Oris, Michel
Affiliation entities
Research groups
Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
How family and other close ties shape vulnerability processes | Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life | 2023 | 202 | 65 | |||
Exploring key-stakeholder perceptions on non-communicable disease care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya | The Pan African medical journal | 2023 | 196 | 40 | |||
Geneva. An Urban Sociodemographic Database | Historical life course studies | 2023 | 107 | 172 | |||
An Online Survey of the Perceptions of Clinical and Non-Clinical Professionals on Healthcare for Non-Communicable Diseases and COVID-19 Measures During the Pandemic in Malaysia | International journal of public health | 2023 | 83 | 30 | |||
Immigration, Poverty, and Infant and Child Mortality in the City of Madrid, 1916–1926 | Social science history | 2023 | 83 | 52 | |||
On the sociohistorical construction of social and economic reserves across the life course and on their use in old age | Withstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life | 2023 | 206 | 44 | |||
Friendship in later life: thirty years of progress and inequalities | The international journal of aging & human development | 2022 | 147 | 74 | |||
Migration experiences, environmental exposures and old age mortality in the Dutch birth cohorts 1850-1890 | Annales de Démographie Historique | 2022 | 239 | 1 | |||
Coping with ageing: an historical longitudinal study of internal return migrations later in life in the Netherlands | Demographic research | 2022 | 116 | 86 | |||
Financial support by older adults to family members: a configurational perspective | Journal of Demographic Economics | 2022 | 250 | 131 | |||
Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between neighborhood socio-economic position and cognitive decline | Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. Extra | 2022 | 264 | 66 | |||
Internal migrant trajectories within the Netherlands, 1850–1972: applying cluster analysis and dissimilarity tree methods | Historical methods | 2022 | 161 | 67 | |||
Mortality in the first years of life in Madrid (1916-1926). Inequalities Across the Urban Environment | Condizioni di vita e disuguaglianze. Una prospettiva storico-demografica | 2022 | 207 | 48 | |||
How welfare regimes moderate the associations between cognitive aging, education, and occupation | The journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences | 2022 | 376 | 171 | |||
Residential trajectories across the life course and their association with cognitive functioning in later life | Scientific reports | 2022 | 190 | 59 | |||
Sept vies différentes qui se rejoignent dans l'Art Brut | LIVES. Art Brut et parcours de vie | 2022 | 313 | 4 | |||
Differential fertility by place of birth in early 20th century Madrid | Neurotic doubt and sacred curiosity: essays in honour of Koen Matthijs | 2021 | 153 | 44 | |||
The longitudinal relation between social reserve and smaller subsequent decline in executive functioning in old age is mediated via cognitive reserve | International Psychogeriatrics | 2021 | 339 | 160 | |||
Social participation and life satisfaction among older adults: diversity of practices and social inequality in Switzerland | Ageing and Society | 2021 | 276 | 144 | |||
Spatial differentials in mortality in Switzerland: how do contexts explain the differences between natives and migrants? | Espace populations sociétés | 2021 | 303 | 129 | |||
Durkheim, Bertillon and Koen Matthijs | Neurotic doubt and sacred curiosity: essays in honour of Koen Matthijs | 2021 | 159 | 56 | |||
Lower executive functioning predicts steeper subsequent decline in well-being only in young-old but not old-old age | International Journal of Behavioral Development | 2021 | 392 | 388 | |||
The Life Course Construction of Inequalities in Health and Wealth in Old Age | Handbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications | 2021 | 222 | 125 | |||
The relationship of obesity predicting decline in executive functioning is attenuated with greater leisure activities in old age | Aging & Mental Health | 2021 | 360 | 257 | |||
Annoncer la mort des aînés: une analyse textuelle des avis de décès en Suisse | Gérontologie et société | 2021 | 306 | 2 | |||
