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1 - 105 of 105
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Recherche et déficience intellectuelle: réflexions et recommandations
2022 146 122
Promouvoir la participation sociale des adultes vivant avec une déficience intellectuelle dans les domaines de la littéracie et du sportCongrès suisse de pédagogie spécialisée
2022 86 50
Dynamische Abklärung von Wortschatz und Phonologie bei vier- und fünfjährigen Kindern mit Deutsch als ZweitspracheDLV AKtuell
2022 184 1
Validation of the student version of the Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire on a sample of French studentsEuropean Journal of Special Needs Education
2021 153 3
Bouger Ensemble: un programme de promotion de l’activité physique visant l’inclusion des personnes avec une déficience intellectuelle dans des clubs sportifs ordinairesXXᵉ JEFAPA Prévention, insertion et réhabilitation par l’activité physique adaptée
2021 116 256
Une méthode mixte pour évaluer l’inclusion sociale dans un groupe d’apprenant·es: un exemple avec la recherche Bouger Ensemble, un programme de promotion de l’activité physique pour des adultes vivant avec une déficience intellectuelleNetwork Meeting of the Swiss Network of Research in Special Needs Education
2021 100 30
Cognition, métacognition, éducation : l'approche intégrative de l'Atelier d'ApprentissageRaisons éducatives
2021 353 1,014
Promotion of regular physical activity for people with intellectual disabilities in an inclusive context2nd ENPAIR Conference
2019 290 76
Programm Frühlingstagung des Arbeitskreises Empirische Sonderpädagogische Forschung am 22. und 23. Juni 2018 und Pre-Conference am 21. Juni 2018
2018 555 937
Förderung regelmäßiger und autonomer physischer Aktivität bei Erwachsenen mit geistiger Behinderung in inklusiven KontextenHerbsttagung AESF
2018 340 13
Measures of Individual, Collaborative and Environmental Characteristics predict Swiss School Principals', Teachers' and Student Teachers' Attitudes Towards Inclusive EducationPsychoeducational Assessment, Intervention and Rehabilitation
2018 949 807
Pretest Versus No Pretest: An Investigation Into the Problem-Solving Processes in a Dynamic Testing ContextJournal of Cognitive Education and Psychology
2017 461 4
A Psychometric Analysis of the Student Version of the Perceptions of Inclusion Questionnaire (PIQ)European Journal of Psychological Assessment
2017 527 13
Learning Disabilities, 2017 Vol. 15 No. 1Learning disabilities
2017 431 58
Fostering self-regulated learning: From clinical to whole class interventionsEducational and child psychology
2017 1,001 183
A pilot study of dynamic assessment of vocabulary in German for bilingual preschoolers in SwitzerlandJournal of studies in education
2017 853 525
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 2017, Vol. 16, no. 2Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2017 584 261
Special Issue on Cognition and PsychopathologyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2017 458 180
Interdisziplinäres Teamteaching - Eine empirische Studie über die Einstellung zur Zusammenarbeit von Lehrkräften unterschiedlicher ProfessionenZeitschrift für Pädagogik
2017 851 1
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 2017, Vol. 16, no. 3Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology
2017 385 101
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 2016, Vol 15, No. 3Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2016 449 207
Special Issue on Learning disabilities around the globeLearning disabilities
2016 355 25
Sociale participatie in het secundair onderwijs in Oostenrijk gemeten met de Social Participation QuestionnairePedagogische Studiën
2016 589 4
Learning Disabilities, 2016 Vol.14 No.2Learning disabilities
2016 395 31
ATIS-STEP Attitudes Towards Inclusive Schoolng - Students, TEachers and Parents. Eine Längsschnittstudie im Mixed-Methods DesignFrühjahrstagung der Arbeitsgruppe Empirische Sonderpädagogische Forschung (AESF)
2016 396 62
Special Issue on Cognitive Education and Creative CognitionJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2016 523 648
Special Issue on Classroom Composition ResearchJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2016 448 142
Predicting a high rate of self-assessed and parent-assessed peer problems – Is it typical for students with disabilities?Research in developmental disabilities
2016 541 4
Students', teachers' and parents' attitudes towards inclusive schoolingOptentia Research Day: Forging links and building networks
2016 387 102
Mathematics Performance and Metacognitive Behaviors During Task Resolution and the Self-Concept of Students with and without Learning Disabilities in Secondary EducationInsights on Learning Disabilities
2015 563 11
Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology. 2015, Vol 14, no. 2Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 510 433
Teaching practices and beliefs about inclusion of general and special needs teachers in AustriaLearning disabilities
2015 615 8
Assessing Special Educational Needs in Austria: Description of Labeling Practices and Their Evolution From 1996 to 2013Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 548 2
European Research in Inclusive EducationJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 542 11
Special Issue on Inclusive EducationJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 496 1,310
Einstellung zur Integration – Ergebnisse aus einer Schweizer Onlinestudie mit Lehrkräften und StudierendenHeilpädagogische Forschung
