Ariztegui, Daniel
Affiliation entities
Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Optimization of strontium removal by Tetraselmis chui grown in bubble column photobioreactors | Algal research | 2024 | 35 | 14 | |||
Sediment-redox dynamics in an oligotrophic deep-water lake in Tierra del Fuego: insights from Fe isotopes | Journal of paleolimnology | 2024 | 57 | 14 | |||
The hidden biotic face of microbialite morphogenesis – a case study from Laguna de Los Cisnes, southernmost Patagonia (Chile) | Sedimentology | 2024 | 77 | 14 | |||
Prolonged drought periods over the last four decades increase flood intensity in southern Africa | Science of the total environment | 2024 | 66 | 33 | |||
Strontium-90 pollution can be bioremediated with the green microalga Tetraselmis chui | Environmental science. Processes & impacts | 2024 | 68 | 63 | |||
Deciphering the intricate link between watershed-level land use changes and reservoir eutrophication in central Argentina over the 20th-21st century | Anthropocene | 2024 | 41 | 0 | |||
Combined Genomic and Imaging Techniques Show Intense Arsenic Enrichment Caused by Detoxification in a Microbial Mat of the Dead Sea Shore | Geochemistry, geophysics, geosystems | 2024 | 81 | 22 | |||
ClimatiZENs - Atelier Terrascope/Enviroscope | 2023 | 49 | 18 | ||||
Reconstruction of Dead Sea lake level and mass balance back to 237 ka BP using halite fluid inclusions | Quaternary science reviews | 2023 | 121 | 2 | |||
Millennial hydrological variability in the continental northern Neotropics during Marine Isotope Stages (MISs) 3–2 (59–15 cal ka BP) inferred from sediments of Lake Petén Itzá, Guatemala | Climate of the past | 2023 | 127 | 27 | |||
High calcium and strontium uptake by the green microalga Tetraselmis chui is related to micropearl formation and cell growth | Environmental microbiology reports | 2022 | 247 | 120 | |||
Southern Hemisphere Westerly Winds have modulated the formation of laminations in sediments in Lago Fagnano (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) over the past 6.3 ka | Boreas | 2022 | 111 | 45 | |||
High diversity of lysis‐resistant cells upon the application of targeted physical and chemical lysis to environmental samples originating from three different water bodies | Environmental DNA | 2022 | 209 | 45 | |||
Reconstructing lake bottom water temperatures and their seasonal variability in the Dead Sea Basin during MIS5e | The depositional record | 2022 | 209 | 99 | |||
Organic matter diagenesis and precipitation of Mg-rich carbonate and dolomite in modern hypersaline lagoons linked to climate changes | Geochimica et cosmochimica acta | 2022 | 76 | 33 | |||
Preservation of Fe/Mn‐redox fronts in sediments of an oligotrophic, oxygenated deep‐water lake (Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego) | Sedimentology | 2022 | 243 | 69 | |||
Microstratigraphy and palaeoenvironmental implications of a Late Quaternary high-altitude lacustrine record in the subtropical Andes | Sedimentology | 2022 | 227 | 109 | |||
Intensified microbial sulfate reduction in the deep Dead Sea during the early Holocene Mediterranean sapropel 1 deposition | Geobiology | 2022 | 255 | 68 | |||
Micropearls and other intracellular inclusions of amorphous calcium carbonate: an unsuspected biomineralization capacity shared by diverse microorganisms | Environmental Microbiology | 2022 | 273 | 132 | |||
First Observation of Unicellular Organisms Concentrating Arsenic in ACC Intracellular Inclusions in Lake Waters | Geosciences | 2022 | 297 | 252 | |||
Organic matter mineralization in modern and ancient ferruginous sediments | Nature Communications | 2021 | 157 | 120 | |||
Evolving controls on mineralization in Patagonian microbial mats as inferred by water chemistry, microscopy and DNA signatures | Latin American journal of sedimentology and basin analysis | 2021 | 255 | 76 | |||
Last Glacial central Mediterranean hydrology inferred from Lake Trasimeno's (Italy) calcium carbonate geochemistry | Boreas | 2021 | 147 | 103 | |||
Morphological diversity and discrimination tools of the non-marine ostracod Cypridopsis silvestrii across temporal and spatial scales from Patagonia | Annals of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences | 2021 | 147 | 44 | |||
Anatomy of a Catastrophe: Reconstructing the 1936 Rock Fall and Tsunami Event in Lake Lovatnet, Western Norway | Frontiers in Earth Sciences | 2021 | 272 | 342 | |||