The role of work before and after retirement on poverty dynamics in old age. Evidence from a follow-up study in Switzerland | The future of work | 2021 | 208 | 108 | |||
La crisi comme rivelatrice della posizione sociale delle persone anziane | COVID-19: la prospettiva delle scienze sociali | 2020 | 235 | 62 | |||
The relation of low cognitive abilities to low well-being in old age is attenuated in individuals with greater cognitive reserve and greater social capital accumulated over the life course | Aging & Mental Health | 2020 | 328 | 359 | |||
Divorcer à Genève au 19e siècle: analyse sociodémographique d'une rupture contractuelle | Annales de démographie historique | 2020 | 178 | 65 | |||
Solving the puzzle of cognitive reserve effects on cognitive decline: the importance of considering functional impairment | Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders | 2020 | 344 | 97 | |||
Motivation as a mediator of the relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive performance | Journals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 2020 | 332 | 268 | |||
Les Bordelais dans la migration française vers Genève, dans la première moitié du 19e siècle | Phaéton | 2020 | 224 | 1 | |||
Vulnérabilité | Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse | 2020 | 264 | 93 | |||
Quand le vieillissement change la donne : enjeux démographiques, politiques et socioéconomiques | 2020 | 171 | 125 | ||||
Die Krise als Offenlegung der sozialen Stellung Älterer Menschen | COVID-19: Ein sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive | 2020 | 269 | 49 | |||
Distinct effects of cognitive versus somatic anxiety on cognitive performance in old age: the role of working memory capacity | Aging & Mental Health | 2020 | 442 | 5 | |||
The longitudinal relationship of perceived stress predicting subsequent decline in executive functioning in old age is attenuated in individuals with greater cognitive reserve | Gerontology | 2020 | 485 | 214 | |||
Relations sociales dans la vieillesse | 2020 | 189 | 52 | ||||
La vieillesse entre le médical et le social: enjeux de santé, de dépendance et d'accompagnement de la fin de vie | 2020 | 163 | 101 | ||||
Internet use in old age predicts smaller cognitive decline only in men | Scientific Reports | 2020 | 417 | 128 | |||
La crise comme révélateur de la position sociale des personnes âgées | COVID-19: le regard des sciences sociales | 2020 | 282 | 218 | |||
Vieillissement de la population | Dictionnaire de politique sociale suisse | 2020 | 332 | 353 | |||
Vieillissement démographique et bien-être des aînés: progrès et inégalités | Bulletin de l'Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales | 2020 | 458 | 201 | |||
Consuming poverty: volunteer tourism in an orphanage in Nepal | Modern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism | 2019 | 287 | 2 | |||
Longer and healthier lives for all? Successes and failures of a universal consumer-driven healthcare system, Switzerland, 1990–2014 | International Journal of Public Health | 2019 | 585 | 116 | |||
Un regard démographique sur le vieillissement | REISO - Revue d'information sociale | 2019 | 370 | 15 | |||
Life-Course Circumstances and Frailty in Old Age Within Different European Welfare Regimes: A Longitudinal Study With SHARE | Journals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences | 2019 | 343 | 126 | |||
Cognitive Reserve Mediates the Relation between Openness to Experience and Smaller Decline in Executive Functioning | Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders | 2019 | 342 | 208 | |||
Une approche biographique mixte pour renouveler l'étude du baby-boom | Cahiers québécois de démographie | 2019 | 308 | 178 | |||
Cross-lagged relation of leisure activity participation to trail making test performance 6 years later: Differential patterns in old age and very old age | Neuropsychology | 2019 | 534 | 255 | |||
The role of cognitive reserve accumulated in midlife for the relation between chronic diseases and cognitive decline in old age: A longitudinal follow-up across six years | Neuropsychologia | 2018 | 496 | 364 | |||
The relation of close friends to cognitive performance in old age: The mediating role of leisure activities | International Psychogeriatrics | 2018 | 483 | 132 | |||
Familles en transformation. Quand les modes de construction familiale se réinventent | 2018 | 345 | 54 | ||||
