Marceau, Gabrielle Zoe
Affiliation entities
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
The New Roles of the World Trade Organisation in Trade and Climate Change | International Economic Law as Symphony : Thomas Cottier and the Harmonies of Trade | 2025 | 6 | 0 | |||
Les Nouveaux rôles de l'OMC depuis la pandémie | Réforme de l’OMC : vers un nouveau multilatéralisme économique | 2024 | 5 | 0 | |||
Le droit au développement, un cheminement bien personnel : évolution et accroissement de ce corpus de normes à la Banque mondiale grâce aux initiatives d'anciens Présidents du Groupe de la Banque mondiale | Le droit international du développement, évolution ou révolution ? : hommage au professeur Hervé Cassan (1947-2021) | 2024 | 7 | 5 | |||
WTO rulebook and combatting illicit trade in food and food fraud | Illicit Trade in Food and Food Fraud | 2024 | 4 | 1 | |||
The Evolution of Labour Provisions in Regional Trade Agreements | Journal of world trade | 2023 | 10 | 9 | |||
IGO s’ Initiatives as a Response to Crises and Unforeseen Needs | International organizations law review | 2022 | 167 | 0 | |||
Silence in WTO | Journal of world trade | 2022 | 501 | 170 | |||
Unmasking the Phantom of the Opera : Is there a Hidden Secretariat in the WTO Dispute Settlement System? | AJIL unbound | 2022 | 115 | 84 | |||
[Review of:] Trade Links: New Rules for a New World. By James Bacchus, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. ISBN 9781009105941, 405pp | Journal of international economic law | 2022 | 112 | 24 | |||
[Review of:] Artificial Intelligence and International Economic Law by Shin-yi Peng, Ching-Fu Lin, and Thomas Streinz Cambridge University Press, 2021 | World trade review | 2022 | 124 | 78 | |||
COVID-19 and international trade: The role of the WTO in fighting the pandemic and building back better | Global Trade and Custom Journal | 2021 | 650 | 594 | |||
Fragmented international law: international trade law and international environmental law | Elgar Encyclopaedia of Environmental Law | 2021 | 372 | 6 | |||
The Role of the WTO in the Global Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic | International organizations law review | 2021 | 379 | 343 | |||
From Shock, to Rescue, and Recovery: Using Efficient and Transparent Trade to Move Forward | Building Back Better. A Call for Courage | 2020 | 301 | 97 | |||
Du choc au sauvetage et à la reprise : utiliser un commerce efficace et transparent pour aller de l'avant | Reconstruire en mieux. Un appel au courage | 2020 | 260 | 169 | |||
Never Waste a Good Crisis : The End of the WTO Dream, or the Beginning of Something Greater? | International organizations law review | 2020 | 276 | 86 | |||
Trade and Women - Opportunities for Women in the Framework of the World Trade Organisation | Journal of international economic law | 2019 | 293 | 198 | |||
Instances of international coherence in the international social and economic order: The integration of trade and labour considerations | Women Shaping Global Economic Governance | 2019 | 445 | 257 | |||
The World Trade Organization | Legitimacy of Unseen Actors in International Adjudication | 2019 | 208 | 5 | |||
The place of non-trade concerns in international trade | Vers les sommets du droit : Liber amicorum pour Henry Peter | 2019 | 288 | 250 | |||
Evolutionary Interpretation and International Law | 2019 | 257 | 1 | ||||
Practices and Ways of Doing Things in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Law | International Law and Litigation: A Look into Procedure | 2019 | 673 | 254 | |||
Do PPM Concerns Have A Future? | Restoring Trust in Trade. Liber Amicorum in Honour of Peter Van den Bossche | 2019 | 505 | 11 | |||
La place des considérations liées aux conditions et standards de travail dans le système du commerce international de l'OMC | Le Travail au XXIe siècle | 2019 | 218 | 2 | |||
Evolutive Interpretation by the WTO Adjudicator | Journal of International Economic Law | 2018 | 605 | 0 | |||
L'interprétation évolutive par le juge OMC: Sophisme ou nécessité | Revue générale de droit international public | 2018 | 1,317 | 832 | |||
