Items per page
1 - 160 of 160
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
How family and other close ties shape vulnerability processesWithstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life
2023 202 65
Exploring key-stakeholder perceptions on non-communicable disease care during the COVID-19 pandemic in KenyaThe Pan African medical journal
2023 196 40
Geneva. An Urban Sociodemographic DatabaseHistorical life course studies
2023 107 172
An Online Survey of the Perceptions of Clinical and Non-Clinical Professionals on Healthcare for Non-Communicable Diseases and COVID-19 Measures During the Pandemic in MalaysiaInternational journal of public health
2023 83 30
Immigration, Poverty, and Infant and Child Mortality in the City of Madrid, 1916–1926Social science history
2023 83 52
On the sociohistorical construction of social and economic reserves across the life course and on their use in old ageWithstanding Vulnerability throughout Adult Life
2023 206 44
Friendship in later life: thirty years of progress and inequalitiesThe international journal of aging & human development
2022 147 74
Migration experiences, environmental exposures and old age mortality in the Dutch birth cohorts 1850-1890Annales de Démographie Historique
2022 239 1
Coping with ageing: an historical longitudinal study of internal return migrations later in life in the NetherlandsDemographic research
2022 116 86
Financial support by older adults to family members: a configurational perspectiveJournal of Demographic Economics
2022 250 131
Cognitive reserve mediates the relation between neighborhood socio-economic position and cognitive declineDementia and geriatric cognitive disorders. Extra
2022 264 66
Internal migrant trajectories within the Netherlands, 1850–1972: applying cluster analysis and dissimilarity tree methodsHistorical methods
2022 161 67
Mortality in the first years of life in Madrid (1916-1926). Inequalities Across the Urban EnvironmentCondizioni di vita e disuguaglianze. Una prospettiva storico-demografica
2022 207 48
How welfare regimes moderate the associations between cognitive aging, education, and occupationThe journals of gerontology. Series B, Psychological sciences and social sciences
2022 376 171
Residential trajectories across the life course and their association with cognitive functioning in later lifeScientific reports
2022 190 59
Sept vies différentes qui se rejoignent dans l'Art BrutLIVES. Art Brut et parcours de vie
2022 313 4
Differential fertility by place of birth in early 20th century MadridNeurotic doubt and sacred curiosity: essays in honour of Koen Matthijs
2021 153 44
The longitudinal relation between social reserve and smaller subsequent decline in executive functioning in old age is mediated via cognitive reserveInternational Psychogeriatrics
2021 339 160
Social participation and life satisfaction among older adults: diversity of practices and social inequality in SwitzerlandAgeing and Society
2021 276 144
Spatial differentials in mortality in Switzerland: how do contexts explain the differences between natives and migrants?Espace populations sociétés
2021 303 129
Durkheim, Bertillon and Koen MatthijsNeurotic doubt and sacred curiosity: essays in honour of Koen Matthijs
2021 159 56
Lower executive functioning predicts steeper subsequent decline in well-being only in young-old but not old-old ageInternational Journal of Behavioral Development
2021 392 388
The Life Course Construction of Inequalities in Health and Wealth in Old AgeHandbook of Active Ageing and Quality of Life: From Concepts to Applications
2021 222 125
The relationship of obesity predicting decline in executive functioning is attenuated with greater leisure activities in old ageAging & Mental Health
2021 360 257
Annoncer la mort des aînés: une analyse textuelle des avis de décès en SuisseGérontologie et société
2021 306 2
The role of work before and after retirement on poverty dynamics in old age. Evidence from a follow-up study in SwitzerlandThe future of work
2021 208 108
La crisi comme rivelatrice della posizione sociale delle persone anzianeCOVID-19: la prospettiva delle scienze sociali
2020 235 62
The relation of low cognitive abilities to low well-being in old age is attenuated in individuals with greater cognitive reserve and greater social capital accumulated over the life courseAging & Mental Health
2020 328 359
Divorcer à Genève au 19e siècle: analyse sociodémographique d'une rupture contractuelleAnnales de démographie historique
2020 178 65