Lake Sedimentary DNA Research on Past Terrestrial and Aquatic Biodiversity: Overview and Recommendations | Quaternary | 2021 | 493 | 219 | |||
Restoring Halite Fluid Inclusions as an Accurate Palaeothermometer: Brillouin Thermometry Versus Microthermometry | Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research | 2020 | 208 | 261 | |||
Planktonic foraminifera eDNA signature deposited on the seafloor remains preserved after burial in marine sediments | Scientific Reports | 2020 | 319 | 132 | |||
Paleolimnological record of the Pampean plains (Argentina) as a natural archive of South American hydroclimatic variability since the LGM to the Current Warm Period | Quaternary Science Reviews | 2020 | 275 | 0 | |||
Characterizing ecoregions in Argentinian Patagonia using extant continental ostracods | Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências | 2020 | 235 | 143 | |||
Vivianite formation in ferruginous sediments from Lake Towuti, Indonesia | Biogeosciences | 2020 | 197 | 150 | |||
Paleolimnological reconstruction of the centennial eutrophication processes in a sub-tropical South American reservoir | Journal of South American Earth Sciences | 2020 | 373 | 145 | |||
Weak Influence of Paleoenvironmental Conditions on the Subsurface Biosphere of Lake Ohrid over the Last 515 ka | Microorganisms | 2020 | 192 | 83 | |||
Rapid Late Pleistocene climate change reconstructed from a lacustrine ostracod record in central Italy (Lake Trasimeno, Umbria) | Boreas | 2020 | 194 | 0 | |||
Tracking Organomineralization Processes from Living Microbial Mats to Fossil Microbialites | Minerals | 2020 | 257 | 184 | |||
Geochemical fingerprinting of key lithologies and depositional processes across the upper boundary of the Opalinus Clay (Aalenian, Middle Jurassic, northern Switzerland) | Depositional Record | 2020 | 236 | 224 | |||
Biomineralization Capacities of Chlorodendrophyceae: Correlation Between Chloroplast Morphology and the Distribution of Micropearls in the Cell | Protist | 2020 | 290 | 153 | |||
Growth morphologies and plausible stressors ruling the formation of Late Pleistocene lacustrine carbonate buildups in the Maquinchao Basin (Argentina) | Depositional Record | 2019 | 965 | 167 | |||
Changes in ostracod assemblages and morphologies during lake-level variations of Lago Cardiel (49°S), Patagonia, Argentina, over the last 15.6 ka | Boreas | 2019 | 455 | 0 | |||
Fluid inclusions from the deep Dead Sea sediment provide new insights on Holocene extreme microbial life | Quaternary Science Reviews | 2019 | 395 | 1 | |||
Digital outcrop modelling using “structure-from - motion” photogrammetry: acquisition strategies, validation and interpretations to different sedimentary environments | Journal of South American Earth Sciences | 2019 | 720 | 1 | |||
Banded Iron Travertines at the Ilia Hot Spring (Greece): An interplay of biotic and abiotic factors leading to a modern Banded Iron Formation analog? | Depositional Record | 2019 | 481 | 236 | |||
Empowering conventional Rock-Eval pyrolysis for organic matter characterization of the siderite-rich sediments of Lake Towuti (Indonesia) using End-Member Analysis | Organic Geochemistry | 2019 | 410 | 179 | |||
Formation of diagenetic siderite in modern ferruginous sediments | Geology | 2019 | 379 | 199 | |||
Recycling of archaeal biomass as a new strategy for extreme life in Dead Sea deep sediments | Geology | 2019 | 397 | 219 | |||
Metabarcoding of lake benthic diatoms: from structure assemblages to ecological assessment | Hydrobiologia | 2018 | 571 | 3 | |||
Microbial community composition along a 50 000-year lacustrine sediment sequence | FEMS Microbiology Ecology | 2018 | 481 | 288 | |||
The Lake CHAd Deep DRILLing project (CHADRILL) – targeting ∼ 10 million years of environmental and climate change in Africa | Scientific Drilling | 2018 | 473 | 192 | |||
Paleoenvironmental changes during the last 3000 years in Lake Cari-Laufquen (Northern Patagonia, Argentina), inferred from ostracod paleoecology, petrophysical, sedimentological and geochemical data | The Holocene | 2018 | 434 | 277 | |||
Marine and freshwater micropearls: biomineralization producing strontium-rich amorphous calcium carbonate inclusions is widespread in the genus Tetraselmis (Chlorophyta) | Biogeosciences | 2018 | 573 | 259 | |||
Reconstrucción paleohidrológica de la Salina de Ambargasta (Argentina) durante los últimos 45000 años mediante geoquímica de isótopos estables | Boletín de la Sociedad Geológica Mexicana | 2017 | 453 | 195 | |||
