brisk Ending?Psychology and aging
2015 525 0
Linear Mixed-Effects and Latent Curve Models for Longitudinal Life Course AnalysesA Life Course Perspective on Health Trajectories and Transitions
2015 577 0
Lifespan Decrements in Fluid Intelligence and Processing Speed Predict Mortality RiskPsychology and aging
2015 553 534
Nonlinear Growth Curve ModelsDependent Data in Social Sciences Research
2015 647 3
Intelligence, CrystallizedThe Encyclopedia of Adulthood and Aging
2015 543 4
Psychological factors involved in sexual desire, sexual activity, and sexual satisfaction: a multi-factorial perspectiveArchives of sexual behavior
2015 27,371 417
Longitudinal data mining to predict survival in a large sample of adultsProceedings of COMPSTAT 2014. 21st International Conference on Computational Statistics
2014 395 0
Psychometric properties and normative data of the French Developmental Behavior Checklist – Adult versionResearch in developmental disabilities
2014 483 4
Regional brain shrinkage over two years: Individual differences and effects of pro-inflammatory genetic polymorphismsNeuroImage
2014 417 0
Le modèle hiérarchique de diffusion. Une nouvelle perspective dans l'exploration de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans des épreuves de temps de réaction à choix binaireVive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications
2013 578 6
Variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans le fonctionnement cognitif au travers du cycle de vieVive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications
2013 666 25
The French version of the Reiss Screen for Maladaptive Behavior: Factor structure, point prevalence and associated factorsResearch in developmental disabilities
2013 644 8
Stressful life events and neuroticism as predictors of late-life versus early-life depressionPsychogeriatrics
2013 740 2
Amplitude of Fluctuations and Temporal Dependency in Intraindividual Variability: Prediction of Cognitive Performance Two Years LaterGeroPsych
2013 681 7
Dynamic psychological and behavioral changes in the adoption and maintenance of exerciseHealth psychology
2012 440 0
Approche multivariée de la créativité. Revalidation de modèles intégratifs avancésVive(nt) les différences. Psychologie différentielle fondamentale et applications
2012 526 1
White matter deterioration in 15 months: latent growth curve models in healthy adultsNeurobiology of aging
2012 472 0
What is the Nature of the Self-defining Memories of Repression-prone Individuals ?Self and identity
2012 613 5
Two thirds of the age-based changes in fluid and crystallized intelligence, perceptual speed, and memory in adulthood are sharedIntelligence
2012 494 0
Personality traits are associated with acute major depression across the age spectrumAging & mental health
2012 647 3
The Creative Process in Visual Art: A Longitudinal Multivariate StudyCreativity research journal
2012 448 0
Self-defining memories and self-defining future projections in hypomania-prone individualsConsciousness and cognition
2012 650 5
Latent Curve Models and Latent Change Score Models Estimated in RStructural equation modeling
2012 460 277
Age Differences in Text Processing: The Role of Working Memory, Inhibition, and Processing SpeedThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2011 635 0
L'importanza della variabilità intraindividuale nello studio dell'invecchiamento cognitivoGiornale italiano di psicologia
2011 3,617 0
Cross-Sectional Age Variance Extraction: What's Change Got To Do With It ?Psychology and aging
2011 594 0
A sociological assessment of conjugal conflictSociologia, Problemas e Práticas
2011 625 185
Further characterisation of self-defining memories in young adults: A study of a Swiss sampleMemory
2010 569 11
Simulating Statistical Power in Latent Growth Curve Modeling: A Strategy for Evaluating Age-Based Changes in Cognitive ResourcesResource-Adaptive Cognitive Processes
2010 399 0
Linking impulsivity to dysfunctional thought control and insomnia: a structural equation modelJournal of sleep research
2010 624 0
Originalité, caractère approprié et créativité des idées chez les enfants de 8-11 ansIdentité et spécificités de la psychologie différentielle
2010 500 6
Adult age differences and the role of cognitive resources in perceptual-motor skill acquisition: Application of a multilevel negative exponential modelThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2010 633 0
Veränderungen im hohen Alter: Zusammenfassung längsschnittlicher Befunde der Berliner AltersstudieDie Berliner Altersstudie
2010 507 0
Gender differences in social cognitive determinants of exercise adoptionPsychology and Health
2010 542 1
Identité et spécificités de la psychologie différentielle
2010 590 122
The effect of multiple indicators on the power to detect inter-individual differences in changeBritish journal of mathematical & statistical psychology
2010 431 0
Application du modèle de croissance latente à la modélisation de courbes d'apprentissage dans une tâche perceptivo-motriceIdentité et spécificités de la psychologie différentielle
2010 751 8
Trajectories of Brain Aging in Middle-Aged and Older Adults: Regional and Individual DifferencesNeuroImage
2010 592 0
Adults' Versus Children's Performance on the Stroop Task: Insights From Ex-Gaussian AnalysisSwiss journal of psychology
2009 668 13
Cognitive and sensory declines in old age: Gauging the evidence for a common causePsychology and aging
2009 476 0
Neuroanatomical correlates of fluid intelligence in healthy adults and persons with vascular risk factorsCerebral cortex
2008 412 0
Dynamics of Frailty and ADL Dependence in a Five-Year Longitudinal Study of OctogenariansResearch on aging
2008 673 6
Evaluating the power of latent growth curve models to detect individual differences in changeStructural equation modeling
