Article scientifique

Les normes de la pensée, esquisse d'une généalogie

Contributeurs/tricesEngel, Pascal
Publié dansRevue de théologie et de philosophie, vol. 140, no. 1, p. 31-49
Date de publication2008

This article draws up a genealogy of the notion of norms of thought, in the style of Bernard Williams (Truth and Truthfulness, 2002), from Locke to Peirce. It is shown how the idea of a norm was introduced into the Kantian context, going from the idea of ethical and juridical norms to that of norms of logic, which was taken up by the neo-Kantians and elaborated in the framework of James's ethics of beliefs.

  • Belief
  • Epistemology
  • Genealogy
  • Norm
  • Truth
  • Bernard Williams
Citation (format ISO)
ENGEL, Pascal. Les normes de la pensée, esquisse d’une généalogie. In: Revue de théologie et de philosophie, 2008, vol. 140, n° 1, p. 31–49.
  • PID : unige:4873
ISSN du journal0035-1784

Informations techniques

Création26/01/2010 13:18:31
Première validation26/01/2010 13:18:31
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 15:20:16
Changement de statut14/03/2023 15:20:16
Dernière indexation15/01/2024 19:26:54
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