Supervised works
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1 - 339 of 339
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Hydrometeorological triggers of debris flows derived from historical archives and tree-ring data: Insights from the Swiss National ParkScience of the total environment
2025 3 1
Historical flood reconstruction in a torrential alpine catchment and its implication for flood hazard assessmentsJournal of hydrology
2024 29 13
Snow avalanche synchronicity derived from a multi-path tree-ring reconstruction in the Făgăraș Mountains (Southern Carpathians, Romania)Quaternary geochronology
2024 74 35
The potential of X-ray computed tomography for xylological and dendrochronological analyses of Egyptian mummy labelsPloS one
2024 40 16
Rockfall from an increasingly unstable mountain slope driven by climate warmingNature geoscience
2024 67 18
A supply-limited torrent that does not feel the heat of climate changeNature communications
2024 33 16
Mediterranean cyclones are a substantial cause of damaging floods in CorsicaCommunications earth & environment
2024 347 31
Effects of Climate Change on snow avalanche activity in the alps: insights from a 456-year tree-ring derived chronology in the Queyras massif (France)Proceedings, International Snow Science Workshop
2023 62 1
Tree-ring anatomy of Pinus cembra trees opens new avenues for climate reconstructions in the European AlpsScience of the total environment
2023 170 90
ClimatiZENs - Atelier Terrascope/Enviroscope
2023 48 16
Vessels in a Rhododendron ferrugineum (L.) population do not trace temperature anymore at the alpine shrublineFrontiers in plant science
2023 193 35
Global patterns of tree density are contingent upon local determinants in the world’s natural forestsCommunications biology
2023 93 23
250 years of flood frequency and discharge in an ungauged Corsican mountain catchment: A dendrogeomorphic reconstructionScience of the total environment
2023 53 51
Lunar eclipses illuminate timing and climate impact of medieval volcanismNature
2023 44 16
Combining conventional tree-ring measurements with wood anatomy and strontium isotope analyses enables dendroprovenancing at the local scaleScience of the total environment
2023 116 0
Effects of frequent debris flows on barrier lake formation, sedimentation and vegetation disturbance, Palongzangbo River, Tibetan PlateauCatena
2023 138 0
Identifying and interpreting regional signals in tree-ring based reconstructions of snow avalanche activity in the Goms valley (Swiss Alps)Quaternary science reviews
2023 73 47
Geomorphic Process Chains in High‐Mountain Regions—A Review and Classification Approach for Natural Hazards AssessmentReviews of geophysics
2023 52 24
Alpine shrubs have benefited more than trees from 20th century warming at a treeline ecotone site in the French PyreneesAgricultural and forest meteorology
2023 121 61
Climatic, weather, and socio-economic conditions corresponding to the mid-17th-century eruption clusterClimate of the past
2022 111 47
Deforestation controls landslide susceptibility in Far-Western NepalCatena
2022 108 134
Coupled insights from the palaeoenvironmental, historical and archaeological archives to support social-ecological resilience and the sustainable development goalsEnvironmental research letters
2022 81 96
Estimation of recent peat accumulation with tree saplingsProgress in physical geography
2022 164 0
Improving regional flood risk assessment using flood frequency and dendrogeomorphic analyses in mountain catchments impacted by tropical cyclonesGeomorphology
2022 83 107
Recession or resilience? Long-range socioeconomic consequences of the 17th century volcanic eruptions in northern FennoscandiaClimate of the past
2022 189 40
The 852/3 CE Mount Churchill eruption: examining the potential climatic and societal impacts and the timing of the Medieval Climate Anomaly in the North Atlantic regionClimate of the past
2022 159 36
Tropical and subtropical dendrochronology: Approaches, applications, and prospectsEcological indicators
2022 132 56
Long-term reconstruction of flash floods in the Qilian Mountains, China, based on dendrogeomorphic methodsJournal of Mountain Science
2022 94 0
The 1600 CE Huaynaputina eruption as a possible trigger for persistent cooling in the North Atlantic regionClimate of the past
2022 157 41
Blowing Hot and Cold: Glacier Microclimate can Help Understand Impacts of Climate Change on Forests CommunitiesGeophysical research letters
2022 97 62
Synergistic analysis of satellite, unmanned aerial vehicle, terrestrial laser scanner data and process-based modelling for understanding the dynamics and morphological changes around the snout of Gangotri Glacier, IndiaGeomorphology
2022 122 0
Current Siberian heating is unprecedented during the past seven millenniaNature communications
2022 206 21
XRCT images reveal climate control on wound recovery after intense flood in Mediterranean riparian treesTrees
2022 67 0
Are our data ready for the next global challenges? Resilient data for resilient societies and economiesEnvironmental science & policy
2022 164 50
The glacier advance at the onset of the Little Ice Age in the Alps: New evidence from Mont Miné and Morteratsch glaciersHolocene
2022 114 58
Global wood anatomical perspective on the onset of the Late Antique Little Ice Age (LALIA) in the mid-6th century CEScience Bulletin
2022 177 48
Landslide-induced changes in tree-ring anatomy: A new dendrogeomorphic avenue?Catena
2022 92 0
Contrasted effects of climate change on low-altitude relict Pinus uncinata stands in the Northern French AlpsEuro-Mediterranean journal for environmental integration
2021 112 61
Estimating rockfall release frequency from blocks deposited in protection barriers, growth disturbances in trees, and trajectory simulationsLandslides
2021 165 1
The 2020 glacial lake outburst flood at Jinwuco, Tibet: causes, impacts, and implications for hazard and risk assessmentThe cryosphere
2021 116 66
Upslope migration of snow avalanches in a warming climateProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2021 56 77
