Supervised works
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1 - 134 of 134
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
The New Roles of the World Trade Organisation in Trade and Climate ChangeInternational Economic Law as Symphony : Thomas Cottier and the Harmonies of Trade
2025 6 0
Les Nouveaux rôles de l'OMC depuis la pandémieRéforme de l’OMC : vers un nouveau multilatéralisme économique
2024 5 0
Le droit au développement, un cheminement bien personnel : évolution et accroissement de ce corpus de normes à la Banque mondiale grâce aux initiatives d'anciens Présidents du Groupe de la Banque mondialeLe droit international du développement, évolution ou révolution ? : hommage au professeur Hervé Cassan (1947-2021)
2024 7 5
WTO rulebook and combatting illicit trade in food and food fraudIllicit Trade in Food and Food Fraud
2024 4 1
The Evolution of Labour Provisions in Regional Trade AgreementsJournal of world trade
2023 10 9
IGO s’ Initiatives as a Response to Crises and Unforeseen NeedsInternational organizations law review
2022 167 0
Silence in WTOJournal of world trade
2022 501 170
Unmasking the Phantom of the Opera : Is there a Hidden Secretariat in the WTO Dispute Settlement System?AJIL unbound
2022 115 84
[Review of:] Trade Links: New Rules for a New World. By James Bacchus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. ISBN 9781009105941, 405ppJournal of international economic law
2022 112 24
[Review of:] Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law by Shin-yi Peng, Ching-Fu Lin, and Thomas Streinz Cambridge University Press, 2021World trade review
2022 124 78
COVID-19 and international trade: The role of the WTO in fighting the pandemic and building back betterGlobal Trade and Custom Journal
2021 650 594
Fragmented international law: international trade law and international environmental lawElgar Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law
2021 372 6
The Role of the WTO in the Global Response to the Covid-19 PandemicInternational organizations law review
2021 379 343
From Shock, to Rescue, and Recovery: Using Efficient and Transparent Trade to Move ForwardBuilding Back Better. A Call for Courage
2020 301 97
Du choc au sauvetage et à la reprise : utiliser un commerce efficace et transparent pour aller de l'avantReconstruire en mieux. Un appel au courage
2020 260 169
Never Waste a Good Crisis : The End of the WTO Dream, or the Beginning of Something Greater?International organizations law review
2020 276 86
Trade and Women - Opportunities for Women in the Framework of the World Trade OrganisationJournal of international economic law
2019 293 198
Instances of international coherence in the international social and economic order: The integration of trade and labour considerationsWomen Shaping Global Economic Governance
2019 445 257
The World Trade OrganizationLegitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication
2019 208 5
The place of non-trade concerns in international tradeVers les sommets du droit : Liber amicorum pour Henry Peter
2019 288 250
Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law
2019 257 1
Practices and Ways of Doing Things in the World Trade Organization (WTO) LawInternational Law and Litigation: A Look into Procedure
2019 673 254
Do PPM Concerns Have A Future?Restoring Trust in Trade. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Peter Van den Bossche
2019 505 11
La place des considérations liées aux conditions et standards de travail dans le système du commerce international de l'OMCLe Travail au XXIe siècle
2019 218 2
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO AdjudicatorJournal of International Economic Law
2018 605 0
L'interprétation évolutive par le juge OMC: Sophisme ou nécessitéRevue générale de droit international public
2018 1,317 832
The WTO Adjudicating BodiesThe Legitimacy of International Trade Courts and Tribunals
2018 589 270
World Trade Organization (WTO)Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law
2017 126 0
La jurisprudence de l'OMC et la recherche d'un équilibre entre développement économique et considérations non-commerciales: le cas de l'environnementRevue québécoise de droit international
2017 581 655
Comments on Blázquez and IllySelect Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Volume 4, 2012
2016 474 268
The World Trade Organization and Export RestrictionsEmerging Issues in Sustainable Development. International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment
2016 117 3
The Interface between the Trade Rules and Climate Change ActionsLegal Issues on Climate Change and International Trade Law
2016 1,014 534
WTO and Export RestrictionsJournal of world trade
2016 694 551
The World Trade Organization and Export RestrictionsEmerging Issues in Sustainable Development: International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment
2016 510 0
The primacy of the WTO dispute settlement systemQuestions of international law
