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New Developments of IP Arbitration and Mediation in Europe: The Patent Mediation and Arbitration Center Instituted by the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court

Contributeurs/tricesde Werra, Jacques
Publié dansRevista brasileira de arbitragem, no. Arbitragem e mediação em matéria de propriedade intelectual, p. 17-35
Date de publication2014

The growing importance of intellectual property assets in today's economy and transnational business transactions, the complexities and disadvantages of intellectual property litigation before state courts as well as the attractiveness of ADR solutions as such (particularly in terms of confidentiality of expertise) explain why arbitration and other alternative dispute resolution systems (particularly mediation) are increasingly perceived as attractive methods for solving intellectual property disputes at the global level. This trend is also perceivable in Europe as a result of the new patent court system that shall be established on the basis of the recent adoption of the European Patent with Unitary Effect and of the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court signed in February 2013 which will include the creation of a new patent mediation and arbitration center (which will have its seat in Lisbon and in Ljubljana). These developments make it necessary to analyze what are the traps and promises of the new patent arbitration and mediation landscape that will be available in Europe on the basis of this new regulatory environment.

  • Droit de la propriété intellectuelle
  • Arbitrage international privé
Citation (format ISO)
DE WERRA, Jacques. New Developments of IP Arbitration and Mediation in Europe: The Patent Mediation and Arbitration Center Instituted by the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court. In: Revista brasileira de arbitragem, 2014, p. 17–35.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:39878
ISSN du journal1806-809X

Informations techniques

Création01.09.2014 14:07:00
Première validation01.09.2014 14:07:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 21:34:02
Changement de statut14.03.2023 21:34:01
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