Les familles face aux vulnérabilités | 2018 | 320 | 43 | ||||
Mortality during heat episodes in Switzerland: A story of vulnerability | Building bridges. Scholars, history and historical demography. A festschrift in honor of professor Theo Engelen | 2018 | 712 | 127 | |||
Inégalités spatiales de mortalité en Suisse : l'influence des contextes sur les différentiels entre natifs et migrants | Espace, populations, sociétés | 2018 | 503 | 74 | |||
Cognitive reserve and social capital accrued in early and midlife moderate the relation of psychological stress to cognitive performance in old age | Dementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders | 2018 | 488 | 276 | |||
Associations of educational attainment and cognitive level of job with old age verbal ability and processing speed: The mediating role of chronic diseases | Applied Neuropsychology. Adult | 2018 | 510 | 10 | |||
Long lives and old age poverty: social stratification and life-course institutionalization in Switzerland | Research in human development | 2017 | 797 | 15 | |||
The role of leisure activities in mediating the relationship between physical health and well-being: Differential patterns in old and very old age | Gerontology | 2017 | 579 | 10 | |||
La vulnérabilité, une approche par le parcours de vie | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | 2017 | 754 | 28 | |||
No cross-sectional evidence for an increased relation of cognitive and sensory abilities in old age | Aging & mental health | 2017 | 765 | 0 | |||
Vulnerability Across the Life Course | Research in human development | 2017 | 536 | 4 | |||
Cognitive reserve and cognition in old age: the mediating role of chronic diseases | Innovation in Aging | 2017 | 468 | 161 | |||
Périurbanisation et transformation du gradient de la mortalité urbaine en Suisse | Population | 2017 | 489 | 2 | |||
Vulnerability. A life course perspective | Revue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale | 2017 | 467 | 25 | |||
Vulnerability across the life course | Research in human development | 2017 | 544 | 4 | |||
Toward a life course framework for studying vulnerability | Research in human development | 2017 | 682 | 13 | |||
Investigating Discontinuity of Age Relations in Cognitive Functioning, General Health Status, Activity Participation, and Life Satisfaction between Young-Old and Old-Old Age | International journal of environmental research and public health | 2016 | 580 | 245 | |||
Ageing and the reconciliation of history and biographies: an approach to fill the gap | The future of historical demography : upside down and inside out | 2016 | 415 | 1 | |||
Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course: Balancing substantive and methodological challenges | Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course | 2016 | 585 | 1 | |||
The Relation of Obesity to Performance in Verbal Abilities, Processing Speed, and Cognitive Flexibility in Old Age: The Role of Cognitive Reserve | Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders | 2016 | 772 | 11 | |||
New approaches to death in cities during the health transition: an introduction | New approaches to death in cities during the health transition | 2016 | 507 | 1 | |||
Les contours du concept de vulnérabilité | Les populations vulnérables. Actes du XVIe colloque national de démographie | 2016 | 580 | 425 | |||
Representation of vulnerability and the elderly. A Total Survey Error perspective on the VLV survey | Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course | 2016 | 607 | 9 | |||
The association of timing of retirement with cognitive performance in old age: the role of leisure activities after retirement | International psychogeriatrics | 2016 | 527 | 6 | |||
La construction des inégalités économiques et inégalités de genre dans la vieillesse à travers le parcours de vie (Suisse, 1979-2011) | Trajectoires et âges de la vie | 2016 | 629 | 267 | |||
Mesures et capture de la vulnérabilité dans une enquête sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées. L'expérience de VLV (Vivre-Leben-Vivere) en Suisse | Les populations vulnérables. Actes du XVIe colloque national de démographie | 2016 | 743 | 432 | |||
