Items per page
1 - 159 of 159
Title Published in Access level OA Policy Year Views Downloads
Estimating the carbon footprint of healthcare in the canton of Geneva and reduction scenarios for 2030 and 2040International journal of environmental research and public health
2024 119 24
Measuring geographic access to emergency obstetric care: a comparison of travel time estimates modelled using Google Maps Directions API and AccessMod in three Nigerian conurbationsGeospatial Health
2024 48 38
inAccessMod: An R package to automate data downloading and processing for AccessModJournal of open source software
2024 101 20
Optimization of the emergency obstetric and neonatal care network in Benin through expert-based sub-national prioritizationsFrontiers in global women’s health
2024 65 13
Assessing the accuracy of health facility typology in representing the availability of health services: a case study in MaliBMJ Open
2024 74 22
Earth observation data uncover green spaces’ role in mental healthScientific reports
2024 31 11
Consequences of geographical accessibility to post-exposure treatment for rabies and snakebite in Africa : a mini reviewFrontiers in health services
2024 46 29
Geospatial tools and data for health service delivery: opportunities and challenges across the disaster management cycleGeospatial Health
2024 44 21
Inequalities in geographical access to emergency obstetric and newborn careBulletin of the World Health Organization
2024 31 30
Modeling red deer functional connectivity at a regional scale in a human-dominated landscapeFrontiers in environmental science
2023 101 203
Modelling geographic access and school catchment areas across public primary schools to support subnational planning in KenyaChildren's geographies
2023 226 57
Améliorer l’accès aux maternités : un enjeu clé lorsque les ressources manquentRevue médicale suisse
2023 94 1
Vulnerability to snakebite envenoming and access to healthcare in the Terai region of Nepal: A geospatial analysisThe Lancet regional health. Southeast Asia
2023 375 111
Travel scenario workshops for geographical accessibility modeling of health services: A transdisciplinary evaluation studyFrontiers in public health
2023 330 32
A geospatial analysis of accessibility and availability to implement the primary healthcare roadmap in EthiopiaCommunications medicine
2023 187 30
Present and future drinking water security and its impacts on maternities: a multi-scale assessment of SudanInternational journal of environmental research and public health
2023 162 65
Use of physical accessibility modelling in diagnostic network optimization: a reviewDiagnostics
2022 264 75
Differences between gridded population data impact measures of geographic access to healthcare in sub-Saharan AfricaCommunications medicine
2022 198 72
A plea for a worldwide development of dark infrastructure for biodiversity – Practical examples and ways to go forwardLandscape and urban planning
2022 346 147
Essential earth observation variables for high-level multi-scale indicators and policiesEnvironmental science & policy
2022 264 124
Snakebite epidemiology in humans and domestic animals across the Terai region in Nepal: a multicluster random surveyThe Lancet Global Health
2022 254 131
Assessment of the effect of snakebite on health and socioeconomic factors using a One Health perspective in the Terai region of Nepal: a cross-sectional studyThe Lancet Global Health
2022 295 100
Balancing Public & Economic Health in Japan during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Descriptive AnalysisEpidemiologia
2022 250 109
Improving the efficiency of scale-up and deployment of community health workers in Mali: A geospatial analysisPLOS global public health
2022 167 65
Optimising scale and deployment of community health workers in Sierra Leone: a geospatial analysisBMJ global health
2022 235 105
Combining school-catchment area models with geostatistical models for analysing school survey data from low-resource settings: Inferential benefits and limitationsSpatial statistics
2022 221 140
Constructing and validating a transferable epidemic risk index in data scarce environments using open data: A case study for dengue in the PhilippinesPLoS neglected tropical diseases
2022 269 231