The WTO Adjudicating Bodies | The Legitimacy of International Trade Courts and Tribunals | 2018 | 589 | 270 | |||
World Trade Organization (WTO) | Elgar Encyclopedia of International Economic Law | 2017 | 126 | 0 | |||
La jurisprudence de l'OMC et la recherche d'un équilibre entre développement économique et considérations non-commerciales: le cas de l'environnement | Revue québécoise de droit international | 2017 | 581 | 655 | |||
Comments on Blázquez and Illy | Select Proceedings of the European Society of International Law, Volume 4, 2012 | 2016 | 474 | 268 | |||
The World Trade Organization and Export Restrictions | Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development. International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment | 2016 | 117 | 3 | |||
The Interface between the Trade Rules and Climate Change Actions | Legal Issues on Climate Change and International Trade Law | 2016 | 1,014 | 534 | |||
WTO and Export Restrictions | Journal of world trade | 2016 | 694 | 551 | |||
The World Trade Organization and Export Restrictions | Emerging Issues in Sustainable Development: International Trade Law and Policy Relating to Natural Resources, Energy, and the Environment | 2016 | 510 | 0 | |||
The primacy of the WTO dispute settlement system | Questions of international law | 2015 | 821 | 850 | |||
A History of Law and Lawyers in the GATT/WTO: The Development of the Rule of Law in the Multilateral Trading System | 2015 | 817 | 0 | ||||
Judging from Venus: A Response to Joost Pauwelyn | American Journal of International Law | 2015 | 597 | 237 | |||
A Map of the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods: The Technical Barriers to Trade Agreement, the Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures Agreement, and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade | Journal of world trade | 2014 | 1,062 | 1,025 | |||
A Comment on the Appellate Body Report in "EC-Seal Products" in the Context of the Trade and Environment Debate | Review of European, Comparative & International Environmental Law | 2014 | 810 | 437 | |||
Panel requests : what's the problem? | Reflections on the constitutionalisation of international economic law : liber amicorum for Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann | 2014 | 630 | 1 | |||
Droits de l'homme et OMC | Introduction aux droits de l'homme | 2014 | 837 | 1 | |||
The WTO dispute settlement mechanism in matters involving exchanges rates and trade | The rule of law in monetary affairs / World Trade Forum ; ed. by Thomas Cottier, Rosa M. Lastra and Christian Tietje ; associated ed. Lucía Satragno | 2014 | 590 | 55 | |||
The contribution of WTO rules and jurisprudence to the evolution of other international dispute settlement mechanisms: A Lighthouse in the Storm of Fragmentation | Journal of world trade | 2013 | 700 | 0 | |||
Book Symposium Investment Law: Comments on Mary E. Footer’s Chapter | Opinio Juris | 2013 | 124 | 16 | |||
Technical Barriers to Trade | The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law | 2013 | 639 | 0 | |||
Introductory note : trade and poverty | Poverty and the international economic legal system : duties to the world's poor | 2013 | 500 | 0 | |||
WTO and trade in natural resources | International Law and Freshwater : The Multiple Challenges | 2013 | 677 | 14 | |||
Los esfuerzos de la OMC para equilibrar el desarrollo económico y la protección del medio ambiente: Un breve repaso de la jurisprudencia del Órgano de Apelación | Revista latinoamericana de derecho comercial internacional | 2013 | 507 | 0 | |||
The Status of Sustainable Development in the Law of the World Trade Organization | Arbitragem e Comércio Internacional: Estudos em Homenagem a Luis Olavo Baptista | 2013 | 658 | 160 | |||
L'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce | Droit international social, Tome 1 | 2013 | 743 | 406 | |||
The WTO's efforts to balance economic development and environmental protection: A short review of Appellate Body jurisprudence | Revista latinoamericana de derecho comercial internacional | 2013 | 764 | 1 | |||
Implementation of recommendations and rulings in the WTO system | Diplomatic and judicial means of dispute settlement | 2013 | 605 | 275 | |||
Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures | The Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law | 2013 | 517 | 0 | |||
The New WTO TBT jurisprudence in US-Clove Cigarettes, WTO US-Tuna II, and US-COOL | Asian journal of WTO & international health law and policy | 2013 | 950 | 0 | |||
Transparency and Public Participation in the WTO: A Report Card on WTO Transparency Mechanisms | Trade, law and development | 2012 | 600 | 228 | |||
The Future of International Trade Law: How Best for Trade to Deal With (New) Non-trade Concerns? | The Law of the Future and the Future of Law: Volume II | 2012 | 621 | 274 | |||
Experts in WTO dispute settlement | Journal of international dispute settlement | 2012 | 659 | 360 | |||
Open hearings in the WTO dispute settlement mechanism : the current state of play | Genève au confluent du droit interne et du droit international : Mélanges offerts par la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Genève à la Société suisse des juristes à l'occasion du congrès 2012 | 2012 | 698 | 378 | |||
The Interface between the Trade and Climate Change Regimes: Scoping the Issues | Journal of world trade | 2012 | 589 | 517 | |||
The interface between the trade and climate change regimes : scoping the issues | 2011 | 611 | 35 | ||||
L'OMC et la crise financière : un modèle? | La refondation du système monétaire et financier international : évolutions réglementaires et institutionnelles : actes du colloque des 16-17 mars 2010 | 2011 | 562 | 206 | |||
Préface | Les OGM et l'OMC: analyse des accords SPS, OTC et du GATT | 2011 | 425 | 46 | |||
Editorial: IGOs in crisis? Or new opportunities to demonstrate responsibility? | International organizations law review | 2011 | 632 | 558 | |||
Dispute Settlement Regimes Intermingled: Regional Trade Agreements and the WTO | Journal of international dispute settlement | 2010 | 732 | 354 | |||
The WTO in the Emerging Energy Governance Debate | Global trade and customs journal | 2010 | 572 | 371 | |||
Le droit du commerce international, les droits fondamentaux et les considérations sociales | L'Observateur des Nations Unies | 2009 | 597 | 429 | |||
Trade and the environment : the WTO's efforts to balance economic and sustainable development | Économie, environnement, éthique : de la responsabilité sociale et sociétale : Liber amicorum Anne Petitpierre-Sauvain | 2009 | 764 | 323 | |||
Is there a necessity test within Article XXIV of the GATT 1994? And if so, is it applicable to RTAs among developing countries, covered by the Enabling Clause? | 2009 | 830 | 30 | ||||
A Guide to the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods | The Oxford handbook of international trade law | 2009 | 523 | 0 | |||
Institutional challenges to enhance policy co-ordination : how WTO rules could be utilised to meet climate objectives? | International trade regulation and the mitigation of climate change | 2009 | 634 | 369 | |||
Responding to national concerns | The Oxford handbook of international trade law | 2009 | 609 | 416 | |||
Global Administrative Law Perspective of the WTO Aid for Trade Initiative | International organizations law review | 2009 | 482 | 0 | |||
News from Geneva on RTAs and WTO-Plus, WTO-More, and WTO-Minus | ASIL Proceedings (103rd Annual Meeting) | 2009 | 599 | 0 | |||
Trade and labour | The Oxford handbook of international trade law | 2009 | 506 | 570 | |||
Comments on "Joost Pauwelyn's" paper : "How to win a WTO dispute based on non-WTO law ? | At the crossroads : the world trading system and the Doha Round | 2008 | 795 | 690 | |||
Fragmentation in International law: The Relationship between WTO Law and General International Law – a Few Comments from a WTO Perspective or the Search to Understand Non-WTO Dispute | The Finnish yearbook of international law | 2008 | 584 | 2 | |||
The adoption of the 'Best practices' for regional and free trade agreements in APEC : a road towards more WTO-consistent regional trade agreements ? | The WTO in the twenty-first century : dispute settlement, negotiations, and regionalism in Asia | 2007 | 523 | 456 | |||
