Evaluating a Multilingual Pre-trained Model for the Automatic Standard German Captioning of Swiss German TV | Proceedings of the 8th edition of the Swiss Text Analytics Conference | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2023 | 101 | 31 |
Improving Standard German Captioning of Spoken Swiss German: Evaluating Multilingual Pre-trained Models | Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XIX Vol. 2: Users Track | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2023 | 111 | 44 |
BabelDr, un dispositif fiable de traduction du discours médical | L’éthique, c’est pas automatique ! | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2022 | 93 | 20 |
L’enseignement des outils d’aide à la traduction est-il passé de mode en cette ère neuronale ? | Enseigner la traduction et l’interprétation à l’heure neuronale | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2022 | 219 | 35 |
The PASSAGE project : Standard German Subtitling of Swiss German TV content | Proceedings of the 23rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2022 | 251 | 63 |
Towards a technologised translation classroom: Practices and perceptions from trainers at a Swiss University | 44th Translating and the Computer conference - AsLing | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2022 | 132 | 17 |
Méta-évaluation de la traduction automatique de la parole (TAP) dans le domaine médical | | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2016 | 1,094 | 1,586 |
Let the EAGLES Fly into New Standards: Adapting our CAT Tool Evaluation Methodology to the ISO 25000 Series | Proceedings of Translating and the Computer 37 | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2015 | 672 | 249 |
TURKOISE: a Mechanical Turk-based Tailor-made Metric for Spoken Language Translation Systems in the Medical Domain | Workshop on Automatic and Manual Metrics for Operational Translation Evaluation - within LREC 2014 | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2014 | 561 | 155 |
Training translation students to evaluate CAT tools using Eagles: a case study | Aslib: Translating and the Computer 35 | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2013 | 1,428 | 931 |
A Web-Deployed Swedish Spoken CALL System Based on a Large Shared English/Swedish Feature Grammar | Proceedings of the SLTC Workshop on NLP for CALL | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2012 | 620 | 567 |
Relating recognition and translation quality with usability of two different versions of MedSLT | Proceedings of Machine Translation Summit XII | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2009 | 483 | 122 |
Technology in Translator Training and Tools for Translators | Machine Translation Summit XII | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2009 | 660 | 232 |
A Small-Vocabulary Shared Task for Medical Speech Translation | Coling 2008, Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2008 | 579 | 162 |
Many-to-Many Multilingual Medical Speech Translation on a PDA | Proceedings of the Eighth Conference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2008 | 947 | 229 |
The MEDSLT 2008 system | Coling 2008, Proceedings of the Workshop on Speech Processing for Safety Critical Translation and Pervasive Applications | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2008 | 624 | 150 |
Developing Non-European Translation Pairs in a Medium-Vocabulary Medical Speech Translation System | Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2008 | 663 | 212 |
Comparing two different bidirectional versions of the limited domain medical spoken language translator MedSLT | Proceeding of the 12th Annual Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2008 | 599 | 1,036 |
A Bidirectional Grammar-BasedMedical Speech Translator | Proceedings of the Workshop on Grammar-based approaches to spoken language processing (SPEECHGRAM) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2007 | 575 | 927 |
Les ellipses dans un système de Traduction Automatique de la Parole | Actes de TALN/RECITAL | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2007 | 607 | 257 |
Une grammaire partagée multi-tâche pour le traitement de la parole : application aux langues romanes | TAL. Traitement automatique des langues | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2007 | 691 | 560 |
MedSLT: A Multi-Lingual Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator | Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Intercultural Collaboration, IWIC | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2007 | 651 | 128 |
Using a Wizard of Oz as a baseline to determine which system architecture is the best for a spoken language translation system | Proceedings of the 16th Nordic Conference of Computational Linguistics (NODALIDA) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2007 | 528 | 112 |
MedSLT: A Limited-Domain Unidirectional Grammar-Based Medical Speech Translator | Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation (HLT-NAACL) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2006 | 493 | 457 |
Evaluating Task Performance for a Unidirectional Controlled Language Medical Speech Translation System | Proceedings of the First International Workshop on Medical Speech Translation (HLT-NAACL) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2006 | 635 | 482 |
Une grammaire multilingue partagée pour la traduction automatique de la parole | Proceedings of Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (TALN) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2006 | 660 | 245 |
A Generic Multi-Lingual Open Source Platform for Limited-Domain Medical Speech Translation | Proceedings of the 10th Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation (EAMT) | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2005 | 721 | 427 |
Practising Controlled Language through a Help System integrated into the Medical Speech Translation System (MedSLT) | Proceedings of the MT Summit X | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2005 | 525 | 237 |
Breaking the Language Barrier: Machine Assisted Diagnosis using the Medical Speech Translator | Proceedings of the XIX International Congress of the European Federation for Medical Informatics MIE | | | 2005 | 458 | 0 |
A Methodology for Comparing Grammar-Based and Robust Approaches to Speech Understanding | Proceedings of Eurospeech-Interspeech, 9th European Conference on Speech Communication and Technology | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2005 | 661 | 322 |
Japanese Speech Understanding Using Grammar Specialization | HLT/EMNLP 2005 Interactive Demonstrations | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2005 | 623 | 508 |
Comparing Rule-Based and Statistical Approaches to Speech Understanding in a Limited Domain Speech Translation System | TMI 2004 - 10th International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in Machine Translation | ![accessLevelPublic](assets/images/access-level-public.svg) | | 2004 | 587 | 300 |