Book chapter
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Auctoritas Pauli according to the Deutero-Pauline Literature and the Acts of the Apostles

ContributorsDettwiler, Andreasorcid
PublisherLondon & New York : T&T Clark
  • Library of New Testament Studies; 452
Publication date2012

The contribution tries to understand an important, although mostly implicit aspect of the Lukan and the deutero-Pauline rereading of the figure of Paul, i.e. the question of authority. The comparative approach treats five major elements: (1) "Paul" and his authority is no longer contested, without necessarily becoming an ethically idealised figure; (2) the construction of the authority of "Paul" - in the epistolary (Col, Eph), but also in the historiographical (Luke-Acts) reception - is linked to the dialectical relationship of presence and absence; (3) "Paul" becomes a quasi-soteriological figure (esp. in Col and Eph), his authority being founded in and maintained exclusively by God; (4) the authority of "Paul" is essentially based on teaching and argumentation; (5) "Paul" becomes a figure which includes both unique and paradigmatic dimensions.

  • Authority
  • Deuteropauline literature
  • Reception of Pauline heritage
  • Letter to the Colossians
  • Letter to the Ephesians
  • Luke-Acts
  • Exegesis
  • New Testament
  • Theology
  • Biblical sciences
NoteIl s'agit de la version anglaise, légèrement modifiée, de l'article originairement publié en français sous le titre "Auctoritas Pauli selon la littérature deutéro-paulinienne et l'oeuvre lucanienne" (2009)
Citation (ISO format)
DETTWILER, Andreas. Auctoritas Pauli according to the Deutero-Pauline Literature and the Acts of the Apostles. In: Paul and the Heritage of Israel. Paul’s Claim upon Israel’s Legacy in Luke and Acts in the Light of the Pauline Letters. Vol. II of Luke the Interpreter of Israel. Moessner, D.P. & Marguerat, D. & Parsons, M.C. & Wolter, M. (Ed.). London & New York : T&T Clark, 2012. p. 248–263. (Library of New Testament Studies)
Main files (1)
Book chapter (Accepted version)
  • PID : unige:39619

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