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Orbitofrontal reality filtering specified: relation to temporal order memory, role of emotion, and development

Contributeurs/tricesLiverani, Maria Chiara
Directeurs/tricesSchnider, Armin
Date de soutenance2016-04-22

Orbitofrontal reality filtering (ORFi) is a memory mechanism that allows to sense if a memory pertains to reality or not. A deficit in ORFi is typically associated to amnesia, disorientation and behaviourally spontaneous confabulations. Electrophysiologically, it is characterized by a frontal positivity at 200-400ms. Anatomically, it is associated to an activation of the orbitofrontal cortex, the regions usually damaged in behavioural spontaneous confabulating patients. This thesis used electrophysiological and behavioural data to disentangle some aspects about ORFi that were still unclear. Taken together, our results showed that: 1) ORFi behaviourally and electrophysiologically dissociates from another memory mechanism, that is the ability to recall the temporal context of a memory; 2) ORFi electrophysiologically dissociates from memory's emotionality effects, and it is not modulated by the emotional value of a memory; 3) Children of 7 years old are already capable to perform the task, indicating that at this age ORFi is already functional.

  • Memory
  • Temporal consciousness
  • Reality
  • Confabulation
  • EEG
  • Children
RemarqueDiplôme commun des univ. de Genève et Lausanne. Thèse en Neurosciences des Universités de Genève et Lausanne
Citation (format ISO)
LIVERANI, Maria Chiara. Orbitofrontal reality filtering specified: relation to temporal order memory, role of emotion, and development. 2016. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:84443
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Informations techniques

Création08.06.2016 14:58:00
Première validation08.06.2016 14:58:00
Heure de mise à jour15.03.2023 00:27:01
Changement de statut15.03.2023 00:27:01
Dernière indexation29.01.2024 20:45:36
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