Solving the puzzle of cognitive reserve effects on cognitive decline: the importance of considering functional impairmentDementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
2020 344 97
Motivation as a mediator of the relation between cognitive reserve and cognitive performanceJournals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
2020 332 268
Les Bordelais dans la migration française vers Genève, dans la première moitié du 19e sièclePhaéton
2020 224 1
VulnérabilitéDictionnaire de politique sociale suisse
2020 264 93
Quand le vieillissement change la donne : enjeux démographiques, politiques et socioéconomiques
2020 171 125
Die Krise als Offenlegung der sozialen Stellung Älterer MenschenCOVID-19: Ein sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektive
2020 269 49
Distinct effects of cognitive versus somatic anxiety on cognitive performance in old age: the role of working memory capacityAging & Mental Health
2020 442 5
The longitudinal relationship of perceived stress predicting subsequent decline in executive functioning in old age is attenuated in individuals with greater cognitive reserveGerontology
2020 485 214
Relations sociales dans la vieillesse
2020 189 52
La vieillesse entre le médical et le social: enjeux de santé, de dépendance et d'accompagnement de la fin de vie
2020 163 101
Internet use in old age predicts smaller cognitive decline only in menScientific Reports
2020 417 128
La crise comme révélateur de la position sociale des personnes âgéesCOVID-19: le regard des sciences sociales
2020 282 218
Vieillissement de la populationDictionnaire de politique sociale suisse
2020 332 353
Vieillissement démographique et bien-être des aînés: progrès et inégalitésBulletin de l'Académie suisse des sciences humaines et sociales
2020 458 201
Consuming poverty: volunteer tourism in an orphanage in NepalModern Day Slavery and Orphanage Tourism
2019 287 2
Longer and healthier lives for all? Successes and failures of a universal consumer-driven healthcare system, Switzerland, 1990–2014International Journal of Public Health
2019 585 116
Un regard démographique sur le vieillissementREISO - Revue d'information sociale
2019 370 15
Life-Course Circumstances and Frailty in Old Age Within Different European Welfare Regimes: A Longitudinal Study With SHAREJournals of Gerontology. B, Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences
2019 343 126
Cognitive Reserve Mediates the Relation between Openness to Experience and Smaller Decline in Executive FunctioningDementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
2019 342 208
Une approche biographique mixte pour renouveler l'étude du baby-boomCahiers québécois de démographie
2019 308 178
Cross-lagged relation of leisure activity participation to trail making test performance 6 years later: Differential patterns in old age and very old ageNeuropsychology
2019 534 255
The role of cognitive reserve accumulated in midlife for the relation between chronic diseases and cognitive decline in old age: A longitudinal follow-up across six yearsNeuropsychologia
2018 496 364
The relation of close friends to cognitive performance in old age: The mediating role of leisure activitiesInternational Psychogeriatrics
2018 483 132
Familles en transformation. Quand les modes de construction familiale se réinventent
2018 345 54
Les familles face aux vulnérabilités
2018 320 43
Mortality during heat episodes in Switzerland: A story of vulnerabilityBuilding bridges. Scholars, history and historical demography. A festschrift in honor of professor Theo Engelen
2018 712 127
Inégalités spatiales de mortalité en Suisse : l'influence des contextes sur les différentiels entre natifs et migrantsEspace, populations, sociétés
2018 503 74
Cognitive reserve and social capital accrued in early and midlife moderate the relation of psychological stress to cognitive performance in old ageDementia and Geriatric Cognitive Disorders
2018 488 276
Associations of educational attainment and cognitive level of job with old age verbal ability and processing speed: The mediating role of chronic diseasesApplied Neuropsychology. Adult
2018 510 10
Long lives and old age poverty: social stratification and life-course institutionalization in SwitzerlandResearch in human development
2017 797 15
The role of leisure activities in mediating the relationship between physical health and well-being: Differential patterns in old and very old ageGerontology
2017 579 10
La vulnérabilité, une approche par le parcours de vieRevue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale
2017 754 28
No cross-sectional evidence for an increased relation of cognitive and sensory abilities in old ageAging & mental health