The relation of the number of languages spoken to performance in different cognitive abilities in old age | Neuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section A, Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology | 2016 | 686 | 0 | |||
New approaches to death in cities during the health transition | 2016 | 520 | 0 | ||||
Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course (Life Course Research and Social Policies) | 2016 | 482 | 167 | ||||
Childless people during the baby boom in Switzerland | Annales de démographie historique | 2016 | 674 | 4 | |||
Un éclairage sur la gérontologie | Angewandte Gerontologie | 2016 | 450 | 15 | |||
The association of educational attainment, cognitive level of job, and leisure activities during the course of adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The role of openness to experience | International psychogeriatrics | 2016 | 716 | 4 | |||
Les baby-boomers, une histoire de familles. Une comparaison Québec-France | 2015 | 406 | 0 | ||||
The Association of Leisure Activities in Middle Adulthood with Cognitive Performance in Old Age: The Moderating Role of Educational Level | Gerontology | 2015 | 567 | 61 | |||
Le baby-boom et les baby-boomers : Explorer l'entrelacement des temps historiques, familiaux et individuels | Les baby-boomers, une histoire de familles. Une comparaison Québec-France | 2015 | 454 | 12 | |||
Il ricorso ai servizi domiciliari e il ruolo della famiglia nella quarta età | Fragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino | 2015 | 576 | 243 | |||
Les baby-boomers, une histoire de familles : Une comparaison Québec-France | 2015 | 468 | 21 | ||||
Le baby-boom et les baby-boomers. Explorer l'entrelacement des temps historiques, familiaux et individuels | Les baby-boomers, une histoire de famille. Une comparaison Québec-France | 2015 | 441 | 3 | |||
The role of cognitive resources for subjective work ability and health in nursing | European journal of ageing | 2015 | 571 | 0 | |||
50 ans de démographie historique: Bilan historiographique d'une discipline en renouvellement | Annales de démographie historique | 2015 | 504 | 52 | |||
Vieillir. Les apports de la démographie historique et de l'histoire de la famille | Annales de démographie historique | 2015 | 560 | 0 | |||
Ein Modell sozioökonomischer Studiengänge | Was ist und wozu Sozioökonomie? | 2015 | 488 | 21 | |||
The persistence of social stratification? A life course perspective on poverty in old-age in Switzerland | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | 2015 | 1,558 | 289 | |||
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during, and after the demographic transition: An introduction | Demographic research | 2014 | 512 | 47 | |||
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic transition | 2014 | 429 | 0 | ||||
Adult age differences in prospective memory in the laboratory: are they related to higher stress levels in the elderly? | Frontiers in human neuroscience | 2014 | 599 | 33 | |||
The Roads to Reproduction: Comparing Life-course Trajectories in Preindustrial Eurasia | Similarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900 | 2014 | 776 | 148 | |||
Déterminants socioéconomiques et culturels du contrôle des naissances dans les bidonvilles de Mumbai : une contribution à la compréhension du malthusianisme de la pauvreté | Actes du XVIIe colloque international de l'AIDELF sur Démographie et politiques sociales | 2014 | 530 | 29 | |||
L'enseignement de la socioéconomie à l'Université de Genève | L'économie au service des citoyens : Ouvrage collectif en mémoire de Peter Tschopp | 2014 | 414 | 21 | |||
“Vivre/Leben/Vivere”: An interdisciplinary survey addressing progress and inequalities of aging over the past 30 years in Switzerland | Archives of gerontology and geriatrics | 2014 | 557 | 0 | |||
Prudence as Obstinate Resistance to Pressure. Marriage in 19th Century Rural East Belgium | Similarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900 | 2014 | 417 | 0 | |||
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic transition | Demographic research | 2014 | 395 | 28 | |||
Sequence Analysis and Transition to Adulthood: An Exploration of the Access to Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century East Belgium | Advances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Method, Applications | 2014 | 521 | 90 | |||
