Proceedings chapter

Erinnerung und Identität - Erwägungen zur Pragmatik und Theologie des Kolosser- und Epheserbriefes

ContributorsDettwiler, Andreasorcid
Presented atGeneva & Lausanne (Switzerland), 2-3 juin 2016
Published inButticaz, S. & Norelli, E. (Ed.), Memory and Memories in Early Christianity, p. 285-311
PublisherTübingen : Mohr Siebeck
  • Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament; 398
Publication date2018

The deuteropauline letters to the Colossians and to the Ephesians both represent a theology of memory. After some general remarks on the phenomenon of memory, the article shows first how the Colossian "Paul" reaffirms his Christocentric theology by offering the addressed community a critical perspective on its situation, a perspective marked by a delicate conflict of interpretation (the "Colossian philosophy"). One of the author's strategies is to put forward a highly nuanced understanding of the past in order to reshape the social identity of the readers. The letter to the Ephesians, an example of a non-polemical and "decontextualized" rewriting process of Colossians, strongly underlines not only the dimension of memory, but also the undisputed authority of "Paul," thereby legitimizing the letter's content. This hints at an awareness on the part of the author of Ephesians that the proposed rereading of Pauline theology leads, paradoxically, to its deep transformation. In other words: intentional faithfulness to the foundational tradition sets free a dynamic interpretation that goes way beyond it.

  • Deuteropaulinism
  • Theology of memory
  • Colossians
  • Ephesians
  • Temporality in Colossians
  • Image of Paul in Ephesians
Citation (ISO format)
DETTWILER, Andreas. Erinnerung und Identität - Erwägungen zur Pragmatik und Theologie des Kolosser- und Epheserbriefes. In: Memory and Memories in Early Christianity. Butticaz, S. & Norelli, E. (Ed.). Geneva & Lausanne (Switzerland). Tübingen : Mohr Siebeck, 2018. p. 285–311. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament)
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Proceedings chapter (Published version)
  • PID : unige:103497

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