Defining service catchment areas in low-resource settingsBMJ (Global health)
2021 194 93
Optimising geographical accessibility to primary health care: a geospatial analysis of community health posts and community health workers in NigerBMJ (Global health)
2021 228 172
Modelling Physical Accessibility to Public Green Spaces in Switzerland to Support the SDG11Geomatics
2021 233 80
What is the impact of snakebite envenoming on domestic animals? A nation-wide community-based study in Nepal and CameroonToxicon: X
2021 244 253
Estimating and predicting snakebite risk in the Terai region of Nepal through a high-resolution geospatial and One Health approachScientific reports
2021 217 104
Access to antivenoms in the developing world: A multidisciplinary analysisToxicon X
2021 221 239
Modelling Accessibility to Urban Green Areas Using Open Earth Observations Data: A Novel Approach to Support the Urban SDG in Four European CitiesRemote Sensing
2021 580 259
National optimisation of accessibility to emergency obstetrical and neonatal care in Togo: a geospatial analysisBMJ Open
2021 274 98
The winding road to health: A systematic scoping review on the effect of geographical accessibility to health care on infectious diseases in low- and middle-income countriesPLOS ONE
2021 487 190
SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence and associated risk factors in an urban district in CameroonNature communications
2021 235 97
Addressing the global snakebite crisis with geo-spatial analyses – Recent advances and future directionToxicon: X
2021 189 201
Leveraging geospatial technologies and data to strengthen immunisation programmes: Rapid guidance for investment planning
2021 547 137
Modelling forest degradation and risk of disease outbreaks in mainland Equatorial GuineaJournal of Public Health and Emergency
2021 277 157
Novel transdisciplinary methodology for cross-sectional analysis of snakebite epidemiology at national scalePLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
2021 291 116
Impacts de la pandémie de Covid-19 sur le contrôle des autres maladies en Afrique - Après les vagues, le tsunamiRevue médicale suisse
2021 504 266
Precision global health: a roadmap for augmented actionJournal of Public Health and Emergency
2020 910 345
Identifying the snake: First scoping review on practices of communities and healthcare providers confronted with snakebite across the worldPLOS ONE
2020 363 181
GEOEssential – mainstreaming workflows from data sources to environment policy indicators with essential variablesInternational Journal of Digital Earth
2020 531 241
Reviewing the discoverability and accessibility to data and information products linked to Essential Climate VariablesInternational Journal of Digital Earth
2020 412 712
Assessing the Increase of Snakebite Incidence in Relationship to Flooding EventsJournal of Environmental and Public Health
2020 423 288
Spatial access inequities and childhood immunisation uptake in KenyaBMC Public Health
2020 375 209
Modelling geographical accessibility to support disaster response and rehabilitation of a healthcare system: an impact analysis of Cyclones Idai and Kenneth in MozambiqueBMJ Open
2020 349 133
Forty-four years of global trade in CITES-listed snakes: Trends and implications for conservation and public healthBiological Conservation
2020 781 7
Implementation manual for developing a national network of maternity units : Improving Emergency Obstetric and Newborn Care (EmONC)
2020 495 117
Influence of Paleolithic range contraction, admixture and long‐distance dispersal on genetic gradients of modern humans in AsiaMolecular Ecology
2020 1,011 3
Modelling the nocturnal ecological continuum of the State of Geneva, Switzerland, based on high-resolution nighttime imageryRemote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment
2019 398 11
Documentation du processus et résultats de la mise en œuvre de réseaux SONU dans 4 pays : Togo, Bénin, Sénégal et Guinée : Prioriser pour Agir sur les décès évitables de mères et nouveaux nés
2019 880 343
Le fardeau des morsures de serpent sous l'angle One Health : Première étude communautaire nationale évaluant l'impact des morsures de serpent sur les animaux d'élevage et les moyens de subsistance au Cameroun et au NépalXXVes Actualités du Pharo: One health, vers Une seule Santé!
