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Tropical geometry for Nagata's conjecture and Legendrian curves

Contributeurs/tricesKalinin, Nikita
Directeurs/tricesMikhalkin, Grigory
Date de soutenance2015-12-08

In this thesis, tropical methods in singularity theory and legendrian geometry are developed; tropical modifications are surveyed and several technical statements about them are proven. In more details, if a planar algebraic curve over a valuation field contains an $m$-fold point, then there is a certain collection of faces in the subdivision of the Newton polygon of this curve, with total area of order $m^2$. This estimate can be applied in Nagata's type questions for curves. Then, the notion of a tropical point of multiplicity $m$ is revisited. With some additional assumptions, the tropicalization of a complex legendrian curve in $mathbb CP^3$ is proven to enjoy a certain divisibility property. Finally, with help of tropical modifications, the tropical Weil reciprocity law is proven and several restrictions on the realizability of non-transversal intersection of tropical varieties are obtained.

  • Tropical geometry
  • Legendrian geometry
  • Nagata's conjecture
  • Singular points
  • Tropical modifications
Citation (format ISO)
KALININ, Nikita. Tropical geometry for Nagata’s conjecture and Legendrian curves. 2015. doi: 10.13097/archive-ouverte/unige:80308
Fichiers principaux (1)

Informations techniques

Création17/12/2015 18:10:00
Première validation17/12/2015 18:10:00
Heure de mise à jour15/03/2023 00:07:23
Changement de statut15/03/2023 00:07:23
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 20:40:53
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