Article scientifique
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Shakespeare and the Publication of His Plays

Contributeurs/tricesErne, Lukas Christianorcid
Publié dansShakespeare quarterly, vol. 53, p. 1-20
Date de publication2002

Challenging the accepted view that Shakespeare was indifferent to the publication of his plays by focusing on the economics of the booktrade, examines the evidence that the playing companies resisted publishing their plays, reviews "the publication history of Shakespeare's plays, which suggests that the Lord Chamberlain's Men has a coherent strategy to try to get their playwright's plays into print," and "inquire[s] into what can or cannot be inferred from Shakespeare's alleged involvement (as with the narrative poems) or noninvolvement (as with the plays) in the publication of his writings." Concluding that publishers had little economic incentive to publish drama, calls for renewed attention to Shakespeare's attitude to his plays and their publication.

  • William Shakespeare
  • Publication
  • Lord Chamberlain's Men
Citation (format ISO)
ERNE, Lukas Christian. Shakespeare and the Publication of His Plays. In: Shakespeare quarterly, 2002, vol. 53, p. 1–20.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:14491
ISSN du journal0037-3222

Informations techniques

Création23.02.2011 19:16:00
Première validation23.02.2011 19:16:00
Heure de mise à jour14.03.2023 16:13:01
Changement de statut14.03.2023 16:13:01
Dernière indexation15.01.2024 22:09:31
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