Reconstruction of gully erosion based on exposed tree roots in a recent landform of Paricutin Volcano, MexicoEarth surface processes and landforms
2021 116 0
Evaluating tree-to-tree competition during stand development in a relict Scots pine forest: how much does climate matter?Trees - Structure and Function
2021 209 70
Shrub growth in the Alps diverges from air temperature since the 1990sEnvironmental Research Letters
2021 211 65
Three decades of landslide activity in western Nepal: new insights into trends and climate driversLandslides
2021 285 148
The influence of decision-making in tree ring-based climate reconstructionsNature Communications
2021 193 63
Numerous unreported glacial lake outburst floods in the Third Pole revealed by high-resolution satellite data and geomorphological evidenceScience Bulletin
2021 187 2
Recession of Gya Glacier and the 2014 glacial lake outburst flood in the Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh, IndiaScience of the Total Environment
2021 175 3
Climate Change, Cryosphere and Impacts in the Indian Himalayan RegionCurrent Science
2021 249 3
Recurrent transitions to Little Ice Age-like climatic regimes over the HoloceneClimate Dynamics
2021 177 77
Cryptotephra from the Icelandic Veiðivötn 1477 CE eruption in a Greenland ice core: confirming the dating of volcanic events in the 1450s CE and assessing the eruption's climatic impactClimate of the Past
2021 196 155
Increasing risk of glacial lake outburst floods from future Third Pole deglaciationNature Climate Change
2021 216 4
Trees as sentinels of metallic pollution induced by mining along the Odiel River (Southern Iberian Peninsula)Cuadernos de Investigación Geográfica
2021 222 116
Improved tree-ring sampling strategy enhances the detection of key meteorological drivers of rockfall activityCatena
2021 167 0
The Dendroclimatological Potential of Common Yew (Taxus baccata L.) from Southern AzerbaijanTree-Ring Research
2021 175 0
Inventory and changes of rock glacier creep speeds in Ile Alatau and Kungöy Ala-Too, northern Tien Shan, since the 1950sCryosphere
2021 189 68
Heavy precipitation forecasts over Switzerland – An evaluation of bias-corrected ECMWF predictionsWeather and climate extremes
2021 88 54
An application-oriented protocol for flood frequency analysis based on botanical evidenceJournal of Hydrology
2020 215 2
Fire-scarred fossil tree from the Late Triassic shows a pre-fire drought signalScientific Reports
2020 153 69
Putting the poorly documented 1998 GLOF disaster in Shakhimardan River valley (Alay Range, Kyrgyzstan/Uzbekistan) into perspectiveScience of the Total Environment
2020 213 0
Automated precipitation monitoring with the Thies disdrometer: biases and ways for improvementAtmospheric Measurement Techniques
2020 219 205
Positive associations among rare species and their persistence in ecological assemblagesNature Ecology & Evolution
2020 270 0
Climate impacts on tree growth in a Neotropical high mountain forest of the Peruvian AndesiForest : Biogeosciences and Forestry
2020 207 1
Impacts of Erratic Snowfall on Apple Orchards in Kashmir Valley, IndiaSustainability
2020 229 207
Antipyretic Medication for a Feverish PlanetEarth Systems and Environment
2020 159 74
Numerical Modeling of Instream Wood Transport, Deposition, and Accumulation in Braided Morphologies Under Unsteady Conditions: Sensitivity and High‐Resolution Quantitative Model ValidationWater Resources Research
2020 258 0
Recent flood hazards in Kashmir put into context with millennium-long historical and tree-ring recordsScience of the Total Environment
2020 223 0
Forest stocks control long‐term climatic mortality risks in Scots pine dry‐edge forestsEcosphere
2020 199 83
Dating of rockfall damage in trees yields insights into meteorological triggers of process activity in the French AlpsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2020 281 0
Interpreting rockfall activity on an outcrop–talus slope system in the southern Japanese Alps using an integrated survey approachGeomorphology
2020 230 0
Tree-ring based, regional-scale reconstruction of flash floods in Mediterranean mountain torrentsCatena
2020 211 1
Eco-Physiological Response of Conifers from High-Latitude and -Altitude Eurasian Regions to Stratospheric Volcanic EruptionsJournal of Siberian Federal University. Biology
2020 208 0
Development of a combined empirical index for a 5-day forecast of heavy precipitation over the Bernese AlpsEnvironment International
2020 283 191
Impacts of land-cover changes on snow avalanche activity in the French AlpsAnthropocene
2020 203 0
Some (do not) like it hot: shrub growth is hampered by heat and drought at the alpine treeline in recent decadesAmerican Journal of Botany
2020 210 0
Neotropical Hypericum irazuense shrubs reveal recent ENSO variability in Costa Rican páramoDendrochronologia
2020 192 237
Climate reverses directionality in the richness–abundance relationship across the World's main forest biomesNature Communications
2020 266 84
When scientists become detectives: investigating systematic tree poisoning in a protected coveHeliyon
2020 341 115
Recent atmospheric drying in Siberia is not unprecedented over the last 1,500 yearsScientific Reports
2020 220 88
Modelling the 2012 Lahar in a Sector of Jamapa Gorge (Pico de Orizaba Volcano, Mexico) Using RAMMS and Tree-Ring EvidenceWater
2020 197 149
Assessing the effects of earlier snow melt-out on alpine shrub growth: The sooner the better?Ecological Indicators
2020 213 149
Peaks of Fine Particulate Matter May Modulate the Spreading and Virulence of COVID-19Earth Systems and Environment
2020 190 108
Climatic and societal impacts of a "forgotten" cluster of volcanic eruptions in 1108-1110 CEScientific Reports
2020 344 136
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of floods in a dynamic tropical riverGeomorphology
2020 189 0
Glacial geomorphology of the Chirripó National Park, Costa RicaJournal of Maps
2019 316 289
Assessing the effect of invasive tree species on rockfall risk – The case of Ailanthus altissimaEcological Engineering