Ein Modell sozioökonomischer Studiengänge. Der Studiengang in Sozioökonomie der Universität Genf | Was ist und wozu Sozioökonomie | 2014 | 366 | 0 | |||
Sequence Analysis and Transition to Adulthood: An Exploration of the Access to Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century East Belgium | Advances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Method, Applications | 2014 | 470 | 0 | |||
Prudence as Obstinate Resistance to Pressure: Marriage in Nineteenth-Century Rural Eastern Belgium | Similarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900 | 2014 | 545 | 75 | |||
L'apprentissage de la xénophobie | La migration italienne dans la Suisse d'après-guerre | 2013 | 460 | 0 | |||
Publier en sciences humaines et sociales. Témoignages sur les transformations d'un système de pression | Publier en sciences humaines. Quels enjeux, quelles modalités, quels supports, quelle diffusion? | 2013 | 364 | 0 | |||
Le pluralisme religieux croissant à Genève dans la première moitié du xixe siècle: Une exploration des dynamiques sous-jacentes | L'apprentissage du pluralisme religieux. Le cas genevois au XIXe siècle | 2013 | 503 | 43 | |||
La Migration Italienne Dans la Suisse d'Après-Guerre | 2013 | 761 | 0 | ||||
Introduction. L'apprentissage de la xénophobie | La migration italienne dans la Suisse d'après-guerre: Identités, discours et réalités | 2013 | 823 | 283 | |||
Envejecimiento activo. Algunas reflexiones del año europeo (2012) del envejecimiento activo y la solidaridad intergeneracional | Una vejez activa en España | 2013 | 411 | 0 | |||
Analyse statistique implicative des transitions professionnelles dans la Genève du 19e siècle | L'analyse statistique implicative. Méthode exploratoire et confirmatoire à la recherche de causa | 2013 | 490 | 4 | |||
Publier en sciences humaines et sociales : Témoignages sur les transformations d'un système de pression | Publier en sciences humaines : Quels enjeux, quelles modalités, quels supports, quelle diffusion ? | 2013 | 439 | 12 | |||
Vulnerability across the life course: A theoretical framework and research directions | LIVES working papers | 2013 | 1,470 | 41 | |||
Les conditions socioéconomiques et culturelles du vieillissement en Suisse | Sécurité sociale | 2012 | 792 | 378 | |||
Heat waves and elderly mortality responses: What about social differential vulnerability? | Frans Van Poppel: A sort of farewell. Liber amicorum | 2012 | 417 | 4 | |||
Pro Senectute : visibilité et usages d'une association bientôt centenaire. Au service des vulnérables? / Pro Senectute: Sichtbarkeit und Nutzung einer bald hundertjährigen Stiftung. Im Dienste vulnerabler Menschen? (Pro Senectute report) | 2012 | 442 | 96 | ||||
Les migrations, entre choix individuels et influences collectives | Annales de démographie historique | 2012 | 423 | 2 | |||
[Review of :] Warren C. Robinson (ed.): Land, Labour and Population Growth: Theory, Policy and Case-Studies. Collected Papers from 4 Decades | European Journal of Population | 2012 | 490 | 143 | |||
Long-term changes in social mortality differentials, Geneva, 1625–2004 | Explorations in economic history | 2011 | 468 | 4 | |||
Conclusions | Genre et bien-être: Questionner les inégalités | 2011 | 353 | 0 | |||
Synthèse de la session I | Gérontologie et société | 2010 | 376 | 1 | |||
Affiliation religieuse et mortalité en Suisse entre 1991 et 2004 | Population | 2010 | 474 | 3 | |||
Différentiels sociaux de mortalité à Genève. Un parcours à travers quatre siècles (1625–2004) | Die Produktion von Ungleichheiten – La production des inégalités | 2010 | 745 | 4 | |||
Transitions dans les parcours de vie et constructions des inégalités | 2009 | 1,090 | 617 | ||||
The rise of age homogamy in 19th century western Europe | Journal of Marriage and Family | 2009 | 437 | 2 | |||
Une démographie au féminin. Risques et opportunités dans les parcours de vie - A female Demography. Risks and Chances in the Life Course | 2009 | 408 | 0 | ||||
Linked lives and self-regulation: lifespan – life course: is it really the same ? | Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle | 2009 | 614 | 9 | |||
Introduction | Transitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités | 2009 | 429 | 49 | |||
La transition ultime. Longévité et mortalité aux grands âges dans le bassin lémanique | Transitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités | 2009 | 416 | 6 | |||
