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[Review of:] An overview of French Interactionist Sociology

Contributeurs/tricesRiom, Loïc
Publié dansSymbolic interaction, vol. 37, no. 4, p. 595-598
Date de publication2014

In recent years, several books were published in France to pay homage to the foundational works of Howard S. Becker (see for example Blanc and Pessin 2004 and Benghozi and Paris 2013). Les mondes pluriels d'Howard Becker is one of those. The book is the result of a conference that took place in Lausanne in October 2011 entitled Héritage interactionniste en sociologie du travail,1 which is based on the discourse and texts written specifically for this publication. The authors are from the Swiss universities of Fribourg and Lausanne, as well as from different French universities,except of Howard S. Becker.

Citation (format ISO)
RIOM, Loïc. [Review of:] An overview of French Interactionist Sociology. In: Symbolic interaction, 2014, vol. 37, n° 4, p. 595–598.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:82781
ISSN du journal0195-6086

Informations techniques

Création11/04/2016 08:57:00
Première validation11/04/2016 08:57:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 00:16:30
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