2019 342 0
Climate change research in bilateral development programmes: experiences from India and PeruDevelopment in Practice
2019 273 0
The anomalous 2017 coastal El Niño event in PeruClimate Dynamics
2019 361 1
Fire damage to cambium affects localized xylem anatomy and hydraulics: the case of Nothofagus pumilio in PatagoniaAmerican Journal of Botany
2019 210 1
A multi-proxy reconstruction of moisture dynamics in a peatland ecosystem: A case study from Čepkeliai, LithuaniaEcological Indicators
2019 287 0
Anticipating cascading effects of extreme precipitation with pathway schemes - Three case studies from EuropeEnvironment International
2019 321 0
Relationships between earthquakes, hurricanes, and landslides in Costa RicaLandslides
2019 306 1
Laboratory and Field Protocol for Estimating Sheet Erosion Rates from DendrogeomorphologyJournal of Visualized Experiments
2019 321 0
Geomorphic control on regional glacier lake outburst flood and debris flow activity over northern Tien ShanGlobal and Planetary Change
2019 358 0
Siberian tree-ring and stable isotope proxies as indicators of temperature and moisture changes after major stratospheric volcanic eruptionsClimate of the Past
2019 486 233
Tree-ring reconstruction of snow avalanche activity: Does avalanche path selection matter?Science of the Total Environment
2019 326 0
On the extraordinary winter flood episode over the North Atlantic Basin in 1936Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences
2019 291 1
Improving Medium‐Range Forecasts of Rain‐on‐Snow Events in Prealpine AreasWater Resources Research
2019 264 188
Assessing strategies to mitigate debris-flow risk in Abancay province, south-central Peruvian AndesGeomorphology
2019 157 0
Dry Spells and Extreme Precipitation are The Main Trigger of Landslides in Central EuropeScientific Reports
2019 210 285
Comparative dendroecological characterisation of Ailanthus altissima (Mill.) Swingle in its native and introduced rangeDendrochronologia
2019 185 1
Traumatic Resin Ducts in Alaska Mountain Hemlock Trees Provide a New Proxy for Winter StorminessJournal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
2019 438 132
Scots pine radial growth response to climate and future projections at peat and mineral soils in the boreo-nemoral zoneTheoretical and Applied Climatology
2019 302 0
Tree-rings based analysis of the 2001 pyroclastic flow and post-eruptive tree colonization on Popocatépetl volcano, MexicoCatena
2019 345 0
Assessment of the recurrence intervals of rockfall through dendrogeomorphology and counting scar approach: A comparative study in a mixed forest stand from the Vercors massif (French Alps)Geomorphology
2019 317 1
Combining multiple proxies to investigate water table fluctuations in wetlands: A case study from the Rėkyva wetland complex, LithuaniaPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
2019 305 0
Disproportionately strong climate forcing from extratropical explosive volcanic eruptionsNature Geoscience
2019 355 1
L'inventaire forestier comme méthode de caractérisation spatiale de l'aléa chute de pierresSchweizerische Zeitschrift für Forstwesen
2019 591 0
Reconstruction of debris-flow activity in a temperate mountain forest catchment of central MexicoJournal of Mountain Science
2019 197 0
Climate-growth relationships in a Larix decidua Mill. network in the French AlpsScience of the Total Environment
2019 283 0
Economic valuation of ecosystem-based rockfall risk reduction considering disturbances and comparison to structural measuresScience of the Total Environment
2019 182 0
Characterization of wood-laden flows in riversEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2019 327 0
Holocene vegetation and hydroclimatic dynamics in SE Lithuania – Implications from a multi-proxy study of the Čepkeliai bogQuaternary International
2019 312 0
Centennial-scale process activity in a complex landslide body in the Qilian Mountains, northeast Tibetan Plateau, ChinaCatena
2019 318 0
Tree-ring correlations suggest links between moderate earthquakes and distant rockfalls in the Patagonian CordilleraScientific Reports
2019 172 64
Interpretation of recent alpine landscape system evolution using geomorphic mapping and L-band InSAR analysesGeomorphology
2018 324 0
Climate warming enhances snow avalanche risk in the Western HimalayasProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2018 326 179
Estimating the snowfall limit in alpine and pre-alpine valleys: A local evaluation of operational approachesAtmospheric Research
2018 313 134
Impacts of a large flood along a mountain river basin: the importance of channel widening and estimating the large wood budget in the upper Emme River (Switzerland)Earth Surface Dynamics
2018 313 197
Potencial dendrogeomorfológico de coníferas en volcanes del centro de MéxicoBosque
2018 294 0
Geomorphic and stream flow influences on large wood dynamics and displacement lengths in high gradient mountain streams (Chile)Hydrological Processes
2018 282 0
Quantification of cliff retreat in coastal Quaternary sediments using anatomical changes in exposed tree rootsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2018 282 0
The European mountain cryosphere: a review of its current state, trends, and future challengesCryosphere
2018 1,101 807
The Eldgjá eruption: timing, long-range impacts and influence on the Christianisation of IcelandClimatic Change
2018 345 167
Integrating the mitigating effect of forests into quantitative rockfall risk analysis – Two case studies in SwitzerlandInternational Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction
2018 357 3
Linking atmospheric circulation patterns with hydro-geomorphic disasters in PeruInternational Journal of Climatology
2018 243 0
Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) based reconstruction of 130 years of water table fluctuations in a peatland and its relevance for moisture variability assessmentsJournal of Hydrology
2018 281 0