2015 821 850
A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO: The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System
2015 817 0
Judging from Venus: A Response to Joost PauwelynAmerican Journal of International Law
2015 597 237
A Map of the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods: The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement, the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and TradeJournal of world trade
2014 1,062 1,025
A Comment on the Appellate Body Report in "EC-Seal Products" in the Context of the Trade and Environment DebateReview of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law
2014 810 437
Panel requests : what's the problem?Reflections on the constitutionalisation of international economic law : liber amicorum for Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann
2014 630 1
Droits de l'homme et OMCIntroduction aux droits de l'homme
2014 837 1
The WTO dispute settlement mechanism in matters involving exchanges rates and tradeThe rule of law in monetary affairs / World Trade Forum ; ed. by Thomas Cottier, Rosa M. Lastra and Christian Tietje ; associated ed. Lucía Satragno
2014 590 55
The contribution of WTO rules and jurisprudence to the evolution of other international dispute settlement mechanisms: A Lighthouse in the Storm of FragmentationJournal of world trade
2013 700 0
Book Symposium Investment Law: Comments on Mary E. Footer’s ChapterOpinio Juris
2013 124 16
Technical Barriers to TradeThe Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
2013 639 0
Introductory note : trade and povertyPoverty and the international economic legal system : duties to the world's poor
2013 500 0
WTO and trade in natural resourcesInternational Law and Freshwater : The Multiple Challenges
2013 677 14
Los esfuerzos de la OMC para equilibrar el desarrollo económico y la protección del medio ambiente: Un breve repaso de la jurisprudencia del Órgano de ApelaciónRevista latinoamericana de derecho comercial internacional
2013 507 0
The Status of Sustainable Development in the Law of the World Trade OrganizationArbitragem e Comércio Internacional: Estudos em Homenagem a Luis Olavo Baptista
2013 658 160
L'Organisation Mondiale du CommerceDroit international social, Tome 1
2013 743 406
The WTO's efforts to balance economic development and environmental protection: A short review of Appellate Body jurisprudenceRevista latinoamericana de derecho comercial internacional
2013 764 1
Implementation of recommendations and rulings in the WTO systemDiplomatic and judicial means of dispute settlement
2013 605 275
Sanitary and Phytosanitary MeasuresThe Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law
2013 517 0
The New WTO TBT jurisprudence in US-Clove Cigarettes, WTO US-Tuna II, and US-COOLAsian journal of WTO & international health law and policy
2013 950 0
Transparency and Public Participation in the WTO: A Report Card on WTO Transparency MechanismsTrade, law and development
2012 600 228
The Future of International Trade Law: How Best for Trade to Deal With (New) Non-trade Concerns?The Law of the Future and the Future of Law: Volume II
2012 621 274
Experts in WTO dispute settlementJournal of international dispute settlement
2012 659 360
Open hearings in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism : the current state of playGenève au confluent du droit interne et du droit international : Mélanges offerts par la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Genève à la Société suisse des juristes à l'occasion du congrès 2012
2012 698 378
The Interface between the Trade and Climate Change Regimes: Scoping the IssuesJournal of world trade
2012 589 517
The interface between the trade and climate change regimes : scoping the issues
2011 611 35
L'OMC et la crise financière : un modèle?La refondation du système monétaire et financier international : évolutions réglementaires et institutionnelles : actes du colloque des 16-17 mars 2010
2011 562 206
PréfaceLes OGM et l'OMC: analyse des accords SPS, OTC et du GATT
2011 425 46
Editorial: IGOs in crisis? Or new opportunities to demonstrate responsibility?International organizations law review
2011 632 558
Dispute Settlement Regimes Intermingled: Regional Trade Agreements and the WTOJournal of international dispute settlement
2010 732 354
The WTO in the Emerging Energy Governance DebateGlobal trade and customs journal
2010 572 371
Le droit du commerce international, les droits fondamentaux et les considérations socialesL'Observateur des Nations Unies
2009 597 429
Trade and the environment : the WTO's efforts to balance economic and sustainable developmentÉconomie, environnement, éthique : de la responsabilité sociale et sociétale : Liber amicorum Anne Petitpierre-Sauvain
2009 764 323
Is there a necessity test within Article XXIV of the GATT 1994? And if so, is it applicable to RTAs among developing countries, covered by the Enabling Clause?
