Article scientifique
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Rhesus polymorphism in New Caledonia, I : genetic structures of three local populations

Contributeurs/tricesLouis, F.J.; Sanchez-Mazas, Alicia
Publié dansGene geography, vol. 8, no. 2, p. 81-90
Date de publication1994

Rhesus phenotypes are presented for a total of 2,052 individuals belonging to three sympatric populations of New Caledonia : Kanaks (Melanesians), Wallisians (Polynesians) and Europeans born in New Caledonia. The maximum-likehood gene frequency estimations reveal a significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the Kanak and Wallisian samples. As suggested on statistical grounds, this disequilibrium can be attributed to antigen e mistypings, frequently encountered for this system. This hypothesis leads to new estimations of Rhesus haplotype frequencies for the two samples. They reveal a high degree of genetic similarity (89.6%) between Kanaks and Wallisians, with little or no evidence of admixture with Europenas from New Caledonia. The latter are genetically close to southern Europeans in having a very high R1 frequency.

  • Human genetics
  • Rhesus polymorphism
  • New Caledonia
Groupe de recherche
Citation (format ISO)
LOUIS, F.J., SANCHEZ-MAZAS, Alicia. Rhesus polymorphism in New Caledonia, I : genetic structures of three local populations. In: Gene geography, 1994, vol. 8, n° 2, p. 81–90.
Fichiers principaux (1)
Article (Published version)
  • PID : unige:14477
ISSN du journal0394-249X

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Création18/02/2011 14:55:00
Première validation18/02/2011 14:55:00
Heure de mise à jour14/03/2023 16:12:58
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