Debris flows triggered from non-stationary glacier lake outbursts: the case of the Teztor Lake complex (Northern Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan)Landslides
2018 299 0
Tree-ring proxies of larch bud moth defoliation: latewood width and blue intensity are more precise than tree-ring widthTree Physiology
2018 275 168
Avulsions and the spatio-temporal evolution of debris-flow fansEarth-Science Reviews
2018 1,590 3
Interpreting historical, botanical, and geological evidence to aid preparations for future floodsWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water
2018 304 1
Disentangling the relative role of climate change on tree growth in an extreme Mediterranean environmentScience of the Total Environment
2018 313 1
In-channel wood-related hazards at bridges: A reviewRiver Research and Applications
2018 312 0
Characteristics and abundance of large and small instream wood in a Carpathian mixed-forest headwater basinForest Ecology and Management
2018 304 0
Translating the concept of climate risk into an assessment framework to inform adaptation planning: Insights from a pilot study of flood risk in Himachal Pradesh, Northern IndiaEnvironmental Science & Policy
2018 285 0
Recent advances in paleoflood hydrology: From new archives to data compilation and analysisWater Security
2018 326 0
Does the public's negative perception towards wood in rivers relate to recent impact of flooding experiencing?Science of the Total Environment
2018 175 0
Large-scale, millennial-length temperature reconstructions from tree-ringsDendrochronologia
2018 296 0
Ecosystem-based disaster risk reduction in mountainsEarth-Science Reviews
2018 275 1
Spatio-temporal maps of past avalanche events derived from tree-ring analysis: A case study in the Zermatt valley (Valais, Switzerland)Cold Regions Science and Technology
2018 308 1
Regional, tree-ring based chronology of landslides in the Outer Western CarpathiansGeomorphology
2018 320 0
Late-Holocene vegetation dynamics in response to a changing climate and anthropogenic influences – Insights from stratigraphic records and subfossil trees from southeast LithuaniaQuaternary Science Reviews
2018 321 0
Increase in CO2 concentration could alter the response of Hedera helix to climate changeEcology and Evolution
2018 339 174
Avalanche activity and socio-environmental changes leave strong footprints in forested landscapes: a case study in the Vosges medium-high mountain rangeAnnals of Glaciology
2018 234 194
Future winters glimpsed in the AlpsNature Geoscience
2018 244 0
Gully evolution and geomorphic adjustments of badlands to reforestationScientific Reports
2017 298 149
Quantifying Soil Erosion from Hiking Trail in a Protected Natural Area in the Spanish PyreneesLand Degradation and Development
2017 280 0
Frederick J. Swanson's 1976–1979 papers on the effects of instream wood on fluvial processes and instream wood managementProgress in Physical Geography
2017 276 0
Recent catastrophic landslide lake outburst floods in the Himalayan mountain rangeProgress in Physical Geography
2017 321 0
Tree-ring reconstruction of reactivation phases of the Schimbrig landslide (Swiss Alps)Géomorphologie
2017 359 1
Modeling rockfall frequency and bounce height from three-dimensional simulation process models and growth disturbances in submontane broadleaved treesGeomorphology
2017 299 1
Changes of flood risk on the northern foothills of the Tatra MountainsActa Geophysica
2017 523 189
Forest productivity in southwestern Europe is controlled by coupled North Atlantic and Atlantic Multidecadal OscillationsNature Communications
2017 581 218
Comparing observed and hypothetical climates as a means of communicating to the public and policymakers: The case of European heatwavesEnvironmental science & policy
2017 613 3
Regional flood-frequency reconstruction for Kullu district, Western Indian HimalayasJournal of Hydrology
2017 291 0
Impacts of regional climatic fluctuations on radial growth of Siberian and Scots pine at Mukhrino mire (central-western Siberia)Science of the Total Environment
2017 257 0
Tree-ring based reconstruction of rockfalls at Cofre de Perote volcano, MexicoGeomorphology
2017 297 0
Climate response to the Samalas volcanic eruption in 1257 revealed by proxy recordsNature geoscience
2017 661 1
Age-dependent sensitivity of trees disturbed by debris flows – Implications for dendrogeomorphic reconstructionsQuaternary Geochronology
2017 289 0
Glacial lake inventory and lake outburst potential in UzbekistanScience of the Total Environment
2017 320 1
Differences in flood hazard projections in Europe – their causes and consequences for decision makingHydrological Sciences Journal
2017 320 186
Multi-proxy dating the ‘Millennium Eruption' of Changbaishan to late 946 CEQuaternary Science Reviews
2017 333 197
Imprisoned in the Cretan mountains: How relict Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae) trees cope with Mediterranean climateScience of the Total Environment
2017 312 1
Warm summers and moderate winter precipitation boost Rhododendron ferrugineum L. growth in the Taillefer massif (French Alps)Science of the Total Environment
2017 293 1
Large wood clogging during floods in a gravel-bed river: the Długopole bridge in the Czarny Dunajec River, PolandEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2017 319 0
Citizen science for hydrological risk reduction and resilience buildingWiley Interdisciplinary Reviews: Water
2017 553 301
Disentangling the impacts of exogenous disturbances on forest stands to assess multi-centennial tree-ring reconstructions of avalanche activity in the upper Goms Valley (Canton of Valais, Switzerland)Quaternary Geochronology
2017 600 2
500-yr. precipitation variability in Southern Taihang Mountains, China, and its linkages to ENSO and PDOClimatic Change
2017 287 0
Temporal dynamics of instream wood in headwater streams draining mixed Carpathian forestsGeomorphology
2017 285 0
Dendrogeomorphic assessment of rockfall recurrence intervals at Saint Paul de Varces, Western French Alps = Evaluation dendrogéomorphologique de l'intervalle de récurrence des chutes de pierre à Saint-Paul-de-Varces, Alpes françaisesGéomorphologie