Reproduction différentielle et dynamiques sociales | Annales de démographie historique | 2008 | 372 | 1 | |||
Effets de fratrie et mobilité sociale intergénérationnelle dans la Belgique urbaine et rurale au xixe siècle | Annales de démographie historique | 2008 | 371 | 0 | |||
Societal openness during the urban crisis. Partner selection in the 19th-century Belgian textile cities Ghent and Verviers | The History of the Family | 2007 | 407 | 0 | |||
Dynamique socioprofessionnelle dans la Genève du 19e, enseignements d'une analyse de statistique implicative | Nouveaux apports théoriques à l'analyse statistique implicative et applications, ASI4 | 2007 | 633 | 550 | |||
La minorité catholique dans la Rome protestante. : contribution à l'histoire démographique de Genève dans la première moitié du XIXe siècle | Histoire des familles, de la démographie et des comportements: en hommage à Jean-Pierre Bardet | 2007 | 676 | 170 | |||
When protoindustry collapsed fertility and the demographic regime in rural eastern belgium during the industrial revolution | Historical Social Research | 2007 | 396 | 114 | |||
Recrutement et renouvellement des groupes socioprofessionnels à Genève, 1816-1843 | 14e Colloque de l'Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française AIDELF | 2006 | 554 | 563 | |||
Les solitudes urbaines. Structures et parcours dans la Genève des années 1816-1843 | Annales de démographie historique | 2006 | 640 | 1,107 | |||
The social and cultural demography of minorities | The History of the Family | 2005 | 413 | 1 | |||
Migration, occupational identity, and societal openness in nineteenth-century Belgium | International Review of Social History | 2005 | 406 | 0 | |||
Childhood conditions, migration, and mortality: Migrants and natives in 19th‐century cities | Biodemography and social biology | 2005 | 494 | 5 | |||
Life course data in demography and social sciences: Statistical and data-mining approaches | Towards an interdisciplinary perspective on the life course. Advances in life course research | 2005 | 489 | 491 | |||
Siblings in a (Neo-)Malthusian Town. From Cross-sectional to Longitudinal Perspectives | Historical social research | 2005 | 538 | 570 | |||
Solitude et vulnérabilité dans les trajectoires de vie féminines, Genève, 1816-1843 | Colloque Itinéraires féminins | 2005 | 526 | 542 | |||
Stature in transition: A micro-level study from nineteenth-century Belgium | Social Science History | 2004 | 464 | 0 | |||
Height, wealth and longevity in xixth century East Belgium | Annales de démographie historique | 2004 | 378 | 0 | |||
Précarité, état absorbant ou accident de parcours ? | Entre science et action. La Démographie au service de la cité. Hommage à Hermann-Michel Hagmann | 2004 | 543 | 650 | |||
Solitude and Vulnerability in Female Life Courses, Geneva, 1816-1843 | Social Science History Association Annual Meeting | 2004 | 511 | 524 | |||
The history of migration as a chapter in the history of the European rural family: An overview | The History of the Family | 2003 | 416 | 1 | |||
Religion Affiliations in Early Nineteenth Century Geneva. The Emergence of Catholics in the "Calvinist Rome" | SSHA Annual Meeting | 2003 | 624 | 426 | |||
Contrôle religieux, contrôle social : la fécondité dans l'est de la Belgique dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle | Annales de démographie historique | 2003 | 378 | 0 | |||
The complexity of migration in the european countryside: Introduction | The History of the Family | 2003 | 393 | 0 | |||
The family and mortality: a case study from rural Belgium | Annales de démographie historique | 2001 | 422 | 0 | |||
Activities of an intravenous formulation of itraconazole in experimental disseminated aspergillus, candida, and cryptococcus infections | Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy | 2000 | 326 | 0 | |||
The age at marriage of migrants during the industrial revolution in the region of liège | The History of the Family | 2000 | 444 | 5 | |||
Mortalité et migration dans les villes industrielles au XIXe siècle : exemples belges et français | Annales de démographie historique | 2000 | 424 | 407 | |||
Fertility and migration in the heart of the industrial revolution | The History of the Family | 1996 | 402 | 1 |