2017 765 0
Vulnerability Across the Life CourseResearch in human development
2017 536 4
Cognitive reserve and cognition in old age: the mediating role of chronic diseasesInnovation in Aging
2017 468 161
Périurbanisation et transformation du gradient de la mortalité urbaine en SuissePopulation
2017 489 2
Vulnerability. A life course perspectiveRevue de droit comparé du travail et de la sécurité sociale
2017 467 25
Vulnerability across the life courseResearch in human development
2017 544 4
Toward a life course framework for studying vulnerabilityResearch in human development
2017 682 13
Investigating Discontinuity of Age Relations in Cognitive Functioning, General Health Status, Activity Participation, and Life Satisfaction between Young-Old and Old-Old AgeInternational journal of environmental research and public health
2016 580 245
Ageing and the reconciliation of history and biographies: an approach to fill the gapThe future of historical demography : upside down and inside out
2016 415 1
Surveying human vulnerabilities across the life course: Balancing substantive and methodological challengesSurveying human vulnerabilities across the life course
2016 585 1
The Relation of Obesity to Performance in Verbal Abilities, Processing Speed, and Cognitive Flexibility in Old Age: The Role of Cognitive ReserveDementia and geriatric cognitive disorders
2016 772 11
New approaches to death in cities during the health transition: an introductionNew approaches to death in cities during the health transition
2016 507 1
Les contours du concept de vulnérabilitéLes populations vulnérables. Actes du XVIe colloque national de démographie
2016 580 425
Representation of vulnerability and the elderly. A Total Survey Error perspective on the VLV surveySurveying human vulnerabilities across the life course
2016 607 9
The association of timing of retirement with cognitive performance in old age: the role of leisure activities after retirementInternational psychogeriatrics
2016 527 6
La construction des inégalités économiques et inégalités de genre dans la vieillesse à travers le parcours de vie (Suisse, 1979-2011)Trajectoires et âges de la vie
2016 629 267
Mesures et capture de la vulnérabilité dans une enquête sur les conditions de vie et de santé des personnes âgées. L'expérience de VLV (Vivre-Leben-Vivere) en SuisseLes populations vulnérables. Actes du XVIe colloque national de démographie
2016 743 432
The relation of the number of languages spoken to performance in different cognitive abilities in old ageNeuropsychology, development, and cognition. Section A, Journal of clinical and experimental neuropsychology
2016 686 0
New approaches to death in cities during the health transition
2016 520 0
Surveying Human Vulnerabilities across the Life Course (Life Course Research and Social Policies)
2016 482 167
Childless people during the baby boom in SwitzerlandAnnales de démographie historique
2016 674 4
Un éclairage sur la gérontologieAngewandte Gerontologie
2016 450 15
The association of educational attainment, cognitive level of job, and leisure activities during the course of adulthood with cognitive performance in old age: The role of openness to experienceInternational psychogeriatrics
2016 716 4
Les baby-boomers, une histoire de familles. Une comparaison Québec-France
2015 406 0
The Association of Leisure Activities in Middle Adulthood with Cognitive Performance in Old Age: The Moderating Role of Educational LevelGerontology
2015 567 61
Le baby-boom et les baby-boomers : Explorer l'entrelacement des temps historiques, familiaux et individuelsLes baby-boomers, une histoire de familles. Une comparaison Québec-France
2015 454 12
Il ricorso ai servizi domiciliari e il ruolo della famiglia nella quarta etàFragilità e risorse della popolazione anziana in Ticino
2015 576 243
Les baby-boomers, une histoire de familles : Une comparaison Québec-France
2015 468 21
Le baby-boom et les baby-boomers. Explorer l'entrelacement des temps historiques, familiaux et individuelsLes baby-boomers, une histoire de famille. Une comparaison Québec-France
2015 441 3
The role of cognitive resources for subjective work ability and health in nursingEuropean journal of ageing
2015 571 0
50 ans de démographie historique: Bilan historiographique d'une discipline en renouvellementAnnales de démographie historique
2015 504 52
Vieillir. Les apports de la démographie historique et de l'histoire de la familleAnnales de démographie historique
2015 560 0
Ein Modell sozioökonomischer StudiengängeWas ist und wozu Sozioökonomie?