2017 284 1
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of lahar activity and triggers: Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka Peninsula, RussiaBulletin of Volcanology
2017 305 0
Impacts of land-use and land-cover changes on rockfall propagation: Insights from the Grenoble conurbationScience of the Total Environment
2016 268 0
Rain-on-snow events, floods and climate change in the Alps: Events may increase with warming up to 4°C and decrease thereafterScience of the total environment
2016 979 5
Exploring large wood retention and deposition in contrasting river morphologies linking numerical modelling and field observationsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2016 277 0
Floods in mountain environments: A synthesisGeomorphology
2016 320 1
Rain-on-snow events in Switzerland: recent observations and projections for the 21st centuryClimate research
2016 558 3
Reconstruction of glacial lake outburst floods in northern Tien Shan: Implications for hazard assessmentGeomorphology
2016 310 0
Uncertainty in the Himalayan energy–water nexus: estimating regional exposure to glacial lake outburst floodsEnvironmental Research Letters
2016 285 353
Biographical sketch of a giant: Deciphering recent debris-flow dynamics from the Ohya landslide body (Japanese Alps)Geomorphology
2016 279 0
Lake outburst and debris flow disaster at Kedarnath, June 2013: hydrometeorological triggering and topographic predispositionLandslides
2016 322 0
Wood density and moisture sorption and its influence on large wood mobility in riversCatena
2016 284 0
Regional reconstruction of flash flood history in the Guadarrama range (Central System, Spain)Science of the total environment
2016 565 657
Periodicities in mid- to late-Holocene peatland hydrology identified from Swedish and Lithuanian tree-ring dataQuaternary Science Reviews
2016 318 0
Morphology and Hydraulic Architecture of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah and Torrontés Riojano Plants Are Unaffected by Variations in Red to Far-Red RatioPLOS ONE
2016 274 141
Subfossil peatland trees as proxies for Holocene palaeohydrology and palaeoclimateEarth-Science Reviews
2016 303 0
Paleoflood discharge reconstruction in Tatra Mountain streamsGeomorphology
2016 288 0
Recent advances in long-term climate and moisture reconstructions from the Baltic region: Exploring the potential for a new multi-millennial tree-ring chronologyQuaternary Science Reviews
2016 295 0
Accelerated glacier shrinkage in the Ak-Shyirak massif, Inner Tien Shan, during 2003–2013Science of the Total Environment
2016 293 0
Can we infer avalanche–climate relations using tree-ring data? Case studies in the French AlpsRegional Environmental Change
2016 302 0
The role of flood hydrograph in the remobilization of large wood in a wide mountain riverJournal of Hydrology
2016 284 0
Debris-flow risk analysis in a managed torrent based on a stochastic life-cycle performanceScience of the Total Environment
2016 280 0
Recent advances quantifying the large wood dynamics in river basins: New methods and remaining challengesReviews of Geophysics
2016 278 0
Decadal variability of floods in the northern foreland of the Tatra MountainsRegional Environmental Change
2016 238 0
Tree-ring based record of intra-eruptive lahar activity: Axaltzintle valley, Malinche volcano, MexicoGeochronometria
2016 295 142
Circulation patterns related to debris-flow triggering in the Zermatt valley in current and future climatesGeomorphology
2016 317 1
Factors controlling large-wood transport in a mountain riverGeomorphology
2016 279 0
How to Improve Dendrogeomorphic Sampling: Variogram Analyses of Wood Density Using X-Ray Computed TomographyTree-Ring Research
2015 276 0
Fighting their last stand? A global analysis of the distribution and conservation status of gymnospermsJournal of Biogeography
2015 308 0
Unravelling past flash flood activity in a forested mountain catchment of the Spanish Central SystemJournal of Hydrology
2015 309 0
Potential of two submontane broadleaved species (Acer opalus, Quercus pubescens) to reveal spatiotemporal patterns of rockfall activityGeomorphology
2015 292 0
Combining terrestrial laser scanning and root exposure to estimate erosion ratesPlant and Soil
2015 291 0
Impacts of more frequent droughts on a relict low-altitude Pinus uncinata stand in the French AlpsFrontiers in Ecology and Evolution
2015 282 0
Exploring the impact of regional climate and local hydrology on Pinus sylvestris L. growth variability – A comparison between pine populations growing on peat soils and mineral soils in LithuaniaPlant and Soil
2015 251 0
Can tree tilting be used for paleoflood discharge estimations?Journal of Hydrology
2015 267 0
Visual dating of rockfall scars in Larix decidua treesGeomorphology
2015 261 0
Testing dendrogeomorphic approaches and thresholds to reconstruct snow avalanche activity in the Făgăraş Mountains (Romanian Carpathians)Quaternary Geochronology
2015 323 0
A review of flood records from tree ringsProgress in Physical Geography
2015 282 0
Defining sample size and sampling strategy for dendrogeomorphic rockfall reconstructionsGeomorphology
2015 305 1
Increased tree establishment in Lithuanian peat bogs — Insights from field and remotely sensed approachesScience of the Total Environment
2015 259 0
Tree-age control on reconstructed debris-flow frequencies: examples from a regional dendrogeomorphic reconstruction in the Crimean MountainsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2015 300 0
The role of log jams and exceptional flood events in mobilizing coarse particulate organic matter in a steep headwater streamEarth Surface Dynamics
2015 337 192
Contrasting responses of Central Asian rock glaciers to global warmingScientific Reports
2015 302 123
Climate change impacts on discharges of the Rhone River in Lyon by the end of the twenty-first century: model results and implicationsRegional environmental change
2015 653 10
