Chapitre de livre

Towards a Typology of Interlinguistic Strategies in Political Communication: The Swiss Political Parties as Case in Point

Contributeurs/tricesBohn, Véronique Christine
Publié dansTranslators Have Their Say? Translation and the Power of Agency, Editeurs/trices Abdel Wahab Khalifa, p. 134-152
Maison d'éditionBerlin : LIT Verlag
Date de publication2014

This paper discusses how political actors in multilingual settings can use language in their communication work and what kind of path they follow in order to coordinate a message in several languages. In particular, the paper aims to give a first insight into the different interlinguistic strategies that are actually implemented and to propose a general typology. To do so, the exploratory research applies an empirical approach and focuses on a corpus of periodicals published by Swiss political parties. Five interlinguistic strategies have been revealed: asymmetry, parallelism, separation, bilingual edition and hybridity. A closer look at the strategy distribution for each language pair shows that, while all five strategies can be found for the pair German-French, the pairs German-Italian and French-Italian display a variety of strategies far more restricted; the range is even smaller for the pairs that involve Romansch. However, in each case, not to communicate in one language (asymmetry) is a strategy used by a significant number of political parties.

  • Political communication
  • Multilingual systems
  • Switzerland
  • Political parties
  • Interlinguistic strategies
  • Political periodicals
Citation (format ISO)
BOHN, Véronique Christine. Towards a Typology of Interlinguistic Strategies in Political Communication: The Swiss Political Parties as Case in Point. In: Translators Have Their Say? Translation and the Power of Agency. Berlin : LIT Verlag, 2014. p. 134–152.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Book chapter (Published version)
  • PID : unige:46562

Informations techniques

Création23/01/2015 14:54:00
Première validation23/01/2015 14:54:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 22:49:28
Changement de statut14/03/2023 22:49:28
Dernière indexation16/01/2024 16:42:04
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