Accès libre

Evaluation of Statistical Machine Translation Engines in the Context of International Organizations

Contributeurs/tricesLubrina, Paula
Directeurs/tricesBouillon, Pierretteorcid
Dénomination du masterMaîtrise universitaire en traduction : mention technologies de la traduction
Date de soutenance2015

International Organizations and Machine Translation (MT) share a long history together; however, there is still some resistance to the introduction of MT tools into the institutional translation process. Additionally, organizations might not be able to select the tools that suit them better. Currently, a number of customizable statistical systems are being offered as additional tools for language support. This study describes the design and execution of a comparative context-oriented evaluation of statistical engines in the context of international organizations, with the purpose of proposing a short practical framework for MT quality assessment, corroborating assumptions about customizable and generic statistical systems, and stressing the links between MT and institutional translation.

  • Machine Translation
  • Statistical Machine Translation
  • Customizable Statistical Systems
  • Software Quality Evaluation
  • Institutional Translation
  • International Organizations
Citation (format ISO)
LUBRINA, Paula. Evaluation of Statistical Machine Translation Engines in the Context of International Organizations. 2015.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Master thesis
  • PID : unige:75629

Informations techniques

Création01/10/2015 15:29:00
Première validation01/10/2015 15:29:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 23:39:33
Changement de statut14/03/2023 23:39:33
Dernière indexation29/01/2024 20:33:11
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