A map of the WTO Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods (revised version) | Trade and human health and safety | 2006 | 456 | 0 | |||
Balance and coherence by the WTO Appellate Body : who could do better? | The WTO at ten : the contribution of the dispute settlement system | 2006 | 641 | 0 | |||
Agriculture and World Trade Organisation | The World Food Law Institute, The Cosmos Club | 2006 | 480 | 0 | |||
Overlaps and conflicts of jurisdiction between the WTO and RTAs | Regional trade agreements and the WTO legal system | 2006 | 610 | 1 | |||
The WTO is NOT a Closed Box | Trade, Investment and the Environment: Closed Box? Proceedings of the 100th Annual Meeting of ASIL | 2006 | 485 | 0 | |||
The WTO Dispute Settlement and Human Rights | International trade and human rights: foundations and conceptual issues | 2006 | 687 | 0 | |||
Les pays arabes et le processus d'accession à l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) | Dirāsāt duwaliyyaẗ | 2006 | 491 | 200 | |||
Le principe de précaution dans la jurisprudence de l'OMC - Leçon inaugurale, Université de Genève, Faculté de droit | EcoLomic Policy and Law | 2005 | 594 | 121 | |||
Consultations and the panel process in the WTO dispute settlement system | Key issues in WTO dispute settlement : the first ten years | 2005 | 680 | 694 | |||
De quelques problèmes juridiques, techniques et politiques de l'accession des pays arabes à l'OMC | L'adhésion du Liban et des à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce (OMC), Opportunités et problèmes juridiques et économiques | 2004 | 415 | 0 | |||
Pratique et pratiques dans le droit de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) | La pratique et le droit international : colloque de Genève | 2004 | 555 | 358 | |||
A Map of the World Trade Organization Law of Domestic Regulation of Goods: the TBT, the SPS and GATT | WTO Jurisprudence 1995-2001 - Law and Dispute Settlement Practice of the World Trade Organization | 2003 | 427 | 0 | |||
Overlaps and conflicts of jurisdiction between the WTO and RTAs | Canadian yearbook of international law | 2003 | 643 | 0 | |||
L'OMC réconcilie commerce et santé : la nouvelle jurisprudence de l'organe d'appel dans l'affaire "CE - amiante" | L'Observateur des Nations Unies | 2002 | 704 | 487 | |||
The technical barriers to trade agreement, the sanitary and physanitary measures agreement, and the general agreement on tariffs and trade: a map of the new World Trade Organization law of domestic regulation of goods | Journal of world trade | 2002 | 728 | 1,567 | |||
The Relationship between the Dispute-Settlement Mechanisms of MEAs and those of the WTO | Review of European, comparative and international environmental law | 2002 | 583 | 522 | |||
TBT, SPS and GATT: A Map of the WTO Law on Domestic Regulations of Goods | Journal of world trade | 2002 | 606 | 0 | |||
WTO dispute settlement and human rights | European journal of international law | 2002 | 637 | 326 | |||
Le principe de précaution et les règles de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce | Le principe de précaution et le droit international | 2001 | 482 | 0 | |||
Practical Suggestions for Amicus Curiae Briefs before WTO Adjudicating Bodies | Journal of international economic law | 2001 | 586 | 409 | |||
When and How is a Regional Trade Agreement Compatible with the WTO? | Legal Issues of Economic Integration | 2001 | 607 | 743 | |||
Implementation of Panel and Appellate Body Recommendations | Focus WTO (India) | 2001 | 426 | 0 | |||
The Relationship between Dispute Settlement Mechanisms of Multilateral Environment Agreements (MEAs) and those of the WTO | WTO and MEAs | 2001 | 496 | 0 | |||
Conflicts of norms and conflicts of jurisdictions : the relationship between the WTO agreement and MEAs and other treaties | Journal of world trade | 2001 | 1,399 | 1,953 | |||
Clarifications of the DSU brought by WTO jurisprudence | Trade and agriculture : negotiating a new agreement? | 2001 | 566 | 230 | |||
The enlarged community in the world trade organization | Europa di domani: verso l'allargamento dell'Unione = Europe tomorrow: towards the enlargement of the Union | 2001 | 504 | 193 | |||