Debris-flow activity in five adjacent gullies in a limestone mountain rangeGeochronometria
2015 305 165
Response of Karakoram-Himalayan glaciers to climate variability and climatic change: A regional climate model assessmentGeophysical Research Letters
2015 272 139
Remotely sensed debris thickness mapping of Bara Shigri Glacier, Indian HimalayaJournal of Glaciology
2015 307 0
Hydrophobia of gymnosperms: myth or reality? A global analysisEcohydrology
2015 312 0
Estimates of volcanic-induced cooling in the Northern Hemisphere over the past 1,500 yearsNature geoscience
2015 591 1
Impacts of age-dependent tree sensitivity and dating approaches on dendrogeomorphic time series of landslidesGeomorphology
2015 274 0
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of flash floods in the Patagonian AndesGeomorphology
2015 247 1
Preface: Extreme Hydrological EventsProceedings of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences
2015 282 131
Flash floods in the Tatra Mountain streams: Frequency and triggersScience of the Total Environment
2015 304 0
Variability of high rainfalls and related synoptic situations causing heavy floods at the northern foothills of the Tatra MountainsTheoretical and Applied Climatology
2015 269 104
R. S. Sigafoos's 1961 and 1964 papers on botanical evidence of paleofloodsProgress in Physical Geography
2015 282 0
XRCT images and variograms reveal 3D changes in wood density of riparian trees affected by floodsTrees - Structure and Function
2015 284 0
Fine-scale spatial patterns of the Tertiary relict Zelkova abelicea (Ulmaceae) indicate possible processes contributing to its persistence to climate changesRegional Environmental Change
2014 271 0
The days of plenty might soon be over in glacierized Central Asian catchmentsEnvironmental Research Letters
2014 260 148
Assessing climate change impacts on the quantity of water in Alpine regions: Foreword to the adaptation and policy implications of the EU/FP7 “ACQWA” projectEnvironmental science & policy
2014 622 511
Defining optimal sample size, sampling design and thresholds for dendrogeomorphic landslide reconstructionsQuaternary Geochronology
2014 301 0
Data and knowledge gaps in glacier, snow and related runoff research – A climate change adaptation perspectiveJournal of Hydrology
2014 279 0
Achieving a more realistic assessment of rockfall hazards by coupling three-dimensional process models and field-based tree-ring dataEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2014 290 0
Climate change impacts on hydropower in the Swiss and Italian AlpsScience of the total environment
2014 603 3
Validation of extreme snow avalanches and related return periods derived from a statistical-dynamical model using tree-ring techniquesCold Regions Science and Technology
2014 268 0
21st century climate change in the European Alps—A reviewScience of the total environment
2014 1,310 823
Coupling glacial lake impact, dam breach, and flood processes: A modeling perspectiveGeomorphology
2014 249 0
Hydrogeomorphic response to extreme rainfall in headwater systems: Flash floods and debris flowsJournal of Hydrology
2014 274 1
Changes in tracheid and ray traits in fire scars of North American conifers and their ecophysiological implicationsAnnals of Botany
2014 277 105
Governing and managing water resources under changing hydro-climatic contexts: The case of the upper Rhone basinEnvironmental science & policy
2014 727 11
The impacts of climatic change on water resources: Foreword to the Special IssueJournal of hydrology
2014 644 4
Climate change impacts on mass movements — Case studies from the European AlpsScience of the Total Environment
2014 304 1
Assessing the impacts of climatic change on mountain water resourcesScience of the total environment
2014 683 7
Floods at the northern foothills of the Tatra Mountains — A Polish-Swiss research projectActa Geophysica
2014 215 0
Dendroecological Dating of Geomorphic Disturbance in TreesTree-Ring Research
2014 299 1
Resin duct size and density as ecophysiological traits in fire scars of Pseudotsuga menziesii and Larix occidentalisAnnals of Botany
2014 303 110
Coping with changing water resources: The case of the Syr Darya river basin in Central AsiaEnvironmental Science & Policy
2014 314 0
Station-scale bias correction and uncertainty analysis for the estimation of irrigation water requirements in the Swiss Rhone catchment under climate changeClimatic Change
2014 279 0
Changes in glaciers in the Swiss Alps and impact on basin hydrology: Current state of the art and future researchScience of the Total Environment
2014 286 1
Possible impacts of climate change on debris-flow activity in the Swiss AlpsClimatic Change
2014 294 1
Effects of Open-Cast Sulphur Mining on Sediment Transfers and Toxification of Riparian ForestsGeografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
2014 256 0
High-resolution fingerprints of past landsliding and spatially explicit, probabilistic assessment of future reactivations: Aiguettes landslide, Southeastern French AlpsTectonophysics
2013 290 0
Spatio-temporal reconstruction of lahars on the southern slopes of Colima volcano, Mexico – A dendrogeomorphic approachJournal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research
2013 255 0
A New Tree-Ring-Based, Semi-Quantitative Approach for the Determination of Snow Avalanche Events: use of Classification Trees for ValidationArctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
2013 288 159
Dating and quantification of erosion processes based on exposed rootsEarth-Science Reviews
2013 301 1
Glacial lakes in the Indian Himalayas — From an area-wide glacial lake inventory to on-site and modeling based risk assessment of critical glacial lakesScience of the Total Environment
2013 272 0
Counting scars on tree stems to assess rockfall hazards: A low effort approach, but how reliable?Geomorphology
2013 289 0
John F. Shroder, Jr.'s 1978 and 1980 papers on dendrogeomorphologyProgress in Physical Geography
2013 269 0
Source of the great A.D. 1257 mystery eruption unveiled, Samalas volcano, Rinjani Volcanic Complex, IndonesiaProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
