Title | Published in | Access level | OA Policy | Year | Views | Downloads | |
Employment and well-being after plant closure: Survey evidence from Switzerland on the mid and long run | Economic and industrial democracy | 2023 | 70 | 21 | |||
Does Unemployment Hurt Less if There is More of it Around? A Panel Analysis of Life Satisfaction in Germany and Switzerland | European sociological review | 2013 | 864 | 738 | |||
The Class Basis of the Cleavage between the New Left and the Radical Right: an analysis for Austria, Denmark, Norway and Switzerland | Class Politics and the Radical Right | 2012 | 1,354 | 704 | |||
Recruitment, Retention and Exit from Union Membership. An Analysis of Member Flows in Swiss Union Locals | British journal of industrial relations | 2012 | 851 | 706 | |||
Die Bedeutung von Gesamtarbeitsverträgen für die Arbeitsmarktregulierung in der Schweiz" | Zeitschrift für Arbeitsrecht und Arbeitslosenversicherung | 2012 | 910 | 1,228 | |||
Upgrading or polarization? Occupational change in Britain, Germany, Spain and Switzerland, 1990-2008 | Socio-economic review | 2011 | 880 | 2,010 | |||
Swiss trade unions and industrial relations after 1990. A history of decline and renewal | Switzerland in Europe. Continuity and Change in the Swiss Political Economy | 2011 | 991 | 471 | |||
The Class Basis of Switzerlands Cleavage between the New Left and the Populist Right | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft | 2010 | 793 | 820 | |||
What explains high unemployment among low-skilled workers? Evidence from 21 OECD countries | European journal of industrial relations | 2010 | 839 | 1,570 | |||
Un électorat divisé ? Les préférences politiques des classes sociales et le vote de gauche en Suisse 2007 | Le destin de la gauche. Analyse du vote PS et Verts en Suisse | 2010 | 834 | 253 | |||
La disparition du vote ouvrier ? Les partis de gauche et le vote de classe en Suisse | Le destin de la gauche. Analyse du vote PS et Verts en Suisse | 2010 | 853 | 213 | |||
Le vote pour le Parti socialiste et pour les Verts : potentiel électoral, concurrence et vote de classe | Les partis politiques suisses : traditions et renouvellements | 2009 | 588 | 15 | |||
Stratifying welfare states: class differences in pension coverage in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | 2008 | 691 | 1,094 | |||
Explaining Workers' Support for Right-Wing Populist Parties in Western Europe: Evidence from Austria, Belgium, France, Norway, and Switzerland | International political science review | 2008 | 1,254 | 2,641 | |||
The changing shape of class voting | European societies | 2008 | 816 | 1,852 | |||
Weniger Koordination, mehr Markt? Kollektive Arbeitsbeziehungen und Neokorporatismus in der Schweiz seit 1990 | Swiss Journal of Political Science | 2007 | 883 | 1,166 | |||
Coming to Grips with a Changing Class Structure: An Analysis of Employment Stratification in Britain, Germany, Sweden and Switzerland | International sociology | 2006 | 965 | 2,120 | |||
Labour market trends and the Goldthorpe class schema: a conceptual reassessment | Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie | 2003 | 822 | 1,364 | |||
Collective bargaining between decentralization and stability: a sectoral model explaining the Swiss experience during the 1990s | Industrielle Beziehungen | 2003 | 1,198 | 2,902 | |||
Wodurch erklären sich die Unterschiede in der Steuerbelastung der Kantone? | Swiss Journal of Political Science | 2002 | 745 | 421 | |||
L'inégalité, frein à la croissance? L'effet de l'inégalité des revenus sur les taux de croissance de dix pays de l'Europe de l'Ouest | Swiss Journal of Political Science | 2001 | 747 | 563 |