L'affaire CE : amiante et la nouvelle jurisprudence de l'organe d'appel concernant les risques à la Santé | Canadian yearbook of international law | 2000 | 476 | 0 | |||
A call for coherence in international law : praises for the prohibition against "Clinical Isolation" in WTO dispute settlement | Journal of world trade | 1999 | 1,013 | 1,259 | |||
Is the WTO open and transparent? : a discussion of the relationship of the WTO with non-governmental organisations and civil society's claims for more transparency and public participation | Journal of world trade | 1999 | 1,228 | 925 | |||
Le système de règlement des différends de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce – Analyse d'un système particulier et distinctif | Revue du marché commun | 1998 | 492 | 0 | |||
The full potential of the Europe Agreement: private prositive comity, direct effect and new balancing within public interest clauses | Competition And Economic Integration In Europe | 1998 | 519 | 3 | |||
Les procédures d'accession à l'Organisation Mondiale du Commerce | Canadian yearbook of international law | 1998 | 424 | 0 | |||
Rules on Ethics for the New World Trade Organization Dispute Settlement Mechanism : The Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes | Journal of world trade | 1998 | 544 | 833 | |||
GATT/WTO and Managing International Trade Relations (Chapter 7) | Global Governance: The Role of International Institutions in the Changing World | 1997 | 418 | 37 | |||
The Dispute Settlement Mechanism of the WTO | World economic affairs | 1997 | 466 | 0 | |||
Switzerland, an Authentic Trader | World economic affairs | 1997 | 465 | 0 | |||
Review Essays of Dispute Settlement Mechanisms : Regional or Multilateral: Which One is Better? | Journal of world trade | 1997 | 527 | 379 | |||
A history of multilateral negotiations on procurement: from ITO to WTO | Law and policy in public purchasing : the WTO agreement on government procurement | 1997 | 720 | 1,412 | |||
Book Review of "The Negotiating History of the Agreement on Textiles and Clothing" by Raffaelli M. and Jenkins T | International Trade Law Regulation | 1997 | 373 | 0 | |||
NAFTA and WTO Dispute Settlement Rules: A Thematic Comparison | Journal of world trade | 1997 | 578 | 476 | |||
Trade and Competition Issues in the Europe Agreements | Competition and Economic Integration in Europe | 1997 | 451 | 0 | |||
NAFTA Dispute Settlement Procedures: A thematic comparison with the WTO Dispute Settlement Procedures | International trade law and the GATT/WTO dispute settlement system | 1997 | 474 | 0 | |||
The Success of Singapore | World economic affairs | 1997 | 417 | 0 | |||
The History of the Negotiations of Government Procurement since 1945 | Public procurement law review | 1996 | 758 | 2 | |||
Book review of : "NAFTA and Investment" by Seymour J. Rubin and Dean C. Alexander (Ed.) | International Trade Law Regulation | 1996 | 475 | 0 | |||
Book review of : "International Trade Law" by Jason Chuah | International Trade Law Regulation | 1996 | 600 | 0 | |||
La première année de l'ORD de l'OMC | Canadian yearbook of international law | 1995 | 478 | 0 | |||
Transition from GATT to WTO : A Most Pragmatic Operation | Journal of world trade | 1995 | 675 | 606 | |||
The Full Potential of the Europe Agreements - Trade and Competition Issues : The Case of Poland | World competition | 1995 | 462 | 1,458 | |||
The Real Potential of the Europe Agreements: Antidumping and Antitrust Issues | World competition | 1995 | 468 | 0 | |||
Anti-dumping and anti-trust issues in free-trade areas | 1994 | 1,925 | 487 | ||||
International Trade Law | Global economic co-operation : a guide to agreements and organizations | 1994 | 578 | 228 | |||
The Issue of Antitrust and Antidumping within Free-Trade Areas | SDIE Bulletin | 1992 | 519 | 0 | |||
Some Evidence of a New International Economic Order | La revue générale de droit (Ottawa) | 1991 | 467 | 0 | |||
Le GATT et les pays socialistes | Bulletin de la SDIE | 1990 | 407 | 0 | |||
Le droit des assurances terrestres | 1990 | 495 | 0 | ||||
Accords économiques internationaux : répertoire des accords et des institutions | 1990 | 567 | 123 |