2019 462 92
Snakebite and snake identification: empowering neglected communities and health-care providers with AIThe Lancet Digital Health
2019 477 162
Snakebite and its impact in rural communities: The need for a One Health approachPLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
2019 538 185
SPLATCHE3: simulation of serial genetic data under spatially explicit evolutionary scenarios including long-distance dispersalBioinformatics
2019 1,234 333
Snake-byte: first national epidemiological study on snakebite shows high annual incidences in Nepal and CameroonAbstracts from the 11th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health
2019 1,031 304
Réseau national de maternités offrant les soins obstétricaux et néonatals d'urgence (SONU) au Sénégal
2019 487 2,344
Proposing standardised geographical indicators of physical access to emergency obstetric and newborn care in low-income and middle-income countriesBMJ (Global health)
2019 396 366
Impact of snakebite on livestock and livelihood: a neglected issue?International Meeting on Emerging Diseases and Surveillance
2019 451 5
Wet Markets and Food Safety: TripAdvisor for Improved Global Digital SurveillanceJMIR Public Health and Surveillance
2019 487 591
MapX: An open geospatial platform to manage, analyze and visualize data on natural resources and the environmentSoftwareX
2019 887 314
Citesdb: An R package to support analysis of CITES Trade Database shipment-level dataJournal of Open Source Software
2019 825 256
Vulnerability to snakebite envenoming: a global mapping of hotspotsThe Lancet
2018 593 231
Participatory approaches and open data on venomous snakes: A neglected opportunity in the global snakebite crisis?PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases
2018 641 216
Consequences of diverse evolutionary processes on american genetic gradients of modern humansHeredity
2018 1,237 0
High contamination in the areas surrounding abandoned mines and mining activities: An impact assessment of the Dilala, Luilu and Mpingiri Rivers, Democratic Republic of the CongoChemosphere
2018 1,461 14
GIS-based assessment of photovoltaic (PV) and concentrated solar power (CSP) generation potential in West AfricaRenewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
2018 746 6
SCOPED-W: SCalable Online Platform for extracting Environmental Data and Water-related model outputsTransactions in GIS
2017 835 0
Breaking walls towards fully open source hydrological modelingWater resources
2017 669 515
Spatial Dynamic Modelling of Future Scenarios of Land Use Change in Vaud and Valais, Western SwitzerlandISPRS international journal of geo-information
2017 757 284
Mixing of porpoise ecotypes in southwestern UK waters revealed by genetic profilingRoyal Society open science
2017 561 182
Long-distance dispersal suppresses introgression of local alleles during range expansionsHeredity
2017 1,012 0
Spatial Data Infrastructures in Africa: A Gap AnalysisJournal of environmental informatics
2017 1,063 6
A web platform for landuse, climate, demography, hydrology and beach erosion in the black sea catchmentScientific data
2017 737 242
Assessing the Dynamics of Organic Aerosols over the North Atlantic OceanScientific reports
2017 917 317
Bringing GEOSS Services into Practice: A Capacity Building Resource on Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDI)Transactions in GIS
2017 764 3
GEOCAB Portal: A gateway for discovering and accessing capacity building resources in Earth ObservationITC journal
2017 921 4
Facilitating the production of ISO-compliant metadata of geospatial datasetsITC journal
2016 749 11
Integration of data and computing infrastructures for Earth Science: an image mosaicking use-caseEarth science informatics
2016 695 641
Open Spatial Data Infrastructures for the Sustainable Development of the Extractives Sector: Promises and ChallengesSpatial Enablement in a Smart World
2016 887 291
Long distance dispersal shaped patterns of human genetic diversity in EurasiaMolecular biology and evolution
2016 1,603 310
Environmental data gaps in Black Sea catchment countries: INSPIRE and GEOSS State of PlayEnvironmental science & policy
2015 796 9
An interoperable web portal for parallel geoprocessing of satellite image vegetation indicesEarth science informatics
2015 691 5
Conceptual model for environmental science applications on parallel and distributed infrastructuresEnvironmental systems research
2015 613 211
Filling the gap between Earth observation and policy making in the Black Sea catchment with enviroGRIDSEnvironmental science & policy
2015 977 16
An interoperable cloud-based scientific GATEWAY for NDVI time series analysisComputer standards & interfaces
2015 772 6
Admixture in Latin America: Geographic Structure, Phenotypic Diversity and Self-Perception of Ancestry Based on 7,342 IndividualsPLOS genetics