2015 606 3
Einstellungen und Selbstwirksamkeit von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern zur schulischen Inklusion in Deutschland – eine Analyse mit Daten des Nationalen Bildungspanels Deutschlands (NEPS)Empirische Pädagogik
2015 700 0
Achievement Goals, School Achievement, Self-Estimations of School Achievement, and Calibration in Students With and Without Special Education Needs in Inclusive EducationScandinavian journal of educational research
2015 690 14
Kritische Aspekte bei Blickbewegungsanalysen am Beispiel der Evaluierung von Trainingseffekten im schlussfolgernden Denken bei RisikogruppenEmpirische Sonderpädagogik
2015 552 152
Validität von Messungen zur Einstellung gegenüber dem gemeinsamen Unterricht von Schüler*innen mit und ohne sonderpädagogischen FörderbedarfVeränderung und Beständigkeit in Zeiten der Inklusion. Perspektiven Sonderpädagogischer Professionalisierung
2015 633 2
Special Issue on University Student LearningJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 435 335
Learning Disabilities, 2015 Vol. 13 No. 2Learning disabilities
2015 349 29
The International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology and the Journal of Cognitive Education and PsychologyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 596 3
Does Inclusive Education Change Teachers' Educational Goals? A Comparative Analysis of Two Cross-sectional Surveys in AustriaJournal of studies in education
2015 676 612
The Relationship Between Social and Emotional Integration and Reading Ability in Students With and Without Special Educational Needs in Inclusive ClassesJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2015 801 18
Améliorer la compréhension en lecture chez les adultes avec une déficience intellectuelle : une intervention ciblée sur les processus cognitifs et métacognitifs et les stratégies d'apprentissageANAE. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant
2015 990 60
Invited articles from IACEP keynote speakersJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2014 533 603
Basic Arithmetical Skills of Students with Learning Disabilities in the Secondary Special Schools: An Exploratory Study covering Fifth to Ninth GradeFrontline learning research
2014 437 5
Lern- und Leistungsmotivation bei SchülerInnen mit Lernbehinderung. Ergebnisse einer empirischen Untersuchung in der SekundarstufeInklusive Bildung: Erkenntnisse und Konzepte aus Fachdidaktik und Sonderpädagogik
2014 1,027 0
Special Issue on Cognition and TechnologyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2014 504 479
Einleitung zum Themenschwerpunkt "Einstellungen zum inklusiven Unterricht"Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung
2014 817 2,045
Special Issue on Prospective Cognition in Education and EnculturationJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2014 448 251
Schwerpunkt: Einstellungen zum inklusiven UnterrichtZeitschrift für Bildungsforschung
2014 574 142
News From the International Association for Cognitive Education and PsychologyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2014 558 1
A review scrutinising the consequential validity of dynamic assessmentEducational psychology
2014 652 7
The CE of IACEPJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 498 0
What is Cognitive Education?Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 692 397
Current Views on Cognitive Education: A Critical Discussion and Future PerspectivesJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 695 62
Special Issue On Self-Regulated Learning: New Contexts And Populations And Measurement IssuesJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 575 746
From the EditorJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 597 3
Fostering self-regulated learning in intervention and regular teachingJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2013 646 107
Teachers' preferences for educational planning: Dynamic testing, teaching' experience and teachers' sense of efficacyTeaching and teacher education
2012 426 6
Invited articles from IACEP Conference keynote speakersJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 540 124
Some Issues in Assessment and Intervention in Intellectual and Developmental DisabilitiesJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 603 8
Contributions From International Conferences of the International Association for Cognitive Education and PsychologyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 550 3
International Association for Cognitive Education and Psychology. European Regional Conference: Cognitive Development and Learning from Kindergarten to University. Program and Abstracts
2012 529 1,186
Special Issue on research on intellectual and developmental disabilities: Part 1Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 496 92
From the EditorJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 498 0
Special Issue on Research on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: Part 2Journal of cognitive education and psychology
2012 482 98
Training effects in dynamic assessment: A pilot study of eye movement as indicator of problem solving behaviour before and after trainingEducational and child psychology
2011 722 49
Zur Brauchbarkeit der P-Scales für standardbasierte Kompetenzmessung in der SchweizSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik
2011 636 4