2008 444 1
Application of a joint multivariate longitudinal–survival analysis to examine the terminal decline hypothesis in the swiss interdisciplinary longitudinal study on the oldest oldThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2008 376 0
Différences d'âges et distribution des temps de réponses: exemple d'une analyse ex-Gaussienne sur la tâche du Stroop chez les enfantsPerspectives différentielles en psychologie
2008 608 183
Clarifying the role of impulsivity in dietary restraint: A structural equation modeling approachPersonality and individual differences
2008 484 0
Individual Health Transitions between Robustness, ADL-independent Frailty and ADL-dependence in Late LifeThe Closing Chapters of Long Lives. Results from the 10-Year Swilsoo Study on the Oldest Old
2008 444 5
Frail elderlyEncyclopedia of Gerontology, 2nd ed., vol. 1
2007 505 8
How are Temporal and Social Comparisons Related to Appraisals of Self-Rated Health During Very Old Age?Swiss journal of psychology
2007 642 9
Indépendance, fragilité, dépendance: Trois statuts de santéLes années fragiles: La vie au-delà de quatre-vingts ans
2007 410 17
Trajectoires de vie, transitions de santéLes années fragiles: La vie au-delà de quatre-vingts ans
2007 384 6
Variabilité intra-individuelle et mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale: Invariance configurale ou invariance métrique?Perspectives de psychologie différentielle
2006 559 0
Longitudinal Cognition-Survival Relations in Old and Very Old Age. 13-year Data from the Berlin Aging StudyEuropean psychologist
2006 544 6
Etude de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle au cours du cycle de viePerspectives de psychologie différentielle
2006 601 13
Etude de la variabilité intra-individuelle dans deux versions du Stroop couleurPerspectives de psychologie différentielle
2006 545 19
Application of latent growth analyses to health outcomes of adolescent girlsOxford Handbook of Methods in Positive Psychology
2006 349 0
Does activity engagement protect against cognitive decline in old age? Methodological and analytical considerationsThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2006 649 2
A la lumière des communications affichées: Les caractéristiques théoriques et méthodologiques de la psychologie différentiellePerspectives de psychologie différentielle
2006 521 4
On the Power of Multivariate Latent Growth Curve Models to Detect Correlated ChangePsychological methods
2006 617 2
Towards an interdisciplinary perspective on the life course
2005 411 0
Exploring structural dynamics within and between sensory and intellectual functioning in old and very old age: Longitudinal evidence from the Berlin Aging StudyIntelligence
2005 472 1
A Dynamic Investigation of Cognitive Dedifferentiation with Control for Retest: Evidence from the Swiss Interdisciplinary Longitudinal Study on the Oldest OldPsychology and aging
2005 613 4
Why look at life courses in an interdisciplinary perspective?Towards an interdisciplinary perspective on the life course
2005 597 5
La fragilité de la personne âgée dans une population vieillissanteEloge de l'altérité. Défis de société: 12 regards sur la santé, la famille et le travail
2005 557 4
Social Participation Attenuates Decline in Perceptual Speed in Old and Very Old AgePsychology and aging
2005 587 1
Incitations for interdisciplinarity in the life course researchTowards an interdisciplinary perspective on the life course
2005 618 7
Cognition in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE): The first ten yearsNeuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section B, Aging, neuropsychology and cognition
2004 468 1
Intraindividual variability and level of performance in four visuo-spatial working memory tasksSwiss journal of psychology
2004 556 7
Static and dynamic longitudinal structural analyses of cognitive changes in old ageGerontology
2004 540 1
Modeling longitudinal changes in old age: From covariance structures to dynamic systemsNew frontiers in cognitive aging
2004 463 0
An Introduction to Generalized Estimating Equations and an Application to Assess Selectivity Effects in a Longitudinal Study on Very Old IndividualsJournal of educational and behavioral statistics
2004 635 0
Age-Based Structural Dynamics Between Perceptual Speed and Knowledge in the Berlin Aging Study: Direct Evidence for Ability Dedifferentiation in Old AgePsychology and aging
2003 567 0
Structuring and measuring change over the lifespanUnderstanding human development: Dialogues with lifespan psychology
2003 539 0
Etude de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans des épreuves d'inhibition, de mémoire de travail et de vitesse de traitementPsychologie différentielle: Recherches et réflexions
2003 643 35
Vers une définition opérationnelle de la fragilitéMédecine et hygiène
2003 591 7
Toute une vie de changements: Le développement cognitif et la construction de l'identitéBulletin der Schweizer Psychologen
2003 501 5
Définition théorique et interdisciplinaire de la fragilitéMédecine et hygiène
2003 622 2
Etude de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans quatre épreuves visuo-spatialesPsychologie différentielle: recherches et réflexions
2003 498 186
The fate of cognition in very old age: six-year longitudinal findings in the Berlin Aging Study (BASE)Psychology and aging
2003 597 1
Structure and predictive power of intraindividual variability in heath and activity measuresSwiss journal of psychology
2002 530 0
Etude de la variabilité inter- et intra-individuelle dans quatre épreuves visuospatialesXVe journées de psychologie différentielle
2002 518 9
Latent growth curve analyses of the development of heightStructural equation modeling
2001 446 1
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