2009 830 30
A Guide to the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of GoodsThe Oxford handbook of international trade law
2009 523 0
Institutional challenges to enhance policy co-ordination : how WTO rules could be utilised to meet climate objectives?International trade regulation and the mitigation of climate change
2009 634 369
Responding to national concernsThe Oxford handbook of international trade law
2009 609 416
Global Administrative Law Perspective of the WTO Aid for Trade InitiativeInternational organizations law review
2009 482 0
News from Geneva on RTAs and WTO-Plus, WTO-More, and WTO-MinusASIL Proceedings (103rd Annual Meeting)
2009 599 0
Trade and labourThe Oxford handbook of international trade law
2009 506 570
Comments on "Joost Pauwelyn's" paper : "How to win a WTO dispute based on non-WTO law ?At the crossroads : the world trading system and the Doha Round
2008 795 690
Fragmentation in International law: The Relationship between WTO Law and General International Law – a Few Comments from a WTO Perspective or the Search to Understand Non-WTO DisputeThe Finnish yearbook of international law
2008 584 2
The adoption of the 'Best practices' for regional and free trade agreements in APEC : a road towards more WTO-consistent regional trade agreements ?The WTO in the twenty-first century : dispute settlement, negotiations, and regionalism in Asia
2007 523 456
A map of the WTO Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods (revised version)Trade and human health and safety
2006 456 0
Balance and coherence by the WTO Appellate Body : who could do better?The WTO at ten : the contribution of the dispute settlement system
2006 641 0
Agriculture and World Trade OrganisationThe World Food Law Institute, The Cosmos Club
2006 480 0
Overlaps and conflicts of jurisdiction between the WTO and RTAsRegional trade agreements and the WTO legal system
2006 610 1
The WTO is NOT a Closed BoxTrade, Investment and the Environment: Closed Box? Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of ASIL
2006 485 0
The WTO Dispute Settlement and Human RightsInternational trade and human rights: foundations and conceptual issues
2006 687 0
Les pays arabes et le processus d'accession à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC)Dirāsāt duwaliyyaẗ
2006 491 200
Le principe de précaution dans la jurisprudence de l'OMC - Leçon inaugurale, Université de Genève, Faculté de droitEcoLomic Policy and Law
2005 594 121
Consultations and the panel process in the WTO dispute settlement systemKey issues in WTO dispute settlement : the first ten years
2005 680 694
De quelques problèmes juridiques, techniques et politiques de l'accession des pays arabes à l'OMCL'adhésion du Liban et des à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), Opportunités et problèmes juridiques et économiques
2004 415 0
Pratique et pratiques dans le droit de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC)La pratique et le droit international : colloque de Genève
2004 555 358
A Map of the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods: the TBT, the SPS and GATTWTO Jurisprudence 1995-2001 - Law and Dispute Settlement Practice of the World Trade Organization
2003 427 0
Overlaps and conflicts of jurisdiction between the WTO and RTAsCanadian yearbook of international law
2003 643 0
L'OMC réconcilie commerce et santé : la nouvelle jurisprudence de l'organe d'appel dans l'affaire "CE - amiante"L'Observateur des Nations Unies
2002 704 487
The technical barriers to trade agreement, the sanitary and physanitary measures agreement, and the general agreement on tariffs and trade: a map of the new World Trade Organization law of domestic regulation of goodsJournal of world trade
2002 728 1,567
The Relationship between the Dispute-Settlement Mechanisms of MEAs and those of the WTOReview of European, comparative and international environmental law
2002 583 522
TBT, SPS and GATT: A Map of the WTO Law on Domestic Regulations of GoodsJournal of world trade
2002 606 0
WTO dispute settlement and human rightsEuropean journal of international law
2002 637 326
Le principe de précaution et les règles de l'Organisation mondiale du commerceLe principe de précaution et le droit international
2001 482 0
Practical Suggestions for Amicus Curiae Briefs before WTO Adjudicating BodiesJournal of international economic law
2001 586 409
When and How is a Regional Trade Agreement Compatible with the WTO?Legal Issues of Economic Integration
2001 607 743
Implementation of Panel and Appellate Body RecommendationsFocus WTO (India)
2001 426 0
The Relationship between Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and those of the WTOWTO and MEAs
2001 496 0
Conflicts of norms and conflicts of jurisdictions : the relationship between the WTO agreement and MEAs and other treatiesJournal of world trade
2001 1,399 1,953
Clarifications of the DSU brought by WTO jurisprudenceTrade and agriculture : negotiating a new agreement?