Vers une évaluation adéquate et une intervention cognitive ciblée auprès des élèves à besoins éducatifs particuliersEvaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en difficultés
2010 722 0
European Conference on Psychological Theory and Research on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (ECIDD). 8th Biennial Conference: Programme and Abstracts
2010 614 943
L'apport des tests d'apprentissage dans l'évaluation des capacités intellectuelles des élèves avec difficultés scolairesEvaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en diffi cultés
2010 839 0
Strategy acquisition by children with general learning difficulties through metacognitive trainingAustralian journal of learning difficulties
2010 995 0
Evaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en difficultés
2010 1,186 653
Evaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en difficultés: synthèse et perspectivesEvaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en difficultés
2010 851 0
Evaluation des capacités de raisonnement et prédiction des apprentissages dans un domaine scolaire nouveau chez des élèves présentant une déficience intellectuelle légèreEvaluation et intervention auprès d'élèves en difficultés
2010 854 0
L'étude des processus cognitifs chez les personnes avec déficience intellectuelle : la remise en question de la validité de l'appariement de groupes selon l'âge mentalSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Heilpädagogik
2010 1,213 797
Metacognitive Teaching in a Special Education ClassJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2009 733 49
Estimation of the Predictive Validity of the HART by Means of a Dynamic Test of GeographyJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2009 607 27
Principes pédagogiques favorisant le développement du raisonnementParticipation et responsabilités sociales. Un nouveau paradigme pour l'inclusion des personnes avec une déficience intellectuelle
2009 1,205 54
Processes in Learning and Memory: Assessment and InterventionJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2009 455 35
Le développement de stratégies cognitives et métacognitives chez des élèves en difficulté d'apprentissageDéveloppements
2009 1,568 124
Learning capacity in adolescents with mild intellectual disabilitiesPsychological reports
2009 740 3
Clarifying Some Issues in Dynamic Assessment: Comments on Karpov and TzurielJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2009 730 14
EditorialJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2009 461 0
Group assessment of learning potential of pupils in mainstream primary education and special education classesJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2008 608 35
Pedagogical principles favouring the development of reasoning in people with severe learning difficultiesEducational and Child Psychology
2008 689 37
Evaluer le potentiel d'apprentissage. Construction d'un instrument à passation collectivePédagogie spécialisée
2004 689 27
Le potentiel d'apprentissage des enfants autochtones et étrangers et leur réussites scolairesPédagogie spécialisée
2003 544 6
L'intelligence et la capacité d'apprentissageRésonances
2002 620 591
External Memory and Verbalization in Students with Moderate Mental Retardation: Theory and TrainingJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2002 718 15
Learning potential in immigrant children in two countries: The Dutch and the Swiss-French version of the Learning Potential Test for Ethnic MinoritiesLearning potential assessment and cognitive training. Actual research and perspectives in theory building and methodology
2002 650 34
Performance of Adolescents with Moderate Mental Retardation on a Working Memory Task and Analysis of their Response PatternsJournal of cognitive education and psychology
2002 673 5
Het meten van de cognitieve mogelijkheden en het schoolgedrag van allochtone kinderenDiagnostiek bij allochtonen: mogelijkheden en beperkingen van psychologische tests
2001 1,648 931
The Zone of Proximal Development of Psychological AssessmentDynamik im Testen. Perspektiven auf die Zone der nächsten Entwicklung in der Psychodiagnostik. Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Jürgen Guthke
2001 564 154
Children with asthma and physical exercise: effects of an exercise programmeClinical rehabilitation
2001 613 3
The Learning potential test for Ethnic Minorities (LEM): A tool for standardized assessment of children in kindergarten and the first years of primary schoolDynamic Assessment: Prevailing models and applications
2000 870 34
Exploring the conceptual expansion within the field of organizational behaviour: organizational climate and organizational cultureJournal of management studies
1998 588 0
Low IQ but high learning potential: Why Zeyneb and Moussa do not belong in special educationEducational and Child Psychology
1997 683 9
Het vertrouwensproces bij consumenten binnen een winkelomgeving: De constructie van een nomologisch netwerkRecente Ontwikkelingen in het Marktonderzoek. Jaarboek 1997 van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Marktonderzoek en Informatiemanagement
1997 529 1,369
Learning Potential in Ethnic Minority ChildrenEuropean journal of psychological assessment
1996 548 7
The measurement of mental attentional capacity: a neo-Piagetian developmental studyIntelligence
1996 621 5
Ethnic Differences in Learning Potential Test Scores: Research into Item and Test Bias in the Learning Potential Test for Ethnic MinoritiesJournal of Cognitive Education
1996 612 194
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