2014 696 422
Genetic consequences of habitat fragmentation during a range expansionHeredity
2014 636 2
Bringing GEOSS services into practice
2014 1,028 2,302
MASCOT: Multi-Criteria Analytical SCOring Tool for ArcGIS DesktopInternational journal of information technology & decision making
2014 790 6
Simplified Toolbar to Accelerate Repeated Tasks (START) for ArcGIS: Optimizing Workflows in Humanitarian DeminingInternational journal of applied geospatial research
2014 717 597
The scaling of genetic diversity in a changing and fragmented worldScaling in Ecology and Biodiversity Conservation
2014 772 0
Reviewing innovative Earth Observation solutions for filling science-policy gaps in hydrologyJournal of hydrology
2014 799 487
Assessment of Romanian alpine habitats spatial shifts based on climate change prediction scenariosRevue roumaine de géographie
2014 746 411
Leading the way toward an environmental National Spatial Data Infrastructure in ArmeniaSouth-Eastern European Journal of Earth Observation and Geomatics
2014 700 206
Les origines de l'humanité: l'apport de la génétiqueAdam, qui es-tu ? Perspectives bibliques et scientifiques sur l'origine de l'humanité
2013 472 1
Unravelling landscape variables with multiple approaches to overcome scarce species knowledge: a landscape genetic study of the slow wormConservation genetics
2013 744 294
Influence of Admixture and Paleolithic Range Contractions on Current European Diversity GradientsMolecular biology and evolution
2013 1,160 412
Distributed computation of large scale SWAT models on the GridEnvironmental modelling & software
2013 758 1
OWS4SWAT: Publishing and Sharing SWAT Outputs with OGC standardsInternational journal of advanced computer science and applications
2013 899 779
An Interoperable, GIS-oriented, Information and Support System for Water Resources ManagementInternational journal of advanced computer science and applications
2013 960 1,103
Black Sea Catchment Observation System as a Portal for GEOSS CommunityInternational journal of advanced computer science and applications
2013 805 447
Building Regional Capacities for GEOSS and INSPIRE: a journey in the Black Sea CatchmentInternational journal of advanced computer science and applications
2013 822 414
Spatial data processing tools and applications for Black Sea catchment regionComputing
2012 688 232
Toward the Development of an Integrated Spatial Data Infrastructure in ArmeniaICT Innovations 2012, Web proceedings
2012 637 401
Reconstructing Native American population historyNature
2012 701 599
Software Platform Interoperability Throughout EnviroGRIDS PortalIEEE journal of selected topics in applied earth observations and remote sensing
2012 794 444
Parsimony-based pedigree analysis and individual-based landscape genetics suggest topography to restrict dispersal and connectivity in the endangered capercaillieBiological conservation
2012 787 0
Consequences of Range Contractions and Range Shifts on Molecular DiversityMolecular biology and evolution
2012 1,121 0
Grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure serving GEOSS, INSPIRE, and UNSDI
2012 620 377
WPS mediation: An approach to process geospatial data on different computing backendsComputers & geosciences
2012 733 914
Sharing Environmental Data through GEOSSInternational journal of applied geospatial research
2011 863 1,638
Grid computing technology for hydrological applicationsJournal of hydrology
2011 795 918
Grid Based Data Processing Tools and Applications for Black Sea Catchment BasinThe 6th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications
2011 660 367
Distributed Geocomputation for Modeling the Hydrology of the Black Sea WatershedWatershed Approach to Environmental Security: Fostering integrated water management in the Azov Sea Basin
2011 675 740
Grid-enabled Spatial Data Infrastructure for environmental sciences: Challenges and opportunitiesFuture generation computer systems
2011 728 762
Principal component analysis under population genetic models of range expansion and admixtureMolecular biology and evolution
2010 1,431 0
Requirements and specifications for the development of BSC-OS Portal
2010 514 100
A first step towards inferring levels of long-distance dispersal during past expansionsMolecular ecology resources
2010 620 0
Cartographie des milieux naturels dans le périmètre Vuache - Sion - Laire: étude pilote
2010 568 6
GRID infrastructure sustainability guidelines
2010 487 81
Contrasting patterns of nuclear and mtDNA diversity in Native American populationsAnnals of human genetics
2010 676 0
A Statistical Evaluation of Models for the Initial Settlement of the American Continent Emphasizes the Importance of Gene Flow with AsiaMolecular biology and evolution
2010 716 4