2001 566 230
The enlarged community in the world trade organizationEuropa di domani: verso l'allargamento dell'Unione = Europe tomorrow: towards the enlargement of the Union
2001 504 193
L'affaire CE : amiante et la nouvelle jurisprudence de l'organe d'appel concernant les risques à la SantéCanadian yearbook of international law
2000 476 0
A call for coherence in international law : praises for the prohibition against "Clinical Isolation" in WTO dispute settlementJournal of world trade
1999 1,013 1,259
Is the WTO open and transparent? : a discussion of the relationship of the WTO with non-governmental organisations and civil society's claims for more transparency and public participationJournal of world trade
1999 1,228 925
Le système de règlement des différends de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce – Analyse d'un système particulier et distinctifRevue du marché commun
1998 492 0
The full potential of the Europe Agreement: private prositive comity, direct effect and new balancing within public interest clausesCompetition And Economic Integration In Europe
1998 519 3
Les procédures d'accession à l'Organisation Mondiale du CommerceCanadian yearbook of international law
1998 424 0
Rules on Ethics for the New World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Mechanism : The Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of DisputesJournal of world trade
1998 544 833
GATT/WTO and Managing International Trade Relations (Chapter 7)Global Governance: The Role of International Institutions in the Changing World
1997 418 37
The Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the WTOWorld economic affairs
1997 466 0
Switzerland, an Authentic TraderWorld economic affairs
1997 465 0
Review Essays of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms : Regional or Multilateral: Which One is Better?Journal of world trade
1997 527 379
A history of multilateral negotiations on procurement: from ITO to WTOLaw and policy in public purchasing : the WTO agreement on government procurement
1997 720 1,412
Book Review of "The Negotiating History of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing" by Raffaelli M. and Jenkins TInternational Trade Law Regulation
1997 373 0
NAFTA and WTO Dispute Settlement Rules: A Thematic ComparisonJournal of world trade
1997 578 476
Trade and Competition Issues in the Europe AgreementsCompetition and Economic Integration in Europe
1997 451 0
NAFTA Dispute Settlement Procedures: A thematic comparison with the WTO Dispute Settlement ProceduresInternational trade law and the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system
1997 474 0
The Success of SingaporeWorld economic affairs
1997 417 0
The History of the Negotiations of Government Procurement since 1945Public procurement law review
1996 758 2
Book review of : "NAFTA and Investment" by Seymour J. Rubin and Dean C. Alexander (Ed.)International Trade Law Regulation
1996 475 0
Book review of : "International Trade Law" by Jason ChuahInternational Trade Law Regulation
1996 600 0
La première année de l'ORD de l'OMCCanadian yearbook of international law
1995 478 0
Transition from GATT to WTO : A Most Pragmatic OperationJournal of world trade
1995 675 606
The Full Potential of the Europe Agreements - Trade and Competition Issues : The Case of PolandWorld competition
1995 462 1,458
The Real Potential of the Europe Agreements: Antidumping and Antitrust IssuesWorld competition
1995 468 0
Anti-dumping and anti-trust issues in free-trade areas
1994 1,925 487
International Trade LawGlobal economic co-operation : a guide to agreements and organizations
1994 578 228
The Issue of Antitrust and Antidumping within Free-Trade AreasSDIE Bulletin
1992 519 0
Some Evidence of a New International Economic OrderLa revue générale de droit (Ottawa)
1991 467 0
Le GATT et les pays socialistesBulletin de la SDIE
1990 407 0
Le droit des assurances terrestres
1990 495 0
Accords économiques internationaux : répertoire des accords et des institutions
1990 567 123
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