2015 488 21
The persistence of social stratification? A life course perspective on poverty in old-age in SwitzerlandSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie
2015 1,558 289
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during, and after the demographic transition: An introductionDemographic research
2014 512 47
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic transition
2014 429 0
Adult age differences in prospective memory in the laboratory: are they related to higher stress levels in the elderly?Frontiers in human neuroscience
2014 599 33
The Roads to Reproduction: Comparing Life-course Trajectories in Preindustrial EurasiaSimilarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
2014 776 148
Déterminants socioéconomiques et culturels du contrôle des naissances dans les bidonvilles de Mumbai : une contribution à la compréhension du malthusianisme de la pauvretéActes du XVIIe colloque international de l'AIDELF sur Démographie et politiques sociales
2014 530 29
L'enseignement de la socioéconomie à l'Université de GenèveL'économie au service des citoyens : Ouvrage collectif en mémoire de Peter Tschopp
2014 414 21
“Vivre/Leben/Vivere”: An interdisciplinary survey addressing progress and inequalities of aging over the past 30 years in SwitzerlandArchives of gerontology and geriatrics
2014 557 0
Prudence as Obstinate Resistance to Pressure. Marriage in 19th Century Rural East BelgiumSimilarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
2014 417 0
Socioeconomic status and fertility before, during and after the demographic transitionDemographic research
2014 395 28
Sequence Analysis and Transition to Adulthood: An Exploration of the Access to Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century East BelgiumAdvances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Method, Applications
2014 521 90
Ein Modell sozioökonomischer Studiengänge. Der Studiengang in Sozioökonomie der Universität GenfWas ist und wozu Sozioökonomie
2014 366 0
Sequence Analysis and Transition to Adulthood: An Exploration of the Access to Reproduction in Nineteenth-Century East BelgiumAdvances in Sequence Analysis: Theory, Method, Applications
2014 470 0
Prudence as Obstinate Resistance to Pressure: Marriage in Nineteenth-Century Rural Eastern BelgiumSimilarity in difference. Marriage in Europe and Asia, 1700-1900
2014 545 75
L'apprentissage de la xénophobieLa migration italienne dans la Suisse d'après-guerre
2013 460 0
Publier en sciences humaines et sociales. Témoignages sur les transformations d'un système de pressionPublier en sciences humaines. Quels enjeux, quelles modalités, quels supports, quelle diffusion?
2013 364 0
Le pluralisme religieux croissant à Genève dans la première moitié du xixe siècle: Une exploration des dynamiques sous-jacentesL'apprentissage du pluralisme religieux. Le cas genevois au XIXe siècle
2013 503 43
La Migration Italienne Dans la Suisse d'Après-Guerre
2013 761 0
Introduction. L'apprentissage de la xénophobieLa migration italienne dans la Suisse d'après-guerre: Identités, discours et réalités
2013 823 283
Envejecimiento activo. Algunas reflexiones del año europeo (2012) del envejecimiento activo y la solidaridad intergeneracionalUna vejez activa en España
2013 411 0
Analyse statistique implicative des transitions professionnelles dans la Genève du 19e siècleL'analyse statistique implicative. Méthode exploratoire et confirmatoire à la recherche de causa
2013 490 4
Publier en sciences humaines et sociales : Témoignages sur les transformations d'un système de pressionPublier en sciences humaines : Quels enjeux, quelles modalités, quels supports, quelle diffusion ?
2013 439 12
Vulnerability across the life course: A theoretical framework and research directionsLIVES working papers
2013 1,470 41
Les conditions socioéconomiques et culturelles du vieillissement en SuisseSécurité sociale
2012 792 378
Heat waves and elderly mortality responses: What about social differential vulnerability?Frans Van Poppel: A sort of farewell. Liber amicorum
2012 417 4
Pro Senectute : visibilité et usages d'une association bientôt centenaire. Au service des vulnérables? / Pro Senectute: Sichtbarkeit und Nutzung einer bald hundertjährigen Stiftung. Im Dienste vulnerabler Menschen? (Pro Senectute report)
2012 442 96
Les migrations, entre choix individuels et influences collectivesAnnales de démographie historique
2012 423 2
[Review of :] Warren C. Robinson (ed.): Land, Labour and Population Growth: Theory, Policy and Case-Studies. Collected Papers from 4 DecadesEuropean Journal of Population
2012 490 143
Long-term changes in social mortality differentials, Geneva, 1625–2004Explorations in economic history
2011 468 4
ConclusionsGenre et bien-être: Questionner les inégalités
2011 353 0
Synthèse de la session IGérontologie et société
2010 376 1