GEOME: Towards an integrated web-based landscape genomics platformProceedings of the IUFRO Landscape Ecology Working Group: FOREST LANDSCAPES AND GLOBAL CHANGE - New Frontiers in Management, Conservation and Restoration
2010 577 0
Combining genetic, historical and geographical data to reconstruct the dynamics of bioinvasions: application to the cane toad Bufo marinusMolecular ecology resources
2010 1,078 0
SPLATCHE2: a spatially explicit simulation framework for complex demography, genetic admixture and recombinationBioinformatics
2010 1,069 0
Connecting the EnviroGRIDS Black Sea Catchment Observation System to ICZMProceedings of the Ninth International Conference on the Mediterranean Coastal Environment, MEDCOAST 09
2009 575 152
Large Allele Frequency Differences between Human Continental Groups are more Likely to have Occurred by Drift During range Expansions than by SelectionAnnals of human genetics
2009 634 2
EnviroGRIDS Data Storage Guidelines
2009 462 94
Assessing landscape connectivity with calibrated cost-distance modelling: predicting common toad distribution in a context of spreading agricultureJournal of applied ecology
2009 597 0
The Black Sea Catchment Observation System built on a grid-enabled Spatial Data InfrastructureINSPIRE, GMES and GEOSS activities, methods and tools towards a single Information Space in Europe for the environment
2009 596 260
EnviroGRIDS interoperability guideline
2009 609 549
Inferring past demography using spatially explicit population genetic modelsHuman biology
2009 532 0
Colonization history of the Swiss Rhine basin by the bullhead (Cottus gobio): inference under a Bayesian spatially explicit frameworkMolecular ecology
2008 898 0
Surfing during population expansions promotes genetic revolutions and structurationTrends in ecology & evolution
2008 608 1
Incorporating environmental heterogeneity in spatially-explicit simulations of human genetic diversitySimulations, genetics and human prehistory. Symposium (29 July-1 Aug. 2005 ; Cambridge)
2008 621 304
Genetic simulations of population interactions during past human expansions in EuropeSimulations, genetics and human prehistory. Symposium (29 July-1 Aug. 2005 ; Cambridge)
2008 735 284
Geographic Patterns of Genome Admixture in Latin American MestizosPLOS genetics
2008 586 559
Reply to Garrigan and Hammer: Ancient lineages and assimilationProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2008 586 0
AccessMod 3.0: computing geographic coverage and accessibility to health care services using anisotropic movement of patientsInternational journal of health geographics
2008 666 387
Where was paradise? A simulation study of the spread of early modern humans in heterogeneous environmentsSimulations, genetics and human prehistory. Symposium (29 July-1 Aug. 2005 ; Cambridge)
2008 712 232
Statistical evaluation of alternative models of human evolutionProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America
2007 629 0
Genetic Variation and Population Structure in Native AmericansPLOS genetics
2007 620 432
Rise of oceanographic barriers in continuous populations of a cetacean: the genetic structure of harbour porpoises in Old World watersBMC biology
2007 645 1,484
Subjective uncertainties in habitat suitability mapsEcological modelling
2006 537 0
Comment on "Ongoing Adaptive Evolution of ASPM, a Brain Size Determinant in Homo sapiens" and "Microcephalin, a Gene Regulating Brain Size, Continues to Evolve Adaptively in Humans"Science
2006 1,046 0
Genetic isolation by distance and landscape connectivity in the American marten (Martes americana)Landscape ecology
2006 562 0
Recovering the geographic origin of early modern humans by realistic and spatially explicit simulationsGenome research
2005 904 0
Bayesian estimation of recent migration rates after a spatial expansionGenetics
2005 886 0
Pathmatrix: a geographical information system tool to compute effective distances among samplesMolecular ecology notes
2005 600 0
SPLATCHE: a program to simulate genetic diversity taking into account environmental heterogeneityMolecular ecology notes
2004 991 4
Intra-deme molecular diversity in spatially expanding populationsMolecular biology and evolution
2003 851 0
Modélisation de la démographie des populations humaines préhistoriques à l'aide de données environnementales et génétiques
2003 1,633 2,507
Comment on "Population growth, carrying capacity, and conflict"Current anthropology
2003 484 0
Modeling spatial distribution of amphibian populations: a GIS approach based on habitat matrix permeabilityBiodiversity and conservation
2002 614 0
A GIS-based vegetation map of the world at the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000-15,000 BP)Internet archaeology
2001 4,857 4,423
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