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From the invention of an imaginary to the promotion of tourism: Greece through the lens of the photographer F. Boissonnas (1903-1930)

Contributeurs/tricesSohier, Estelle
Publié dansTourism imaginaries at the disciplinary crossroads: place, practice, media, Editeurs/trices Maria Gravari-Barbas, Nelson Graburn (dir.), p. 308
Maison d'éditionRoutledge
  • New directions in tourism analysis
Date de publication2016

Greece occupies an old and exceptional place in the European geographic imaginary, as well as in the histories of both tourism and photography. This case study allows an analysis of the relationship between photography, geographical imaginaries, and tourism in one of its earliest manifestations, that is the manner in which images were perceived and then disseminated through mass media in the 1920s and 1930s to instill a vision of Greece that would promote tourism, several decades before the rise of mass tourism more broadly. The work and career of the Genevan photographer Fred Boissonnas can help us understand the manufacture and deployment of this imaginary by inscribing this process in time, deciphering its media, and identifying its actors and their social, political and economic motivations.

  • Photography
  • Greece
  • Geographical imaginary
  • Fred Boissonnas
  • Tourism
Citation (format ISO)
SOHIER, Estelle. From the invention of an imaginary to the promotion of tourism: Greece through the lens of the photographer F. Boissonnas (1903-1930). In: Tourism imaginaries at the disciplinary crossroads: place, practice, media. [s.l.] : Routledge, 2016. p. 308. (New directions in tourism analysis)
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:92170

Informations techniques

Création21/02/2017 09:31:00
Première validation21/02/2017 09:31:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 01:24:34
Changement de statut15/03/2023 01:24:34
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 23:21:21
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