2013 407 0
Characterisation of flash floods in small ungauged mountain basins of Central Spain using an integrated approachCatena
2013 267 0
Mass movements and tree rings: A guide to dendrogeomorphic field sampling and datingGeomorphology
2013 273 0
Parameterization of rockfall source areas and magnitudes with ecological recorders: When disturbances in trees serve the calibration and validation of simulation runsGeomorphology
2013 272 0
Seven centuries of avalanche activity at Echalp (Queyras massif, southern French Alps) as inferred from tree ringsThe Holocene
2013 303 0
Rolling stones and tree ringsProgress in Physical Geography
2013 227 0
Process geomorphology and ecosystems: Disturbance regimes and interactionsGeomorphology
2013 197 0
Climate change increases frequency of shallow spring landslides in the French AlpsGeology
2013 293 1
3D analysis of anatomical reactions in conifers after mechanical wounding: first qualitative insights from X-ray computed tomographyTrees - Structure and Function
2013 342 179
Four-dimensional growth response of mature Larix decidua to stem burial under natural conditionsTrees - Structure and Function
2013 290 157
Climatic variation and runoff from partially-glacierised Himalayan tributary basins of the GangesScience of the Total Environment
2013 277 1
Changing monsoon patterns, snow and glacial melt, its impacts and adaptation options in northern India: Setting the stageScience of the Total Environment
2013 265 1
Changing monsoon patterns, snow and glacial melt, its impacts and adaptation options in northern India: SynthesisScience of the Total Environment
2013 256 0
Missing (in-situ) snow cover data hampers climate change and runoff studies in the Greater HimalayasScience of the Total Environment
2013 286 0
Regional projections of North Indian climate for adaptation studiesScience of the Total Environment
2013 278 0
How to improve dating quality and reduce noise in tree-ring based debris-flow reconstructionsQuaternary Geochronology
2013 266 0
Geomorphic coupling between hillslopes and channels in the Swiss AlpsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2013 230 0
Estimation of debris flood magnitudes based on dendrogeomorphic data and semi-empirical relationshipsGeomorphology
2013 255 0
Ice volume estimates for the Himalaya–Karakoram region: evaluating different methodsCryosphere Discussions
2013 248 124
Dating of snow avalanches by means of wound-induced vessel anomalies in sub-arctic Betula pubescensBoreas
2013 541 0
Atmospheric Forcing of Debris Flows in the Southern Swiss AlpsJournal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology
2013 279 0
Effects of climate change on mass movements in mountain environmentsProgress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
2012 366 3
How much of the real avalanche activity can be captured with tree rings? An evaluation of classic dendrogeomorphic approaches and comparison with historical archivesCold Regions Science and Technology
2012 275 0
Hydrometeorological triggers of periglacial debris flows in the Zermatt valley (Switzerland) since 1864Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
2012 262 0
Probability maps of landslide reactivation derived from tree-ring records: Pra Bellon landslide, southern French AlpsGeomorphology
2012 249 0
Exploring debris-flow history and process dynamics using an integrative approach on a dolomitic cone in western AustriaEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2012 293 0
Hydrogeomorphic processes and vegetation: disturbance, process histories, dependencies and interactionsEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2012 271 0
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past landslide reactivation with seasonal precision: the Bois Noir landslide, southeast French AlpsLandslides
2012 333 0
Integration of research advances in modelling and monitoring in support of WFD river basin management planning in the context of climate changeScience of the total environment
2012 599 0
Obstacles to data access for research related to climate and water: Implications for science and EU policy-makingEnvironmental science & policy
2012 654 540
L'utilisation des cernes de croissance des arbres pour l'étude des événements et des changements morphologiques : intérêts, méthodes et apports des recherches alpines à la dendrogéomorphologieGéomorphologie
2012 321 420
Small does not mean young: Age estimation of severely browsed trees in anthropogenic Mediterranean landscapesBiological Conservation
2012 296 2
Climate change impacts on glaciers and runoff in Tien Shan (Central Asia)Nature climate change
2012 796 2
Duration and extension of anatomical changes in wood structure after cambial injuryJournal of experimental botany
2012 583 0
The interactions between vegetation and erosion: new directions for research at the interface of ecology and geomorphologyEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2012 277 0
Analysis and dynamic modeling of a moraine failure and glacier lake outburst flood at Ventisquero Negro, Patagonian Andes (Argentina)Journal of Hydrology
2012 347 0
Challenges of modeling current very large lahars at Nevado del Huila Volcano, ColombiaBulletin of Volcanology
2012 474 288
Analysis and modelling of tree succession on a recent rockslide depositPlant Ecology
2012 364 150
The State and Fate of Himalayan GlaciersScience
2012 285 0
Spatiotemporal analysis of channel wall erosion in ephemeral torrents using tree roots — An example from the Patagonian AndesGeology
2012 300 0
Disturbance regimes at the interface of geomorphology and ecologyEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2012 283 0
Defining an Adequate Sample of Earlywood Vessels for Retrospective Injury Detection in Diffuse-Porous SpeciesPloS one
2012 717 779
Debris‐flood reconstruction in a pre‐alpine catchment in Switzerland based on tree‐ring records of coniferous and broadleaved treesGeografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography
2011 214 0
Dendrogeomorphic dating of rockfalls on low-latitude, high-elevation slopes: Rodadero, Iztaccíhuatl volcano, MexicoEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2011 283 0
Mapping of erosion rates in marly badlands based on a coupling of anatomical changes in exposed roots with slope maps derived from LiDAR dataEarth Surface Processes and Landforms
2011 283 0
Calibration of floodplain roughness and estimation of flood discharge based on tree-ring evidence and hydraulic modellingJournal of Hydrology
2011 283 0
Adaptation to changing water resources in the Ganges basin, northern IndiaEnvironmental Science & Policy
2011 304 0
Rainfall characteristics for periglacial debris flows in the Swiss Alps: past incidences–potential future evolutionsClimatic change
2011 665 450
Debris-flow activity in abandoned channels of the Manival torrent reconstructed with LiDAR and tree-ring dataNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences
2011 273 172
Possibilities and Limitations of Dendrogeomorphic Time-Series Reconstructions on Sites Influenced by Debris Flows and Frequent Snow Avalanche ActivityArctic, Antarctic, and Alpine Research
2011 319 0
High resolution, quantitative reconstruction of erosion rates based on anatomical changes in exposed roots at Draix, Alpes de Haute-Provence — critical review of existing approaches and independent quality control of resultsGeomorphology
2011 260 0
Estimating flash flood discharge in an ungauged mountain catchment with 2D hydraulic models and dendrogeomorphic palaeostage indicatorsHydrological Processes
2011 275 0
Impacts of climatic change on water and natural hazards in the Alps: Can current water governance cope with future challenges? Examples from the European “ACQWA” projectEnvironmental science & policy
2011 637 1,380
A regional reconstruction of debris-flow activity in the Northern Calcareous Alps, AustriaGeomorphology
2011 298 0
Dendrogeomorphic reconstruction of past debris-flow activity using injured broad-leaved treesEarth surface processes and landforms
2010 632 2
Variations in debris-flow occurrence in an Alpine catchment — A reconstruction based on tree ringsGlobal and Planetary Change
2010 295 1
Rock-glacier dynamics and magnitude–frequency relations of debris flows in a high-elevation watershed: Ritigraben, Swiss AlpsGlobal and Planetary Change
2010 326 0
Debris-flow activity along a torrent in the Swiss Alps: Minimum frequency of events and implications for forest dynamicsDendrochronologia
2010 285 0
Spatio-temporal reconstruction of snow avalanche activity using tree rings: Pierres Jean Jeanne avalanche talus, Massif de l'Oisans, FranceCatena
2010 273 0
Magnitude–frequency relationships of debris flows — A case study based on field surveys and tree-ring recordsGeomorphology
2010 304 0
Wood anatomical analysis of Alnus incana and Betula pendula injured by a debris-flow eventTree physiology
2010 626 1
Flash-flood impacts cause changes in wood anatomy of Alnus glutinosa, Fraxinus angustifolia and Quercus pyrenaicaTree Physiology
2010 293 0
Debris-flow activity and snow avalanches in a steep watershed of the Valais Alps (Switzerland): Dendrogeomorphic event reconstruction and identification of triggersGeomorphology
2010 297 0
Changes in Wood Anatomy in Tree Rings of Pinus pinaster Ait. Following Wounding by Flash FloodsTree-Ring Research
2010 295 1
Changes and trends in debris-flow frequency since AD 1850: Results from the Swiss AlpsThe Holocene
2010 289 0
Frequency and spread of debris floods on fans: A dendrogeomorphic case study from a dolomite catchment in the Austrian AlpsGeomorphology
2010 257 0
Dendrogeomorphic analysis of flash floods in a small ungauged mountain catchment (Central Spain)Geomorphology
2010 262 0
Tree rings and debris flows: Recent developments, future directionsProgress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment
2010 295 1
Spatio-temporal variability in debris-flow activity: a tree-ring study at Geisstriftbach (Swiss Alps) extending back to AD 1736Swiss Journal of Geosciences
2010 343 146
Evidence of NAO control on subsurface ice accumulation in a 1200 yr old cave-ice sequence, St. Livres ice cave, SwitzerlandQuaternary Research
2009 284 0
Tree-ring reconstruction of past debris flows based on a small number of samples—possibilities and limitationsLandslides
2009 412 193
Reactions and energy absorption of trees subject to rockfall: a detailed assessment using a new experimental methodTree Physiology
2009 279 184
What Tree Rings Can Tell About Earth-Surface Processes: Teaching the Principles of DendrogeomorphologyGeography Compass
2009 229 0
Three-dimensional analysis of the anatomical growth response of European conifers to mechanical disturbanceTree Physiology
2009 265 97
Formation and spread of callus tissue and tangential rows of resin ducts in Larix decidua and Picea abies following rockfall impactsTree Physiology
2009 297 135
Unraveling the patterns of late Holocene debris-flow activity on a cone in the Swiss Alps: Chronology, environment and implications for the futureGlobal and Planetary Change
2008 288 0
Tree-Ring Reconstruction of Debris-Flow Events Leading to Overbank Sedimentation on the Illgraben Cone (Valais Alps, Switzerland)Open Geology Journal
2008 390 155
Dating past geomorphic processes with tangential rows of traumatic resin ductsDendrochronologia
2008 267 0
Dynamics in debris-flow activity on a forested cone — A case study using different dendroecological approachesCatena
2008 311 0
Rockfall and snow avalanche impacts leave different anatomical signatures in tree rings of juvenile Larix deciduaTree Physiology
2008 266 146
Traumatic resin ducts in Larix decidua stems impacted by debris flowsTree Physiology
2008 266 142
Fresh-stem bending of silver fir and Norway spruceTree Physiology
2008 290 0
On the incidence of debris flows from the early Little Ice Age to a future greenhouse climate: A case study from the Swiss AlpsGeophysical research letters
2006 610 493
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