Quaternary base-level drops and trigger mechanisms in a closed basin: Geomorphic and sedimentological studies of the Gastre Basin, Argentina | Geomorphology | 2017 | 377 | 0 | |||
Ecology and distribution of living ostracod assemblages in a shallow endorheic lake: the example of the Lake Trasimeno (Umbria, central Italy) | Journal of Limnology | 2017 | 627 | 556 | |||
Intracellular amorphous carbonates uncover a new biomineralization process in eukaryotes | Geobiology | 2017 | 1,867 | 7 | |||
Isotope and elemental geochemistry of black shale-hosted fossiliferous concretions from the Cretaceous Santana Formation fossil Lagerstätte (Brazil) | Sedimentology | 2017 | 462 | 0 | |||
Human–climate interactions in the central Mediterranean region during the last millennia: The laminated record of Lake Butrint (Albania) | Quaternary science reviews | 2016 | 542 | 0 | |||
A 400-ka tephrochronological framework for Central America from Lake Petén Itzá (Guatemala) sediments | Quaternary science reviews | 2016 | 800 | 0 | |||
Recording of climate and diagenesis through sedimentary DNA and fossil pigments at Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina | Biogeosciences | 2016 | 681 | 346 | |||
Scientific drilling projects in ancient lakes: Integrating geological and biological histories | Global and planetary change | 2016 | 580 | 0 | |||
Morphological signatures of mass wasting and delta processes in a fjord-lake system: insights from Lovatnet, western Norway | Norsk geologisk tidsskrift | 2016 | 712 | 428 | |||
Environment, Climate and Society in Roman and Byzantine Butrint | Late Antique Archaeology | 2016 | 434 | 568 | |||
Organomineralization processes in freshwater stromatolites: A living example from eastern Patagonia | The depositional record | 2016 | 713 | 305 | |||
Microbial sedimentary imprint on the deep Dead Sea sediment | The depositional record | 2016 | 597 | 292 | |||
Radiogenic isotopes for deciphering terrigenous input provenance in the western Mediterranean | Chemical geology | 2015 | 640 | 499 | |||
Local formation of varved sediments in a karstic collapse depression of Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) | Geogaceta | 2015 | 367 | 0 | |||
Present and future of subsurface biosphere studies in lacustrine sediments through scientific drilling | International journal of earth sciences | 2015 | 788 | 486 | |||
Impact of paleoclimate on the distribution of microbial communities in the subsurface sediment of the Dead Sea | Geobiology | 2015 | 497 | 1 | |||
Environmental change in subtropical South America for the last two millennia as shown by lacustrine pigments | Journal of paleolimnology | 2015 | 542 | 2 | |||
Diatoms as indicators of hydrological and climatic changes in Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia) since the Late Pleistocene | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | 2015 | 561 | 2 | |||
Volcanic Lake Sediments as Sensitive Archives of Climate and Environmental Change | Volcanic Lakes | 2015 | 517 | 0 | |||
Precipitation linked to Atlantic moisture transport: clues to interpret Patagonian palaeoclimate | Climate research | 2015 | 807 | 360 | |||
Archaeal populations in two distinct sedimentary facies of the subsurface of the Dead Sea | Marine genomics | 2014 | 610 | 0 | |||
Influence of Methanogenic Populations in Holocene Lacustrine Sediments Revealed by Clone Libraries and Fatty Acid Biogeochemistry | Geomicrobiology journal | 2014 | 542 | 0 | |||
Paleoenvironmental conditions define current sustainability of microbial populations in Laguna Potrok Aike sediments, Argentina | Aquatic sciences | 2014 | 613 | 0 | |||
Integrated reconstruction of Holocene millennial-scale environmental changes in Tierra del Fuego, southernmost South America | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | 2014 | 538 | 1 | |||
Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP) | Quaternary science reviews | 2014 | 776 | 0 | |||
The influence of subaquatic springs in lacustrine sedimentation: Origin and paleoenvironmental significance of homogenites in karstic Lake Banyoles (NE Spain) | Sedimentary geology | 2014 | 616 | 0 | |||
Evidence for Storegga tsunami run-up at the head of Nordfjord, western Norway | JQS. Journal of quaternary science | 2013 | 495 | 0 | |||
Geomicrobiological investigations in subsaline maar lake sediments over the last 1500 years | Quaternary science reviews | 2013 | 600 | 0 | |||