Affiliation religieuse et mortalité en Suisse entre 1991 et 2004Population
2010 474 3
Différentiels sociaux de mortalité à Genève. Un parcours à travers quatre siècles (1625–2004)Die Produktion von Ungleichheiten – La production des inégalités
2010 745 4
Transitions dans les parcours de vie et constructions des inégalités
2009 1,090 617
The rise of age homogamy in 19th century western EuropeJournal of Marriage and Family
2009 437 2
Une démographie au féminin. Risques et opportunités dans les parcours de vie - A female Demography. Risks and Chances in the Life Course
2009 408 0
Linked lives and self-regulation: lifespan – life course: is it really the same ?Current perspectives on aging and the life cycle
2009 614 9
IntroductionTransitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités
2009 429 49
La transition ultime. Longévité et mortalité aux grands âges dans le bassin lémaniqueTransitions dans les parcours de vie et construction des inégalités
2009 416 6
Reproduction différentielle et dynamiques socialesAnnales de démographie historique
2008 372 1
Effets de fratrie et mobilité sociale intergénérationnelle dans la Belgique urbaine et rurale au xixe siècleAnnales de démographie historique
2008 371 0
Societal openness during the urban crisis. Partner selection in the 19th-century Belgian textile cities Ghent and VerviersThe History of the Family
2007 407 0
Dynamique socioprofessionnelle dans la Genève du 19e, enseignements d'une analyse de statistique implicativeNouveaux apports théoriques à l'analyse statistique implicative et applications, ASI4
2007 633 550
La minorité catholique dans la Rome protestante. : contribution à l'histoire démographique de Genève dans la première moitié du XIXe siècleHistoire des familles, de la démographie et des comportements: en hommage à Jean-Pierre Bardet
2007 676 170
When protoindustry collapsed fertility and the demographic regime in rural eastern belgium during the industrial revolutionHistorical Social Research
2007 396 114
Recrutement et renouvellement des groupes socioprofessionnels à Genève, 1816-184314e Colloque de l'Association Internationale des Démographes de Langue Française AIDELF
2006 554 563
Les solitudes urbaines. Structures et parcours dans la Genève des années 1816-1843Annales de démographie historique
2006 640 1,107
The social and cultural demography of minoritiesThe History of the Family
2005 413 1
Migration, occupational identity, and societal openness in nineteenth-century BelgiumInternational Review of Social History
2005 406 0
Childhood conditions, migration, and mortality: Migrants and natives in 19th‐century citiesBiodemography and social biology
2005 494 5
Life course data in demography and social sciences: Statistical and data-mining approachesTowards an interdisciplinary perspective on the life course. Advances in life course research
2005 489 491
Siblings in a (Neo-)Malthusian Town. From Cross-sectional to Longitudinal PerspectivesHistorical social research
2005 538 570
Solitude et vulnérabilité dans les trajectoires de vie féminines, Genève, 1816-1843Colloque Itinéraires féminins
2005 526 542
Stature in transition: A micro-level study from nineteenth-century BelgiumSocial Science History
2004 464 0
Height, wealth and longevity in xixth century East BelgiumAnnales de démographie historique
2004 378 0
Précarité, état absorbant ou accident de parcours ?Entre science et action. La Démographie au service de la cité. Hommage à Hermann-Michel Hagmann
2004 543 650
Solitude and Vulnerability in Female Life Courses, Geneva, 1816-1843Social Science History Association Annual Meeting
2004 511 524
The history of migration as a chapter in the history of the European rural family: An overviewThe History of the Family
2003 416 1
Religion Affiliations in Early Nineteenth Century Geneva. The Emergence of Catholics in the "Calvinist Rome"SSHA Annual Meeting
2003 624 426
Contrôle religieux, contrôle social : la fécondité dans l'est de la Belgique dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècleAnnales de démographie historique
2003 378 0
The complexity of migration in the european countryside: IntroductionThe History of the Family
2003 393 0
The family and mortality: a case study from rural BelgiumAnnales de démographie historique
2001 422 0
Activities of an intravenous formulation of itraconazole in experimental disseminated aspergillus, candida, and cryptococcus infectionsAntimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy
2000 326 0
The age at marriage of migrants during the industrial revolution in the region of liègeThe History of the Family
2000 444 5
Mortalité et migration dans les villes industrielles au XIXe siècle : exemples belges et françaisAnnales de démographie historique
2000 424 407
Fertility and migration in the heart of the industrial revolutionThe History of the Family
1996 402 1
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