El registro sedimentario Pleistoceno tardío-Holoceno de la Salina de Ambargasta (Argentina central): una aproximación paleolimnológica | Revista mexicana de ciencias geológicas | 2013 | 369 | 0 | |||
A 2000 year long seasonal record of floods in the southern European Alps | Geophysical research letters | 2013 | 655 | 0 | |||
Origin and significance of diagenetic concretions in sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Argentina | Journal of paleolimnology | 2013 | 497 | 281 | |||
Environment and climate of the last 51,000 years – new insights from the Potrok Aike maar lake Sediment Archive Drilling prOject (PASADO) | Quaternary science reviews | 2013 | 673 | 0 | |||
La mer Morte racontée par ses fonds | Pour la science | 2013 | 527 | 8 | |||
Seismic evidence of up to 200 m lake-level change in Southern Patagonia since Marine Isotope Stage 4 | Sedimentology | 2012 | 495 | 0 | |||
Bridging the gap between biological and sedimentological processes in ooid formation : Crystalizing F.A. FOREL's vision | Archives des sciences | 2012 | 520 | 147 | |||
New insights into paleoenvironmental changes in Laguna Potrok Aike, southern Patagonia, since the Late Pleistocene: The PASADO multiproxy record | Holocene | 2012 | 552 | 0 | |||
A Semi Automated Method for Laminated Sediments Analysis | International journal of geosciences | 2012 | 682 | 348 | |||
Sediment penetration depths of epi- and infaunal ostracods from Lake Geneva (Switzerland) | Hydrobiologia | 2012 | 599 | 441 | |||
Vegetation history of the Rio Manso Superior catchment area, Northern Patagonia (Argentina), since the last deglaciation | Holocene | 2012 | 542 | 0 | |||
Late Glacial temperature and precipitation changes in the lowland Neotropics by tandem measurement of δ18O in biogenic carbonate and gypsum hydration water | Geochimica et cosmochimica acta | 2012 | 571 | 1,001 | |||
A modern subtropical playa complex: Salina de Ambargasta, central Argentina | Journal of South American earth sciences | 2012 | 564 | 0 | |||
Mg/Ca and Sr/Ca of ostracod valves from living species of Lake Geneva | Chemical geology | 2012 | 511 | 2 | |||
Going nano: A new step toward understanding the processes governing freshwater ooid formation | Geology | 2012 | 583 | 0 | |||
Paleoclimate variability in the Mediterranean region | The Climate of the Mediterranean Region : From the past to the future | 2012 | 515 | 0 | |||
Quantitative high-resolution winter (JJA) precipitation reconstruction from varved sediments of Lago Plomo 47°S, Patagonian Andes, AD 1530-2002 | Holocene | 2012 | 497 | 0 | |||
A ∼43-ka record of paleoenvironmental change in the Central American lowlands inferred from stable isotopes of lacustrine ostracods | Quaternary science reviews | 2012 | 584 | 0 | |||
A geochemical and sedimentary record of high southern latitude Holocene climate evolution from Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego | Earth and planetary science letters | 2011 | 568 | 509 | |||
Deciphering lake and maar geometries from seismic refraction and reflection surveys in Laguna Potrok Aike (southern Patagonia, Argentina) | Journal of volcanology and geothermal research | 2011 | 585 | 614 | |||
Late quaternary environmental changes in Patagonia as inferred from lacustrine fossil and extant ostracods | Biological Journal of the Linnean Society | 2011 | 524 | 0 | |||
A Holocene record of snow-avalanche and flood activity reconstructed from a lacustrine sedimentary sequence in Oldevatnet, western Norway | Holocene | 2011 | 605 | 817 | |||
Controls on ostracod valve geochemistry: Part 2. Carbon and oxygen isotope compositions | Geochimica et cosmochimica acta | 2011 | 540 | 629 | |||
Impact of climate variability in the western Mediterranean during the last 20,000 years: oceanic and atmospheric responses | Quaternary science reviews | 2011 | 561 | 0 | |||
Deep Drilling at the Dead Sea | Scientific drilling | 2011 | 598 | 2,461 | |||
Controls on ostracod valve geochemistry, Part 1: Variations of environmental parameters in ostracod (micro-)habitats | Geochimica et cosmochimica acta | 2011 | 626 | 617 | |||
Holocene mass-wasting events in Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego (54°S): implications for paleoseismicity of the Magallanes-Fagnano transform fault | Basin research | 2011 | 555 | 1 | |||
Establishing Sampling Procedures in Lake Cores for Subsurface Biosphere Studies: Assessing In Situ Microbial Activity | Scientific drilling | 2010 | 697 | 363 | |||
Natural and human-induced environmental change in southern Albania for the last 300years — Constraints from the Lake Butrint sedimentary record | Global and planetary change | 2010 | 613 | 570 | |||
Late Quaternary palaeoenvironment of northern Guatemala: evidence from deep drill cores and seismic stratigraphy of Lake Petén Itzá | Sedimentology | 2010 | 579 | 1,071 | |||
Recovery of the forest ecosystem in the tropical lowlands of northern Guatemala after disintegration of Classic Maya polities | Geology | 2010 | 527 | 807 | |||
Lake-level changes in central Patagonia (Argentina): crossing environmental thresholds for Lateglacial and Holocene human occupation | JQS. Journal of quaternary science | 2010 | 588 | 579 | |||
Evaluation of quantitative recovery of bacterial cells and DNA from different lake sediments by Nycodenz density gradient centrifugation | Ecological indicators | 2010 | 455 | 3 | |||
Deciphering the depositional environment of the laminated Crato fossil beds (Early Cretaceous, Araripe Basin, North-eastern Brazil) | Sedimentology | 2010 | 586 | 962 | |||
Incorporation of zinc into the frustule of the freshwater diatom Stephanodiscus hantzschii | Chemical geology | 2009 | 722 | 545 | |||
Assessing past changes in bioavailable zinc from a terrestrial (Zn/Si)opal record | Chemical geology | 2009 | 523 | 456 | |||
Environmental history of southern Patagonia unravelled by the seismic stratigraphy of Laguna Potrok Aike | Sedimentology | 2009 | 779 | 806 | |||
Climate drying and associated forest decline in the lowlands of northern Guatemala during the late Holocene | Quaternary research | 2009 | 599 | 815 | |||
Geochemical evidence for high-resolution variations during deposition of the Holocene S1 sapropel on the Cretan Ridge, Eastern Mediterranean | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | 2009 | 535 | 523 | |||
The Laguna Potrok Aike Scinetific Drilling Project PASADO (ICDP Expedition 5022) | Scientific drilling | 2009 | 499 | 1,223 | |||
Stratigraphy, depositional environments and level reconstruction of the last interglacial Lake Samra in the Dead Sea basin | Quaternary research | 2009 | 581 | 780 | |||
Late Quaternary deposition and facies model for karstic Lake Estanya (North-eastern Spain) | Sedimentology | 2009 | 555 | 547 | |||
Late Pleistocene dust deposition in the Patagonian steppe - extending and refining the paleoenvironmental and tephrochronological record from Laguna Potrok Aike back to 55ka | Quaternary science reviews | 2009 | 632 | 1,624 | |||
Seismic stratigraphy of Lago Fagnano sediments (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) : A potential archive of paleoclimatic change and tectonic activity since the Late Glacial | Geologica Acta | 2008 | 644 | 1,811 | |||
Hydrological variability in southeastern Patagonia and explosive volcanic activity in the southern Andean Cordillera during Oxygen Isotope Stage 3 and the Holocene inferred from lake sediments of Laguna Potrok Aike, Argentina | Palaeogeography, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology | 2008 | 600 | 1,906 | |||
Unravelling the microbial role in ooid formation - results of an in situ experiment in modern freshwater Lake Geneva in Switzerland | Geobiology | 2008 | 599 | 767 | |||
An 85-ka record of climate change in lowland Central America | Quaternary science reviews | 2008 | 600 | 1,480 | |||
The Lago Cardiel Basin, Argentina (49°S): Origin and evolution revealed by high-resolution multichannel seismic reflection studies | Journal of South American earth sciences | 2008 | 597 | 462 | |||
Quantification of soil erosion rates related to ancient Maya deforestation | Geology | 2007 | 540 | 0 | |||
Dominant ENSO frequencies during the Little Ice Age in Northern Patagonia: The varved record of proglacial Lago Frías, Argentina | Quaternary international | 2007 | 688 | 0 | |||
The 1996 AD delta collapse and large turbidite in Lake Brienz | Marine geology | 2007 | 671 | 0 | |||
5th Swiss Geoscience Meeting, Geneva, 16-17 November 2007 : abstracts | 2007 | 482 | 0 | ||||
Impact of the 1960 major subduction earthquake in Northern Patagonia (Chile, Argentina) | Quaternary International | 2006 | 237 | 0 | |||
Millennial to interannual climate variability in the Mediterranean during the Last Glacial Maximum | Quaternary International | 2004 | 238 | 0 | |||
Lake systems from Ice Age to industrial time : preface of the guest-editors | Eclogae geologicae Helveticae | 2003 | 387 | 148 |